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Running Away From Love

Page 25

by Jessica Tamara

  He smiled as he said “Our life is really like some kind of crazy ass movie lately. I guess it can be said I stole another man’s bride. But we both know that is the furthest thing from the truth. You have always been my bride, it just took us awhile to get it right. I’m glad we finally made it to this point though. I love you so much, Jasmine, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life showing you just how much that I do. Now that I have you all to myself, I have been waiting forever to ask you this question.”

  Then he pulled away from me and got down on one knee. He smiled at me as he said “Jasmine, nothing would make me happier than to spend the rest of my life with you. It really has been a long time coming for the both of us to get to this very moment, but I wouldn’t trade any of our ups or downs. You are my soulmate and the love of my life. At this point there is no more running either of us need to do. Were made to be together.”

  He pulled out a velvet box and opened it revealing a beautiful diamond engagement ring. The ring was a perfect princess cut diamond, simple and very classy. Not too gaudy, but it was no question it was a very expensive ring. It was the perfect ring for me. I was amazed at how well he knew my taste. He took my hand and placed the ring onto my finger, and it fit perfectly. I was completely overwhelmed with emotion at the thought of us really ending up in this moment. Thru it all we made it, and remained very much in love with each other. I cried nothing but tears of joy. This man has made me feel every single emotion possible, but his love alone takes me to another level.

  With no hesitation I said “Yes, baby, of course I will marry you. Nothing in this world would make me happier.”

  He got up and scooped me up into his arms swinging me around as we smiled and laughed. Once he put me down I grabbed his face kissing his lips as I whispered into his ear that I love him. We must have caused a scene because everyone crowded around us clapping and cheering. My mom and London ended up being absolutely right. When it was with the right man the love that filled your heart was nothing short of magical. This love with him consumed all of me! I loved this man more than anything in this world, and for the first time I had no doubts whatsoever he loved me just the same. It has been a long time coming for the both of us, but I couldn’t be any happier. The right love finally caught up to me. I didn’t feel the need to run anymore, because everything I needed was all with him.


  Today is the beginning of the rest of my life I am marrying my soulmate. Right now, I am existing in a place I didn’t think would ever be my reality. God has blessed me beyond measure and my cup truly runneth over with love, happiness, fulfillment, and peace. So much has happened over the past year in my life. Trey and I welcomed a beautiful, happy, and healthy baby boy Treyson Jr. We call him TJ and he is the spitting image of his father just like Trey predicted. After ten hours of labor you would think he would come out looking just like me. Of course I think he is the most gorgeous baby boy in the world. He has my eyes and smile, but everything else is all Trey! Ever since he has entered our world he has been the light of our lives. By far the greatest creation he and I could have ever made together. That little boy is our pride and joy. Trey has been amazing as a new dad. Even with his busy schedule he makes it a point to be a very hands on father, and help me out wherever he can. He changes diapers, feeds him, and is home every night to put him to bed. I decided to give up my job at the magazine, and focus on my career as a writer. I have successfully self-published my first book, and it has recently become a bestseller. I do some freelance writing here and there. I am in the beginning stages of building my business plan for my magazine. Everything is falling into place perfectly. It is as if all of my dreams are coming true. Trey and I purchased a beautiful home together in New Jersey. This will be the home we start our family in, and Trey has been determined to put baby number two in my belly ever since we bought this house. He already knows I never turn down the chance to practice. In all honesty I feel like the luckiest woman on the planet to call Trey all mine. He can get whatever he wants, even baby number two.

  I had all of my bridesmaids and the women in me and Trey’s family surrounded me moments before our wedding ceremony. TJ was playing with his god brother Jayden London’s son. My mom and Trey’s mom kept a watchful eye over the both of them. Over the past year I worked my ass off to get the baby weight off. As I looked at myself in the mirror I can honestly say I did a great job. My son gave me curves in all of the right places I didn’t have before. My breasts were much fuller, and I gained hips and an even bigger ass. My wedding dress fit my curves like a glove. I had one thing in mind when I searched for my dress. I wanted my husband to look at me like I was the most beautiful woman walking this earth, and want to rip the dress right off of me immediately. I wasn’t one for the big fluffy dresses. My dress was an ivory colored custom Vera Wang dress. The cut was a form fitting V-neck halter until you got to the bottom where it flared out into a small train. My hair was pulled up with curls slightly framing my face. I kept my makeup natural and simple. I couldn’t remove the smile that covered my face. I was surrounded by love on one of the most important days of my life. Today I will officially become Mrs. Treyson Matthews. This moment has been a long time coming, but I feel like everything has come full circle. Through all the drama and back and forth here we are. Our relationship and bond is stronger than it has ever been before. I am marrying my best friend who just so happens to be the love of my life.

