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02 Unforgivable - Untouchable

Page 9

by Lindsay Delagair

  “Do you want me to carry you?”

  “No, I’ll be fine,” I whispered.

  “You go ahead and get into the shower then and let the hot water start relaxing you. I’ll join you in a minute.”

  I wondered why, and then I turned to see him folding up and removing the stained comforter from the bed. The cramping was getting stronger so I followed orders, sitting on the shower ledge and letting the hot rain pour down on me. Within moments the fogged up door to the shower opened and he stepped in. I started to rise, but he told me to stay where I was.

  “I want you to relax and let me do the work,” he said pouring shower gel into his hands.

  What a unique feeling as his large hands slipped over my skin, soaping and massaging as they moved. I was actually feeling guilty to be relaxing and enjoying what he was doing without returning the pleasure, but he was insistent that I enjoy it and that was all. His hands worked lower, gently massaging and washing my lower abdominals and groin. I closed my eyes as he began to wash the more intimate areas. I was a little worried he might get soap in places that would be uncomfortable, but he was incredibly careful and slow as he worked. Eventually his hands slid down my thighs, calves and finished with my feet (which tickled, but there was no way I was going to laugh after such a sensual experience).

  He lifted me from the ledge and placed me in his lap, leaning me forward as he began to lather my hair. He was literally removing every ounce of tension from my body as his finger tips massaged my scalp. He pulled the lever to divert the water out the waterfall ledge as he raised me to my feet and allowed the torrent of water to rinse me.

  “You’ve got to let me do this to you,” I whispered through heavy eyelids. I was so relaxed under the rising steam I could have laid on the shower floor and slept soundly.

  “You can’t even keep your eyes open,” he chuckled as he turned off the water and began to dry me off. “How are the cramps?”

  “I’m relaxed, but they’re getting stronger.” I wondered how he knew I was cramping, but then I became aware of my body language as I tipped forward slightly with one forearm pressed above my bikini line.

  “Then it’s off to bed and I’ll get you some Motrin.”

  I nodded and attempted to step out of the shower, but as soon as the cooler air hit me, the cramps tightened. He picked me up and took me to the bed and placed me beneath the covers, tucking me in like a child. I drew my knees up against a pillow clutched to my stomach as the pain grew more intense. He was back with something to drink and three pills in his hand. As soon as I swallowed them, he blew out the candles leaving nothing but moonlight streaming into the room and crawled into the bed and placed his hot body against my back and wrapped me in his arms.

  “Still bad?” he whispered thirty minutes later.

  I nodded. The pain was like riding a wave, one minute it was rising and peaking and then I seemed to slide down to where I was almost comfortable and then it would build again.

  “I should have been more careful,” he began to chastise himself.

  I laced my fingers through his and brought his hand to my mouth and kissed it, “You were perfect and it was better than I ever imagined it could be. The doctor said I’d be sore, Micah; this isn’t your fault. Just keep me warm. I’ll be better in the morning.”

  He kissed my bare shoulder and neck and then nuzzled into my hair, whispering how much he loved me and that was the last thing I remembered until sunrise opened my eyelids.

  The cramps ended in the night and my sleep was dreamless and deep. Micah’s arm was still wrapped around me as I smiled at the memories from last night. I don’t know how, but he realized I was awake.

  “Good morning, Mrs. Gavarreen,” he said, his hand splayed across my abdominals. Just one of his hands felt as if it could cover me, “feeling better?”

  I rolled over and kissed him briefly, “Good enough to make love again to my husband,” I replied, then allowed the tip of my tongue to brush against his lips. I wasn’t afraid of him anymore as my hand slid under the covers to forbidden places. I could tell it was still difficult for him, but he was managing the sensation, “I want to kiss you,” I said barely loud enough for even myself to hear.

  Immediately his mouth began seeking mine.

  “Not your mouth,” I said, keeping my voice soft. “I want to kiss you like you did to me when you pulled my underwear off last night.”

