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Page 5

by Riana Lucas

  I raise my eyebrow, giving him a disbelieving look.

  Gideon raises one hand in mock defense and chuckles lightly. “Trust me. You’ll see. We try to be fair and understanding. We don’t judge or criticize unless warranted, and we try to help each other before we even do that. The seelie court is almost the complete opposite of the unseelie court.”

  Although he did not mean to offend, I cannot help my snappy retort: “Well, your court is apparently perfect. I am very aware of the ways of the unseelie court and do not like being put into the same category as them, but that does not mean I am okay with a seelie fae speaking ill of them."

  We reach the first training area. As we stop, Gideon turns to face me. His cheeks are a bit pink from embarrassment. “I apologize, Poppy. I’m not trying to offend you."

  I raise my eyebrow once again, surprised by his quick apology. “Thank you for the apology, I appreciate it. Maybe it would be better if we discussed your training areas and then began training.”

  He clears his throat, glancing over to where his friends were standing. His cheeks grow pinker, and I realize he is not used to being brushed off. If female fae are always chasing after him or intimidated by him, like Willow is, he would not typically be embarrassed in front of his friends. A lot of fae do not realize how similar we are to humans. Most fae do not travel to the human world like I do, so they are not able to see how the humans interact with each other and live their lives. It reminds me of when I saw Reed surrounded by the human girls at his surf shop and how upset they became when he brushed them off.

  I feel a little guilty at causing his embarrassment, but making friends and forming relationships is not what I am here for. It would be best for him to understand this now. I take a step toward the training area, hoping Gideon will take the hint and begin to explain things to me. He does so quickly. “As you can see, this is a basic sparring area. There are mats on the floor and on the wall closest to the area for the protection of not only our warriors but the room as well.”

  I nod as I gaze around, taking everything in. The floor mats are firm but will provide enough cushioning so no one is injured during training. The wall mats are more for the walls' protection, meant to prevent someone from being thrown through and causing any serious damage to the structure. “I like this. What is next?”

  Gideon clears his throat and gestures to the area on our right. "If you proceed this way, I can show you the weapons area.” I follow behind him a few feet over to a similar area, except here the walls are not covered in mats but lined with tall, narrow, wooden cabinets all made of a beautiful red mahogany. Gideon waves his hand at the cabinets, whispering a spell to unlock the fae magic keeping them closed and safe from those who are not permitted to touch them. Once he is finished, the cabinets all open and display at least two of every weapon I have ever seen in battle, along with a few that are unfamiliar to me.

  I step closer to the first cabinet, but stop and look back at Gideon for permission. I do not want to overstep my bounds, which, in my excitement over being able to train and seeing these beautiful weapons, I know I could easily do. The last thing I want is for him to report back to the queen that I was disrespectful and revoke my training privileges.

  Gideon nods in approval, so I continue to the first of what must be twenty cabinets. The weapons within are stunning. Each one was obviously made with care and consideration. Sleek and shiny blades lead down to handles intricately designed with obvious care and over a long period of time. I reach out so I may run my hand down the side of the blade of a beautiful sword. The thin blade at the tip becomes thicker as I make my way toward the hilt. The deep blue color matches, like the night sky. I can even see a slight sparkle along the blade that reminds me of stars winking at me. The hilt of the sword is made of ivory containing small notches like the craters on the moon.

  I had been so enchanted by the sword I had not heard Gideon approach. “A special fae created this sword. It is said to give the true owner the stealth of the night, the sight of the stars, and the knowledge of the moon. With this weapon, he or she would have enhanced abilities allowing them to move quieter, see better, and know better how to attack.”

  “Its true owner? Do these not belong to the queen and her army?”

