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Auctioned to Him 4: His Addiction

Page 76

by Charlotte Byrd

  “You’re beautiful.”

  I couldn’t respond. I had too much adrenaline rushing through my body. I didn’t know how to respond. He didn’t wait for me to say anything. He kissed me again, this time trailing from my mouth down to my neck, down my cleavage, down to my stomach, and then he worked his way to my hips, kissing the side before he started licking me. I sighed. His hands pushed my legs, bending the knees up and apart, far enough to keep his body in as he started to suck on my clit.

  His hands pet my thighs as he did this. I sighed. I kept sighing, gasping, and letting out little moans. He pushed into me, taking me by surprise. I put my hands on his head and he pulled it up. He had a boyish grin on his face. He kissed my body back up, slowly, until he stopped at my neck.

  “Kiss me.” I sighed. I didn’t care where his mouth had been. I didn’t care about anything but him and I. He did as I said, kissing me gently. He drew back and stopped. I almost asked what was wrong, but then I saw him slide the condom on.

  Okay. So this was all real. And it was all happening. Okay. Good. Great. I felt a bit embarrassed as I lay there, naked. No one had seen me naked at this size. Had I known that I would have gone this far, I would have done more maintenance and probably ran a few miles today. It was too late to care about that now. His smile was reassuring though, as he scooted back up and slid inside me.

  His body beat against mine, very slowly and gently. I kissed his mouth, again and again. My legs curled around and I rested my hands on his back. He kissed me back, then moved to my neck, kissing and breathing heavily. He was sweet and gentle. Too gentle. I kissed him, turning my body so we were side by side and then I was on top.

  I brought my head back. I saw he was blushing now too. I bounced on him, feeling powerful. I could see him, waiting for me to kiss him. I did, but it wasn’t on the mouth. I kissed his neck. I humped faster and harder than he had been. I felt electricity building up in my body. I heard my self sighing and I could hear him breathing just as heavily as me, if not harder.

  I climaxed, blood rushing through my body. He was still going, so I kept going. I felt all my stress run out of my body, I was relaxed. He grabbed me and flipped me back so that I was on bottom, and he was on top.

  This time he didn’t kiss me either. He leaned over me, looking me in the eyes. They were so gentle. He pounded and pounded until he winced and shook. He pulled out and rolled over, panting like a dog.

  “Wow.” He gasped, checking the clock. It was late. Very late. I got up to go to the bathroom, still a little wobbly and weak in the knees. I was stone cold sober now. I felt alive. I splashed some water on my face and went through my routine, brushing my hair and teeth.

  If I was going to pay for that, it was worth the money. I would have to see if he took layaway. I cleaned my face and threw a baggy shirt on. He was laying on the bed, body turned towards me. He was sweaty and above the covers, his boxers were back on.

  “Do you have any water?” He asked me. I reached into the mini fridge and gave him one. He drank it quickly, emptying almost half of it. I laid down next to him and asked if he wanted to watch a show.

  “Sure. I might fall asleep, though. That took a lot out of me.”

  “Yeah, me too.” I lied. I had never been more awake in my life. I flipped the TV on and he turned the lights out. I pondered moving to the couch, but I figured there was no point in that anymore. The deed was done. He was asleep in a matter of minutes and I was awake, staring past the infomercials before me, mind swimming with thoughts. It took a few hours before I fell asleep.


  When I woke up I noticed drool on my pillow. I hadn’t drooled since I was a kid. April wasn’t next to me anymore. I flipped the pillow over and rested my head back, thinking about the night before. She was just as hot as I imagined, and even hotter underneath all those clothes with her hair all messed up. Thinking about her made me want her to be in bed next to me, ready for a second round.

  Of course, she wasn’t there, though. I decided to take a cold shower. I had sweat enough that I was starting to get a bit stinky, so I popped in the shower. I couldn’t stop thinking about her. Her lips were like a little bow, perched on her face. Even the shower didn’t help take my mind off of it. Switching to cold water, I rinsed out my hair and tried to plan for the day.

  If we had time, we would have to go enjoy the water. The shower was hardly enough to satisfy my thirst, my craving. I needed the ocean like the fish did. When I got back in the room I could hear the waves lapping onto the beach. April was out there, two coffees on the table.

  Sneaking over, I kissed her on the top of the head and took one of the coffees.

  “Thanks. After this and last night, I can’t see how you’re still single.”

  She ignored my flirtation. “I didn’t know how you took it, so I brought up some cream and sugar packets too.”

