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Page 2

by Lucy Wild

  I was so relieved, I didn't react at first, the salt water dripping from my face as her eyes closed again. I thought I'd lost her but then I saw her chest steadily rise and fall.

  I knew I needed to get her somewhere warm. Picking her up, she was light as a feather, her eyes briefly opening to ask me what was happening before closing once again.

  Looking at her, I thought again how beautiful she looked. As the adrenaline from my swim started to slowly fade, I was better able to think. It didn't help. It meant I could stare at her and my body could react in the way it wanted.

  The wetsuit clung to her every curve and it had been cut a little on her chest, a gap revealing a hint of her breast. I did my best not to look, my cock already getting hard at the sight.

  When she was settled on the sofa, I did my best not to look at her any longer, it was already getting difficult not to tear that wetsuit off her, throw her legs open, dive between them and taste...

  I concentrated on getting the fire going. Once it was sorted, I realised how cold I had become so I threw my top to one side before kicking off my socks.

  I liked how she looked at me when she saw me topless. She looked scared and hungry at the same time, like she was afraid of how much she liked the sight. Another day and I might have happily fucked her but I needed to keep in control, make sure she was all right first. That was the priority.

  I left her to undress, peeling off my trousers ready to go and stand outside, let the sun dry me. There was no one else around, I could have stood naked and enjoyed the warmth. But just as I was about to slip off my boxers, she called me back in. I only hoped she wouldn't be able to tell how hard she was making me.

  I crossed the room and the look in her eyes took me beyond the point of self control. I stood behind her, peeling the wetsuit from her shoulders, looking at her back as it was unveiled.

  When it reached her hips, I knelt down, peeling it lower, staring at her ass. She was naked underneath and I kept looking at those pert cheeks of hers as even as the wetsuit reached the floor and she stepped out of it. For the briefest moment, I had a flash of her pussy and my cock twitched in response to the view. I ached to be in her.

  Standing up again, I knew I should walk away, let her get dressed. Instead, I turned her around to face me. She glanced down, seeing how hard I was, the tent pole in the front of my boxers hiding nothing. She looked up again, staring into my eyes.

  "Thank you," she said quietly.

  "I need to get out of these wet things," I replied. She didn't move.

  She continued to look into my eyes as I leaned down, sliding my boxers to my ankles. As I kicked them off, the tip of me brushed against her hip and I took in a sharp breath.

  We were both totally naked, facing each other as the fire began to snap in the grate, the heat reaching out into the room at last.

  I looked deep into her eyes, seeing in them what I felt inside me. I didn't hesitate. There was no need. I leaned forwards, wrapping my arms around her, my cock pressing against her stomach. Dipping my neck, I brought my lips to hers, plunging my tongue straight into her mouth, gripping her tightly.

  She was tentative at first but then her tongue entwined with mine, darting forwards, then back. It was a kiss like none I'd ever encountered, the taste of salt still in her mouth. Her lips felt soft and warm, though my body was more aware of the hardness of her nipples against me.

  I slid my hands slowly down her back, finding her buttocks, caressing them softly as she continued to embrace me.

  I pulled back, looking down at her, taking her face in my hands and kissing her again before she could speak. Something about this felt absolutely perfect.

  Her eyes closed as we stumbled backwards until I fell onto the sofa, her landing on my lap. My cock was between her legs, rubbing in place as she squirmed above me, her knees wide apart, her ankles sliding around my back.

  I held her against me, kissing her again and again, loving the feel of her skin against mine, my cock yearning to be in her. Not yet, I thought. First I wanted to taste her.

  I didn't get chance. She lowered herself down me, kissing my chest as she went. I twitched with desire as her tongue stuck out and flicked over the head of my cock. She did it again. "Don't tease," I growled.

  She looked up with a smile on her face, fixing her eyes on mine as she slid me into her mouth. I watched my shaft vanish past her lips and the warmth of her touch made me twitch again.

