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Woman and Goddess in Hinduism

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by Tracy Pintchman

  goddess traditions. See spirituality, feminist

  gods: Ka, 173, 176, 182, 188, 194n3; Viu, 179–180; women as, 137–140. See also iva

  Gold, Ann, 222

  Gold, Daniel, 110

  Gonda, Jan, 163

  gops (milkmaids, followers of Ka), 14, 173, 177, 188, 192, 193, 194n3

  grammar, 154, 158

  Great Goddess. See Mahdev (Great Goddess); See also Dev (Goddess)

  Great Mantra Practice (mahmantrasdhana). See Kl Practice

  Ghya Stras, 155, 163

  Gross, Rita, 4, 103–104

  GST (Gupta Sdhana Tantra), 127, 131, 137, 139

  GT (Gandharva Tantra), 127, 128, 131, 135, 136, 141n10, 141n12

  Gupta, Lina, 103

  Gupta Sdhana Tantra (GST), 127, 131, 137, 139

  Gurumayi (Swami Chidvilasananda), 99, 100–103, 108, 116n19, 223. See also Siddha Yoga

  gurus, 132, 139–140

  gurus, female, 12, 99; as the Goddess, 106–107; leadership styles of, 101, 114n6; akti and, 105; textual references to, 125; titles of, 105–106; universality and, 107–109; Western feminism and, 100–103

  health/welfare, women’s, 13–14, 149–150, 155, 158, 160, 166

  heat. See fire; tapas (heat of ascetic practices)

  Hegel, G. W. F., 131

  Heidegger, Martin, 7

  Hein, Norvin, 185

  Herman, Phyllis K., 11–12, 222–223

  hermeneutics, 1–16; constructive engagement and, 1, 15; defined, 3; dialexis and, 6; Gandhi and, 198, 210, 214–215; hermeneutical circle, 8–9; hermeneutical effort, 6–9; hermeneutics of alterity and, 3–4; intersubjective construction and, 5–6; methodology and, 3–6, 219–220; Otherness and, 2–9, 5, 226; scholarship and, 97; social/religious change and, 227; surrender and, 174; themes and, 9–15. See also dialexis; intersubjectivity; scholarship

  Howard, Veena R., 13, 15, 181, 224

  Humes, Cynthia, 221–222

  husbands: choice of, 20, 22–24, 29, 30, 31n2, 223; death of, 24–25; devotion to, 19–20, 29, 30, 82–84, 210, 223, 225; of female gurus, 106. See also pativrats (devoted wives)

  icons. See Chinnamast Indian National Congress, 215

  “Indian Nationalism, Gandhian ‘Satyagraha,’ and Representations of Female Sexuality” (Katrak), 199

  infanticide, female, 14, 160–161, 162, 165, 225

  injunction (codan), 153, 160–164, 165

  inner being as female, 15, 189–192

  inner disposition (bhva), 177

  intention (vivaka), 154

  intersubjectivity, 4, 5–6, 7–9, 15, 219, 226; dialexis and, 2; personal experience and, 113; scholarship and, 97, 99, 227–228; Siddha Yoga and, 102. See also dialexis; hermeneutics; scholarship

  Iyer, Subramania, 154

  Jaimini, 150, 151, 154, 160, 161, 162

  Jarow, E. H. Rick, 13, 14–15, 224, 227

  Jayashri Ma (female guru), 106

  Jha, Ganganatha, 154

  jñna (knowledge), 180

  Johnson, Mark, 13, 150

  jor (unified male-female pair), 224–225

  kacc food, 81, 88

  Kakar, Sudhir, 190, 224–225

  Kl, 68, 125, 126, 128

  Klidsa, 83

  Kl Practice, 12–13, 223–224; elements of, 126–127; rite of sexual union in, 133–134; textual sources for, 127–128; “women are gods” verse, 128, 131, 132, 137–139; women’s power and, 135–138; women’s rights and, 122–123

