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by Jean Strouse

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  In the process of writing about Pierpont Morgan I have had a great deal of help from many people. For the sake of brevity I will not delineate my gratitude to most of them, but there are some essential exceptions. Roger Alcaly has taught me about markets and economics with inexhaustible generosity, and I could not have written the financial sections of this book without him. To my superb editor, Jason Epstein, I am immeasurably grateful for his intellectual acuity, wise counsel, extraordinary patience, and wit. Joan R. Mertens kindly offered to read portions of the manuscript that concern art collecting, and ended up applying her wide-ranging erudition to much more. And I owe special thanks to Georges Borchardt, Jonathan Galassi, Ann Godoff, and Christopher MacLehose.

  For careful readings of the entire manuscript I am indebted to Sean Wilentz and Richard Grand-Jean—and, for expertise on particular sections, to Sidney Babcock, Michael Boudin, Connie Brown, Stephanie Engel, Arthur Goldhammer, David Hemenway, Marsha Hill, Paul Needham, Ben Sonnenberg, Dan Strouse, Tom Strouse, Richard Sylla, Michael Train, and William Voelkle.

  The vast majority of the papers I consulted were at The Pierpont Morgan Library. Its administration and staff have made my work there a pleasure, and I warmly thank Charles E. Pierce, Jr., Brian Regan, Robert Parks, Christine Nelson, William Voelkle, Sidney Babcock, Marilyn Palmeri, Inge DuPont, and Glory Jones. Herbert Cahoon, H. George Fletcher, Paul Needham, Bill Robinson, Charles Ryskamp, Fredric W. Wilson, and David Wright, who have left the Library, also provided invaluable assistance; Mr. Wright, the Library’s former archivist, meticulously guided me through years of work on previously uncatalogued material.


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