  His eyes filled with fright, “I’m not ready to handle you doing that, Leese. I’m still getting used to the touch of your hand. You do things to me, inside, that no one’s ever done and it’s incredibly intense.”

  “Umm…I like that,” I answered, “but you will let me when you’re ready?”

  He smiled.

  I knew that was a yes.

  “I want to show you something,” he said, smoothly rolling me back to my side and curling his bare form behind me. I was ready to be his eager student once more. He taught me how to shoot, how to kiss, and last night, how to make love, so I had no hesitation in allowing him control.

  He propped himself against the headboard and pulled me onto him as if he had become a human lounger. His left arm and hand around mine and his right around my right, but as he brought my left hand up to my breast, I resisted slightly.

  “Relax,” he whispered, “I just want to show you how to get off.”

  “You showed me that last night,” I said with mirth in my voice, my hand slipping out of his grasp and sliding around his bare thigh.

  He gripped my hand and brought it back across my chest. “I mean on your own,” he clarified.

  “I don’t need to learn how to do that. I’ll just let you—”

  “Baby, I know there’ll be times when we’re apart and I don’t want you to think you need a man for this.”

  A stab of panic hit me as my heart began picking up the pace, “No, we aren’t going to be apart, ever.”

  “I promised my Dad I would go with him next month to check out some businesses he is considering and—”

  “I’ll come with you,” I interrupted.

  He kissed the side of my neck, “That won’t work, and I won’t be gone long. It won’t be often, but I know there are going to be times when we’re away from each other. Now, would you please let me show you how to do this? Please,” he added for emphasis. “Besides, I think it would be a turn on to watch you,” he said as his hot breath filled my ear.

  Turning him on I knew would become a passion of mine, but being apart, even for a day, I didn’t like. I stopped resisting as he brought my hand back to caress my breast and my other was slid lower. Not resisting was going to prove difficult, but soon he was whispering in my ear and caressing my neck with kisses and things eventually became easier, and I found myself eager to do what he wanted me to do. Heat built from friction and need pushed me to the pinnacle as the shockwave gripped me so hard I literally doubled over and rolled to my side, pulling him with me.

  “Stop! Stop!” I begged twisting my hand from his grip as the cramps returned with a vengeance. I was trying to catch my breath, trying to force my muscles to relax after the onslaught to my senses.

  “Oh, baby,” he said, pressing his aroused body hard to mine, “that was sexy.” He must have realized I wasn’t totally comfortable at the moment. “Are you cramping again?”

  “Yeah, but it’s already starting to ease.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t think this would set them off again.”

  “It’s okay, I’ll be fine in a few minutes.”

  “So how was the orgasm?” he asked, curiosity clear in his voice.

  “Hard,” I whispered.

  “Difficult kind of hard or—”

  “Strong kind of hard,” I whimpered, drawing up my knees.

  “Harder than last night?” There was a funny, surprised sound to his voice.

  “Yeah, this was a lot harder, but in a different way.” I rolled over to look at him. “I liked last night better, it was more of a complete feeling, this
was—I don’t know how to describe it, but it was just straight on and intense. I like the feeling of this being part of love making, not just satisfying myself. Does that make sense?”

  He gave a crooked smile as he looked up toward the ceiling, “Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to show you how to do this. I may have just given myself competition.”

  The cramps were almost gone as I sat up and placed myself over him, letting my hair brush against his bare chest. “You have nothing to worry about because I prefer you to me anytime. But I want you to show me something else,” I smiled.

  I could see the amusement on his face, “What?”

  I straddled his lap with my knees on either side of his bare groin, and I could see the deep sensation of pleasure wash over him as my body touched his. The steel grip grabbed my thighs and I sighed, arching my back and lifting his hands to my breasts. “Do you remember this, baby?” I said and then attempted to wiggle free. His hands moved swiftly from my breasts to my thighs, clamping down on me almost hard enough to bruise.

