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The General's Little Angel (Breaking Chains© Book 2)

Page 12

by C. B. Hunt

  “We’ll have to see if there’s a way to either perk him up or make this a final farewell from Okinawa for him,” she said with a snicker.

  “Are you planning on throwing him off a cliff? Because, if you are, I won’t stop you.”

  “Nah, I have other ways of dealing with sour faced jerk-offs. I’ve had my fair share, believe me. So, you’ve never been on real maneuvers before?”

  “Nope. Just mapped out everything for the boys.”

  “I saw your course. I was thrilled to death when the Old Man approved me going along. This is going to be fun.”

  I swallowed dryly, suddenly feeling very nervous. Jean was an adrenaline junky and for her to feel this way worried me. My job was to map out tactical coordinates that mimicked destination goals. Her job was to determine the best means to get there in the amount of time given.

  We reached Camp Schwab and boarded a large helicopter that flew us along the coastline and then hovered a few hundred yards from the beach. Jean elbowed me again and tightened her helmet.


  “Are you serious? We have to jump into the water with our packs?” I looked over the edge as one by one the men plummeted into the ocean.

  “How else would we get to shore? Come on. It’s only about thirty feet.”

  Hitting the water with a full pack, dressed in combat gear, temporarily forced the breath from my lungs. I followed Jean’s direction, unhitched my pack and pushed it in front of me as we swam the distance to the white sandy beach. As the senior officer, she gathered the squad together to issue orders regarding direction to base camp and then led the way into the thick trees.

  “Are you okay?” I asked Les, touching his arm. “You know I had nothing to do with you being here.”

  “You always have something to do with the shit I am stuck with. Stay away from me.”

  His words hurt. They were also heard by several of the other men who had taken to calling me ‘princess’ behind my back. I clenched my teeth and forged ahead to keep up with Jean, determined to prove to all of them that I could do whatever was needed. We arrived at base camp in about three hours, still wet and tired from being weighed down by our packs. My back and feet hurt almost as badly as my heart.

  Jean and I set up our tent, and she shared her experiences with the men in the Corps and what it took, as a woman, to prove our value and worth. Sadly, the majority carried the attitude that a woman Marine had to work twice as hard to be thought of as half as good. She recognized that few men had integrity like Ray and the Sergeant Major and admitted that until castration was legalized, she did what she could to change the minds of the idiots around her.

  Her talk made me feel better as did a little sip from the small flask of rum that she had tucked away in her pack. I initially refused, fearful that Les would see and snitch on me, but Jean assured me she brought it with Ray’s permission. She also told me that he had instructed her to watch out for me and to bring me back in one piece, but she had her own agenda that went above and beyond the Old Man’s orders. The twinkle in her eye concerned me.

  As soon as the camp grew quiet, Jean held her finger to her lips and crept outside. No one had bothered to post guard since we didn’t carry any firearms, so I followed her into the woods to see the type of mischief she was up to. That woman impressed the hell out of me. I can’t say much more than that. Within a few minutes, she had managed to gather four or five of the biggest spiders I have even seen in a bag and then let them loose in the tent that Les shared with three other men who had been dissing me.

  “Let’s see who screams like a girl come morning,” she whispered as we climbed into our sleeping bags. “Those bugs will spin super thick, yellow webs through the entire shelter overnight and totally fuck with their heads.”

  “You know Les will blame me for this.”

  “Not when you have me to vouch for your whereabouts. We have to stick with girl power against the stupid jerks.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Whatever you say.” I giggled.

  Just as she predicted, the spiders took up residence in the tent that evening, and when the reveille was sounded the next morning in the form of banging pots, the ruckus was heard from Les’ tent. Jean and I watched through a peephole as the four boys ran outside brushing sticky webs off their heads and faces and spinning around in circles to slap at invisible arachnids.

  With a grin, Jean high-fived me. “Betcha those fuckers will think twice before they open their mouths again.”

