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Assassin Territory [Assassins Book 1]

Page 20

by C. L. Scholey

  * * * *

  Christy jumped, frightened, as the bed dipped behind her, awakening her. A quick hand went over her mouth, cutting off her reflexive scream.

  “Careful, kitten. How would it look if you were to howl in terror of your lover?” Wolf cautioned in warning.

  Christy turned in his arms, distressed as she saw he only wore tight fitting briefs defining a well-rounded, huge bulge. The rest of his powerfully built body glistened from the shower he must have come from.

  Wolf removed his hand from her mouth.

  “We can’t sleep like this together,” Christy whispered as harsh as possible. What was he up to? Her hand lifted to push at his hard bare chest.

  “We can and we will. Listen, kitten, I know for a fact they’ll be keeping a close eye on the two of us. What would they think if they peeked in the door and saw me crashed on a chair?” Wolf reasoned. He stilled her hand.

  “They would think you were graciously letting your poor girlfriend get some much needed rest,” Christy countered.

  “Sorry, kitten, they know I’m not gracious. I’m overprotective, domineering, and demanding.”

  “Which also seems to be a prerequisite of your profession. You’re just like Lando.”

  “I’m not just like Lando, and you’re lucky I’m not another man here or you wouldn’t be arguing, you would be moaning and thrashing, begging from underneath me,” Wolf replied as if in warning.

  Christy’s eyes widened. Terrified, shrinking from him, she tried to pull from his grasp at the fearful insinuation. She felt a moment of surprise at his cruelty after what she’d been through, she was positive he knew about Rick’s attempted rape. She could see Wolf realize he’d gone too far when his heated expression softened.

  “Relax, kitten, I’m so tired a voluptuous, eager hooker wouldn’t interest me right now. I promise to be a good boy. So roll over; I’m just going to drape my arm around you so it’ll look good.”

  Christy did as he commanded, but kept her eyes open, unable to sleep. It wasn’t long before she heard Wolf’s even breathing. Christy tried to relax and calm her own erratic heartbeat, breathing in through her nose and out through her mouth. It seemed to take forever but she calmed and became accepting of Wolf’s close proximity as he kept quiet and unmoving, and non-threatening. Her eyes drooped from exhaustion.

  An ominous creak from across the bedroom had her gaze shifting. Christy’s breath almost stopped as she caught sight of their door opening. A large silhouette darkened their door. The light from the hallway settled over their forms.

  Christy’s body stiffened and she felt Wolf grip her to him; an almost inaudible shushing sound reached her ears. Christy closed her eyes and steadied her breathing again. Only seconds passed before she couldn’t help herself and, turning, reached for Wolf fearfully, pulling him tighter.

  Wolf tucked her securely into his side. His large body shifted, moving to cover over half of her. He trailed a lazy hand over her breast and kissed the hollow of her neck.

  “You were wonderful, kitten, but it’s time to sleep now,” Wolf said suggestively, his throaty words deeply seductive.

  Christy felt herself blush crimson from head to toe at the insinuation. She thought she heard a small, guttural laugh as the door creaked shut once more.

  “Was that really necessary?” She pushed his weight off.

  “No, but it was fun.” Wolf chuckled. He removed his hand from her breast and, it wasn’t long before she could hear his steady breathing.

  It took Christy longer to fall asleep, but she eventually realized she was safe with Wolf. Worrying herself to death wouldn’t help Lando. Besides, she decided she preferred Wolf close by. Not necessarily this close, she thought, as she repositioned one of his roaming hands, but close nonetheless. She had an uneasy feeling he might expect her get a lot closer if they had to remain there for a while. Only time would tell.

  * * * *

  When Christy woke, she saw Wolf. He strolled into the room naked from the shower and he slipped into his underclothing. Christy turned away, blushing.

  “Shy little thing, aren’t you?” Wolf said, then laughed.

  “You could have dressed in the bathroom,” Christy grumbled.

  “I’ve already seen you nude, I thought I’d return the favor,” Wolf casually mentioned. He cast an appreciative glance down the length of her with a predatory wink.

