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Infernal rj-9

Page 26

by F. Paul Wilson

  He set her on one of the kitchen chairs and lifted the back of her pajama top. Gia suppressed a gasp. The Stain… it now spanned almost the entire width of her narrow little back.

  She stepped to the counter where she'd put the solution to cool and tested the temperature. Most of the heat had dissipated, leaving a mildly warm liquid. Gia pressed her palm into the saucepan. Once she had a thick coating, she turned and smeared the solution onto the Stain.

  And now… the final prescribed ingredient: As she rubbed she had to make a wish. Not just any wish. The book had been very specific, going so far as to dictate the exact terms of the wish.

  She felt almost silly. A wish… she'd been wishing the Stain away since her first sight of it. Of course she hadn't had the recipe until now. The Compendium said the solution plus a specific wish would do it.

  A simple wish…

  Yet she hesitated. She hated herself for faltering, but couldn't help it. This wish, if answered, would change so many things… would change everything…

  And yet, how could she deny Vicky her safety?

  So Gia closed her eyes and made the wish…

  … and prayed…

  … and hoped…


  She felt her palm grow warm, hot.

  "Ow, Mom! That hurts!"

  "Jesus Christ!"

  Jack's voice. She opened her eyes and looked at Vicky's back.

  She'd smeared the solution over the middle of the Stain, planning to coat it to its borders and beyond. But that wouldn't be necessary.

  With her heart bursting Gia watched the edges of the Stain retreat, fading as they drew back toward Vicky's spine.

  Could it be? She ached to believe it but couldn't help thinking that her mind was conspiring with her eyes to let her see what she most desperately wanted.

  "It's gone!" Jack whispered.

  And it was. Not just her imagination or wishful thinking—he saw it too. Without a trace. Except for a smear of brown liquid, Vicky's back was clear.

  Gia wrapped her arms around Vicky and began to sob.

  It worked! It worked!

  That clear little back was worth anything—even the burning itching sensation that had just begun on her own.



  Tom awoke and stretched. He felt crummy. A little nausea, a thick tongue, burning nostrils. Now he remembered why he'd kicked that habit.

  Still, last night's little toot had got him through his bad case of the downs. Didn't make today look any better, though.

  He checked the clock: after ten. He hadn't heard from Jack. Not that he expected to, but he was eager to learn what he and Gia had found during their all-nighter.

  He forced himself upright, waited for the room to stop wobbling, then checked out the bedside phone. Three speed-dial buttons. He pressed number one.

  Someone picked up alter three rings. Jack.

  "Hey, it's Tom. Any luck last night?"

  "Yeah. Lucky for you. You had your sorry ass yanked out of the fire."

  "You mean—?"

  "Yeah. Gia found something in the book that erased Vicky's Stain."

  "Oh, thank God! That's wonderful news!"

  And he meant it. Now he might work his way back into Gia's good graces. And of course it was a relief that her little girl was out of danger.

  "For you too," Jack said. "You get to live a little longer."

  "What's that supposed to mean?"

  "Never mind. Just count yourself lucky."

  And then Tom was holding a dead phone. Jack had hung up on him. Must be still pissed at him.

  Who cared?

  Tom did a quick wash-up, dressed, then headed for the street. He caught a cab on Columbus Avenue and told the driver to take him to Eight Sutton Square.



  "Jack! Jack!"

  Jack looked up from the Compendium as a wide-eyed Vicky rushed into the kitchen.

  "What's up, Vicks?"

  "That thing! That weird thing! It's gone! It's not in my room anymore!"

  Jack was surprised, but then realized it made sense. Vicky no longer carried the Stain, so the Lilitongue would no longer be hovering around her.

  "No kidding? Let's go see."

  Gia was in the shower, so Jack followed Vicky upstairs to her bedroom and, sure enough, no Lilitongue hanging in the corner.

  Jack let out a breath. Here was confirmation that the damned thing's connection to Vicky had been broken.