  kma (sensory pleasure), 69, 187–188

  Kmkhya temple, 74, 123, 128

  Kmevara Sri, 52, 57n1, 58n13, 58n15

  karma (works/worldly action), 180

  Katrak, Ketu H., 199, 202

  Ktyyana rauta Stra, 158

  Kaustaki rauta Stra, 161

  KCT (Kulacmai Tantra), 125, 128

  Khanna, Madhu, 69, 106, 226

  Kishwar, Madhu, 91, 93n6, 98, 204, 209, 213, 225

  kitchens, 11–12, 82–83, 87, 92, 222–223. See also cooking; St Rasos

  Knipe, David, 165

  Kohut, Heinz, 5

  kratvrtha (also kratu-artha) (coherence of ritual), 153, 161–162

  Kristeva, Julia, 140

  Ka, 173, 176, 182, 188, 194n3

  Kulacmai Tantra (KCT), 125, 128

  Kulrava Tantra (KuT), 125, 127, 128, 133

  Kumrila, 162

  kualin, 10, 41–42, 65–66, 67

  kualin akti, 109, 122

  KuT (Kulrnava Tantra), 125, 127, 128, 133

  Lacan, Jacques, 140

  Laksmdhara, 43, 52, 57n1, 58n15, 58n16, 58n18

  Lal, Vinay, 199

  leadership, women’s, 101, 102, 114n6, 227

  Levi-Strauss, Claude, 159

  lexical choice, 6

  ll (play), 70–71, 182, 192–193, 194n3

  Lipner, Julius, 25

  love, 187–189. See also bhakti (loving devotion)

  McDaniel, June, 106, 184, 190–191

  McDermott, Rachel, 125

  McGee, Mary, 81, 89, 150, 158

  Mcthbhftctvcttct Purnct, 67

  Mahbhrata, 206; story of Svitr in, 21–25, 26–29

  Mahdev (Great Goddess): Mahvidys and, 10–11, 62, 64–65; nonduality and, 73; as akti, 105; Saundarya Lahar and, 10, 33. See also Dev (Goddess)

  Mahvidys, 10–11, 61–62, 64–65, 67–68

  Ma Jaya (female guru), 106

  mantras: artha and, 153–154; Dev and, 36, 42–44; Mms and, 154; “protection of Rma” mantra, 149; recited for/with women, 131, 163; R. gvedic mantra, 157; women’s health/ welfare and, 150; women’s power and, 136–137

  mantra texts, 151

  Manu, 30, 125, 127

  Manushi (magazine), 91

  marriage, 211. See also husbands; pativrats (devoted wives)

  masculinity, 64; brahmacarya and, 207; devotion and, 184; divinity and, 189–190; emasculation, 190–191, 193; Gandhi and, 202; karma and, 180; power and, 181.

  See also femininity

  Mataji, Sri (Nirmala Devi) (female guru), 101

  Matsya Pura, 85

  my, 101, 102, 107

  My Tantra (MT), 127, 133, 135, 136, 137–138, 141n12

  Meera Ma (Mother Meera) (female guru), 101, 106

  Mehta, Narsi, 190

  men, 106, 190–191, 203, 206. See also husbands; masculinity

  methodology. See hermeneutics “Mms and the Problem of History in Traditional India” (Pollock), 152

  Mms philosophy, 13–14, 149–150, 151–152, 152–155, 158, 165–166, 219–220. See also

