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My Sister's Boyfriend (The Trouble With Twins 1)

Page 10

by Sylvia McDaniel

  "Jennifer, it's just my sis—"

  "I don't care who she is!" She reached in the pocket of the raincoat for her keys.

  Panic overwhelmed her. God, first last night with the Highway Patrol and now tonight another woman! Brent seemed to make her completely forget herself and act in strange and illogical ways.

  "Jennifer, don't go. It's just my sister."

  She stopped and looked at him her eyes widening. "Do you think that makes it any better? She saw me naked. That child could have seen me naked."

  "Oh, come on. Stay, please. She's just leaving."

  Her leaden feet finally heeded her brain's signals and began to move toward the door. "I can't. I have to go. I was crazy to do this. I should have known better. I should never have come here."

  She yanked open the front door.

  "It's not a big deal. Don't go."

  "Having sex is anything but casual to a woman like me!" She began to run across the yard, heeding her need to escape.

  She opened the door of her car and quickly climbed in before he could stop her. Whoever ran the universe had a cosmic sense of humor. She'd just made a fool of herself over Brent yet again. She started the car and hit the gas pedal just as Brent reached the curb. Gravel sprayed up as the tires squealed in protest at her sudden acceleration.

  In the rearview mirror, she saw him standing in the road, his hands on his hips, shaking his head.

  Why did she lose all common sense when it came to that man?

  Chapter Eight

  Reluctantly, Brent went back into the house, his hands in the pockets of his shorts. Of all days for his sister to drop by unexpectedly. He closed the front door and leaned against the cool wood feeling completely frustrated.

  God, Jennifer had been gorgeous standing there naked and proud, her ivory skin glistening in the evening light. The urge to topple her onto the rug and explore every luscious, naked inch of her had spellbound him…until she’d realized they were not alone.

  Leslie stuck her head around the wall from the kitchen, her face scrunched in a grimace. "Oops, did she leave?"

  "Yes, you can come out now."

  His sister looked at him sheepishly. "I guess I should have called first."

  He shook his head, trying to laugh at the fact that once again they'd suffered precoitus interruptus. His hand trembled as he ran his fingers through his hair. He wanted Jennifer badly. Brent took a deep breath, trying to calm his overheated body.

  "That's okay," he lied.

  "Was that the twin sister?"

  "Yes, that was Jennifer Riley," he managed to say.

  "Looks like things are going pretty well between the two of you."

  He laughed. "Sometimes. We just can't seem to get together. That was our second failed attempt."

  "Oh my. Things have progressed since the last time we spoke."

  "Yes and no. We both want to, but we're both kind of skittish, and when she finds out I'm planning a bachelor auction behind her back, she's going to hate me. And that will be the end of that."

  "What?" Leslie asked, stunned.

  "God, Sis, I'm in so much trouble," he said, shaking his head. He began to pace the floor, feeling his misplaced desire bubble out anxiously. "I want her, but I also want to raise enough money for the new hospital wing, and we don't agree on how. And then there’s the past with her sister. I've screwed this situation up royally."

  He stopped and rubbed his forehead. "I want Jennifer so badly, yet I don't deserve her because of what I’m doing behind her back. She's going to hate me when she finds out the truth."

  "Whoa!" Leslie held up her hand. "Explain it to me slowly."

  He took a deep breath and tried to relax his tense body. "I've told you about sleeping with her sister back in high school."

  "Yes, you told me," Leslie agreed.

  "Jennifer is the new development director at the hospital and is in charge of raising funds for the new pediatrics wing."

  Leslie frowned. "What is it she doesn't agree with you on?"

  "She's conservative," he tried to explain.

  "Not from what I saw," his sister replied.

  Brent shook his head. "No. Tonight was different. She's new to the hospital, and she worries about County General's image."

  "That's her job," Leslie said.

  "But you know me. I want to have fun while we're trying to raise two million dollars. I feel compelled to raise as much money as possible so we can help the biggest number of children."