  "This is great, Vicky."

  She looked up at him with concern in her big blue eyes. "Is it gone for good? It won't be back?"

  "Not if I have anything to say about it."

  "Good. I felt like it was watching me. It was scary."

  More than you know, Vicks, he thought. More than I hope you'll ever know.

  When Jack stepped out into the hall she stayed close behind him—still didn't want to be alone in her room, he guessed.

  She ran downstairs while he stopped at the phone in the hall and called home. He wanted to ask Tom if the Lilitongue had returned to its chest, but no one picked up.

  As he passed the bathroom he heard Gia sobbing in the shower. His throat tightened. Jack had felt like sobbing himself when he'd seen Vicky's clear back. He'd been worried sick about her, but he couldn't have been as terrified as Gia.

  He moved on, but as he passed her bedroom, something caught his eye. He backed up.

  His blood turned to ice as he recognized the Lilitongue hovering in a corner. He stood in the doorway, unable to move, unable to breathe, feeling as though the world around him had come to a screeching halt.

  The Lilitongue had moved… okay. But why here instead of back to its chest? Vicky had spent the night in Gia's room, so that might explain it, but it should be gone. If Vicky was in the clear, why was it still hanging around?

  Or was she in the clear? What if the Stain had been only temporarily removed? What if it was back?

  He ran downstairs, but before heading for the kitchen he looked for Vicky. An awful thought had occurred to him: What if the Lilitongue's presence meant that the Stain had returned?

  He found her reading the latest Mutts collection in the library.

  "Hey, Vicks. Mind if I take a quick look at your back? I just want to make sure that mark is gone."

  A concerned look flashed across her face. "You don't think it came back, do you?"

  "Nah. Just want to make sure, is all."


  She turned and lifted her T-shirt partway up her back. Jack dropped to his knees behind her and raised it the rest of the way. He released a sigh of relief when he saw her unmarred skin.

  "Nope. Still gone."

  He dropped the back of the shirt and rose to his feet.

  "Good! I hope it never comes back."

  "You and me both, kiddo. You and me both."

  Okay. Vicky was clear. So why was the Lilitongue still here?

  Jack wondered if Gia knew. No. Couldn't. She'd have said something. She was going to be upset when she found out. Maybe he could find an explanation before she finished her shower.

  He raced to the kitchen and grabbed the Compendium. As he flipped through the pages, he heard the shower stop. Had to hurry.

  He went back and forth until he found a section called Remedies. Could that be it?

  A long section. He searched page after page until a heading stopped him: Stealing the Stain. That had to be it.

  But something about it rang a warning bell.

  He flashed through the list of odd ingredients until he came to the oddest of all.

  "And last, to make the transfer complete, the taker must wish the Stain for himself. There can be no success without the wish. If successfully transferred, the Stain will appear on the taker who shall be required to wait only the hours remaining to the original Stained until escape. Have no fear of losing the Stain to the original Stained: Once lost, it may never be regained."

  Jack read the passage aga
in. And again. The tone was throwing him off… almost congratulatory. But he pushed through, trying to assemble the words into a shape, a thought, a message that made sense and wouldn't send him tearing upstairs screaming for Gia to tell him that it wasn't true, that she hadn't done this.

  He couldn't. No doubt about it. He didn't need to see her back to know that Gia had taken—"stolen"—the Stain from Vicky and transferred it to herself.

  He understood it… so typically Gia… she'd do anything to protect Vicky.

  Jack leaned back and forced his numb brain to review his options. He came up with only one.

  He heard Gia on the stairs. She walked in wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. Her hair was still wet. Her red, puffy eyes told the story. She hadn't been sobbing with relief in the shower—she was frightened.

  As she entered the kitchen Jack rose and faced her.

  "Gia, how could you?"

  She burst into tears. "How could I not?"

  Just then the doorbell rang. Jack looked past Gia, saw Vicky run to the front door and peek through the sidelight.

