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Dragon in the Mist

Page 9

by Julia Mills

  “Great,” she beamed, taking in their surcoats, the same brilliant white as her gown and trimmed with braided silver rope.

  On each, an expertly stitched dragon in the throes of battle was so realistically rendered that she waited for them to jump off the Guardsmen’s chests. Their long-sleeved undershirt and pants were black, just like their knee-high patented boots that were polished to a high shine and provided the perfect backdrop.

  Kayne and Maddox moved to either side of the door, facing one another as Brenna made a sweeping gesture for Mara to exit. Bending their arms at the elbow, the Guardsmen waited until she placed her hands on their arms for support before starting to move.

  Together, the three of them took the steps off the front porch, carefully following the round patio stones to the small vine-covered gate in the corner of the backyard. Mara was surprised to see it led to a small wooded area and then realized she hadn’t been out that way since she’d returned home.

  About twenty paces into their journey Kayne stopped beside a large stump covered with silk, holding the an absolutely huge bouquet of white roses. Giving up on counting them when she reached four dozen and still had more to go, Mara leaned past her escort, and buried her nose in the blossoms, inhaling their heavenly fragrance.

  Releasing her hand from his arm, Kayne picked up the bouquet, gently handing it to her. Looking down, Mara saw the card attached, inscribed with a simple but poignant message. You mean more to me than the sun, moon, and stars. I love you, now and forever more. Always, Uther. Taking a single bloom from the bunch, Mara graciously accepted Kayne’s offer to carry the bundle.

  Placing her hand atop the demi-god’s arm once again, they continued down the path, talking and taking in the wondrous scenery as they made their way to the most special event in Mara’s life. The sound of water piqued her interest and the louder it got, the more she wondered what else her dragon had planned.

  A few steps more and they cleared the trees. Mara gasped as she found herself beside a small, serene grotto in the middle of the forest. Water flowed over large polished rocks into a reflective pond naturally decorated with lily pads and cattails. The landscaping, compliments of Mother Nature herself, was flawless, but the man-made…no, ‘dragon-made’ decorations that surrounded the grotto were as close to perfection as she’d ever seen.

  Hundreds of white and silver ribbons decorated maypoles, flowing perfectly together with a multitude of flower garlands that wound around the white painted wood as they had a mind of their own. Each had been expertly placed around the pond, making the setting look like a dream.

  Leading her to the far side of the water where a gazebo, decorated to match the maypoles sat at the center, Kayne and Maddox helped Mara into the white, wooden chair where she was to sit until the ceremony began. Taking it all in, her eyes landed on four extremely ornate chairs, resembling small thrones, positioned in a semi-circle in the center of the gazebo.

  It was all so beautiful. The entire scene was magnificent, nestled within a group of blossoming Cherry trees, Mara felt the blessing of the Universe and the Goddess all around her. Looking away, then glancing right back, she grinned as the chairs that were empty instantly held the four Elders of the Blue Thunder Clan - Rian, Stefan, Niall, and Marcas.

  As one, the Elders nodded their greeting right before a rustling to her left alerted Mara to the arrival of the other Guardsmen. She couldn’t help but be giddy as all seven of Uther’s brethren had come to surprise her mate. Waiting to see the look on his face when he saw them all was driving Mara crazy, in the best of ways.

  Every single dragon looked so very regal, dressed in surcoats that matched the scales of their individual dragons. Drago and Angus, true brothers, both wore dazzling red. The golden material of Kayne’s shown like the ray of the sun while Quinn’s was the deep dark green of the needles of a balsam fir. Then came Orion, the only Enforcer whose mate was also a dragon, in his gray surcoat, closely followed by Maddox, who wore deep, rich blue and even had a reluctant smile on his face, something that didn’t happen very often. Lastly there was Kyran, the tallest and scariest of them all, but only until she got to know him. It didn’t surprise Mara that his surcoat was black, it just seemed to fit the little she’d been told of the dragon who’d been experimented on by a family of megalomaniacs trying to steal the magic of his dragon.