  London snapped me out of my thoughts and said “Ladies I want to make a toast.”

  Everyone was handed a glass of champagne. London said “I want to toast to my best friend, my twin. I am so happy for you; words can’t even describe it. No one deserves this more than you. Lord knows you and Trey have been through it all. But anyone close to the two of you could see you two were meant to be together. You two complement one another in the most perfect way. Not to mention this gorgeous little boy you two created together who calls me god mommy is the smartest cutest boy in the world. I have seen such a growth in you, Jasmine, and the woman you have become is one I truly admire. So here’s to you, Jasmine. May God bless your and Trey’s union. Marriage is one of the most beautiful union when it is with the right person.”

  I was trying my best to hold back my tears. Hearing her say all of those things was everything to me. Everyone raised there glasses and sipped champagne except for me.

  I got everyone’s attention and said “I’m really trying my best not to cry and mess up my makeup. I appreciate and admire each and every woman that is standing here with me. Mom, you are everything to me and more. My only hope is I have become the woman you dreamed I would be. Mrs. Matthews, you have been like a second mom to me, and I can never repay you for everything you have done for Trey and me. I can’t wait to finally become a part of the Matthews family. London, you have been there for me through all of my ups and downs. We may argue and fight, but in the end nothing will ever break the bond we share. I love you to the moon and back. To all of my family and friends thank you so much for sharing this moment with me. I appreciate you all so much. Now let’s get me married before he changes his mind!”

  Everyone laughed. I walked over to my baby boy picking him up. He smiled at me and grabbed my face.

  I smiled as I said “Mommy loves you very much. Can I have a kiss?” He laughed as he shyly tried to hide from my kisses. I never listen I pulled him in close places kisses all over his chubby cheeks as I tickled him. His smile and laughter lightens up my world.

  Our wedding planner came into the room and said “It’s time ladies. Jasmine your dad is waiting on you downstairs.”

  Trey was surrounded by all his groomsman his father and uncles. They all poured up shots of Dusse in celebration of Trey getting married. As they all raised their shot glasses Mike said “Okay, fellas, here’s to my bro, Trey, taking the big marriage leap today. Jasmine is an amazing woman, and I can see she makes you a better man. I’m proud of you for stepping up as a man, and making an honest woman out of t
he mother of your child. Proud of you, bro!”

  They all raised their shot glasses and took back the shots. Trey spoke up saying “Okay, fellas let’s get me married to the love of my life.”

  They all walked out into the church which was decorated to perfection. Their wedding colors were white, gold, and lilac. Lilac flowers and white roses filled the room. Trey admired everything and smiled. Everything most definitely had Jasmine written all over it. He couldn’t wait for her to see the surprise he put together just for her. It didn’t matter the cost, time, or aggravation, he wanted this day to be everything that she had dreamed. He was so grateful to have her in his life, and he wanted to give her the world. It has been a long time coming, and he couldn’t wait to make her Mrs. Matthews. She gave him one of the greatest gifts in the world, a son. The journey for them to get to this moment was not an easy one. A lot of mistakes on both of their parts, but somehow they made it thru. It didn’t come without some pain and aggravation, but here they are about to be joined as man and wife. This very moment makes their journey together and apart that much worth it. In the end everything made them grow stronger as a unit.

  Jasmine waited anxiously as the wedding planner gave the signal to start the ceremony. The music played as she watched the bridesmaids and groomsman go down the aisle together. TJ was the ring bearer. Trey’s face lit up once he saw his son walking towards him. He bent down and held his arms open for him to come to him. TJ smiled and broke out running towards his father once he saw him. Everyone laughed as TJ fumbled his way into his dad’s arms. Trey picked him up playfully swinging him around. He put him down and had him stand next to him. Trey was not in the least bit nervous. Deep down he knew the first day he set his eyes on her as a teenager that she was the woman he would marry. Everything had come full circle. Jasmine watched as the flower girl began making her way down the aisle. She knew she was next up to go. She wasn’t nervous, just anxious. All she wanted to do was be in his arms for the rest of her life. It has been at least a full day since they saw each other, and she was missing the hell out of her man.

