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The Wolf Claims His Fae (Club Yes Master Book 1)

Page 10

by Aspen Drake

  I went to my office and pulled a long silver letter opener from the drawer. It was solid silver and had been passed down through several generations. The silver gleamed in the moonlight. I never would have dreamed of hurting another member of the paranormal community, but I also never would have dreamed that one would turn on us. When Matt made the decision to work for Steve and his master, he turned his back on all of Greywood.

  I slipped the letter opener into the back of my pants and waited. Once Steve returned with Luna, Matt would be sent to bring me to the alter. I wasn’t concerned about being special because I wasn’t going down without a fight.

  It occurred to me that I should probably call my father and fill him in on what was happening. He could have seen my secrets as a disservice to him and the community, but I knew better. I knew this had to play out in order for it to all end. Just as I was about to hit his number on my smartphone, there was a loud crack as someone tried to break down the front door. It only took one more blow for the wood to splinter and a hairy paw to reach through the door to unlock it.

  I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and stared down my opponent as he shifted back to his human form. “Not strong enough to do it as a human, huh?”

  “And you’re clearly not smart enough to run,” he said as he charged across the room. I moved at the last second, pulling the letter opener from its hiding spot and shoving it deep into the man’s side. The howls of pain could be heard for miles, I was sure. Even worse, the smell of sizzling flesh around the wound turned my stomach, causing me to vomit.

  Matt clumsily grabbed for the letter opener, but it was just out of his reach. He was phasing in between human and werewolf and appeared to be slipping in and out of consciousness. Honestly, I was surprised at how easy this had been. In my dream, I saw myself making it to the alter. Had I somehow changed the course of events?

  I was lost in my own thoughts when Matt struck me from behind. The blow sent me flying, and I was soon lying on the ground with a large werewolf breathing down my throat. I felt his blood drip onto my side, but my attention was quickly pulled to the sound of clapping. I looked up and saw Steve leaning against the shattered door. “Good job, Matt.” The werewolf stepped away from me and kneeled in front of Steve. “Go get yourself cleaned up. I’ll take it from here.” The werewolf limped out the door.

  I looked up into Steve’s face and wondered what I’d ever found attractive about him. His dirty blond hair fell into his eyes as he leaned over me and stroked my face.

  “Why?” I asked as I pulled away from his touch. “Why do this to Greywood? What has this town ever done to you?”

  “Ever done to me?” he spat. “How about killing everyone I’ve ever known and loved? Is that enough for you?”

  “What are you even talking about?” I asked while struggling to sit up. “There haven’t been any murders in Greywood in almost a century. It’s a pretty quiet town.”

  He looked down at me, his eyes growing wild. “Exactly. It’s been almost a hundred years since everything was torn from me. My wife, twin daughters, and son.” His eyes became moist. “Your kind destroyed my world.”

  “Was this before or after your kind decided to start murdering innocent people from my community?” I wasn’t about to pity a man whose kind had brought senseless death to so many. “Your people started this!”

  “Oh, how little you know, tiny fairy. How little you know.” He looked at me as if I were stupid. “I was there. I lived it. I saw humans and paranormals falling for one another – the lines starting to blur. But elders of your community felt the different species shouldn’t mix. My wife and children were one of the first groups to be hunted down and slaughtered.”

  I couldn’t help being pulled into his delusions. “Why would your family be slaughtered?”

  “For what they were!” He turned and growled at me. “My wife, a beautiful fairy – much like you – and our half-breed children were exactly what the elders despised.” He shook his head, lost in thought. “My children were considered watered down versions of fairies. Not good enough to join other fairies.” He turned and looked out the window into the night. “No other families came to be from paranormal and human courtships. The elders made sure of that.”

  I felt my throat closing up. What if the words coming from his mouth were true? What if the paranormals had started this war with the creepers because they were racist against humans? “Tell me more.”

  “One night, many of the species banned together and came after us.” He continued to stare off into space as if he were watching the events unfold before his mind’s eye. “One by one, homes were entered and families were snuffed out. I was traveling and unable to protect my family. I never should have left them here.” A tear rolled down his cheek. “When I returned, the town was in chaos. Humans and paranormals were pitted against each other.”

  “But what about the creepers? Where do they come into play?”

  He chuckled darkly. “It’s so much easier to create a history that makes monsters into heroes, isn’t it?” He looked down at me, and I could feel the heaviness of his emotions.

  “If that’s all true, how are you still here? And more importantly, what about the girls who were murdered by the creepers?” I crossed my arms over my chest. “Something isn’t adding up, Steve.”

  “Again, it was all lies to make your kind feel better about what happened.” He sat on the floor next to me, and I didn’t feel afraid. “You see. There weren’t a lot of people who had a problem with humans and paranormals mating. It was only the elders who thought humans were below their ranking. It was much easier to weave stories of women getting pulled from their beds and slaughtered by humans. But it wasn’t the humans.”

  “If not the humans, then who?”

  “Who else would need sacrifices but demons?”