  “But how could they know you were behind it?”

  “I’ve worked hard to earn my rep.” She winked at me.

  “I’m so glad you’re on my side.”

  “I think that’s what the Old Man worries most about,” Jean said with a snicker.

  We started the course right after chow. After hoofing it for a mile or so into the jungle and crossing a couple of rope and wood bridges, we faced our first obstacle—a cable crossing between two cliffs with a good 300-foot drop into a muddy gorge. Jean hopped across the damn thing like it was a sidewalk and stood on the other side to cheer me on. Even though we had safety hooks, it didn’t stop my body from quivering with fear when it was my turn to cross. I found myself between two men who were a foot taller than my height of 5'0 and had to stretch to reach the cable above my head.

  Every muscle in my neck, shoulders, and back strained as I clung to it for life. Panic got the better of me and, even though I kept moving across that horrid canyon, I shamefully started to cry. Jean snapped at the laughing men and then patted my shoulder once I made it across.

  “Everybody has fears. Some are just too stupid to admit them.” She gave all the men the evil eye, particularly Les. Of all the people there, I would have hoped to hear him defend me, but I finally had to accept that, for whatever reason, those days had ended between us. My shame turned to anger, so when it was time to repel down the cliff to the river bed, I didn’t give a damn about how ‘real Marines’ did it. I told all of them to go fuck themselves and went ass first instead of the head-down Australian style, not caring if Les said a word to Ray. I trusted Jean to have my back. I was on the warpath now.

  After we had established camp that afternoon, one of the men started making fun of me and called me the general’s little princess. Before Jean could intervene, I stared him down.

  “Damn fucking right I’m the general’s little princess. I’ve worked my ass off for that position and have earned every benefit that comes with it.” I pointed to Les. “Ask the fuckhead right there about the hours I keep and the shit I put up with to help this command run smoothly and make things as comfortable for you unappreciative bastards. While you sleep, I’m up at 0330 working and don’t stop until I’m done. I’m on call 24/7 and don’t even have time for a social life.”

  I paused to take a breath. I was so angry that I was trembling. “I bet that none of you stupid fucks knew that I’m also the one who plots the course that takes your asses through these mountains each month and who authorizes your clearance and access to travel.”

  “I might not be as tough as you assholes, but I’m a hell of a lot smarter and have the ability to make your lives a living hell. Keep this shit up, and I promise that you’ll be begging to be released from this squad after the next maneuver.”

  “There’s nothing like seeing bullies slink away with their tails between their legs,” Jean said with a chortle. “I’ll bet they are going to keep their distance from you during the night maneuvers for fear you might kick them off a cliff.”

  “That would be the first intelligent thing any of them have done on this trip.”

  Her prediction was correct, but not for the reasons she supposed. The course required us to follow a narrow ridgeline along a sheer cliff with only a small flashlight and a compass to guide us. After listening to the squad argue about who would take the lead, I snatched the map and the flashlight, pulled out the compass, and started on my way.

  Being pissed off also helped me not care about the little thin
gs such as the large banana spiders and giant fruit bats flapping over our heads. The habu snakes were a concern, but we were making enough ground noise to frighten them off, plus the sudden downpour would put them into hiding. I also heard Jean in the back telling several of the men to stop being pussies and follow the guide. We reached the final base camp by four that morning, drenched, cold, and tired.

  Jean handed me a cup of coffee, and we huddled in front of the fire to get warm.

  “He’s going to be very proud of you, you know. You did good,” she said softly.


  “Ray. He was worried that you didn’t have the intestinal fortitude to go through with this.”

  “He knows damn well that I’ve been through a lot worse stuff than a nasty camping trip.”

  “I think he was more worried about how you would handle being treated by the unit. These guys are hard core infantry. You earned some of their respect this weekend.”

  “Do you think so?” I brightened up.

