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A Magnificent Obsession: The Death That Changed the Monarchy

Page 44

by Helen Rappaport


  Panam, Pauline


  Paris Commune

  Parkhurst Prison


  votes to reduce Albert’s allowance

  grants money for memorial to Albert

  and income for Prince of Wales

  suggestion that V should open in 1864

  V criticised by Ellenborough in

  1866 state opening of

  V booed en route to state opening in 1867

  V refuses to open in 1868

  in midst of crisis

  opened by V in 1871

  and request for money for Louise and Arthur

  not opened by V in 1872

  defeat of Dilke’s motion in

  brief references

  Paulley, J.W.

  Pedro V, King of Portugal

  Peel, General

  Peel, Sir Robert

  Pegler & Co.


  Pension Wallace (on Lake Lucerne)



  Peter Robinson’s Family Mourning Warehouse

  Philip II, King of Spain

  Phipps, Sir Charles

  Christmas gift

  and Albert’s illness

  and Albert’s death

  on V’s composure after Albert’s death

  at funeral luncheon

  at Osborne

  sends memos to government ministers

  rivalry with Grey develops

  comments to Gladstone on V’s state of health

  detects signs of avoidance in V


  brief references

  Pike’s Opera House, Cincinnati

  Playfair, Lyon


  Pollock, Frederick

  Ponsonby, Henry




  Poultry Chapel

  Prince Consort National Memorial Fund Committee

  Principal Speeches and Addresses of HRH The Prince Consort, The

  Privy Council

  Prussia see also Austro-Prussian War; Franco-Prussian War; names of members of Prussian royal family

  Pugh, Charles


  Pyper, John

  Quarterly Review, The

  Radama, King of Madagascar

  Ramsay Arms, Fettercairn



  Rasputin, Grigory

  Rearden, Denis

  Reform Bill 2nd

  Regent’s Park

  Reid, Wemyss

  Republican, The

  Reynolds’s Newspaper

  Rosenau (Schloss Rosenau)


  Ross of Mull

  Rossetti, Dante Gabriel

  Royal Academy

  Royal Albert Hall

  Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter

  Royal College of Art

  Royal College of Music

  Royal Commission of Arts

  Royal Horticultural Show

  Royal Marines

  Royal Military Academy

  Royal Navy

  Royal Philharmonic Society

  Royal Photographic Society

  Royal Society of Arts

  Royal Titles Act (1876)

  Ruland, Carl

  Russell, Lord John

  Russell, William Howard



  St Bartholomew’s Hospital

  St Clair

  St George’s Chapel, Windsor

  royal family attend Christmas service in

  funeral of Duchess of Kent

  Sunday services

  V and Albert do not wish to be interred at

  preparations for Albert’s funeral

  Albert’s funeral

  Albert’s coffin does not remain at

  choir attends consecration of mausoleum

  Bertie’s wedding

  Louise’s wedding

  stained glass

  St George’s Hall

  St George’s Hospital

  St Giles, Oxford: Martyrs’ Memorial

  St James’s Hall

  St James’s Palace

  St James’s Park

  St John’s church, Leeds

  St John’s church, Windsor

  St Mary’s church, Oxford

  St Paul’s Cathedral

  St Thomas’s Hospital

  Sala, George Augustus




  Saturday Review

  Saunders, Mr

  Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg, house of



  Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von


  Schloss Rosenau see Rosenau

  Schumann, Robert

  Science Museum

  Scotch Church


  V publishes book about (Leaves from the Journal)

  V’s residence in see Balmoral

  see also names of places in Scotland


  Scott, Gilbert

  Scott, Sir Walter

  monument to



  Peveril of the Peak

  The Talisman

  Ségur, Abbé

  Serpentine, the

  Seward, William

  Seymour, Colonel Francis

  Shaftesbury, Lord

  Shakespeare, William


  Sigismund, Prince of Prussia

  Silver Jubilee

  Singh, Duleep

  Skerrett, Marianne

  Slidell, John


  Smith & Elder

  Smithfield Cattle Show


  Society of Arts see Royal Society of Arts

  Society for the Extinction of the Slave Trade

  Society for the Improvement of the Condition of the Labouring Classes

  Somerset, Lady Geraldine

  Sophia, Princess

  Sophie, Queen of the Netherlands

  South Africa

  South Kensington

  South Kensington Museum see Victoria and Albert Museum


  Southsea Castle

  Spain, Queen of

  Spencer, John 5th Earl

  Spencer, Lady

  Speyer Cathedral: Chapel of St Bernard


  Squire, Peter

  Staff College

  Stanley, Dr Arthur (later Dean of Westminster)

  Stanley, Lady Augusta see Bruce, Lady Augusta

  Stanley, Eleanor

  Stanley, Lord

  Star of India

  Stevenson, Robert Louis

  Stewart, Reverend

  Stockmar, Baron Christian

  Stopford, Horatia

  Strachey, Lytton

  Straits Settlement

  Stuart-Wortley, Victoria

  Sussex, Augustus, Duke of

  Sutherland, Harriet, Duchess of

  Swiss Alps


  Sydney, Viscount, Lord Chamberlain

  Synes, William


  Temperance movement


  Tenniel, John

  Tennyson, Alfred, (later Lord)

  The Idylls of the King

  In Memoriam

  Tennyson, Emily

  Thames, River

  Theed, William, the Younger

  Third Republic (France)