  "It's Tom!"

  She pulled open the door and let him in. He held up a white paper bag.

  "Hi, everybody! I come bearing gifts!"

  "What?" Vicky cried.


  As Vicky cheered, Jack muttered, "Oh, shit."



  Well, at least the kid's glad I'm here, Tom thought as he started down the hall.

  And what a hall. What a house. He hadn't been able to appreciate it that first night—not with all the turmoil. But now… look at the fine wood, the Persian rugs, the antique light fixtures… had to be worth millions. He'd got the impression that Gia was a commercial artist, making ends meet but with little left over. How did she afford this? He'd have to wheedle the story out of her.

  Maybe the donuts would help. He'd had an inspiration on the way over: Arrive with goodies in hand. He considered it a truism that the surest way to a mother's heart was through her kid. Get the kid to like you and you enhance your chances twofold, maybe threefold.

  So he'd asked his cabby to find a bakery or donut shop along the way. He'd stopped at a place on the East Side called Muller's. The donuts looked so good that Tom had scarfed down a cruller on the way over.

  Vicky snatched the bag from his fingers and darted into the sitting room. Further on, in the kitchen at the end of the hall, Jack and Gia stood facing each other. Both looked upset.

  Jack pointed to him. "Wait right there."

  The words, the tone, the gesture took him aback. Who was Jack to order him about in Gia's house? But one look at Gia's puffy face and he knew something was wrong. Still wrong.

  What had happened? He hadn't exactly expected to find a party going on, but this seemed like a wake. Only Vicky was in good spirits.

  Jack turned away from him and back to Gia. They seemed to be in a serious, almost heated, discussion.

  Tom edged closer.

  "I can't believe you did this without telling me," Jack was saying.

  "I knew you'd try to stop me."

  "Damn right I would have! Now there are two people in jeopardy instead of one!"

  Gia sobbed and the sound angered Tom. Jack was being rough on her. What was he so exercised about?

  "I know! Don't you think I know that? But what was I to do? If I had a chance to save her, I had to take it."

  "You should have come to me first!"

  "I couldn't." She shook her head. "I know I should have. Don't ask me why… I just couldn't."

  What was this about? What had she done?

  Tom had come even with the sitting room. He glanced in and saw the kid sitting on the edge of a chair, kicking her legs, oblivious to everything but the TV and the sugar-coated donut she was munching.

  "All right," Jack said. "Let's see it."

  "No, I—"

  "Please. This isn't just about you and me. There's the baby to think of."

  Gia looked like she was again going to refuse to show him whatever they were talking about, but must have changed her mind. Because, without another word, she turned and raised the back of her T-shirt.

  Tom gasped and felt his knees dissolve when he saw the black band spread across her back. He had to prop himself against the door molding.

  Sweet Jesus, it was almost halfway around her body!

  Jack stared at it, then his head dropped. Gia pulled her shirt back down.

  The light dawned for Tom.

  No! A horrendous situation had become infinitely worse. He could comprehend a mother's love for her child, but weren't there limits? He'd heard of mothers throwing themselves in front of a car to save their child, but that was impulse. This had been premeditated.

  Initially her daughter was going to be shunted off into the Great Unknown. Now Gia was going to be sent there instead.

  It made no sense. Either way she loses her daughter, but this way she loses Jack too. Not to mention this exquisite townhouse.

  "Only one thing to do then," he heard Jack say.

  In one swift, smooth move he stepped to the counter, pressed his hand into a saucepan, and returned with his palm coated in some thick brown fluid. He then lifted the back of Gia's shirt and slipped his hand under. Gia reacted as if he'd splashed her with acid—her back arched, her eyes widened, and then she began to cry.

  What the hell was going on here?

  "Now it's settled," Jack said.

  Gia turned and pounded her fists once against his chest.

  "No! I can't lose you! Not now!"

