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Last Days of the Romanovs: Tragedy at Ekaterinburg

Page 33

by Helen Rappaport

  In the West, it was Robert K. Massie’s Nicholas and Alexandra, first published in 1967, that set the Romanov industry on a roll that has at times so romanticised the story as to lose all perspective on the real, flawed characters of Nicholas and Alexandra. I must therefore commend the enormous labour of love that is Greg King and Penny Wilson’s The Fate of the Romanovs, which is exhaustive in its attention to detail and absolutely invaluable in its accessing of eyewitness testimony from Russian archives. Whilst I have come to my own often different conclusions, The Fate of the Romanovs is an absolutely indispensable source, which I recommend to any reader wishing to follow the story further – particularly in terms of the Sokolov investigation, the later rediscovery of the grave in the Koptyaki Forest and the whole contentious issue of identification of the remains. It is a matter of great regret that King and Wilson’s Romanovs magazine Atlantis: In the Court of Memory is now sadly defunct and also seemingly unavailable in any British library.

  Ultimately, though, I have to single out Professor Ivan Plotnikov in Ekaterinburg, whose work, as far as I can ascertain, has until now been entirely overlooked in the West, no doubt because it is all in Russian and has only been published in Ekaterinburg and is thus extremely difficult to get hold of. The professor is an outstanding expert on Urals history, particularly during the civil war, and in his Gibel’ Tsarskoy Semi (2003) he has summarised his exhaustive research in obscure Russian provincial archives that no Westerner would have a hope of accessing. As I write, the professor is working on an ambitious four-volume account of the murder of the Romanovs, which will draw on his extensive archive and a lifetime’s research. I sincerely hope that his frail health will allow him to complete it. Meanwhile, the recent work of Lyudmila Anatol’evna Lykova has filled in a few more valuable parts of the archival jigsaw and is also to be commended to any Russian speaker wishing to read more.

  My interest in the Romanovs does not of course end here; I shall continue to monitor new material becoming available with great interest in hopes of perhaps returning to the story or some aspect of it at a later date. I will therefore be only too happy to respond to enquiries from readers wishing to know about any specific references consulted in the writing of this book. I would also greatly value hearing from readers with any new or interesting information of their own to offer, so do please contact me via my website,, or c/o my publishers:


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