  Waiting as patiently as she could, needing to see Uther more than she needed her next breath, her dragon finally came striding around the gazebo, looking better than any man had a right to look, and stealing all thought from her mind. True to his amazing originality, her mate had let the jaguar, King, walk in with him. It was surprising since the big cat would have his own room in their new house.

  Uther was the handsomest man in the whole meadow. His white surcoat with silver braids and immaculate embroidery accentuated the amazing body she knew lay beneath. His smile lit up the night sky, even more so than all the candles he’d used to decorate the meadow, while his aura shown brightly with the power of his love and loyalty to her.

  The electrical current she was quickly coming to associate with her breathtaking mate snapped to life. Uther’s pupils dilated, and his nostrils flared, letting Mara know he felt their connection just as deeply as she did. Her body intimately reacted to everything when they were together, making her pray that she could make it through the ceremony without dragging him behind the gazebo and making love to him.

  Stopping ten feet from her, almost at attention, Uther’s voice caressed her mind, “Thank ye, mo chroí. Only ye would go to all the trouble of getting the lads here for our special day. I love you so very much.”

  “And I love you, my big, strong Avenger.”

  Clearing his throat, Rian began the ceremony, his low, commanding voice grabbing everyone’s attention.

  “Long ago, when knights and dragons fought side by side for King and country, it became apparent that dragonkin was no longer safe, that there were those who wanted to expose and destroy them. Because of this, the Dragon Kings sought to join with the knights who had so valiantly fought by their sides during so many battles over so many years. Thus, through magic and the will of both dragon and knight, the Dragon Shifters were born.”

  “In the infinite wisdom of our Founding Elders, the Ancients of our kin, Clans were set up, one for each color of the Dragon Kings whose soul we carry within our own. Each Clan was assigned a region in which to make their home, to protect and to have sovereign over. Some have flourished, some have ceased to exist, and others have been born from the joining of many. This is our heritage, what makes us who we are, and what keeps us true to our common goals.”

  “As we gather here, in the Grotto of Prayer, a place long blessed by our Ancestors and held dear by our Elders, we honor what the Universe put into place all those many years ago. We acknowledge and bless the mating of Uther Blackthorne to the one the Universe made for him, Mara Marie McKennon. Will those seeking to witness this union please step forward?”

  From their place next to the gazebo, the seven Enforcers stepped forward. It was awe-inspiring to think that each of them had fought beside Uther, bled with him, and were here to share in the happiest moment of both their lives. Kneeling as one, the Enforcers bowed their heads. Drago, the Commander, then stood and addressed the Elders, “We, the seven of the elite Enforcers, wish to witness and offer our blessing to the union of these two souls, two halves of the same whole. May they live long, fight hard, love harder, and produce many young to flourish in this world when their souls have gone on to the Heavens. We pray that the smiles of their children, their children’s children and so on for all eternity light the way to their glorious union.” Nodding to Uther, Drago returned to the head of the line and knelt next to his men, bowing his head once again.

  Kayne and Maddox stepped forward, and the demi-god began, “It is with the power of Lugh, the Celtic God of the Sun, that I offer the blessing of this union. May the sun always light your path, may She chase away the darkness, and shi
ne upon you and yours all the days of your lives and theirs.”

  Maddox then added, “From the oldest among us to the youngest among us, I stand as testament to the power of the dragons and offer this blessing from the Ancestors who have gone ahead to prepare our place in the Heavens. Live long, love often, and never look away from the light of your soul. The Universe does not make mistakes. She has given you both life that you may share it. Be happy, as that is Her fondest wish for all her children.”

  Both men nodded to the Elders before returning to their place in line. After the moment of silence following Maddox’s blessing, King got his feet and roared, his blessing also being noted as everyone smiled as Rian continued, “Your witness and blessings have been acknowledged and accepted Enforcers, Kayne, Son of Lugh, Maddox, Keeper of the Ancients and King, our guest from the Amazon. It is truly a blessed event to have such distinguished Guardsmen and a mighty Jaguar with us for this joyous event. Uther Blackthorne, you may go to your mate. Please escort Mara to the Sacred Circle before the Elders assembled here.”