  Mira, 183

  moks.a (spiritual liberation), 69

  Molaram, 71

  Moral Imagination (Johnson), 13, 150

  motherliness, 105–106, 184, 222

  Mother Meera (Meera Ma) (female guru), 101, 106

  MT (My Tantra), 127, 133, 135, 136, 137–138, 141n12

  Muktananda, Swami, 108, 110

  Muller-Ortega, Paul, 64

  nd. s (energy channels of subtle body), 67

  Naidu, Sarojini, 90, 215

  nmadheya texts, 151

  Nammlvr, 173

  Nandy, Ashis, 181

  Nrada, 23–24

  Nrada Bhakti Stras, 185–186

  Narayanan, Swami, 160

  Nrvda initiative, 226

  nationalism, 90–91, 181, 186, 199, 204–205

  Nehru, Uma, 209

  Nlasaraswat (Blue Goddess of Speech), 126, 128

  Nlasaraswat Tantra (NST), 127, 135, 137–138

  Nla Tantra (NT), 127, 128

  Nirmala Devi (Sri Mataji) (female guru), 101

  nonduality, 11, 62–64, 73, 174– 175. See also dualities

  nonviolence movement, 4, 198–199, 199–201

  nourishment/fertility, 82; blood as, 65–66, 68, 71–73; St and, 84–85

  NST (Nlasaraswat Tantra), 127, 135, 137–138

  NT (Nla Tantra), 127, 128

  Of Woman Caste (Bagwe), 129

  Orientalism, 126

  Otherness, 2–9, 15, 99, 140, 226

p; Padma Pura, 173

  Padoux, Andre, 33–34

  pakk food, 81, 88

  Pini, 164

  Prvat, 42–43, 68, 84, 121–123

  Patjali, 158, 164

  Patel, Sujata, 202, 212, 216n4

  pativrats (devoted wives), 14, 223; cooking and, 87–89; defined, 80–82; empowerment and, 79–80; nationalism and, 90–91; ka Pithas and, 83–84; shrines and, 86–87; St Rasos and, 82–83; surrender and, 173, 178; tapas and, 25, 81, 89; women’s power and, 89–92

  Patton, Laurie L., 13–14, 219–220, 225, 226, 227

  Pauwels, Heidi, 186

  Pechilis, Karen, 11, 12, 220, 225, 226

  personal experience, 61–63, 64, 109, 110–111, 113, 223

  Phetkrin. Tantra (PhT), 127, 141n12

  philosophy, Hindu, 13–14, 225; · Skhy philosophy, 63, 128–129, 182. See also Mms philosophy

  PhT (Phetkrin. Tantra), 127, 141n12

  physicality. See embodiedness/materiality/prakti

  pleasure, 69, 187–188; social order and, 185–186; as spiritually significant, 46, 48–49, 52, 55–56; surrender and, 182–183; tantra and, 34. See also sexuality

  PMS (Prva Mms Siltras), 151, 152, 153, 154, 163

  Pollock, Sheldon, 151, 152 power: Dev and, 36, 38–40, 51–52; fasting and, 89; kitchens and, 87, 92; surrender and, 181, 185, 188, 192–193. See also empowerment; power, women’s; akti (female spiritual power); tapas (power of ascetic practices)

  power, women’s: becoming female and, 190–191; Gandhi and, 198, 201, 214–215; Kl Practice and, 135–138; nonviolence and, 199– 201. See also empowerment; power; akti (female spiritual power)

  Prajnda, Swamy, 65

  pakrti (nature, materiality). See embodiedness/materiality/prakti?

  pakrti (ritual prototype), 163

  prama (authoritative knowledge, right reasoning), 13–14, 149, 150–151, 159, 160–161, 165

  prapatti (surrender). See surrender prema (otherworldly love), 187–189.

  See also bhakti (loving devotion), 174; Bhgavata Purn. a, 177, 181, 188; Dev Bhgavata Purn. a, 184; Mahbhgavata Purn. a, 67; Matsya Purn. a, 85; Padma Purn. a, 173

  purity, 88, 187 (consciousness), 63, 128–129, 182

  purusrtha (also purusa-artha) (goals of humanity), 153, 155, 158–159, 160

  Prva Mlmms Stras (PMS) (Jaimini), 151, 152, 153, 154, 163

  Pustimrga (Vaisnava sect), 180

  Puttick, Elizabeth, 101, 102, 114n6

  Rdh, 175, 176, 182, 185, 188, 189, 192

  Raheja, Gloria, 138

  Rmnuja, 178, 179

  Rma-raksa, (“protection of Rma” mantra), 149

  Rmyana/ narrative, 82, 85, 86

  Ramprasad, Bhatuk, 65

  rsa-ll (circle dance), 192–193, 194n3

  Ratte, Lou, 90

  reflection, 1, 9–11, 97, 110–111, 219. See also dialexis

  renunciation, 182, 199–200. See also surrender

  R. gvedic hymns. See RV 5.78 (hymn)

  R. gvedic mantra, 157

  Ra Vidhna, 156–157

  Ricoeur, Paul, 9

  rituals, 149–166; coherence of, 153, 161–162; cooking as, 87–89; ethical thought and, 160–161; in everyday life, 149; Mms and, 151–155; rite of sexual union, 127, 132–134; RV 5.78 and, 155–157; transfer of action and, 163–164; women’s health and, 13–14, 149–151, 158–166. See also Mms philosophy; sacrifices, ritual

