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A Magnificent Obsession: The Death That Changed the Monarchy

Page 42

by Helen Rappaport

  response to news of his death in America

  news of death spreads around the world

  memorialisation of

  mausoleum built for

  Bertie sent on tour in accordance with plans made by

  Tennyson’s verses in memory of

  posthumous painting of

  V talks to Tennyson about

  death sparks rise in Whitby jet trade

  V faces painful reminders at Balmoral

  childhood home visited by V and Feodora

  first anniversary of death of

  mausoleum consecrated

  coffin placed in mausoleum

  and Sandringham

  V finds Bertie’s wedding hard to face without presence of

  V disregards lessons of duty taught by

  and John Brown

  and spiritualism

  V has strong sense of continuing presence of

  publication of The Early Years of the Prince Consort

  depicted in Leaves from the Journal of Our Life in the Highlands

  publication of Martin’s The Life of the Prince Consort

  in relation to whole period of V’s reign

  Alice’s continuing grief for

  Albert Crape

  Albert Edward, Prince of Wales see

  Bertie (Albert Edward), Prince of Wales

  Albert Institute, Dundee

  Albert Memorial

  Albert Memorial Chapel, Windsor

  Albert Memorial College, Suffolk

  Albert Victor (Eddy), Duke of Clarence


  ‘Album Consolativum’


  Alexander II, Tsar

  Alexandra, Tsaritsa

  as a child (Alix of Hesse)

  as Tsaritsa

  Alexandra of Denmark (Alix), Princess of Wales

  as possible bride for Bertie

  formal engagement negotiated

  visit to Windsor

  arrival in England


  national celebrations for wedding of

  public duties

  V’s criticism of

  gives birth to Albert Victor

  visit to Denmark

  and Bertie’s illness

  and service of thanksgiving

  brief references


  Alfred (Affie), Prince

  Alice, Princess (later, Grand Duchess of Hesse)

  engaged to Louis of Hesse

  at Christmas 1860

  comforts V after death of Duchess of Kent

  and Albert’s illness

  sends for Bertie

  and Albert’s death

  lock of hair placed in Albert’s coffin

  accompanies V to Osborne

  at Osborne

  takes on responsibilities

  sends message to Tennyson

  leaves Osborne to recuperate

  Tennyson sends draft verses to

  accompanies V to Balmoral

  marries Louis

  writes to V from Darmstadt

  goes to Windsor for first anniversary of Albert’s death

  at Bertie’s wedding

  gives birth to first child

  opinion on V’s health

  eager to see V resume her public life

  and the family’s letter to V

  and V’s complacency

  and Bertie’s illness

  difficulties in relationship with V

  married relationship

  continuing grief for her father

  death of her son Frittie

  becomes Grand Duchess of Hesse

  nurses her sick family

  death of her daughter May



  mourning for


  brief references

  Alix, Princess of Hesse see Alexandra, Tsaritsa (Alix of Hesse)