  “Well, yes, until they find their true owner.” Gideon reaches past me, his arm brushing mine to pull the night sword down. He begins turning it over in his hand studying the weapon as he explains. “All of our training weapons were fashioned by special fae, fae that have a keen sense for the materials used to construct the weapons. They can sense which pieces to use together to maximize the weapon’s ability. They also claim to listen to the earth when making them, following the instructions they are given. Because of this, they are made with the intent of belonging to one fae specifically. Together they would become the perfect match. The magic within the weapon will mix with the magic of the fae, and together they will become much stronger, enhancing what natural fighting abilities they already possess. All of these weapons will be used at some point during training by each and every one of our warriors. The queen wishes to match each fae with a weapon in hopes of making her army stronger.”

  “Do all of your warriors own a weapon belonging to them?”

  “No. There are so many warriors and not enough weapons.” Gideon continues to touch the sword as he speaks. His voice is almost sad. “A warrior is very fortunate to be able to find his true weapon. The odds are very small to be one of the lucky ones.”

  “Are you?”

  Gideon glances back up at me when I speak.

  “One of the lucky ones? Do you possess a special weapon meant for you?” I ask curiously.

  He shakes his head. “Sadly, I do not. I have been training for only two years, though, and am still considered quite young among the fae, as I am sure you understand.” He gives me a knowing look, and I nod in agreement. We are both very young in fae terms, still considered children by many.

  He stares back down at the sword he is holding before continuing. “I do try every new weapon the queen sends to us in the hope of finding a match. When I saw this one, I had hoped…well, I’m sure you understand. This sword is quite amazing, and I can sense the power it holds. I hoped the sword was mine but, unfortunately, it was not meant to be.” He gazes at the weapon in his hands longingly one last time and then places it back in the cabinet. “The true owner of this sword will prove to be a fierce warrior and an even better fae. I just hope to be around to meet them.”

  I also had felt the power of the sword as soon as the cabinet opened. But I am not sure if that is what drew me initially. Something about this sword feels familiar, as if it calls to me, but I know the weapon is not meant for me. The pull is different. My thoughts stop when Gideon draws my attention back to him.

  “I’ve seen your daggers. They were fashioned for you as well, weren't they?” he asks, continuing our conversation. I am surprised to find Gideon easy to talk to and comfortable to be around.

  “Yes, they were. They were a gift when I began training, but I do not know if they were fashioned with the same intent as your weapons. As far as I know, the king does not do such favors for his court.” I have to catch myself before my voice can betray too much indignation.

  “Well, I’m sure they were. You are quite amazing with them from what I’ve been told— as if they are a part of you. I would imagine you had a very hard time relaxing without them.” He gives me another knowing look, and I reluctantly admit he is right.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, I did. I felt as if a part of me was missing." I tell him, remembering the feeling of relief I felt when I held them in my hands once again. I was able to take my first relaxing breath since arriving at the seelie court.

  “You feel this way at the unseelie court as well?”

  “Well…yes, but you know the unseelie. They can be unpredictable. Every fae must always be on guard there.”

  “True” is all he says before he closes all of the weapon cabine
ts and begins to lead me to another one of the training areas.

  I follow along almost blindly, hearing small bits of what Gideon is saying, making sure to comment when I should, but my thoughts are now consumed with my weapons and if I am their one true owner. I have tried many other weapons over the last few years—both by choice and by force—and none of them ever compared to my daggers. No other weapons gave me the same confidence in a fight. But this thought confuses me, because I know the unseelie king does not have weapons fashioned for particular fae. I know there are no weapon-makers in the unseelie court that would even bother to do such a thing for any other fae. And even if they did, they would not just give it away. No, such a weapon would come at a very high price. I must have become the owner of my daggers by accident, a very fortunate accident for me.

  I am pulled from my contemplations when Willow approaches. She lays her hand on my forearm, and I meet her questioning gaze. Of course, she can tell something is troubling me.

  A subtle shake of my head tells her not to voice her question. When I return my attention to Gideon, I see his expression is different, a bit hopeful and nervous. Now I am uneasy. Embarrassment at not paying attention begins to set in and I can feel my cheeks begin to heat slightly. While I was lost in thought, he must have asked me something and—by the look on his face—I am sure I am not going to like what it was.