  I gasped. “Demons? Are you sure?”

  “As sure as I’m sitting here.”

  “But that still doesn’t answer the question of how you’re still here.” I looked at him and marveled at the fact that he appeared to be in his early twenties, but he was well over a hundred years old – if his story is true.

  He looked down at his hands. “People do a lot of stupid things when love has been stripped from them. When everything they care about is gone, the madness can tear them apart.”

  “The man in my dreams. Who is he?”

  Steve seemed to struggle for a minute before answering, “Lupus Von Strank. He’s the demon the humans should have been after instead of worrying about love between two different races.”

  “Why are you working for him?”

  He looked me in the eye. “He gave me a purpose. A purpose to continue and to exact revenge.” He leaned his head back against the back of my sofa. “I bring him a fairy ever so often, and he gives me eternal life.”

  “Why? Wouldn’t you rather move on and be with your wife and children again?”

  “Why?” He laughed maniacally. “Without getting revenge? We’ve been planning to rise again after a hundred years have passed. That way, we can show the paranormal community that you can’t bury the past and cover it in lies.”

  “So, this demon, he’ll be totally fine with being exposed as the actual bad guy? The one who killed all these fairies?”

  He scoffed. “Well, probably not, but that’s not what we’re exposing. We’re exposing how your people were racist and killed all the families who chose to inner breed.”

  “I see. And how do I play into all this?”

  “Lily, Lily, Lily. You, my dear, are a special prize. Your sacrifice will make Lupus strong enough to gain complete control over Greywood.”

  “Oh, really?” I asked sarcastically. “And what makes me so special?”

  “You’re the only fairy to ever carry a werewolf litter.” He stood and pulled me to my feet. “Come. Destiny awaits.”

  Wait. Did he just say what I think he said?



  I went to the
forest and began tracking Luna. Her scent stood out to me like no other. As my sister, the only other scent that would be stronger, would be my mate’s. I found Luna in a clearing with an altar. The man who had been transformed by the fairy blood stood above her, but he didn’t seem to be making a move to hurt her. In fact, my sister looked comfortable.

  “Anwell.” She jumped up and hugged me. “Matt said he would be back in a minute.” She gestured to the man standing at the altar. “This is Lupus. He’s visiting the area and a good friend of Matt’s.”

  I nodded to the guy, who smiled back at me. “Look, Luna, I need to get you back to your apartment.” I pulled her to her feet and was about to start walking toward the trail when Matt stumbled into the clearing.

  “Matt!” Luna ran to his side. “Are you okay, baby? What happened?”

  “Lily stabbed me.” He sank to the ground, and I saw the silver letter opener protruding from his back.

  “Stabbed you?” Luna turned and gave me an evil glare. “What happened? Why would she do that?”

  “I don’t know. Could you remove it, babe?” He groaned and bent over on his hands and knees. “I think it’s made of silver. It seared the flesh, and is going to be a real bitch to pull out.”

  I walked over, put my boot on his back, and yanked the blade out, careful to only touch the leather-wrapped handle.

  Matt slumped to the ground. “Thanks, brother.”

  I turned and growled at him. “Don’t ever call me that again.”

  Luna looked at me in surprise. “Anwell, why are you being such a dick when your bimbo just stabbed one of ours?”

  “He’s not one of ours,” I shouted. “Matt, do you want to tell her the truth or shall I?”

  “ENOUGH!” The older man came up to the altar and glared at us as if we were insignificant pawns in his game.

  “You want to know the real truth?” Matt asked as he rolled onto his side, laughing. “Everything you think you know about Greywood’s history is a lie.”

  “What are you talking about?” I asked, annoyed and confused at the same time.

  He proceeded to tell me a long story about racism and creepers being invented to turn humans into monsters. “The only monster is him.” Matt pointed to Lupus and continued to laugh as sweat poured down his face. “A demon bound and determined to gain power from your dearest Lily.”

  “Lily? What does Lily have to do with anything?”

  Matt looked at me with a smirk. “Oh, Lily holds a lot of power, my friend. Lupus has been waiting for her for over a hundred years now. A fairy that could carry a litter of werewolf pups, making her blood both magical and strong.”

  Lupus came and stood by Matt side’s, kicking him where the blade had been. “I said enough.”

  Matt grimaced and then grew silent. His eyes stared blankly at the night sky, and for a brief moment, I thought he was dead. But then he spoke again. “Monsters into heroes… Who would have guessed the humans were the actual monsters?”

  I shook my head and tried to drown out his nonsense. But something stuck with me. Lily carrying pups? How was that possible? When would it happen? Had it already happened? I started to grow nervous, and my inner wolf scratched at the surface. Was it possible Lily was carrying my pups, and I left her home alone.

  Without warning, I shifted and ran. They obviously weren’t interested in harming my sister. It was fairy blood they were after. I ran as hard as I could, but when I got to the house, it was too late.

  The door was shattered, and Lily was no where to be found.