  Feeling her blush deepen, Christy remembered how, like Lando, he watched while she changed. He claimed Lando demanded he keep a close eye on her, though Christy doubted this was what Lando had in mind.

  “Get washed up, we’re expected for breakfast,” Wolf told her.

  Christy felt her heart begin to pound. He expected her to eat surrounded by all of those men? “I would be too afraid. Besides, I haven’t any clothes to wear. Please let me stay here in the room.”

  Wolf tossed her a bundle of clothing, then sat beside her on the bed, having pulled up his pants and not bothering with the zipper. He gripped her chin in a hard clasp and narrowed his gaze on her.

  “You’ll do it. You’re going to come downstairs with me and be the doting lover. You’ll put on your cute little smile. Or I’ll be fucking pissed. Understand? Trust me, the last person in this place you want pissed is me.”

  Eyes wide, Christy nodded. He was the only friend she had here. If he abandoned her she’d be killed. It occurred to Christy he could leave at any time. He could offer her over on a silver platter and pledge his loyalty. Instead, he was keeping her safe at the risk of his own life. Christy bowed her head; it was a sobering thought.

  “I’ll get dressed,” she said, rising.

  Wolf reached out and grabbed her wrist as she passed him. “I won’t let them hurt you.”

  Her head still bowed, Christy nodded. “Thank you.”

  * * * *

  Christy entered the large dining room. The view of the lake from the room was spectacular. The beautiful polished oak table situated in the middle of the room could easily seat twelve. She noted it appeared all seats but two were taken. Wolf guided her to the seat next to Tony, who was at the head of the table. Christy offered the man a tiny cautious smile when he beamed at her. Tony rose and grandly settled her into her chair. He shook out her large white napkin and placed it in her lap.

  “Would you care for some juice?” Tony asked politely.

  “Yes, please,” Christy answered. What she really wanted was to cower under the table and throw the napkin over her head. She could feel every set of eyes focused on her.

  She reached for the tomato juice and, dismayed, pulled the glass closer with a visibly shaky hand. So shaky, Tony placed his hand over her own to steady her. After Christy took a sip, Tony placed her glass on the table.

  “Are you afraid?” Tony inquired.

  “She’s just a little…” Wolf began quickly, but Tony lifted a hand to silence him.

  “Let her answer.”

  Christy gazed at Tony, the leader of a huge and deadly mafia family, knowing instinctively he would hear a lie. His eyes were dead, it was unnerving. His features appeared calm, but something about the man was off—or missing.

  “Yes, I’m frightened. I’ve never been at a table surrounded by so many large and powerful men. Sometimes, Wolf alone is very intimidating.” It was the truth and she could see he believed her. She was, after all, small and defenseless compared to the brutes surrounding her.

  “Being surrounded by powerful men can also be a safe thing. No one would dare break in here to hurt you,” Tony reasoned.

  He placed a piece of buttered toast on Christy’s plate and offered her the choice of an array of spreads. Christy selected honey. She passed on the bacon, but tried the eggs Benedict. She ate a few green seedless grapes trying not to choke or shake. She could feel the tension in the room; never before had she known a group of men to be so reserved.

  “I wish my father was here,” Christy heard a small voice say in the quiet room.

  Surprised, Christy gl
anced around. She hadn’t noticed the small boy at the end of the table. It was no wonder she hadn’t noticed him; his small body could barely be seen past Luke’s massive chest.

  “Your father has been notified he needs to pick you up here, Mark. I’m guessing it won’t be long now,” Tony said. He sipped at a steamy mug of black coffee, his gaze centered on the boy.

  Christy could see the child hadn’t touched his breakfast. His tousled brown hair fell into his eyes. He looked close to tears. His head bowed from Tony’s steady gaze.

  “Have you been waiting long for your father, honey?” Christy asked.

  The boy nodded. “Three whole days,” he replied, and sniffed.

  “You’re not going to cry again, are you, boy? Or should I call you girl? Your father would be mad if he showed up to see his son whimpering like a little sissy,” Luke said. He scowled at the boy.

  “What a mean thing to say. You’re a bully,” Christy said, mortified. He was, after all, just a little boy. He couldn’t have been more than eight or nine.