  Ruether, Rosemary, 4

  Rpa Gosvmí, 180

  RV 5.78 (hymn), 155–157, 159, 160, 164, 166

  abdrtha (also abda-arthd) (meaningfulness of Vedic words),

  sacred geography, 11–12, 80, 83–84, 85, 92. See also Skta Pthas; St Rasos

  sacrifices, ritual, 153; artha and, 154; dharma and, 162; ethical thought and, 165; grammar and, 158; Mms and, 151–152; women and, 154–155, 158–159, 164, 165. See also Mms philosophy

  sadcara (traditional/customary practice), 14, 149–150, 160–161

  sdhana (spiritual practice), 67, 108, 111, 136. See also ascetic practices

  kta Conduct (sktcra). See Kl Practice

  Skta Pithas (“Seats/Places of Goddess Power” shrines), 11–12, 79–80, 83–84, 85–87

  Skta tantra, 62, 63–64, 67, 70, 184

  s’akti (female/feminine spiritual power), 11–13, 223–224, 226; childbirth and, 201–202; Dev and, 54–55, 221–222; kundalin s’akti, 109, 122; Siddha Yoga and, 105; surrender and, 189; transmission of, 108, 110. See also empowerment; power; power, women’s

  akti (Great Goddess), 64, 105, 189, 226. See also Mahdev (Great Goddess); kta tantra

  aktisahgama Tantra, 126

  Sambandar, 173

  . amkara, 35, 57n6, 58n13

  · Smkhya philosophy, 63, 128–129, 182

  Saptavadhri, 155–157, 159

  Sat, 11–12; body of, 83–84, 85; empowerment and, 79, 86–87; ideals of womanhood and, 19–20, 30; jo and, 224–225; Mahvidys and, 67–68; materiality and, 222–223; nationalism and, 90; Svitr and, 10, 20–26, 30. See also kta Pihas

  Sat-Svitr, 10, 19, 20

  satygraha (truth-force, moral force), 198–201

  Satyavn, 24–25, 26–28

  Saundarya Lahar, 10, 33–59; beauty and, 37; climax of, 52–54; Dev in, 36–55; feminism and, 54–56; “Flood of Beauty,” 45–52, 53; “Flood of Bliss,” 40–45, 53; materiality and, 221–222; tantra and, 33–36. See also Dev (Goddess)

  Svitr, 19–31; agency and, 223; Gandhi and, 213; ideals of womanhood and, 19–20, 29–31; jo and, 224–225; Sat and, 10, 20–26, 30; story of, 21–30; Suttee and, 10, 26, 28–29, 30

  Saxena, Neela Bhattacharya, 9, 10–11, 222

  Scharf, Peter, 154

  scholarship, 2–3, 97–99, 219–228. See also dialexis; hermeneutics; intersubjectivity; scholarship, feminist

  scholarship, feminist, 4, 99, 101–102, 113, 213, 223

  Selby, Martha, 184

  Sered, Susan, 87

  sexuality: celibacy, 199, 204–208, 216n3, 224; Chinnamast and, 65–67, 70, 71, 72, 222; feminine virtues and, 202; Gandhi’s, 198; surrender and, 182; tantra and, 34, 62–64, 127, 132–134; women’s power and, 136

  Sharma, Arvind, 9, 10, 223, 224–225

  Sherma, Rita D.: hermeneutics of intersubjectivity and, 219, 226; on Hindu feminism, 80; on my, 107; reenvisioning of Hindu traditions and, 220; on scholarship, 97, 98, 99; on Siddha Yoga, 115n13; on tantra, 63–64, 107

  shrines. See kta Pihas; St Rasos

  Siddha Yoga: accessibility and, 104–105; feminism and, 100–103, 223; feminist scholarship and, 99; gender and, 109; personal experience and, 110–111, 113, 223; akti and, 105, 108, 110, 223; social activism and, 112–113; South Fallsburg ashram, 100, 110–112; tantra and, 115n13

  Sircar, D. C., 83

  St, 11–12, 220; cooking and, 82–83, 84–85, 86, 222–223; empowerment and, 79–80, 86–87, 89–92; Gandhi and, 15, 210, 212, 213; surrender and, 177. See also St Rasos