  I was in the back of the SUV Steve had driven to my home. I guess he thought I wouldn’t be comfortable riding on the back of a motorcycle. The truth was, I was simply in too much shock to put up a fight. Not only was my world rocked by discovering that what little I had known about the community’s past was a bunch of bullshit, but he said I might also be pregnant.

  I texted my father to fill him in. Dad. Things aren’t what they seem.

  I know. My team and I have surrounded the altar. They don’t know we’re here yet, but we just heard the story.

  There’s more.

  I know that, too. And, we need to talk. I haven’t been honest with you.


  The bubbles to indicate he was typing a response were on my screen for a long time before his message finally came through. I’ve known about the prophecy for many years. I didn’t know it was about you until that day I read your thoughts. When I saw that you’d been…seeing Anwell, I may have chosen him to watch over you, hoping it would lead to more.

  Is he serious? WHAT?!? So, you wanted me on an altar to be food for some demon?

  No, of course not. There’s more to the prophecy than that. I could almost feel his desperation in his words. We need to talk.

  I couldn’t say anything else. My father had taken it upon himself to play God.



  I turned my phone off and slipped it into my pocket. It was always something with my family. Nothing could ever be easy in my life. Not even getting pregnant. Now that had to be a big fucking affair, too. I leaned against the back of the seat and let the lull of the road rock me to sleep.

  “Time to rise and shine, princess,” Steve said as he gently shook my shoulder.

  I looked at him but couldn’t really focus on his features. “Are you sure you want to do this, Steve? Wouldn’t you rather let go and be with your family again?”

  “That’s exactly what I plan to do once this is all over.” He helped me down from the tall SUV. “I want justice for my family, Lily. I want everyone to know what happened. What really happened.”

  I understood. I really did. But I obviously didn’t want to be demon food. We walked deep into the woods, and I saw them. The line of fairies surrounding the altar. Steve couldn’t see them because they were masked from anyone who wasn’t fae.

  My father was staring at me, but I chose to ignore him. I wasn’t ready for whatever it was he had to say.

  We arrived at the altar and saw Matt lying on the ground, obviously still in pain from the letter opener I stabbed him with. The demon leaned casually against the altar, as if waiting for us to arrive. Off to the side, I saw Luna looking scared and confused. She was as far from Matt as she could get without leaving the area.

  “Ah, good,” the demon said as he walked toward me. “The great Lily Noble.” He bowed in front of me. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I am Lupus Von Strank, the demon who will be feasting on your flesh this fine evening.”

  “Over my dead body!” Anwell burst through the line of trees and stood between us, shifting back into his human form so he was buck naked.

  “Of course, it wouldn’t be right to have this party without you, Anwell.” The demon smiled at Anwell before he continued. “Without you, none of this would be possible. I needed a fairy who could carry the offspring of a werewolf and was so pleased when that came to be. Especially since you’re the alpha in these parts. Her blood should be just what I need to live for another hundred years without aging a single day.”

  “Touch one hair on her head, and I’ll rip you apart, limb by limb.” Anwell’s nose and mouth began to shift into a snout as his inner wolf tried to break loose.

  I looked over and Steve and reached out to squeeze his hand. “It’s exactly what your family went through. Except this time, I’ll be killed so this monster can benefit from my child’s blood.”

  Matt clinched his jaw. I could tell my words were getting to him.

  “Is this really what your wife would have wanted?” I whispered. “Would she want to watch another one of her own suffer at the hands of a monster?”

  He yanked his hand from mine. “You’re the monster. All of your people are monsters. They can’t bear the thought of two different races being together.”

  “Not true.” I looked into the forest and saw my father’s eyes. “My own father helped fulfill this prophecy by bringing Anwell and I to

  His eyes opened in shock. “Your father, Walker Noble, would dare let his daughter mate with a werewolf?”

  “It was less letting and more pushing for it to happen.” I smiled weakly.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “The world has changed a great deal in the past century, Steve.” I looked into his eyes. “I promise that, should I live through this, I will make sure everyone in the community knows the truth about what happened to your people. Our societies should be free to love anyone we choose.”

  I seemed to be getting through to him.

  “Enough!” I felt the blade drive deep into my stomach and turned to see the demon. I turned back toward Steve and saw both tears and fury in his eyes. I sank to my knees and felt the demon pulling me behind him.

  “No!” Anwell’s scream cut through the night as I began to choke on the blood rising in my throat.



  I hit the demon with enough force to send him flying into the tree line. The bastard had used black magic to teleport that short distance so he could get to Lily. My teeth sank into his shoulder and my claws dug at his flesh the second I got to him. I had never murdered a man, never even felt the urge, but this would be my first kill.

  I was so lost in my rage that I barely noticed the mass of fairies coming from the tree line. Some hovered over Lily, working frantically to save her. Others attacked Matt as he rose and tried to come to the demon’s aid. Steve started rushing toward me, and I was surprised when the fairies moved aside. When I turned and growled at him, Matt held his hands up in surrender.


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