  I moaned as she sucked on my length, burying my in her throat so far I was certain she'd gag. She let out a stifled cough as she pulled herself free, letting her tongue glide down over my shaft. "Come here," I said, grabbing hold of her. "I can't wait any longer. I've got to have you."


  THE WAY HE SAID it made me all the hotter. Already, the cold water of the ocean was forgotten, even with the noise of the waves reaching in from outside. It was a distant symphony that accompanied what we did.

  I had never been one for flings with strangers. It had always been a fantasy of mine to sleep with someone I didn't know, to just do it and then never see each other again. But this wasn't anything like my quiet daydreams, the stories I told myself when I was alone in bed late at night. This was real.

  He was real. He wasn't a stranger either. I didn't even know his name but somehow I felt like I knew him, like I'd always known him. He knew intuitively which parts of me to touch the most, how much pressure to apply when his hand slid between my legs, the right way to kiss me, passionate, aggressive, then soft. He knew what my soul wanted.

  And then there was what stuck out from between his legs. It was huge and it tasted wonderful, filling my mouth, making me want him all the more.

  When he stripped out of his boxers my jaw almost dropped at the sight of his cock swaying in the air as he moved, then hot and burning against my skin. I couldn't resist him. I couldn't say no. All I could do was melt and let him take me.

  Take me he did. He grabbed me, shoving me over the sofa, my ass pointed towards him. I looked back in time to see his expression change as he entered me. At first, I thought he was too big but then he was in and I let out a gasp of shocked delight.

  He stayed in place, perfectly still, filling me completely as he leaned down and stroked my clit between my legs. I shuddered, muttering, "fuck me," but he ignored my request, teasing me for almost a minute until I was out of my mind with desire. Then he pulled back, sliding the tip right to my entrance before standing still, not moving an inch.

  I had no choice but to rock back onto him, wanting him deeper, needing that fullness to return. He let me move, waiting in place as I gradually sped up, shoving back against him.

  As I felt my orgasm getting closer, he pulled out, leaving me growling as he lay on his back on the floor, dragging me onto him.

  I straddled his hips, plunging down onto his length, feeling it glide all the way into me. I started grinding in place, slowly raising myself with each motion until he held his hands up in the air. I gripped his fingers with my own, using him to balance as I bounced on his shaft, bringing forth the orgasm he'd so deviously prevented from reaching me.

  As I slammed down with my mouth open, my body seemed to burst with pleasure. It came from his cock, spreading to my clit, then racing through my body. "I'm coming!" I managed to cry as it happened but then I could say nothing, only pant for breath as I shook in place over him.

  When it slowly faded, he rolled with me, twisting on the carpet until he was looming over me, my legs spread wide, his eyes fixed on my pussy, a smile on his lips. "You look incredible," he said as he slid into me again, watching his shaft vanish from view.

  I ran my hands over his chest, filling the chiselled muscles while he began to thrust faster. "I'm going to come," he said after only a few thrusts.

  "Do it," I said. He looked unsure so I muttered, "Birth control."

  I thought it might shatter the moment but instead he picked up speed, clearly reassured, his mind at rest. It was a sign of how suddenly eve
rything had happened. That was a conversation we should have had before we began, whether it burst the mood bubble or not. But it hadn't even occurred to me until that moment. That wasn't like me. None of this was like me.

  All I wanted was to feel it happen. I pleaded with him to come, wanting it, needing it. I felt another climax growing inside me and it hit me just before he came. He slammed into me as my body twitched with delight and I felt him spurt hotness deep inside me. I grabbed him, pulling him down, letting his tongue glide into my mouth as I panted away the last of my own climax.

  He remained there for a long time but finally he slid free, lifting me upwards, leading me to the sofa where I leaned against him, my whole body still tingling, the heat of the fire suddenly overwhelming.

  "That was perfect," he said, kissing the side of my face. "As are you."