  “I am sorry, Gideon. I was lost in thought for a minute. The anticipation of fighting has me side-tracked. Could you repeat your question, please?”

  “I understand. I was just wondering if you would like to join me for dinner tonight, after our sparing session, of course.” At my questioning look, he clarifies, "Maybe we could talk more about how you've trained at your court?" He shifts nervously from one foot to the other and wipes his palms on his pants. His smile is polite, and I realize it would be rude of me to turn him down. However, I am still not convinced of his motives.

  “That would be wonderful! Willow and I would love to join you. Right, Willow?” I turn to her with a bright smile but a very serious look in my eyes. “We can take care of our business after the sparring session and then get ready together. This will be so much fun!” Although I do not want to give Gideon the wrong impression, I cannot deny how nice it will be to be around others for a change. I also find the idea of getting ready with Willow rather appealing.

  Willow stammers for a moment but finally looks at Gideon, her voice hesitant when asking, “Umm, well, if it’s all right with you…” She trails off, unsure of what to say and whether she is welcome.

  “Of course you're invited, Willow. I would love to have dinner with the both of you. I’ll also ask Thorne to join us if that would be okay with the two of you.” Gideon nods toward his friend that had been sitting with Willow while we took our tour of the training room. Willow seems happy with the suggestion, so I nod my approval as well.

  Gideon beams at both of us. “Wonderful. I look forward to our dinner. But for now…” He gives me a calculating look and walks to the center of an empty sparring area. Silently accepting his challenge, I follow.

  I glance back at Gideon who is smiling brightly again, but this one is in anticipation. The usual shifting in fae features begins to happen making our appearance match our mood and I watch as his sharp features begin to take shape on his face. As I do, I sense my own transformations begin. The anticipation begins to build as my heart rate picks up. I bounce on the balls of my feet and begin to shake my muscles loose.

  Gideon winks and asks, “Shall we fight?”

  I take my battle stance and nod once.

  Then I attack.

  Chapter Six

  I attack Gideon with an intensity I do not usually use when training. My eagerness outweighs my caution, but I soon notice my mistake. Slowing my movements, I begin to pull back until I realize Gideon is not only keeping up but enjoying the fight as well. The intense gleam in his eye is a clear indication of this as he almost lands a roundhouse kick, but the intensity does not mask the clear enjoyment there. By the look on his face as well as my constant need to block punches and duck away from kicks, he is not pulling his punches; he is truly fighting with me. The fact that I did not need to prove myself before he started treating me like an equal is both a relief and encouraging. It shows much more of his character than anything else has so far. In a matter of minutes this fae has gained my respect.

  Now that I do not have to slow my pace, I increase the force I am using, pushing him toward the outer ring of the sparring circle. He allows this for a moment, falling back toward the outside as if I am besting him, but before I know it, he is pushing back. Every punch I throw, he blocks then counters with one of his own. Every kick or stunt I pull, he mimics or blocks, but I mirror and block his punches and kicks as well. Due to the fact that we both seem to be matched quite well in fighting skills, neither of us seems to be able to get many blows in. This will prove to be a long and much-needed training session.

  As we continue to fight, my muscles loosen further. Sweat begins to drip down my face, neck, and back. Soon the dampness will soak through my clothing. A few cuts and scrapes open up, and I can already feel where I will have bruises tomorrow. These occurrences are not only normal but welcomed. This is how I have always trained, normal clothes, hand-to-hand combat, the best way to always be prepared for a battle, so the feelings are almost comforting. The sensation feels wonderful and freeing. I focus on my fighting, which allows me to begin to drift into a zone of utter calm. My instincts take over and although I am very aware of what is happening around me, a few distant thoughts creep into my mind.