  “Ooh, Leese, don’t—” Then the big smile caused his lips to part, “Yeah, how could I forget.”

  “I wanted that moment so badly, but we couldn’t. I want it now. Make love to me the way you would have that day.”

  His face pressed against my chest, moaning out my name; his hands lifted my breasts to his scorching mouth as he caressed them. “Leese, I don’t know if we can do this without making you hurt again,” he panted out the words as his body told me he was ready to enjoy me this way.

  “I’m not afraid. Please, Micah.”

  He reached for the nightstand and grabbed the remote for the stereo; I’ll Make Love to You came on.

  He lifted me by the waist, as I helped by rising up on my knees and then slowly reseated myself, gasping at the feeling as he entered me, his hands showing me to lift myself ever so slightly as he began to move his hips under me. There was no painful barrier, only a firm fluid movement that took me by surprise. I struggled to remember to breathe as he became more intense. He wrapped his arms around me and then rolled me onto the bed, never breaking the rhythm that was perfectly timed to the music.

  I danced with him to this song and now he was dancing within me. The sensation was overwhelming. I didn’t expect this to be slow and gentle, and the feeling was extraordinary. The rise to pleasure was gradual and rich, as the music changed to Back at One, and he continued building a stairway toward heaven. His hips moving, at times, in an easy grind against me and I was slipping beyond the point of no return.

  I’m not sure exactly what I was saying to him, except that I loved him so much I wanted him to join me as I crested. I curled my hips toward him so far that the small of my back was no longer on the bed. Then his rhythm changed to a rapid, hard pace and I couldn’t wait any longer, my face buried against his neck to muffle my cry and within an instant I could tell he joined me and was experiencing the same pleasure.

  His chest heaved as he gasped for air, a light sheen of sweat across his perfect body, “I’m never going to get enough of you, baby,” he said, with a breathless kiss to my lips.

  “I hope not,” I breathed back to him, “but will it always be this good? You don’t think I’ll become boring, do you?”

  He laughed out loud, his head falling back onto the pillow, “Of course you will,” he said, flashing his beautiful smile, “in about a million years. No,” he answered, all teasing erased. “I didn’t truly believe that forever could exist until I met you and now all I can think about is that we’re going to spend it together. You’ll never be boring to me, Annalisa, so don’t change anything. I love you just the way you are—except pregnant, someday I want to change you that way, just not now. I want you to get the chance to be young and happy for quite a few more years before we take that step.”

  “But if I end up pregnant from this Micah, it’ll be okay.”

  “No,” he was shaking his head, “she told us we had a small window, that’s why this is it for unprotected sex. The next time I make love to you, I’m wearing a condom.”

  “But Micah, she said four or five days.”

  “I don’t want to get you pregnant at eighteen, Leese. That’s too young.”

  “And if I am right now?” I questioned, turning his face to me and making sure I had his full attention.

  “I still say you’re too young to go through that.”

  “Well, I don’t believe in abortion, so I guess you’ll just have to deal with an eighteen-year-old pregnant wife. God does everything—”

  “For a reason, I know. I don’t believe in abortion either and I’d never expect you to do something like that, so I guess, to answer your original question, we’d become parents nine months from now. But I’m not taking any more chances with you.”

  “Will it change things for us? The condoms, I mean.”

  “It’ll change things a little for me, but you should stay happy.”

  “But I’m not happy if you aren’t.”

  “Trust me, they aren’t going to stop me from being happy with you; it’ll just take me a little longer to reach my orgasm. By the way, any cramps?”

  “If there were, they’re gone and all I remember is how fabulous you felt. You were dancing inside me and—”

  “Dancing?” he seemed surprised.

  “You didn’t realize you were timed to the music?”

  He started to laugh, “I’m glad I didn’t accidently have some hard rock mixed in with the CD’s.”

  I grinned, “Well, I think you had a little hard rock going through your head at the end, but other than that you were my private dancer and I’ll never hear those songs quite the same way again.”

