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Dirty Little Secret: A Secret Baby-Second Chance Romance (Sons of Sin Book 1)

Page 24

by Michelle Love

  Nurse Price.

  Hearing it never got old. And the fact I’d only been one for the last couple of years never got old either.

  Marrying Kane did a lot to change me. That and therapy. Lots and lots of therapy.

  Kane helped me to find a calling. At first, nothing interested me. Then Fox had a Go to Work with Your Parent Day, and I went along with him. And that’s when I fell in love.

  The active clinic my husband worked at had a good vibe about it. I asked Kane if there was anything I could do there. Sensing that I was finally interested in something, he asked one of the nurses if I could shadow her for a week.

  Shadowing her sealed the deal for me. I loved it all. Even the things some considered to be gross. And that was saying a lot since I was six months pregnant at the time.

  Kane and I had managed to put another bun in the oven soon after we were married. Another son was born only ten months after our wedding date. Fox got to name him. At first, I wasn’t too keen on the name he’d picked out, but then it grew on me. Kane loved it. I guess it was a guy thing.

  So Wolf Randall Price became the newest member of our family. Fox made sure I added his baby brother’s birthdate right under his on the inside of my wrist. That marked my second tat.

  After Wolf’s birth, I waited six months before starting nursing school. I discovered that I was a lot smarter than I’d ever given myself credit for. But then again, I not only had Kane to help me, but Fox, too. I soon found out that with my guys, I could rise to any occasion.

  Nursing came easily to me. The program only lasted two years, and then I was ready and qualified to get to work. There weren’t any openings at the clinic Kane worked at, but the local hospital was hiring. They took me on there, and since Kane made occasional rounds on patients in other area hospitals, we still got to see a lot of each other.

  The double doors to the lab were opened as we approached, and I hurried to make it through before they closed. “Here we are, Mrs. Doughty.”

  “I hate this part.” I saw her hands twisting on her lap.

  “I’ll stay with you—keep you company. It’ll be okay. You’ll see.” After checking her in, I took her to one of the treatment rooms and waited with her. She was still fretting and looking nervous. “So, tell me about Howard,” I asked her gently. I thought talking about her husband might help get her mind off the procedure.

  Her pale blue eyes twinkled a little. “He’s my hero.” Pink stained her cheeks, and her hands went up to them. “My name was Kay White back when he found me. You see, I lived in a children’s home down in Texas. I was still in high school, and I had no idea what I would do after graduation. Howard worked for a company in Dallas who needed lots of secretaries. The oil business had boomed, and they were expanding.

  “So Howard came to high schools to find seniors without any college prospects, and he offered them on-the-job training if they came to work at his company. Pretty good deal, right?”

  “Yes.” I really did find her story interesting and wanted to hear more.

  Her eyes went up to the ceiling for a moment then came back to look at me.

  “Funny. I thought I heard him calling out my name. He’s not here in this hospital, is he?”

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I shook my head. “No, ma’am. I don’t think so.”

  “Did you hear anything, Nurse Price?” she asked as she looked up again.

  “No, ma’am.” I tried to listen for what she might be hearing, but I didn’t hear anything that would even come close to someone calling out the name Kay.

  “Funny.” She looked at me again, and the phlebotomist came into the room. Kay cut her eyes at the lady. “Oh, no.”

  Quickly, I tried to distract her. “Mrs. Doughty, please tell me more about your Howard. I suppose you took the job in Dallas.”

  Her eyes moved to mine. “I did. I was scared to death, but I did it. I made that move with the help of some of the house parents from the children’s home. They wished me luck and bid me goodbye. Howard was waiting there to meet me the way he was for every person who came to join his company.”

  “Did you know he was your true love right from the very start?” I asked as the needle was inserted into the vein on her inner elbow.

  She didn’t even wince as she answered, “Oh, yes. From the moment I saw him, I knew he was the one. But he didn’t look at me the same way. Later, I found out that was because he would’ve gotten into trouble.” She smiled wistfully. “I wasn’t eighteen yet, and he was thirty-three. But during the three months that passed between his visit to my school and me going to Dallas, my birthday had come, and I was now of age.”