  Jack grabbed her wrists. "You didn't really think I was going to let this happen to you, did you? You three are more important than anything else I can think of."

  "Turn around! I want to see!"

  Jack complied, lifting his shirt and revealing the Stain. Gia threw her arms around him and sobbed.

  Stunned, awed, Tom watched the two of them. He couldn't imagine doing something like that—not even for his kids, let alone a woman. Especially the women he'd married. He could see no upside. And the downside was unthinkable.

  He repressed a shudder. To be whisked away to some unknown place, never to be seen again… the idea of risking that—embracing it—for someone else was beyond him…

  What planet were these two from?

  Again those feelings of longing and envy he'd experienced in B. B. King's. Their devotion to each other… the way Jack hadn't hesitated, not for a heartbeat, to place himself between Gia and the Lilitongue. He'd given it no more thought than slapping a mosquito he'd spotted on her arm.

  Tom shook his head. Inconceivable…

  And then he thought of something else: Who would do that for him?

  Vicky had Gia, and Gia had Jack. But Tom could think of no one who'd step up like that for him.

  The realization staggered him.

  No one… I've got no one.

  That chill angst washed over him as it had last night. Was there one person in this world who gave a damn if he lived or died?

  Surely not his brother. He glanced Jack's way and saw him glaring over Gia's quaking shoulder.

  He heard Gia moan, "What did we ever do to deserve this?"

  Tom knew the terrible answer: I came into your lives.

  All his fault. He'd brought the Lilitongue up from the depths. He'd been the one who wanted to escape…

  Tom felt himself wilting under Jack's stare. What did the man want?

  He doesn't expect me to step up and take it from him, does he? Is he crazy?

  Never happen. Not in a million years.

  Even if Jack weren't here, even if Gia had no Jack in her life, Tom knew that he couldn't, simply couldn't, do what Jack had done.

  He was made of different stuff. Wired differently.

  He fought the burning shame. No one had the right… it wasn't fair to expect that.

  He shook his head and turned away. No… too frightening… he can't… he won't…

  He opened the door and let hims
elf out. He stood on the front step and blinked in the wind. He pulled his jacket tightly around him. Cold out here, but warmer than inside.

  Safer too. At least here Gia couldn't turn to him with a pleading look, asking him to save the father of her baby, to do the right thing.

  And when he shook his head and backed away, as he most certainly would, her expression would change, and she'd look on him as a coward.

  I'm not a coward. I've done things, lots of things that require balls the size of cantaloupes.

  I just can't… do… this.

  He felt a sadness descend on him. And something more… an odd feeling… an emotion he hadn't experienced in years.


  But that wasn't enough, not nearly enough to make him turn and go back in there.



  Jack forced himself to look on the bright side: The shmegege was gone. And Vicky hadn't heard any of this.

  On the dark side, his back itched and burned. He didn't have to look to know why.

  Gia tightened her python grip on him.

  "Jack, Jack, Jack—what are we going to do?"

  His gut roiled with fear… of the unknown, ol being taken Irom everything he knew, everyone he loved.

  "Keep looking for a solution."

  But not much time left.

  He glanced at the old Regulator clock on the kitchen wall: a couple of minutes to eleven. Less than two days.

  He squeezed his eyes shut. Jesus. They'd already been through most of the Compendium. The odds of finding something else in there looked low to nil.

  "I don't know what I'll do without you."

  "Let's not write me off just yet. We don't even know if this thing will live up to its press."

  She lifted her head off his chest and looked him in the eye.

  "You're not serious!"

  "Well, it's who knows how old. Maybe over the centuries it's had some internal breakdown and won't be able to, you know, take me away."

  Jack didn't believe a word of it. And neither, apparently, did Gia. She scowled at him.

  "You're kidding, right? It sits in midair and can't be moved. It leaves a mark, a Stain, just like the book says. Oh, it's working all right. It's working just fine!" She closed her eyes as another sob shook her. "I don't want to lose you!"


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