  "I understand," Leslie agreed.

  "We're having a silent auction, but it’s not going to raise enough money, and it lacks excitement. We need something everyone will attend just to have fun and then splurge on something they hadn't intended on buying at the silent auction."

  "Yes. So why can't the two of you work together to raise the money?"

  "We are, except for one thing," Brent said, pausing. "I'm coordinating a bachelor auction that she specifically said she didn't want to do for fear of how the hospital board would perceive it. Holding a bachelor auction was a great idea, and she refused to even consider it. And you know how I like a challenge, so I just barged ahead without her approval."

  Leslie frowned and shook her head at him. "Not good. Not good at all."

  "At the time, I didn't think our interest in each other would continue. I had no intention of seeing her again. But now…"

  "You really do like this woman," his sister acknowledged.

  "Yes, and I've already lined up enough bachelors, including a couple of professional football players, a local country-western entertainer, and even one of the anchors from KXAS-TV to know that we're going to make lots of money."

  "Cancel the bachelor auction," she warned.

  "I can't without sacrificing the money we'd raise for the pediatrics wing. I wouldn't do that, not even for Jennifer Riley." He walked into the kitchen, his sister following him. "We could raise a lot of money. Besides, tomorrow I have an appointment to speak with Chairman Weaver."

  "And you're going to lose Jennifer over the success of your plan."

  "She’s not really mine to lose. And though I want her, we both know that relationships never last.”

  Leslie raised her brows. “You know how I feel about that argument. Get over it.”

  His sister shook her head at him. "I know you're doing this for a good cause, but this is her first chance as the new development director to show the community and the hospital board what she can do. Your bachelor auction is going to raise more money than any of her attempts. Tell her the truth before you go to the chairman."

  He swallowed, trying to hold back the words, but they refused to lay dormant any longer. "I care more than I should about her. Maybe it’s for the best."

  For a moment his sister didn't say anything. "So now you're deliberately sabotaging relationships that could become permanent?"

  "Of course not."

  "Then why haven't you been honest with her?"

  He frowned at his sister's perceptiveness, not knowing how to answer.

  "Jennifer is new to her job in the hospital. She's handling a very public position that everyone is watching, and you're going to outdo her first attempt?" Leslie shook her head. "I'm surprised at you."

  "I'm trying to raise enough money for the children."

  "Your intentions are honorable. Now do the decent thing and tell Jennifer about the bachelor auction before she sleeps with you."

  For a moment he didn't say anything, knowing she was right. "And what do I say? Oh by the way, remember that bachelor auction, we have a meeting tomorrow morning with Chairman Weaver to discuss the publicity?"

  Leslie crossed her arms and raised her brow. "At least give her some time to prepare for the chairman’s reaction and give her own emotions a chance to recover."

  He cringed at the thought of telling Jennifer. Hell, he suddenly didn't want anything to do with this damn auction. Instead he wanted the naked blonde who'd stood in his living room and given him a glimpse of he
aven. Funny thing, though. It wasn't just her body that intrigued him. He'd seen beautiful bodies before. It was the beguiling combination of seduction and innocence that he'd only experienced with Jennifer.

  Yet how could he sleep with her when he knew she was going to hate him? Damn his sister for awakening his conscience when he only wanted to act on his baser instincts. "Damn!"

  "Telling her the truth is the only chance of salvaging this relationship. Otherwise, you're history."

  "I had really good intentions when I started this."

  "Well, your good intentions are going to be hard to remember when Jennifer realizes you slept with her despite knowing her feelings about this event."

  Leslie was right. He shook his head at his own foolish actions that had landed him in this dilemma.

  Needing to talk about something else, he asked Leslie, "Have you spoken with Dad?"

  "Just yesterday. Consider putting our father up for bid in your bachelor auction," Leslie said with a roll of her eyes. "After all, he’s on the prowl again. Or even better, maybe we should produce a new reality show called America's Least-Wanted Husbands."