  “I take it black. Or with a little bit of ice cream.” I smiled at her again. She didn’t smile back. I saw her coffee looked like a mug of milk with a hint of coffee in it. “How are you feeling today?”

  “A little hung over, but okay.”

  We both sat there for a while, taking in the view. “Do you think there will be time to swim? We should go when we get a chance.”

  “I don’t know if we will, between the party and every other thing that has to happen in between.” I was disappointed, but I understood.

  “I figured. I’ll just come back out here sometime and surf. I used to be really big into surfing. I still am, actually, but college gave me a lot more free time. Especially since I was directly on a beach. Sometimes my escorts will let me surf, a few even go with me, but most of the time they want to go to paradise without actually getting a feel for it.” I felt so natural around her that I forgot not to talk about previous jobs. I just wanted to talk about everything with her. Talking about my work was starting off on the wrong foot. I looked at her eyes. She didn’t seem bothered. She was blushing, again, however. She reached into her bag, and pulled out an envelope and handed it to me.

  My stomach turned. “What’s this?” I could guess what it was. I was worried that she would have felt like this. What happened last night had nothing to do with her needing me here, what had happened was between us. I thought we had a connection. I opened the envelope. There were four crisp one hundred dollars bills that I know she had to go to the bank for. I looked back at her. She smiled, and I wanted to forgive her. I couldn’t. Now I knew what she had thought of me that whole time.

  “Is this a joke?” I was stunned. Normally that was her job. The look on her face was confusion. I threw the envelope back on the table and picked up my coffee, scolding hot. I drank it anyway. She still wasn’t talking. I don’t think she knew what to say. “Wham-Bam-Thank-You-Sir” wasn’t a great rhyme, so I am sure she was speechless on how to treat a prostitute like me.

  “Are you mad?”

  “Hell yes I’m mad. I’m livid.”

  “Why? If someone handed me that I would be thrilled.” She brushed her hair out of her face and looked out to the ocean. I could tell she was trying to stay calm. She had had a glow around her until I started yelling. Now she looked frustrated, but she stayed calm still, keeping her eyes on the water.

  “Money has nothing to do with what happened between us.” I said each word like they ended with a period. “You don’t need to think much of me, I don’t work for Google or anything, but you can at least treat me like a human being, and not some commodity to buy.”

  I realized the irony in my statement as I said it. I was exactly that. I sold myself to women for money. The whole reason I took this job wasn’t even for the money. It was for the thrill of making someone else pleased. It was so different from home. My parents were both always measuring me up to other people and kids. Being an escort was one of the few escapes I had where someone could be thrilled by the sight of me and want me to visit again and again.

  “Woah, I don’t care if you work for Google, I don’t care if yo
u’re an escort or not. I just - ”

  “Isn’t that what this whole thing is? You want to get hot, which you already are. That piece of shit just didn’t know what he had and so he didn’t treat you like a person. You want to find a great date, say he is perfect for you and make me do this dance and song for your parents and friends and they are super impressed. They all see how happy you are doing, but not really and for what? So you can show up at your perfect ex-fiancee’s wedding, with someone strapped to you just to prove to everyone that you could turn out fine?”

  I felt like an ass as I said it. Words were just pouring out of my mouth. I saw the hurt look in her eyes. I wanted to help, but she hurt me first.

  “Besides, if you really wanted to buy me, you couldn’t afford me. I charge ten times that, sometimes more. Keep your money. You need it more than I do.”

  That pushed it over. I didn’t care how much I hated myself at that point because some small part of me knew that it needed to be said. The other old ladies and billion-millionaires knew that I was their toy. They took me places, and I did the same song and dance for them. But with them it was all a charade. With her it was real. It felt real. If it weren’t, I would have pulled out more tricks last night, believe me. I don’t need to keep it simple, I just chose to. I didn’t want our first time to be a mockery of sex. I wanted her to feel like she was wanted back. Apparently I did a shitty job at it.

  I finished my coffee and slammed down the mug. I wanted to leave. I wished I had never met her. Not like this. This was not how it was suppose to go. We were supposed to be laughing and naked, still on the bed. We should have had morning sex, the only thing better than the first time. It’s so playful and fun. Instead we were doing business over coffee. I wanted April to be the exception. I didn’t know how to feel. I didn’t know how to react. All that came out was my anger and disappointment.