  “You must’ve been so excited to see what would happen,” I said as the vial of blood was filled.

  “Excited, yes. Scared, definitely.” She ducked her head, shyly. “I was still an innocent girl. And Howard was all man.”

  I had to laugh a little. “That must’ve been intimidating.”

  She looked up at me, a wry smile on her thin lips. “It was. Then when it finally happened—oh, my goodness!”

  “I bet.” I nodded. “Looks like we’re all done here.”

  “That’ll do it,” the phlebotomist told us then left the room.

  The old woman looked at her arm and then back at me with surprise. “Wow, you really did help me, Nurse Price.”

  “Anytime,” I said as I turned her wheelchair to guide her back out and up to her room.

  As soon as we went through the double doors, she whispered, “Do you see that?”

  I stopped to see what she was talking about. “Where?”

  “By that tree over there.” Now I knew she wasn’t all there.

  There wasn’t a tree anywhere around the place. “Hmm, I guess I don’t see it the way you do. Come on, let’s get you up to your room. It’s time for you to rest.”

  “I could swear…” she trailed off. “Nurse Price, do you believe in heaven?”

  “I sure do.” As a medical professional, you get asked that more times than most people do.

  “Good. Doctor Price does too, right?” she asked, sounding hopeful.

  “He does,” I let her know.

  Relief ran through her voice, “Good.”

  “You’re in excellent hands, Mrs. Doughty. No need to worry.” I turned her into her room, and the smell of cigar smoke hit me. “Oh, no. Who was smoking in here?”

  “I like that smell.” She let me help her out of the chair and into the bed. “It reminds me of Howard. Please don’t tell anyone to come in and spray something to make it go away?”

  Looking around the room, I found no evidence of any smoking. Shrugging, I walked to the door. “Okay. Have it your way. Have a nice nap, ma’am.”

  “I think I will.” She closed her eyes as she folded her hands and lay them on her stomach.

  Quietly closing the door to her room, I gasped, startled as a couple of arms closed around me from behind; large hands rubbed my belly. “How’s Sparrow?”


  My hands moved over the baby bump my wife sported. My lips pressed the soft spot behind her ear. “I’ve missed you today.”

  Zandra turned in my arms, running hers up and around my neck. A sexy smile greeted me. “It’s only been a few hours since we left the house, Doctor Price.”

  “Four to be exact. And after this morning and what you did to me—well, let’s just say that you’ve stayed on my mind.” I was very interested to see what the lunch surprise would be. She’d promised that she had something special in store for me.

  Pregnancy always made my wife hornier than usual. This one hadn’t been any different than the other two we’d been through. With her pregnancy with Wolf, we’d also been in our honeymoon phase, so I couldn’t really be sure where all that lustful sex came from. But then she got pregnant ten months later with our first daughter, Lark, and there was that wild sex-drive again. And only a year and a half later, we found ourselves preggo again with another little girl. We’d already give
n her the name, Sparrow.

  Licking her lips, she looked away toward one door in particular. “Meet me in room three-fifteen. It’s empty.”

  Letting her out of my arms, I walked away, heading straight to the room. “Should I prepare myself?”

  “Yes, a thorough examination is in order.” Her smile made my cock twitch.

  As soon as I got the door closed behind me, I shucked my clothes and climbed right into the bed. The lights were out, and the heavy curtains were pulled shut, making the room pretty dark.

  The door opened only a little, Zandra slipped silently inside, and then closed it behind her. I heard the lock tick, keeping anyone from walking in on us.

  Lying on my back, I had my hands under my head, thinking she was about to rock my world with a blowjob. Instead, she said. “On your hands and knees. I’ve got to do an exam.”

  “What?” I didn’t move.

  “Hands and knees, please,” came her tart reply.

  “First, you need to explain what you’re going to do.” I wasn’t about to let her do just anything to me.

  “You’ll like it. I promise.” Her hands moved up my legs. “Like you always tell me, ‘just trust me, baby.’”