  Brent leaned on the kitchen counter, propping his chin in his hand. "So he's going through with the divorce."

  "Oh yes, he's already dating again."

  "Thank you," Brent said, suddenly glad his sister had dropped by as the reminder of his genetic makeup smacked him in the face like a piece of cold salami.

  "For what?" she asked, a quizzical expression on his face.

  "For reminding me of all the reasons I never get seriously involved with any woman. Jennifer Riley's naked curves and intriguing innocence temporarily blinded me."

  His sister groaned. "Don't start that again. I have the same genes, and I have no sympathy for you."

  "What's naked curves?" his niece, who'd slipped into the room, asked.

  He glanced down at the small child and ruffled her hair, his heart filled with love. She was one of the lucky children who he knew received love and the medical care she needed. But what about the hundreds of other three-year-olds in the county? Where could their parents take them when they became ill or needed their vaccinations if the new pediatrics wing wasn't built?

  "I thought you were watching cartoons." he said.

  She gave him an impatient glance. "They're over." She turned to her mother and tugged on her sleeve. "Momma, I want to go home."

  "Okay, baby, you're right. It's time. Besides your Uncle Brent could still have company tonight."

  "Yeah, with my dog, thanks to you."

  She grinned at him. "I must say this has been one of the more interesting trips to your house. Next time, I promise to call before I drop by."

  "After tomorrow, there won't be a need. Come by anytime."

  Once Jennifer learned of the bachelor auction, he'd be toast. Crisp from the heat of her anger, her sexy little body completely off limits to him. And part of him felt sad at the thought, but then again, maybe it was for the best.


  A couple of hours later, Brent laid in bed trying to relax, unable to concentrate on anything but Jennifer. He needed to confess the truth to her about so many things but didn’t want to lose her friendship.

  He picked up the phone, hesitated for just a moment and then quickly dialed her number before he could change his mind. It was late, probably too late to be calling, but that didn't stop him. The phone rang and he couldn't help but wonder if he would be able to tell her voice from her sister’s.

  "Hello," she said, and he recognized her soft accent instantly. God, he didn't want to hurt her, didn't want to experience her anger. Yet how could he give up what he'd already started?

  The image of her standing naked before him came to mind, and his groin tightened. "I'm looking for the beautiful blonde who wears nothing beneath her raincoat."

  "You've found the right girl," she said, her voice breathy. "Though I must say after tonight that coat has been retired."

  "That would be a shame," he replied, wishing he could touch her and hold her in his arms. That probably would never happen now, thanks to him and his pain-in-the-ass sense of duty.

  She didn't reply, and there was a lengthy pause. Suddenly, he felt nervous. After all, she'd left in such a huff. Yet her voice had sounded receptive when she’d answered the phone.

  "Why are you calling?” she asked. “It's almost midnight."

  Okay, maybe not as receptive as he'd like.

  "I wanted to make sure you made it home okay. You could have had car trouble or a flat tire." He paused and let out a deep sigh. "All right, I couldn't sleep, and I wanted to see if you were as miserable as I am."

  She chuckled deeply into the phone. "I'm all right."

  "I enjoyed your surprise tonight, and I'm just sorry my sister ruined it by dropping in unexpectedly. I tried to tell you, but you spellbound me.”

  Her voice came through softly. "I guess tonight just wasn't our night."

  The edge he thought he’d detected in her voice seemed to have disappeared. He felt the urge to tell her that he'd take her any night he could have her, but somehow knew she'd only hate him even more for it tomorrow.

  He wanted to tell her the truth, but didn't know how, so instead he tried to explain his feelings.

  "Jennifer, I…I want you to know that I never intended to hurt you."

  "You didn't hurt me, silly. I was embarrassed. To be caught standing nude in your living room by your sister with your niece in the house. It was so humiliating."

  Silence filled the receiver. She didn't understand he was talking about tomorrow, but then how could she, unless he explained himself. And he was doing a lousy job of trying to express his feelings.