  Luke narrowed his gaze onto Christy; she glared back defiantly, not about to back down where a child was concerned.

  “I am a bully, and I don’t care who I bully,” Luke said his tone dangerous, his insinuation clear.

  “You better start worrying,” Wolf said with soft menace. His expression was unmistakable as he glared Luke down. His large hand settled over Christy’s, his fingers curling protectively around hers. He firmly established he would allow no harm to come to Christy, no matter the circumstances.

  “Why don’t we keep it friendly? Everyone, please eat,” Tony suggested, and though he was smiling, his tone brooked no argument. Christy sat amazed as Tony took complete control of the conversation.

  She hazarded a quick glance at Wolf under lowered lashes; he seemed to have settled down. His look stopped being predatory. The food before him disappeared. Tony was obviously well respected by everyone. Christy bowed her head and nibbled at her toast. She surmised this was going to be the longest breakfast of her life.

  * * * *

  Tony sat comfortably in his easy chair, his mind reflecting back to the altercation he witnessed at breakfast; with interest he watched the confrontation between Wolf and Luke. Wolf seemed attached to the pretty little thing he’d brought with him. That would prove useful as long as he could keep Wolf from killing Luke.

  Luke was a good man to have, yet he was unpredictable, a wet gun. Tony decided he’d best have a word with Luke about the girl. Tony saw Luke’s interest when she challenged him over the boy. Few men challenged Luke and as far as Tony knew Wolf’s girlfriend was the only woman. Whether she pissed Luke off or not, he’d have to keep his temper under control. There was enough dissension surrounding the family already. But perhaps it might be a good idea to hand the boy over to the woman for a while, if Wolf were receptive to the idea.

  The woman did seem tired and exceptionally pale and fragile. Tony wanted the boy alive when his father showed to retrieve him. Luke was anxious to finish his contract. The boy was reluctant to eat, Tony noted the child picked up his toast and taken a hesitant bite while the woman gave him an encouraging smile.

  They could keep each other occupied while he offered up his proposal to Wolf. He could use his help when the boy’s father showed. It was always good to have a trained wolf amongst your ranks. They were very loyal. They also took care of their own.

  Chapter 19

  Later in the day, Christy sat at the large dining room table. She had encouraged the boy, Mark, into playing a game of Go Fish. At her incessant asking, Wolf relented and approached Tony, asking if Christy could spend time with the saddened, lonely little boy. Christy was privy to the conversation, Wolf hinted her maternal instincts were flaring, and he would be grateful if Tony would be indulgent. Tony was more than eager to comply. When Christy asked for a deck of cards, Tony sent Jackson to find them.

  “You win again,” Christy said, smiling at the boy as he lay down the last of his cards.

  “My daddy taught me,” Mark answered. He sat back with his arms crossed looking proud.

  “Did your daddy teach you to whine like a little girl, too?” Luke said meanly from the doorway.

  Christy was aware of Luke’s presence. There was something annoying the man. He remained silent as she and Mark played, for the most part. He hadn’t interfered, though her temper rose when he snorted rudely each time Mark won a hand. Christy allowed the boy to win every game, and for some reason the idea seemed irksome to the large man.

  “Go away.” Christy glared at Luke. She saw Mark’s smiling face pale with apprehension when Luke spoke.

  “Make me,” Luke said, his lips curling into an animalistic grin. Christy’s agitated breathing increased.

  “Wolf won’t like it if you’re cruel to me,” Christy said instead. She gathered the cards up off the table together, shuffling with shaky hands, knowing she was playing a dangerous game.

  Luke scowled. His fists balled. “You gonna tell on me?” he said in a mean, simpering, taunting voice.

  “Yes, I will. I’m not a child. I’m not a man acting a role at being brave. If you frighten me, I’ll tell Wolf. I don’t have to pretend you don’t frighten me. I’ll ask Wolf if we can leave because I can’t risk my baby. I don’t think Tony would like that,” Christy challenged. She felt certain satisfaction as Luke appeared to be the one now agitated. A red hue crept up his throat and face.

  “You’re as big a coward as the kid.”

  Christy’s hands stilled. She glared at him.