  "I'm pretty far from perfect," I replied. "I can't even sea kayak without nearly drowning."

  "We wouldn't have met otherwise."

  I was silent for a moment before something occurred to me. "Where is my kayak by the way?"

  "Down on the beach, why?"

  "It had my stuff in it."

  "Not anymore. It was empty, I checked."

  "Great," I said, groaning at the thought of what I was going to have to do. Replace the car key, new mobile, new bank cards. Brilliant.

  "What was in there?" he asked, stroking my hair slowly.

  I told him and he sat upright. "That's a bit of a pisser."

  "You're telling me. How am I supposed to get home without a car key?"

  "Well if you can wait until I'm done here, I can give you a lift."

  "What are you doing here? Buffing the lightbulb?"

  "Fixing it actually."

  "So you're an engineer?"

  "Of sorts. I fix things."

  "You fixed me," I said as I ran my hand along his bicep.

  "Happy to," he replied. "You stay there and I'll go see how things are going."

  He got up, gathering his wet clothes as he went. I stared at his body, still amazed by what had just happened. That wasn't me. I wasn't the kind of person to sleep with someone I'd just met. Four date minimum for me. But with him, I didn't even mind sitting naked, or having him strip me, or ride him while watching him writhe underneath me, feel his cock jerking inside my pussy. What was it about him? Something special? I shook my head, don't think that way. It wasn't special to him. That much was obvious. He was already back in work mode.


  I DIDN'T WANT TO leave her but the sooner I checked on the computer, the sooner I could get back. I threw on a boilersuit, leaving my wet clothes draped over the back wall so the sun could hit them and hopefully dry them a little.

  In the guts of the lighthouse, my laptop was still plugged into the cables and spitting out data. It had reset everything and in ten minutes, I had the answer I needed, things were back to normal.

  I thought about her while I was working. I didn't even know her name. She was like a drug. One look at her and I was lost. I had to have her. And she was as amazing as I had hoped. Being inside her was like no other experience of my past. They all paled into insignificance, fading away and leaving only her, the feel of her, the taste of her, even the smell of her, still on my skin as I stood up and walked back through to the main room.

  The fire was dying down and she was nowhere to be seen. I looked out of the front door, finding her laid on her back, still naked, making me hard at once at the sight of her sun-kissed body.

  She had her eyes closed and I coughed politely as I approached. "Enjoying yourself?" I asked.

  "Quite happy," she replied, grabbing the boilersuit that she'd been using as a pillow. She threw it on as I watched, unable to look away. I felt strangely sad that I couldn't stare at her naked body any longer but I got the feeling it wouldn't be the last time. There was no chance I was going to let her get away, not after what we'd done, after the way she'd made me feel.

  "All done?" she asked, bringing me out of my reverie.

  I nodded. "All done. Ready to go home?"

  "Uh huh."

  "Then follow me, my lady."

  I led her down to the jetty, helping her on board my boat, loving the feel of her hand in mine as she climbed over the side.

  I grabbed the kayak and passed it to her before jogging back up to the lighthouse and grabbing my still wet clothes. I brought them back with me, smiling at the sight of her looking off into the distance, like a Goddess of the Sea.

  "So what's your name?" I asked as we set off.

  "Joy," she replied with a laugh. "What's yours?"


  "You often rescue drowning women, Rich?"

  "No, you're the first one."

  "You're pretty good at it."

  "You're not that good at drowning."

  "Or kayaking."

  "You just got unlucky, that's all."

  "That's sweet of you to say so."

  I lapsed into silence, trying to decide whether to say what I was thinking. "Joy?" I began, waiting until she looked my way. I glanced from her to the front and back again, making sure to avoid the rocks that had caused such problems for her.


  "Are you seeing anyone at the moment?"

  She laughed again. "Thought you might have asked that before what we did."

  "That's not an answer."