  St Rasos (“St’s Kitchen” shrines), 11–12, 79–80, 82–83, 85–87, 92

  iva: Chinnamast and, 69, 71; Dev and, 34, 38, 44–45, 48, 54; Mahvidys and, 67–68; Sat and, 19, 30, 83–84; in Siddha Yoga, 104; tantra and, 64, 115n13, 121, 123; women and, 137–138

  smti (remembered knowledge), 149–150

  snakes, 65, 74

  Soaring and Settling: Buddhist Perspectives on Contemporary Social and Religious Issues (Gross), 4

  social change: bhakti and, 184; Mms and, 152–153; nonviolence movement, 198–201; scholarship and, 226–228; Siddha Yoga and, 112–113

  South Fallsburg ashram, 100, 110–112

  spirituality, feminist, 103, 108–109, 223

  Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty, 102

  rauta Stras, 155, 158, 161

  r Cakra, 35, 42

  r Vaiava School, 178–179

  r ʏantra, 174–175, 224

  Staal, Frits, 153–154, 163

  Steger, Manfred, 202

  Stotraratna (Ymuncrya), 179

sp; strdharma (codes of conduct about women’s lives), 14, 150

  “Subjectivity and Intersubjectivity;

  Subject and Person” (Gadamer), 7

  dras (servant caste), 129, 130, 139, 224

  Sundar Rajan, Rajeshwari, 124–125

  surrender, 14–15, 173–193, 220; colonialism and, 185–187; desire and, 182–183; discourse of, 173–178; etymologies of, 178–182; gender and, 189–192; love and, 187–189; power and, 181, 188, 192–193; social politics and, 183–185. See also bhakti (loving devotion)

  Suttee, 10, 19–20, 26, 28–29, 30

  Taittirya Sahit, 161

  Taneja, Anup, 201, 209

  tantra, 12–13, 220; defined, 63; Dev and, 45, 54; Kl Practice in, 126–127; left-handed, 122, 126, 128; my and, 107; right-handed, 122; kta tantra, 62, 63–64, 67, 70, 184; Saundarya Lahar and, 33–36, 40–45, 46; scholarship and, 123–124; sexuality and, 34, 62–64, 133–134; worship in, 121–123. See also Kl Practice; tantric texts

  tantric texts, 69, 124, 125, 127–128; Bhannla Tantra (BT), 127, 128, 132, 134, 135, 136, 139;

  Cncra Tantra (CT), 127, 139;

  Gandharva Tantra (GT), 127, 128, 131, 135, 136, 141n10, 141n12; Gupta Sdhana Tantra (GST), 127, 131, 137, 139; Kulacmai Tantra (KCT), 125, 128; Kulrava Tantra (KuT), 125, 127, 128, 133; My Tantra (MT), 127, 133, 135, 136, 137–138, 141n12; Nlasaraswat Tantra (NST), 127, 135, 137–138; Nla Tantra (NT), 127, 128; Phetkri Tantra (PhT), 127, 141n12; aktisagama Tantra, 126; ʏoni Tantra (YT), 127

  tapas (heat, power of ascetic practices): Gandhi and, 202–203; pativrats and, 25, 81, 89; Sat and, 83; satygraha and, 199–200; Svitr and, 10, 28–29, 30–31

  Tr, 126, 128

  The Ten Mahvidys: Tantric Visions of the Divine Feminine (Kinsley), 65, 66

  Terchek, Ronald J., 208

  thealogy, feminist, 54–56

  thealogy, Hindu, 1–2, 220

  traditional values, Hindu, 13–15, 20; reenvisioning of, 219–220; Svitr and, 10, 29–31; womanhood and, 198

  transcendence, 71, 193

  universalism, 227–228

  universality, 104–105, 107–109, 154

  Vaiava tradition, 14–15, 176. See also surrender

  Vallabha, 180

  Vaudeville, Charlotte, 173, 178

  Vedas, 13–14, 151, 152. See also Vedic texts

  Vedic texts, 13–14, 163; arthavda texts, 151, 160–161; Atharava Veda, 161–162; categories of, 151; feminism and, 150; Ghya Stras, 155, 163; RV 5.78 (hymn), 155–157, 159, 160, 164, 166; rauta Stras, 155, 158, 161; Vidhnas, 163


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