  “Yeah, especially after cussing them out. I didn’t think the Old Man approved of profanity. He’s always on our cases about it.”

  “He doesn’t, and I’m sure Les will tell him the first opportunity he gets just to cause trouble.”

  Jean shrugged. “So, beat him to it and tell him yourself. Let him know that the only way to communicate with these animals was in their own, primitive language.”

  “Hmm, you might have something there. Did you know that I want to be like you when I grow up?” I grinned as I looked at her.

  She winked at me. “Let’s wait until I grow up and see what I become first, okay?”

  Chapter 11

  “Honey, we’re home!” Jean shouted. I had to admire her spunk. I didn’t know anyone else other than me who would attempt such a thing. At least she thought of leaving our filthy packs outside—Ray would have had a fit if she brought them into his immaculately clean house.

  “Did I just hear an insubordinate young lieutenant barge into my home without so much as knocking?” Ray asked, meeting us in the living room and placing his hands on his hips.

  “Go give the old fart a hug; I bet he missed you more than you missed him,” Jean suggested.

  “Hug him? Why would I do that?” I asked.

  “Because you’re his little princess,” she teased, shoving me towards him.

  “More like my little angel. Get your ass over here,” Ray ordered, holding out his arms. I didn’t need a second invitation and grunted as he hugged the air out of my lungs. “Damn, I missed you. How did she do?”

  Jean joined in the embrace. “You would have been so proud of her, Ray. I sure was. She stood her ground and proved she wasn’t just a pencil pusher.”

  “Before Les says anything, I need to let you know that I chewed the squad out for being jerks.”

  “Did you swear?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Did she ever! Those boys aren’t going to be crossing her path anytime soon. She made me proud!” Jean boasted.

  Ray glanced at her and then back at me. “Did you bring the lieutenant here as a backup? You know how I feel about breaking my rules.”

  “No, Sir. She wanted to come and tell you personally how it went and brag about my course layout. I rocked, just so you know.”

  “Did you now?” Ray turned to the grinning woman. “And what sort of mischief did you get into, young lady?”

  “Me? Nothing spectacular. I just slid a few golden orb spiders into a tent of assholes.”

  “Jean! You didn’t!”

  “I sure as hell did, just like I went and sewed up your skivvies.”

  “You did that?”

  “I told you that it wasn’t me!” I piped in.

  “One of these days, someone is going to put you across his knee and spank that sass out of you,” Ray tsked.

  Jean winked and started walking to the door, wiggling her perfect ass as she did so. “I’m waiting. Anytime you want to try, Old Man, just let me know. See you later, Bree!”

  “I like her,” I said, nudging Ray as he stared mutely in Jean’s wake.

  “Did I just hear what I think I heard?” he sputtered.

  “Yeah, she dared you to spank her. She must know you have the vibe or something.”

  “Unbelievable. It makes sense because she certainly does push me. So, tell me about the exercise.” He pulled me onto his lap and hugged me tightly.

  “Let me take a shower and put on some pajamas, first. I’m beat.”

  “You go and do that while I put your clothes in the wash. I’ll make you something to eat, too.”

  We cuddled on the couch and sipped hot cocoa while I shared my adventure. Leaning my head on his shoulder, I sighed. “I missed you. I felt so out of place. If it wasn’t for Jean, I couldn’t have done it.”

  “She’s a good kid with a lot of potential. Did you know that she was picked up for Captain and will be going to DC? It’s her dream job.”

  “No, she didn’t tell me. When?” That old feeling of abandonment rose again. I reprimanded myself. This was the service, for crying out loud! People get promoted and transferred. It was part of the gig, and there was no reason to cry over it.

  “Not for another two months. Keep in touch with her. She’s one of the good ones.”

  “That’s what she says about you. Daddy? Am I in trouble for what I did?”

  He squeezed me. “No. Sometimes there are extenuating circumstances that require different tactics. Did Les behave any differently after you lost your cool?”

