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Nephyrae:The Vampire's Cousin

Page 2

by Dee Ashford

  The gun centered on Heaven’s chest.

  Things all seemed to happen at once at that point. She felt Bronson grab her arm and start to push her away. She heard the gun go off. She felt a hard tug at her right shoulder. And, she felt as if someone were sucking her blood out through a straw where Bronson’s hand was on her.

  He sped past her and she had just a glimpse of red eyes as he did. Then he was on Gloria, slamming her backward to the pavement, knocking the gun out of her hand with a hard slap. Heaven heard bones in Gloria’s wrist snap. The woman screamed, and kept on screaming as Bronson’s grip hardened.

  Heaven landed with a thumb against the sidewalk and pain shot up into her hip. She lay there, dazed, confused, and watched as a grayish mist started flowing out from Gloria and up Bronson’s arms.

  He was sucking away Gloria’s life.

  “Bronson!” Heaven screamed at him. She was terrified. She was appalled at the sight. “Bronson, stop! You’re killing her!”

  Bronson’s head whipped toward her and she saw the same thing as she had last night. A thing that was Bronson, but still not Bronson. He hissed at her, that long, thin tongue flicking out and shaking in the air. Then his whole body seemed to shake and his eyes closed, opened, closed, opened again, and the red color faded from them until they were Bronson’s clear blue color again.

  He staggered back from Gloria. Crawled away from her, gasping for breath. Heaven watched as Gloria stirred weakly and drew a few ragged breaths. Then she crawled over to Bronson.

  “Bronson. Hey. Bronson, we have to go. We have to go now.”

  He nodded acknowledgment of what she was saying and lifted her up off the sidewalk. They walked away together.

  Weeks later, Heaven moved into Bronson’s apartment. She had fallen deeply in love with him, and nothing he could say to her would change her mind.

  So he stopped trying.

  Heaven became Bronson’s salvation, his way of controlling his beast. He explained to her that Gloria was part of a group that fancied themselves vampire hunters. He had been the target of two others before. But both of those he had killed. Heaven had been the only reason he hadn’t killed a third.

  Would Gloria come after them again? Possibly. Would someone else at some time? Absolutely. Bronson knew he was a target. It was another point he made to Heaven to try to convince her to forget about him.

  She usually shut him up with a kiss when he started talking about it. They ended up kissing quite a bit.

  Heaven knew they would have to deal with a lot. A lot more than normal couples, even. But she also knew she wanted to be in Bronson’s life, no matter what came their way. She had found love in All The Wrong Places, and she planned on keeping it.

  Thank you for purchasing and reading this story. If you have enjoyed it please click on the link below and leave a positive review at:-

  Nephyrae: The Vampire’s Cousin (A Paranormal Romance)

  You may also be pleased to know that this book is the introduction to a series trilogy. All three parts can be accessed by clicking on the links below:-

  Nephyrae: The Vampire Hunters (A Paranormal Romance)

  Nephyrae: The Vampire Hunter’s Lair (A Paranormal Romance)

  Nephyrae: Escape To Freedom (A Paranormal Romance

  Table of Contents





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