  Using my own words against me!

  “The safeword is scalpel.” I moved around to get on my hands and knees, my ass near the end of the bed.

  She pulled on my legs. “Back up until I tell you to stop.”

  “You better not shove anything up my ass, Zandra Price.” I had to admit that some anxiety was beginning to course through my body like never before.

  “Nothing?” she asked.

  I went dead still. “What the hell are you thinking?”

  “Trust me. It won’t hurt. I swear to God, it won’t. You’ll enjoy this.” She ran her hands over my ass. “I just learned about this. Consider this an exercise in helping me learn more about what it is I do.”

  “So, we’re playing doctor here, and you’re the doctor this time?” I asked, feeling apprehensive as hell.

  “Yes. I assisted a proctologist this morning and learned something cool. Really cool.” She sounded so confident that it made me think I should just shut up and let her do what she wanted to.

  “I think I know what you’ve got up your sleeve.” I thought about some things we’d heard about in med school. But I hadn’t ever done this particular thing.

  “Good. Then you can relax and enjoy this.” Her lips pressed against one ass cheek. “And remember that I love you and would never hurt you.”

  “Not on purpose, you wouldn’t,” I said. “But on accident, you might.”

  The snap of a surgical glove filled the air and goosebumps rose all over my flesh. “I’ll be very careful. Scalpel, right?”

  “Yep.” I gritted my teeth as I waited for what was coming next.

  But I’d been wrong. She ran one ungloved hand over my ass, and then I felt her mouth on my balls. Sucking them gently, she made me groan with pleasure. The tension melted away as she licked them then pulled one at a time into her mouth to run her tongue all over them.

  They swelled with desire as she played with them. My cock was hard as a rock. Her ungloved hand moved over my cock as she continued to suck my balls. Sweat began to form on my brow as my body yearned to ejaculate. But she hadn’t gotten me that far yet.

  Her nails grazed my ball-sack as her mouth left them. Kissing her way up my ass cheeks, I found her hand still on my cock, but only holding it, not moving it at all. She ran her tongue over my asshole, then around it.

  Pushing it into my tight hole, I felt my cock stiffen even more. “Baby,” I moaned. “God.”

  “Shh.” She pushed her tongue in and out of my asshole, then her mouth moved over to kiss my ass cheek and bite it playfully. “Get ready.”

  Ready for what?

  Something soft, squishy, and warm pushed against my hole and into it. She didn’t pump it the way I thought she would. Instead, she moved what had to have been two of her gloved fingers, covered in warming lubricant, deep into my ass.

  Curling her fingers in such a way that touched my prostate, I found an instant orgasm had come on, and I shouted with the quick release, “Fuck!”

  Semen shot out of me all over the clean sheets. My body quivered in a way it had only done a few times in my life. She slipped something underneath me. “You can lie down now, Mr. Price.”

  Panting, I fell on top of a towel. “Nurse Price, I must say that you’ve surprised me.”


  Feeling rather proud of my accomplishment, I went to the bathroom to clean up and found Kane right behind me. “I think a shower is in order.”

  He’d gotten rather messy, so I agreed slyly, “Yes, you did get a little dirty there, didn’t you?”

  He turned on the water as I washed my hands, then ran my fingers through my hair. His eyes looked at mine through the mirror as he ran a soapy hand over himself. “So, who did you assist that you saw something like that, Zandra?”

  Turning to watch him, I answered, “Doctor Wiseman. Of course, he didn’t add in the extras to make the patient more receptive to the procedure. I came up with those all by myself.”

  “Good to know.” After rinsing off, he turned off the water, and I tossed him a towel. “Get dressed, and I’ll meet you in the cafeteria. I’ll grab us something.”

  Wrapping the towel around his waist, he reached out to grab me, pulling me tightly to him. “Leaving me without a kiss is a big no-no, Mrs. Price.” His lips pressed against mine, and I parted my lips for him to come inside.

  Heat rushed through me as he took my mouth in the way that always made me high. My cunt pulsed, and I moved my leg up his. I’d given him pleasure, sure that I would be satisfied with doing that. And I had been. But then his kiss started something that he would have to finish.