  “How about breakfast and lunch in our room; then we can join some of our guests for dinner tonight?”

  I looked at the clock, “That’s about eight or nine hours from now. We’ll have to think of something to keep us entertained,” I said with a sly grin, “I get to wash you in the shower this time.”

  We both laughed, knowing the next hours would be just as pleasurable as the last.

  Chapter Six

  Giorgio, Celeste and Gwen were going down to Emeril’s Miami Beach restaurant, but David and Mom had plans for a quiet evening at the Acqualina’s Beachfront Grill Night, and they were more than willing to have us as company. I was surprised Kimmy wasn’t with them when we arrived downstairs. The tables were arranged on the lawn with torches, lanterns and candles for lighting as the Atlantic lapped steadily at the shoreline.

  We ordered our drinks and I tried not to frown when they ordered a bottle of wine. Both of them looked different tonight. Mom looked so young, in her gauzy beach dress, her hair pulled back at the temples in a ponytail and the rest was loose on her shoulders. She had gotten some sunshine today and her skin was slightly red, but I knew she tanned easily and by tomorrow she’d be brown. Her smooth, tanned legs were crossed at the knee and casually swinging her sandaled foot in the night air.

  David was impressive. I guess he always was, but I had no reason to notice him before. Now I studied him carefully as he smiled and laughed and occasionally reached over and stroked my mother’s arm. He was slightly taller than Micah, but the closer I inspected, I realized Micah had a bit of a muscular advantage over his brother. What impressed me the most was the fact that David was completely devoid of vulgarity and crudeness. He was proving he could be a gentleman when necessary, and I liked that side of him. My only problem was forgetting his other side.

  “Where’s Kimmy,” I finally asked as the appetizers were brought to the table.

  “They have a pool-side movie night,” Mom answered, with the slightest hint of a grin, “she’ll be there until about nine or nine thirty.”

  “By herself?” I was hoping I was wrong.

  “Leese, she’s six years old, of course she has someone with her.”

  “The hotel offers babysitting?” Micah asked.

  “Yeah, but not this late,” David responded before Mom could answe
r, “A friend of Leese’s offered, so we decided to take him up on it.”

  “Him?” I said, clearly confused as to who was watching my little sister.

  “Ryan,” Mom clarified, “We asked him if he’d like to join us for dinner, but he offered to entertain Kimmy instead.”

  The conversation around the table continued, but all the while I thought about Ryan’s tall, tattooed, macho persona sitting through a Disney film surrounded by small children, all to provide a quiet evening for my mother and a guy who looked a lot like my husband.

  “Did you tell him Micah and I were joining you for dinner?” I asked, completely out of sync with what was being discussed.

  Mom took a sip of her wine and put the glass back on the table, “Actually, yes, I think I did mention that to him.”

  I could see from the corner of my eye Micah was studying my face, so I looked at him and tried a smile. It still bothered me to think that Ryan, who should be scoping out the cute girls at the resort or on the beach, was instead ‘babysitting.’

  Mom and David ordered light from the menu and were soon excusing themselves from our company. I watched David place his arm around her shoulders as she leaned her head against him and they walked away. I felt a light touch on my arm.

  “Are you okay?”

  “They’re both happy. I don’t know how I couldn’t be okay with that,” I sighed.

  He leaned over and kissed my cheek, “Why does Ryan watching Kimmy bother you so much?”

  I rolled my eyes, “It doesn’t bother—”

  “Leese,” he said, eyebrows rising as if to say to think twice before uttering a lie.

  “He should be finding a date, not covering so someone else can have one,” I confessed.

  “He’s a big boy. Maybe he wanted to meet a single mom at the pool and Kimmy was his ticket to do that,” he gave a light laugh.

  I frowned without thinking, “He’s not that kind of guy.”

  “I’m trying hard not to be a jealous person, but you might give me a complex if you spend much more brain power on Ryan instead of me.” There was no teasing to his statement.


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