  “No, he kept being a jerk. What did I do to make him hate me? I thought we were friends.”

  “Sometimes we don’t have to do anything for people to take their problems out on us. Do your best to take the high road and don’t behave like he does, especially in public. I’m disappointed in him as well. This isn’t the man I thought I knew, but there is nothing I can do to change him. He’ll be gone in three more weeks and then this problem will be over.”

  “I hope so.” I paused and played with the collar of his shirt. “I was wondering about something. Remember when we were in Thailand and were messing around in the hotel?”

  “Our wrestling match? Yes, what of it?”

  “You said something that has been bothering me for a while. You said that I was a submissive and that it was time to accept myself for who and what I was.”

  “Yes, so?”

  “I think I’m ready to try. I just don’t know what to do.”

  “You’ve been doing it all along, Baby,” he said with a chuckle. Kissing my temple, he continued. “A submissive isn’t a title; it’s a way of life. It’s about trust and loyalty, giving and receiving. The minute you started calling me ‘daddy’ was when you accepted your place as my submissive.”

  “What about the other stuff? Like when you made me do that subspace thing?”

  “Impact play? Are you asking to be spanked?”

  “Don’t laugh at me.” I pouted.

  “I’m not laughing at all. I’m rather pleased that you want to be welcomed home as both my little girl and my sub. Since we already did our cuddles, let’s take care of your bottom.”

  “I’m too tired now.”

  “Fibbing earns you more than the flat of my hand.” He tsked. “Stay here while I grab my gear bag.”

  What the hell was he talking about? I watched with wide eyes as he brought out a long bag and began to remove the contents. There were several canes, different types of wooden paddles, various leather instruments, a small whip, and a split bamboo birch. A closed box was also placed on the coffee table.

  “What’s in there?” My mouth was dry.

  “Do you trust me?” I nodded. “You’ve shared the things that happened to you as a child. I want to help you take control of them so that you don’t need to ‘go away’ unless it’s for pleasure, like when we were in Thailand.”

  “H—how are you going to do that?”

  “By giving you back your power and your voice. You have two words
to use tonight—yes and no. Both are powerful and will be honored. Use them wisely.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You will. Would you be more comfortable out here in the living room or my room?”

  “For what?”

  “I’m going to have a session with you and let you feel the different devices. You get to call the shots.”

  I shivered, not sure if I was ready for the experiment. Ray seemed to think I could handle it, and I trusted him. “Your room.”

  “Come with me, then.”

  I followed him upstairs and nervously sat on the edge of the bed as he meticulously laid out all the items and then set the closed box on a little table next to the bed. He squatted in front of me and placed his hands on my knees while looking into my eyes.

  “This is not sexual, but I want you to be able to trust that I won’t harm you. Do you?”

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  “We’ll take this step by step. If you get uncomfortable at any time, tell me. I won’t be upset at all. This is about you, not me. All I ask is that you give yourself a chance. If something comes up, let me help you work through it. There is nothing to be afraid of. I won’t allow anything to hurt you. I promise.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “That’s another thing. I’m not going to put you into little space tonight. My big girl is going to go through this experience, but if something triggers a memory from when you were little, we can go there and work through it. Deal?”

  “This sounds crazy.”

  “Not at all. Believe me, sweetheart; you aren’t the first submissive who’s dealt with this stuff. It doesn’t make you crazy. Granted, this method isn’t for everyone and doesn’t always work, but if it helps, why not try?”

  “What if I freak out?”

  “Then I’ll be right here to help you. The past can’t hurt you. Let’s get started with something familiar. Over my knee.”

  “Aw, can’t we just cuddle?”

  Apparently, cuddling wasn’t an approved disciplinary implement. As always, the impact of his hard hand against my bare bottom made me squeal and wriggle, but he took his time to allow me to adjust to the sting and relax against the warmth of his body. He traded his hand for a leather paddle and, after the initial strike, I started to purr.


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