  It took Kane no time at all to realize what I needed. He reached down to undo my pants, pushing them down before ripping the panties right off me. I hurried to get out of my shoes and pulled my legs up to wrap them snug around him.

  My back to the wall, he pushed his erection into me with one swift act. My swollen belly was all that was between us as he moved in and out of me. Not meaning to, I clawed his back as he fucked me hard.

  His mouth finally left mine. He kissed a line to my neck, then bit and sucked it all up and down as I moaned with desire, “Yes, babe.”

  Laying my head on his shoulder, I placed my hands on his huge biceps, feeling them ripple with every move he made. The inside of my wrist right in front of me, the three birthdates in a line on it; I wondered what the next one would be. And I wondered if Sparrow would complete our family.

  At thirty-one, I wasn’t sure how many more kids God would give us. Getting to actually raise the rest of our kids from babies was the biggest gift that I could’ve ever gotten. My family was the only medicine I needed.

  “God, I love you, Kane.” I turned my head to kiss his neck, making him groan.

  “Zandra, you make life worth living—you and our kids and this baby that’s growing inside of you.” He pulled his head back to look at me. “I’m so proud of you. I know I tell you that all the time, but I am.”

  Blinking at him, I saw forever in his eyes. “Thank you.”

  I was sure that all I would ever need was his love to keep my life going smoothly. Never had I thought that five years of pure bliss would be a thing in my life.

  Thrusting harder, he really went to work until we both were moaning with sweet release. I crumbled on him, my body spent. But there was still work to be done.

  Once we’d regained our breath, he kissed the side of my head. “Come on. Now I barely have time to grab a sandwich and eat it on the walk back to the clinic.”

  As I cleaned myself up, I felt an odd twinge in my stomach. It must be because I was hungry. I’d skipped breakfast as I’d been playing with my husband for a bit too long that morning. And then I’d gone and played a bit too long with him at lunch, too.

  “I’ve gotta
get something to eat, too. My tummy’s telling me so.” I made sure to walk out of the room before Kane did, so no one would know for sure what we’d been up to.

  Just as I scooted out, I passed a man who looked to be in his thirties, yet he stood out because he was dressed in a pearl-snap white western style shirt, black jeans, and cowboy boots. And what really caught my attention was the fact he held a lit cigar in one hand, pulling it up to his lips as he nodded at me.

  But before I could say a thing to him, the sound of alarms went off, and I saw three nurses making a bee-line for Mrs. Doughty’s room. “What’s going on?” I called out to them.

  “She’s stopped breathing,” one shouted to me.

  I looked back to find Kane hauling ass out of the room we’d been in. His eyes asked me what was going on, and I shouted, “Code Blue, Mrs. Doughty!”

  “Shit!” He sped up.

  I waited for him to catch up to me, then I caught him by the hand. “Remember, Kane, she has a DNR. She doesn’t wish to be resuscitated.”

  His eyes drooped a little. “I know.”

  We headed to her room where we found her lying perfectly still, her body stiff as a board, eyes open and focused on the ceiling. Not a breath moved her chest. But her heart still beat. Slowly, but it still beat.

  I took her hand. “Mrs. Doughty? It’s me, Nurse Price.”

  Nothing happened. She didn’t respond at all.

  Kane came up behind me, putting his hand on the small of my back. “Just hold her hand. That’s really all you can do.”

  One of the other nurses took her other hand. “We’re here with you, Mrs. Doughty.”

  I felt her squeeze my hand, and I looked at the nurse who held her other hand. “Did you feel that?”

  She nodded. “Try to take a breath, Mrs. Doughty.”

  The smell of cigar smoke moved into the room. I turned my head to see if I could see that man again, but I saw no one. “There’s a guy out there, smoking.”

  Kane looked puzzled. “What?”

  “Can’t you smell that?” I asked him.

  “Smell what?” he asked.

  I looked at the other nurses in the room. “Do any of you smell a cigar?”


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