  Just a few more minutes of enjoying the sound of her voice, the sound of her laughter. Then he would confess the truth to her.

  "The only thing that could have made tonight worse was if I had misread you, and you didn't really want me," she admitted.

  For a moment he felt stunned that she could even imagine he didn't want her.

  "You're wrong," he said. "I wanted you so much. I was so stunned by the sight of you that I forgot that my sister and niece were in the kitchen. In fact, the image of you standing in my living room is emblazoned in my mind. It's what is keeping me awake."

  She laughed, a deep throaty sound that sent tremors along his spine. There was something about her laugh.

  "I'm glad you think it's funny. Imagine my hands skimming over your body, my lips lingering in sensitive areas. Now tell me you can sleep."

  "I wasn't even trying. I'm lying in bed, reading."

  "I'm in bed too. What are you wearing?"

  This time her laugh was a throaty purr that set him on edge. He felt like he was teetering on the edge of a great precipice. On each side lay deep canyons, only one was pleasure and one was pain. Which side would he fall into?

  He wanted the pleasure side, but somehow knew duty would take him over the edge into pain.

  "A sheer blue negligee and nothing else."

  "Oh, God."

  "What are you wearing?"

  "A boxer tent."


  "Let's just say that the center pole is holding them up just fine right now."

  "Oh my."

  "What book are you reading?" he asked, searching for a safer subject.

  "How to Satisfy a Man Every Time."

  Brent couldn't breathe for a moment. Silence filled the phone as the thought of her satisfying him seized him and held him hostage.

  "Did you hang up on me?" she asked coyly.

  He gasped. "I'm still here."


  "And I don’t think my sister has much longer to live," he said in mock seriousness.

  She laughed, the sound rippling through him. "You asked."

  "So what does the book say?" he managed, though his breathing was shallow.

  "I can't tell you."

  "Oh, come on. Give me a hint at least."

  "There's an entire
chapter on what to do with your mouth."


  "I'll just have to show you sometime," she teased. "Good night, Brent. Sleep well."

  "Hey wait, a minute," he reacted, scrambling, knowing they hadn't talked about what he needed to say to her. Not ready to hang up just yet.

  She paused.


  "Uh, tomorrow at work," he said, trailing off, not knowing what to say, only certain of how much it could hurt her. But how could he tell her after their intimate conversation? How could she sleep worrying about how to respond to Chairman Weaver?

  He couldn't tell her tonight. It wouldn't be fair. Sure, it was a lame excuse, but he’d gladly use it just a little longer.

  "I'll see you tomorrow."

  "Sweet dreams," she said.

  "You, too," he responded, knowing he wouldn't get any sleep tonight for fear of what tomorrow would bring.

  Chapter Nine

  Jennifer rapped on the door to Chairman Weaver's office, wondering why she'd been paged unexpectedly to a meeting. In fact, his secretary had demanded she make herself available for this impromptu gathering. He had literally given her no choice but to attend.

  "Come in," he called.

  She pushed open the door and felt a moment of surprise at the sight of Brent, his large frame filling up the chair across from the older man. What was he doing here?

  "Come in, come in, Miss Riley. Dr. Moulton has come to me with an excellent suggestion that I really think you should hear."

  "Oh," she said, tingles of warning crawling up her spine. She glanced at Brent but he refused to look at her directly. This couldn’t be good.

  "Have a seat, and I'll let Dr. Moulton tell you all about it since it's his idea."

  "Good morning," he said, his big green eyes looking at her sympathetically.

  Why would Brent be looking at her like he wanted to comfort her? Had he gone to the chairman over his ridiculous bachelor auction idea?

  "Good morning," she cooed and folded her hands in her lap then crossed her legs at her ankles in perfect ladylike composure, all the while trying to withhold judgment until she was certain of his double cross.

  She planted a smile on her face that dripped with southern charm.


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