  Jasmine looked over to her dad and said “You ready to do this, dad?”

  He smiled and said “I am more than ready. This is the man I feel more than comfortable giving my baby girl away too.”

  He kissed her on the cheek. The wedding planner came back over and fixed everything on Jasmine before she walked out. She said “You look beautiful Jasmine. Let’s get you two married.”

  The doors opened and everyone’s attention immediately turned to Jasmine.

  Jasmine decided she was going to walk down the aisle to their song, Jagged Edge’s “Promise.” As she began to walk she almost screamed when she saw Jagged Edge was actually there singing the song live at their wedding. Trey spotted her surprised face and couldn’t suppress his laughter. He knew she absolutely loved Jagged Edge, and she would sing this song in her tone deaf voice to him any chance she got. Once Jasmine got closer, Trey felt like his breath was taken away. She looked stunningly beautiful in her wedding dress. He never thought he would be the guy to cry on his wedding day, but seeing her brought tears to his eyes. Once she made it down the aisle to him Jagged Edge was almost done with the song. Jasmine reached over and caressed his face when she saw he was emotional. Trey was not the emotional type of guy at all, and whenever he showed emotion you know it was for a magical moment. Trey kissed her hand and smiled. Jasmine turned towards Jagged Edge in disbelief that they really were there singing for her. She had no idea Trey had planned this for her. She always said Jagged Edge would sing at her wedding, but she never in a million years would have imagined it would happen. This day was everything she could have imagined. She had a surprise of her own for Trey at the wedding reception. Once her father gave her away, Trey took her hand leading her right beside him. As the pastor began to talk Jasmine and Trey never took their eyes off each other. Even with everything going on around them, it only felt like it was just the two of them in this moment.

  After they said all of their I do’s he said “I now promise you man and wife. You may now kiss your bride.” The whole church erupted in cheers and claps as Trey removed Jasmines vail. He pulled her into his arms kissing her deeply and lovingly.

  He said “You’re all mine, now, baby.”

  Jasmine smiled as she said “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  The wedding reception was a huge celebration for all of their close family and friends. Their first dance together Jasmine and Trey laughed and messed around with each other the whole time.

  As they slow danced Jasmine said “So I have something to tell you baby.”

  Trey curious to what she had to say said “Okay, what’s up, baby?” She smiled as she said “Well, its two things actually. The first is that I have planned for us to spend our honeymoon in Bora Bora for a whole week. Nothing but you and me on a beautiful island to celebrate the rest of our lives together. And the second part of my surprise is we won’t need to try for a baby while we are there, because we’ve already successfully made another one. Are you ready to be a daddy again?”

  Surprised, Trey stepped back examining her and said “Oh my God! Are you serious, baby! So that is why you have been declining drinks all night tonight.”

  Trey yelled to the DJ to stop the music. Once the music stopped he yelled to everyone saying “She’s pregnant everybody! There will be another addition to the Matthews family coming soon!”

  Jasmine laughed at his excitement, and how he might not have registered that she also said they were going to Bora Bora. Trey has been dying to vacation there for the longest time. Everyone cheered and said their congratulations. Trey pulled Jasmine into his arms and said “I don’t know how God blessed me with such an amazing woman who I will get to spend the rest of my life with. I love you so much.”

  Jasmine smiled as she caressed his face before kissing his lips. She said “God has also blessed me with an amazing man who I get the pleasure to call my husband. I couldn’t imagine being on this journey with any other man than the one standing in front of me right now.”

  Is it possible to have an happily ever after? Most would say no such thing even exists. The road traveled in regards to love and life is not an easy one. Love can be so simple, but at the same time so complicated. There will be ups and downs. There will be roadblocks, stops, and even some U-turns. No one can run away or control their heart. Love isn’t logic; it’s all feeling. Only thing you can do is hold on, and try to enjoy the crazy ass ride. If you find the right person to take this journey with, nothing else in the world will ever compare. What God put together, let no man tear apart. Jasmine and Trey did not have an easy path to happily ever after, but they weathered the storm. In the end, the heart wants, what the heart wants. They only wanted each other!




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