  “Why? Because a man more than twice my size threatens me? I’m no coward, and neither is Mark. You’re the coward. You’re the one who picks on those vulnerable and defenseless. Are you afraid to challenge an equal? If I were in a dark alley alone with only you or Mark, forced to fight off vicious men, I’d choose Mark to fight at my side. He at least has courage.”

  Luke grabbed her by the shoulders and slammed her against a wall. Her chair clattered to the floor behind her. The cards she’d been holding scattered across the table and onto the floor. Christy looked up into Luke’s enraged face. She saw the pitiful attempts of Mark as he pulled to no avail on Luke’s massively muscled arms, trying to defend his new friend. Tears streamed down the boy’s face as he pleaded with Luke to put her down.

  Christy’s anger soared. She was enraged. How dare he frighten the child, how dare he risk hurting Lando’s baby? Christy pulled her knee up viciously into Luke’s groin, obviously shocking him. Luke let her drop to the floor, where she ducked around him and grabbed Mark by the arm. They raced from the room. To her dismay, they collided with Tony.

  “Playing tag now?” Tony said, with a look of surprise as Christy and Mark collided against him. His arms shot out to steady her.

  “Tony, stop him,” Christy cried out.

  A fleeting look of confusion washed over Tony’s face until he watched as an enraged Luke barreled from the dining room. Christy pulled Mark between her and Tony, pressing against the man, hoping he could tame his gorilla. Her hands clutched at his shirt and arm in desperation, Luke looked ready to kill them both.

  “That damn bitch kneed me,” Luke howled, advancing on the trio.

  “You threw me against the wall,” Christy countered. Terrified, she pulled harder on Tony’s arm as Luke came closer. Mark clutched at Christy and buried his face into her chest.

  “Enough,” Tony demanded. “You were warned, Luke, and the reasons why. No one touches the woman or the child.”

  Luke stopped short, snarling in rage and frustration. His large, meaty hands balled, and Christy could tell he wanted to use one of those large-fisted hands to smash into her jaw. The blow would kill her. At that moment, Wolf entered the chalet.

  “Wolf,” Christy screamed in relief. She wasted no time abandoning Tony and, grabbing Mark off his feet, she raced to him. Christy flung herself into Wolf’s embrace, clinging to him.

  “I want to leave, please take me away. He wants to kill us
,” Christy cried. “I can’t lose my baby.”

  Christy had enough, she wanted to vomit, her belly was in knots, Mark clung to her. She shuddered at the look of murderous intent on Luke’s face. Only Tony stood between them. Christy clutched at Wolf, pulling him closer. She hated this place and the men in it.

  “Did he hurt you?” Wolf snarled, glaring into Luke’s face. It was Wolf who now looked murderous. Wisely, Tony took a cautious step back, no longer standing between the men.

  “He slammed me against a wall. I had to protect the boy. I couldn’t let him beat me; please, I don’t want to lose my baby.” Christy sobbed. She clutched at him frightened for her life and the boy’s.

  Luke was advancing, his evil intent clear. The man moved with confidence past Tony, closer and closer until he was but a breath away, his fists raised. Terrified, Christy wondered if Wolf would protect her.

  Christy screamed as Wolf pulled his gun and, in one fluid motion, put a bullet through Luke’s head before he could react. Luke thumped to the ground. Tony sighed, shaking his head as though he had already sensed the outcome. The confrontation had been inevitable and perhaps unavoidable.

  “No one harms what’s mine to care for,” Wolf said. He glared ominously in Tony’s direction.

  Four huge men entered the room, guns drawn. All of them were pointed at Wolf. Christy pulled Mark between herself and Wolf, hoping to shield him. Tony held up a hand, stopping any confrontation.

  “Paulo, get rid of the body,” Tony said, referring to Luke’s slumped form. A giant of a man came forth, in a single toss Luke was over his shoulders and Paulo disappeared.

  “You just took out one of my best men,” Tony said to Wolf. The other men advanced, circling them. Christy was terrified of what would happen next, her gaze darting from man to man. She shouldn’t have let Luke bait her.

  “I’m your best man now,” Wolf declared, “as long as no one pisses me off; that means get the fuck away from my future wife.”


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