  Mara hadn’t even seen him move before Uther was standing in front of her with a look in his deep dark eyes that filled her with love, adoration, and beautiful humility. She was truly blessed by the Goddess and the Universe to have not only found true love, but also unconditional forgiveness and acceptance. Taking his hands in hers, Mara could feel all the emotion and power her mate had for her flow from his fingertips to hers.

  Once again Rian’s voice rang out, “The Star Dragons are true warriors who represent the faith and holiness of our beliefs. It is the Star Dragons who descended from the night sky, protected our lands, and made a place for those of us to come, even before man walked the Earth. The Universe shows favor on her spectacularly white-scaled warriors as they claimed the land for Her chosen race and continue to hold firm to Her teachings all these many years later.”

  “They symbolize extreme confidence and lead the way no matter the peril or danger in their path. They use everything that they are to protect all they hold dear and keep the peace with unwavering commitment to the ideals of our Ancients. Their love never tires, but instead grows stronger with each passing year. To mate a Star Dragon is to accept all that they are and honor the power shared between mates.”

  “Now is the time of the marking. May the Universe continue to bless you and yours all of your days on Earth and your eternity in the Heavens.” Mara knew the Elders were leaving by the boot strikes on the wooden floor of the gazebo, but she couldn’t take her eyes off Uther. She never wanted to look anywhere but at her dragon.

  Mara had no idea how long they stood, ensnared in one another’s gaze before Uther pulled her the last few inches into his arms. Lowering his head, he stopped right before his lips touched hers and as his breath tickled her lips, whispered, “Tá mo chroi istigh ionat,” before closing the scant distance between them. The first brush of his lips touched every cell of her body. A heat unlike any she’d ever known consumed her from the inside out, laying her open, heart and soul, to her mate.

  One perfect moment in all of time, just for us…

  A sharp pain on the left side of her neck made Mara flinch as she tried to pull away, but Uther was having none of it. Leaving her lips, he took a moment to look into her eyes before trailing kisses across the sensitive skin of her neck, reaching the spot that just a moment ago felt as if she’d been burned, and making it feel all better.

  Licking and kissing until all thoughts of anything but their bodies loving one another were banished from her mind, her dragon continued to drive her wild with desire until her fingers held tight to his scalp, and she pulled him closer.

  Forcing his mouth from hers. Uther held still just as her lips would’ve met his and winked, denying her the contact she so desperately needed. “Are you trying to kill me?” Mara complained, curling her bottom lip out in a pout, trying to get her mate to do as she wanted.

  Throwing back his head, Mara saw a mark on his neck she knew hadn’t been there before as he laughed his marvelously booming laugh that made her tingle all over. Reaching up, she touched the brand, an infinity symbol outlined in flames that signified the blessing of the Universe upon their mating.

  Running the tip of her index finger over the mark, Mara purred as Uther growled low in his throat. His fingers then found the place on her neck where she’d felt the sting just a few minutes before, making her body burn as he mirrored her movements.

  Looking into his eyes, Uther nodded, “Yes, mo chroi’, they match, and if we don’t stop touching them, there will be no stopping us.”

  Batting her eyes, putting on her best coy expression, Mara purred, “Do we have to stop?”

  Faster than she could track, Uther had her in his arms and was rushing towards the house, chuckling, “Ye shouldn’t tease a dragon, my little witch, for he might just call ye on yer bluff.”

  Nibbling across his jawline, Mara murmured, “Oh, darlin’, your witch doesn’t tease.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Mara’s words were music to Uther’s ears. There was nothing in the entire Universe he wouldn’t do to make her happy, to keep her smiling and laughing. The need to be joined with his mate and consummate their union had been a living breathing entity within him since the day she’d called to him, but the Avenger decided to wait, to give her the time she needed to come to terms with everything that had happened. Then, the moment she asked to be loved, all plans of a slow first time together flew out the window as both man and beast took the quickest route to get them home and get them naked.

  It took less than two minutes to cross the Lair, get into the house and climb the stairs. Standing next to the bed, looking longingly into each other’s eyes, Uther finally let himself breathe.