  "No, I'm not seeing anyone. Do you think I'm the type to sleep around?"

  "I don't think so. I think you seem the loyal type. I just wanted to check."

  "Check what?"

  "That what I'm feeling is all right."

  "And what's that?" she asked, leaning forward in her seat.

  "Don't you feel it too?"

  "Feel what?"

  "That connection between us."

  She fell silent, looking away. I turned back to steering as we drew nearer to the mainland. The journey had been too short but we still had the drive back to her house.

  She hadn't replied by the time I brought the boat into the bay. I left it at anchor, ready for Larry to bring in with his tractor. He'd collect it once the tide went out, storing it safe until next time I needed it.

  We clambered out and splashed our way onto the sand. "So where do you live?" I asked.


  "Then let's go," I said, walking around the barrier to my camper van.

  "I wondered who this belonged to," she said as I opened the door. "Don't you lock it?"

  "Good luck to the thief who can get it started," I replied, shoving the key into the ignition and doing the half turn then kick that got the wires aligned. The engine roared into life and I backed it onto the road. "Is that your car?" I asked as we started moving.

  "Yep. It's going to be a hell of a hassle getting back to get it. Neither of my housemates drive."

  "Tell you what," I said. "I'll give you my number. When you get a key sorted, give me a ring and I'll drive you back over."

  "I can't ask you to do that. You've already done so much for me."

  "It's no bother, really. I'd like to see you again."

  "You would?"

  "I would."

  Again she fell silent. There was something she wasn't telling me but I couldn't work out what it was. It was like she was scared of admitting she had feelings too. I didn't push the point but I did insist she took my number. "It's really no trouble," I said as she protested again.

  She climbed down when we got to Alnwick and I got a last look at her with the slip of paper in her hand, my number scrawled on it.

  "It might be a while until I get a mobile," she said. "Is that all right?"

  "That's fine," I replied, smiling warmly. "Ring me when you can and I'll see you soon, Joy."

  "Bye, Rich," she said with a wave. I waited until she'd walked up and pushed the front door open before setting off.

  I had a pile of things on my to do list but they had all just been bumped down. Top of the chart was a new number one. Get together with Joy and sta
y with her. That was the priority. But until she rang, all I could do was wait.


  THE REST OF SATURDAY was spent on the phone but not to Rich. I had to source a replacement car key and that meant speaking to the garage, not my favourite task.

  The man on the other end of the phone seemed to take personal offence, as if I'd done it deliberately to irritate him. "We only sold you the car six months ago."

  I didn't know what to say. In the end, I established it couldn't be done until the end of the week at least and even then, they'd need me to tow the car across to them. One more thing I was going to need to sort out.

  I got through to the bank next, cancelling my cards and arranging for new ones to be sent out. Until they arrived, I couldn't hire a car to keep me going so I was a bit stuck for getting to the new job. No driving licence or bank cards to prove my identity meant no car for me. That was when it occurred to me to ring Rich and see if my knight in shining boilersuit could help.

  I used the house phone, glad we had chosen to get one. I remembered the argument when the three of us had first moved in. "We all have mobiles," Geri said. "What's the point of spending more on something we don't need?"

  "The signal's shit round here," Mike rejoindered. "I say we do it."

  I had the deciding vote and went for it, though I rarely used it, only when my Mum rang, the idea of ringing my mobile was anathema to her.

  Rich's phone rang at the other end of the line and I was surprised to find my heart was thumping in my chest. Why did I feel so nervous?

  It rang and rang but he didn't answer. I gave it just over thirty seconds before hanging up. I'd try again later. He was probably still driving.

  I spent the rest of the day trying to calm myself down. I was getting increasingly anxious about starting the new job, potentially without any means of getting there.

  I could get a taxi but my finances wouldn't stretch to doing that all week until the garage found a slot to fit me in. I tried Rich again at six but no answer. I started to get worried. Was he blanking me?


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