  Alix, Princess of Wales see Alexandra of Denmark (Alix), Princess of Wales

  Altenburg, Princess of


  Amberley, Lady

  America 3

  American Civil War

  Andrews, Mary

  Anna of Hesse

  Anne, Queen

  Anson, George



  Archibald, Sir Edward

  Argyll, Duchess of

  Argyll, Duke of

  Argyll family


  Arnold, Matthew

  Art Journal

  Arthur, Prince


  Athole, Duchess of

  Augustenburg, Duke of




  Emperor of

  Austro-Prussian War

  Ayrton, Acton Smee


  Bagshot Park

  Bahama Channel


  Albert supervises design and construction of

  V and A spend holiday together at

  statue of Albert

  V’s visits to

  John Brown brought down from

  Brown’s roles at

  Leaves from the Journal describes life at

  family gathering at

  V’s illness at

  telegram about Bertie’s illness reaches

  Alice writes to Louis from

  brief references

  Baly, Dr William

  Bambridge, William

  Bantings, funeral directors

  Barrington, Lady Jane

  Beatrice, Princess


  at Christmas 1860

  dressed in black

  brightens gloomy atmosphere of Windsor

  and Albert’s reaction to death of King Pedro

  and Albert’s illness

  taken by V to her own bed

  lock of hair placed in Albert’s coffin

  and family atmosphere after Albert’s death

  photographed in mourning

  bridesmaid at Alice’s wedding

  V dictates her journal to

  children of

  brief references


  Belfast News-letter

  Bennett, Daphne: King without a Crown

  Bennett, Sir John

  Bentinck, General



  Bernstein, Charles

  Bertie (Albert Edward), Prince of Wales


  letter from his parents

  V and Albert concerned about

  at the Curragh

  returns from official tour

  at Duchess of Kent’s funeral

  reprimanded by V

  returns to Windsor for his birthday

  marriage plans for

  first meeting with Alix

  sexual encounter with Nellie Clifden

  scandalous rumours about

  Albert’s response to behaviour of

  meeting with Albert at Madingley Hall

  is informed about Albert’s illness, and returns to Windsor

  at Windsor during Albert’s illness

  and Albert’s death

  public opinion of

  and funeral arrangements

  and V’s departure for Osborne

  leaves Osborne to attend funeral

  at Albert’s funeral

  Stockmar writes to

  V’s aversion to

  reaction to mausoleum

  sent on tour of Egypt and Holy Land

  attends Alice’s wedding

  formal engagement to Alix

  Alix in love with

  Parliament asked to grant income to

  and Alix’s arrival in England

  plans for wedding of

  improvement in V’s relationship with

  estate at Sandringham acquired for

  London residence

  not given greater role in public life


  national celebrations for wedding of

  criticised by V within months of his wedding

  and Schleswig-Holstein crisis

  visit to Denmark

  Delane argues for greater role for

  detests John Brown

  escorts V from the opening of Parliament

  opinions voiced about a regency under

  called to give evidence in scandalous divorce hearing

  Gladstone argues for more responsible role for

  tries to encourage V to appear more in public

  gossip about gambling losses of

  popularity plummets

  at official opening of Royal Albert Hall


  makes slow recovery

  V thanks the nation for its sympathy during illness of

  plans for service of thanksgiving for recovery of

  attends Service of National Thanksgiving

  V’s continuing anxiety about character of

  V refuses to give any power to

  attends Alice’s funeral

  brief references

  Bethnal Green

  Bevis Marks synagogue

  Biddulph, Lady

  Biddulph, Colonel (later Sir) Thomas



  Birmingham Cattle and Poultry Show

  Birmingham Daily Post

  Birmingham Mail

  Bismarck, Otto von

  Blackfriars Bridge

  Blackwood’s Magazine

  Blanc, Louis

  Blondin, Charles

  Blücher, Madeline, Countess

  Board of Works

  Boehm, Joseph Edgar


  Bonn, University of

  Bow Church, Cheapside

  Bowater, General Edward

  Brabant, Duke of

  Bradlaugh, Charles

  Braemar Gathering

  Brandenburg, Count

  Branks, William: Heaven our Home

  Bright, John


  British Journal of Homoeopathy

  Brockett Hall

  Brown, Dr Henry

  Brown, John

  at Balmoral

  brought to Windsor from Balmoral

  V’s relationship with

  position as favourite causes problems in royal household

  comments and rumours about V’s relationship with

  described in Leaves from the Journal

  accompanies V to Switzerland

  and V’s illness

  and supposed ‘assassination’ attempt

  rewarded by V

  delivers telegram to V about death of Alice

  funerary rites for

  brief references

  Browning, Elizabeth Barrett

  Bruce, Lady Augusta (later, Lady

  Augusta Stanley)

  at Duchess of Kent’s funeral

  becomes Lady of the Bedchamber

  impressed by Albert

  and Albert’s illness

  impressed by Alice

  and V’s grief after Albert’s death

  accompanies V to Osborne

  describes gloomy atmosphere at Osborne

  growing influence over V

  and memorialisation of Albert

  perceives improvement in V’s state of mind

  impressions of Alix

  at Balmoral

  marries Dr Stanley

  as Lady Stanley

  Bruce, General


  Buckingham Palace

  Bulteel, Mary (later Ponsonby)

  Bushey Park

  Cairn Lochan



  Cambridge, Duchess of

  Cambridge, George, Duke of

  Cambridge House


  Canadian Arctic


  Canterbury, Archbishop of

  Cape Town


  Cart, Isaac

  Catling, Thomas

  Cavenagh, Orfeur

  Cavendish, Lady Lucy


  Cecil, Lord

  Chamber of Commerce

  Champney, Canon

  Chapel Royal, St James’s Palace

  Charing Cross

  Charles, Prince and Princess of Hesse

  Charles, Prince of Leiningen

  Charles Worth fashion house

  Charlotte, Princess of Wales

  Chelsea: Roman Catholic church


  Christian IX, King of Denmark (formerly Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg)

  Christian, Prince of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg see

  Christian IX, King of Denmark






  Churchill, Lady Jane


  City of London

  Civil Engineer and Architect’s Journal

  Civil List

  Clarence House

  Clarendon, Lord

  concerned about V’s grief over her mother’s death

  concerned about imminent death of Albert

  opinion of Albert’s doctors

  concerned about impact of Albert’s death on Vicky

  on V’s state of mind immediately after Albert’s death

  opinion about V’s departure for Osborne

  on the obituaries for Albert

  and Albert Memorial project

  appalled by location chosen for mausoleum

  visits V at Osborne

  on V’s attitude to Bertie

  on V’s continuing grief

  opinion of Alice

  congratulates V on the engagement of Bertie and Alix

  on V’s ability to perform her duties


  brief references

  Clark, Sir James

  and Duchess of Kent

  as Albert’s doctor

  provides memorandum for Alice

  as V’s doctor

  at Osborne


  criticism of

  Cleopatra’s Needle

  Clifden, Nellie



  Cole, Henry

  Commons, House of

  Confederacy (America)

  Corbould, Edward Henry

  Cornwall, Duchy of

  Corporation of London

  Couper, Sir George

  Court of Common Council


  Cowell, Major (later Sir) John 136, Cowley, Lord

  Craig Lowrigan

  Cranach, Lucas

  Cranbourne, Viscount


  Craven, Sarah

  Crimean War

  Croft, William

  Crohn, Burrill

  Crohn’s disease

  Crystal Palace


  Cubitt, William, Lord Mayor of London

  Cumming, Dr

  Curragh, the

  Daily News

  Daily Telegraph


  Dalziel, T. Kennedy



  Darnley, Lord

  Decius, Nicolaus

  Delane, John

  Torrington’s letters to

  sees Palmerston during Albert’s illness

  on Albert’s illness

  on Albert’s death

  on Bertie

  on the procession of Bertie and Alix across London

  on V’s seclusion

  on V’s departure to Balmoral

  apprehensive about demonstrations


  Derby, Lord

  Diamond Jubilee

  Dickens, Charles

  Martin Chuzzlewit


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