  Wanting their first time to last as long as he could stand, Uther kissed the column of Mara’s neck, nipped across the apex of her shoulder, and dragged the satin strap of her gown out of his way with his teeth. Kissing his way back to her mouth, marking every inch of her as his and his alone, Uther kissed Mara breathless, before repeating his efforts on her other bare shoulder.

  The more he tasted, the more labored Mara’s breathing became, making her breasts rise and fall, a temptation he simply could no longer resist. Kissing across the neckline of her dress, letting his tongue dip under the satin ribbing to taste her decadent flesh was a treat he planned to repeat many, many times during their long, beautiful life together. He loved that she moaned with pleasure and pushed her flesh into his mouth, unable to resist the bond between them. Pulling down the zipper at her side, Uther kissed every inch of decadently naked flesh the second it became visible.

  Writhing under his astute attention, Mara grabbed his head, forcing it where she most needed his touch. “Patience, a chumann. I have a lot of time to make up for.”

  Groaning her disapproval as he continued his slow perusal, Mara’s nails dug into his shoulders as her moans grew louder. Uther’s mouth watered as he peeled away the cloth of her bodice, revealing her voluptuous breasts and her deep pink nipples begging for his attention. Licking across first one and then the other, he was rewarded with an, “Oh, sweet Goddess, Uther…please…don’t…don’t…” from his mate

  “Don’t what, mo chroi’?” He asked against her heated skin.

  But before she could answer, Uther took the nipple he’d been teasing between his lips, sucking, and nipping until Mara bowed her back, holding him tight to her chest, and screaming his name. Needing her lost in the flames of the desire that they were together, Uther kneaded Mara’s other breast, working her nipple to an even harder point between his thumb and forefinger.

  The scent of her arousal filled the room with the tantalizing aroma of warmed cinnamon and sweet vanilla, something he would never get tired of inhaling. Brennus pushed and roared within the depths of the Guardsman’s mind, demanding that Uther continue undressing their beautiful mate, needing to experience her taste upon his tongue as much as the Guardsman did. Releasing her breast, Uther immedi
ately latched onto the other, pushing her dress over her beautifully rounded hips, letting his hands linger on her amazing curves, loving the fact that his mate was all woman.

  Moving his lips from her nipple, Uther kissed the valley between her breasts, leaving a trail of heat and seduction down her body in his wake. Reaching the silk of her panties, Uther inhaled deeply, immersing himself in all that they were together. Unable to resist, he knelt between her thighs, tore the gown from her legs, and threw the offending material over his shoulder. Her panties received the same treatment, leaving Mara gloriously naked and open to feast upon as he so desired.

  Uther’s witch was gorgeous when clothed, but naked she was absolutely breathtaking. As slowly as his growing need would allow, Uther’s eyes worked their way from the soft pink and white polish that covered her toes, up her shapely legs that very soon would be wrapped around his shoulders, to her soft thighs that he could not wait to have pillowing his head. Her rounded stomach and seductive curves fueled his extremely vivid imagination and begged to be kissed again and again.

  “Uther?” His name upon her lips drew his gaze.

  “Yes, mo chroí?” He crooned, massaging up and down her thighs, sure to brush the outer lips of her pussy on every pass, loving that her hips thrust forward, seeking his touch.

  “Uther…I need…” She gasped, unable to complete her thought as his index finger ran up and down the outer lips of her pussy, already wet with the proof of her arousal.

  “What is it you need, mo ghrá?” He teased, enjoying her ragged breathing and inability to hold still. Staring at Mara in the throes of passion, Uther wondered what he’d done so very right to have such an amazing mate. He loved that her head was thrown back, her eyes were closed tight, and her mouth was open as she called his name over and over like a prayer to the Heavens.

  “I…oh Goddess, yes…” She wailed as he pushed his finger through her folds and teased the opening, her juices wetting his entire hand. Mara’s pussy contracted around the tip of his digit, attempting to pull his digit all the way into her warm, welcoming body. Adding another finger, Uther began gliding in and out.


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