  Thorburn, Robert

  Thuringia see also Rosenau

  Times, The

  editor see Delane, John

  on the prospect of war with America

  on Albert’s illness

  on Albert’s death

  publishes a letter from ‘Medicus’

  on admiration for Albert

  on Bertie

  on V

nbsp; on Windsor (town) on day of Albert’s funeral

  correspondent in America describes receiving news of Albert’s death

  on the procession of Bertie and Alix across London

  increase in sales due to account of wedding of Bertie and Alix

  on V’s book

  on V’ visit to London to open Blackfriars Bridge and Holborn Viaduct

  on Dilke

  advertisement for Jay’s in

  publishes V’s letter of thanks to the nation

  on a supposed assassination attempt

  brief references

  Tolley, Mr



  Torrington, Lord

  Tower of London

  Trafalgar Square

  Trent crisis

  Trinity House

  Triqueti, Henri de


  Turkey, Sultan of

  Turnbull, John

  Twain, Mark

  Tweedie, Dr

  Union Workhouse, Windsor

  Unitt, Sarah Ann

  Upton Court

  USA see America

  Varnhagen von Ense: Memoirs

  Vicky (Victoria), Princess Royal, Crown Princess of Prussia birth


  marries Crown Prince of Prussia

  receives letters from her parents voicing concerns about Bertie

  Albert’s sense of exhaustion shown in letter to

  letters from V about Albert’s health problems

  and V’s attitude to mourning

  and death of Friedrich Wilhelm IV

  arrives at Windsor after death of Duchess of Kent

  learns of rumours in German court about V

  Albert writes about V to

  entertained by Albert during family visit

  letter from V about prospect of going back to Windsor

  letter from V about death

  V considers sending Jenner to

  letter from Albert about deaths of Pedro and Ferdinand

  letter from V about Albert’s gloom

  finds a bride for Bertie

  letter from Albert written on her birthday

  Albert confides his state of physical and mental health to

  communications from V during

  Albert’s final illness

  Albert asks Alice to write to

  alarmed by contradictory news about Albert

  unable to say farewell to Albert

  and Albert’s death

  V expresses her grief in letters to

  on day of Albert’s funeral

  V longs for presence of

  Fritz communicates concerns about Alice to

  Fritz writes about nature of Albert’s illness to

  V complains about Bertie to

  expresses her thoughts about Christmas after Albert’s death

  notices influence of Lady Bruce on V

  objects to ideas about statue of Albert

  involved in design and execution of mausoleum project

  at Osborne

  unable to join the family for first anniversary of Albert’s death

  and Bertie’s wedding

  letters from V about family members

  in Aberdeen for unveiling of statue of Albert

  V writes about Schleswig-Holstein crisis to

  V writes about John Brown to

  V writes about Turnbull’s death to

  death of her son Sigismund

  V writes about her confidence in her subject’s loyalty in letter to

  V writes about her book to

  correspondence with V about Disraeli

  and family letter to V

  brief references to

  Victoria, Queen

  and Stockmar’s plans for Albert

  first meeting with Albert

  falls in love with Albert

  marries Albert

  birth of first child

  and Albert’s role

  domestic life

  and Albert’s faithfulness

  and collection of paintings and photographic works

  proud of Albert’s role in Great Exhibition

  and Albert’s health problems

  and Albert’s state of mind

  concerned about Bertie

  at Christmas 1860

  New Year’s Eve 1860

  twenty-first wedding anniversary

  and death of her mother

  grief following the death of her mother

  reaction to death of Albert’s father

  attitude to bereavement and mourning

  in mourning for her mother

  does not attend her mother’s funeral

  absence from public events

  in Ireland

  at Balmoral with Albert

  and Albert’s thoughts about death

  reading with Albert

  concerned about Leopold

  and Bertie’s twentieth birthday

  concerned about Vicky

  and death of Pedro and Ferdinand of Portugal

  and marriage plans for Bertie

  and scandal involving Bertie

  blames Bertie for Albert’s illness

  and Albert’s sense of isolation

  and Albert’s final illness

  and the Trent crisis

  weekend activities reported in the press

  and Albert’s death

  at Windsor in the days following Albert’s death

  receives condolences

  tries to preserve look and memory of Albert

  and press coverage of Albert’s death

  agrees to go to Osborne

  chooses site for mausoleum

  arranges for locks of hair and photographs to be placed in Albert’s coffin

  leaves for Osborne

  arrives at Osborne

  refuses to allow post-mortem

  depicted in engravings and cartes de visit

  and Albert’s funeral

  spends grief-stricken weeks at Osborne

  aversion to Bertie

  difficulty in facing up to her role as monarch

  female companions at Osborne

  and memorialisation of Albert

  and mausoleum project

  and visiting politicians

  feels unequal to dealing with official documents

  and Vicky’s visit

  returns to Windsor

  and Tennyson’s verses about Albert

  meets Tennyson

  remains in mourning

  and jet

  first visit to Balmoral after death of Albert

  perception of her own frailty

  refuses to acknowledge her Silver Jubilee

  and Alice’s marriage

  another visit to Balmoral

  negotiates engagement of Bertie to Alix

  visits her half-sister in Baden

  on first anniversary of Albert’s death

  and consecration of mausoleum, and the placing of Albert’s coffin there

  presented with Lausanne Bible

  sympathy for her grief begins to wane

  and arrival of Bertie and Alix

  and wedding of Bertie and Alix

  attitude to Bertie mellows

  does not allow Bertie a greater role in public life

  and birth of Alice’s daughter

  wants to have a married daughter living with her

  and the strains placed on Helena

  criticises Bertie and Alix

  and death of Stockmar

  unveils statue of Albert in Aberdeen

  unwilling to return to public life

  and marriage of Lady Augusta Bruce

  and Schleswig-Holstein crisis

  loses public sympathy for her seclusion

  refuses to entertain visiting royalty

  and John Brown

  and Helena’s engagement

  and spiritualism

  strong sense of Albert’s continuing presence

  and deaths in 1865�

  opens Parliament in 1866


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