  Willow, Gideon, the queen, Reed, and Rho all swarm around in my head, making it hard to concentrate on just one of them. Questions swirl around, images flash in and out, and confusion sets in. Usually I can spar on autopilot, but with so much going on in my head, I get distracted and Gideon lands a sharp blow to the left side of my head.

  My head snaps back, and the image scatters, returning me to the present.

  In an instant, Gideon stops fighting and takes a step toward me. “Poppy? Are you all right?” His concern and confusion are both obvious. He knows he should not have been able to land that blow; I am a better fighter than that.

  “Oh yes!” I say almost too brightly. I straighten, making sure not to call attention to the side of my head, which is now throbbing. Gideon would have never gotten in such a good hit if I had been paying attention. All the chaos and confusion from the past few days finally caught up to me and I let my guard down, but I do not plan to let it happen again. I school my face and my voice before speaking once again. “I am great. That was a great session, but I think that is enough for today. I am sorry, but would it be all right if we stopped? Can we pick this up again tomorrow?”

  He still looks concerned but does not question me further. “Of course. Would you like to postpone dinner as well? I would understand if you were too tired.”

  Although he meant well by the offer, my back stiffens, and I raise my chin. “I am more than well enough for dinner. I just wish to take the training slowly. Willow and I will meet you in the dining hall at seven o’clock. Will that be fine?”

  “Yes, yes, that would be fine. I’m sorry, Poppy. I didn’t mean to sound as if I think you’re weak. I merely wanted to make sure you knew I wouldn’t be offended if you canceled.”

  “I do not wish to cancel. Willow and I will see you this evening.” I turn quickly to make my way over to where Willow is sitting, patient and quiet, observing all of the other warriors training. She must not have observed my little scene with Gideon, because she did not notice me approaching her until I was a few feet away.

  Upon seeing me, she jumps up and makes her way toward me. “Oh, Poppy!” she gushes. “You were amazing. I’ve never seen anyone fight as well as Gideon. He’s so strong and fast, but you matched him all the way. That was incredible!”

  Yeah, until he almost took my head off, I think ruefully to myself, but my bad mood has softened at
her enthusiasm so instead I say, “Thank you, Willow. How did you enjoy watching all of the warriors train?”

  “It was wonderful. I’ve always known in theory what the warriors do, but observing them is very different. They’re so intense and strong. I was concerned more than once that someone would get hurt, but they don’t seem to get injured at all.”

  “No. We do not. Between our extreme ability to fight as well as our natural healing abilities, it is very rare for a fae to get injured during a training session. It is why we are warriors.” She nods in understanding, and I smile. It is nice to talk to someone like this. “Now come. How about we go get ready for dinner?”

  She claps her hands together twice before she loops her arm through mine, and we begin to walk back to my room. I start to pull away from her because I know I am sweaty, but she pulls me back. As if reading my mind she says, “It’s okay. We’re both changing anyway.”

  “Yes, we are. So…” I begin hesitantly. We have not had a chance to speak since the dinner invitation, and I want to make sure she is not concerned with the arrangement. “How do you feel about going to dinner with Gideon and Thorne? I know I did not give you much of a choice, but I was not comfortable going alone. I am sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry! I’m very excited! I’ve never been invited to dinner before. This will be so much fun!” There is a pause, then her face falls along with her enthusiasm. “Oh no,” she sighs.

  “What is going on? What is wrong?” I take a quick glance around for any possible danger, but when I perceive none, my gaze shifts back to hers.

  She looks up at me with tears in her eyes. “I can’t go.”

  I am a bit baffled by the quick mood change. “Why not?”

  “The queen hasn’t given me permission, and I have nothing to wear.” Her eyes get misty, but she hurriedly clears it away with a few blinks of her eyes, giving me an unsteady smile. “That’s okay, maybe next time?” she asks. The hope in her voice makes my heart break a little. The fact she has never even been invited to dinner is bad enough, but the thought of her being unable to go now is even worse. She is so sweet and caring, she deserves this.


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