  I had never acted like this before. Normally when I am bothered by something I can take it in calm strides. I don’t know what was different this time. I felt like a child throwing a fit. My mind was going in circles. I was upset with her but I also wanted to help her at the same time. I didn’t want to be mad. I didn’t want to stay mad. I didn’t want to feel like an object to her, though. I thought that it was clear that what we were doing was off the books. Apparently not. I should start saying “Off the record” to her. That would be annoying. That would be dumb.

  I noticed I was pacing in the room. I went back and forth between the bed and the porch. I didn’t know what to say. I wanted to turn back time to before the fight. I wanted to turn back time to before we started flirting back and forth. I hoped she wasn’t just acting back. I certainly wasn’t acting around her.

  I left her like that, silent and confused. I went into the room and got dressed. I only had nice clothes, but I didn’t feel like wearing them now. I felt like going down to the lobby in pajamas and just kicking back. I felt like doing a couple laps from here to Asia to blow off steam.

  This was the first time I felt like this. I hadn’t felt used before. Not that she had used me. I don’t really know what was making me so mad, but I was hoping this wedding could get over quickly. The faster I was out of here, the faster I could regain my sensibility. I wanted to swim. I wanted to run. I wanted to do something to blow off this steam. I didn’t have the right clothes or time for any of these apparently, so I decided maybe drinking was my best option. Lucky for me, I get all the drinks I need on the house. Apparently I’m worth that much here.

  “I’m going down to the lobby.” I shouted at her.

  She didn’t know what to say or how to respond. I could tell I shocked her, but not in the way I wanted to. It was all unpleasant. I just grabbed the clothes that were on top of the rest and threw them on. I left the room, shoes in hand. I put them on in the elevator.


  I was silent. My mind ran in circles and my mouth fell open. Did that just happen? All I could do was stare at the door he just slammed. Did that really just happen? I didn’t know what to do or say. I was speechless. How did that just happen? I counted in my head when he said it. Four thousand dollars for one night? That was ridiculous. I couldn’t believe that. What was happening? What was happening right now?

  I felt a little bad for assuming that he was just doing what he was doing for money, but at the same time, we never established there was anything outside of that. I started to cry a little. This weekend had been an emotional roller coaster. What goes up must come down, I just didn’t know why it had to be a plummeting crash when I was only just experiencing life above sea level.

  The shouting had hurt my head. I took a couple ibuprofens with my coffee and finished the cup. I wasn’t sure what my next move should be. It was early in the day, but there was already so much that had happened and much more for me to do.

  I was surprised that he just stormed out. That seemed out of character for him. He had been so calm and cool the whole time I knew him. I never thought he was capable of blowing up like that. I didn’t know what he was doing in the lobby, and I didn’t care to see him yet. I was upset. I didn’t do anything wrong. I just wanted to make sure that I wasn’t taking his acts the wrong way.

  I wiped my eyes and took a long long shower. I was right about him having more products than me, and they were the really really nice stuff. I hadn’t even heard of some of these brands. I was sure that they were made with Oprah’s tears. I decided to use some of them. He could more than afford it, if he made that much money. No wonder he was so clean. I was glad he charged that much. If I had gotten someone that had actually only charged $400 I might have been skinned or gotten mange.

  My hair felt so soft after I used his shampoo. I smelled vaguely like colognes. My skin had never been fresher. I was going to have to steal some of this and put it in a travel container. If he was going to accuse me of using him, I might as well actually use him.

  When I got out I rapped myself in the robe he had worn the night before and called Travis. He better have a great explanation for this. He didn’t answer the first time. I dialed again, and he picked up on the first ring. “Hey, I’m at the gym. Is everything okay?”

  “Four thousand dollars?”

  “Oh shit.”

  “Four. Thousand!?”

  “So you know, then?”

  “Of course I know. When were you planning on telling me? What did you have to do to get this kind of a deal, anyway? Sell your soul? Did you sell mine?”

  “Girl. Chill. I was doing you a favor. You are broke as a joke.”

  “But he doesn’t need to know that! He is just there for the weekend for you.”

  “Yeah, but…”

  “Oh no.”

  I took a deep sigh. I was in it now. I hadn’t realized how strong my feelings for him were until I was scared that he was no longer a possibility to me.

  “You have feelings for him, don’t you?”

  “Yeah. I guess.”

  “Well you are going to have to do some crazy magic, because I can’t afford to buy him for you every night of the week.”

  “Well… Actually…” I was quiet for a moment.

  “Go on.”

  “Last night we kind of…”




  “And there was more.” My voice squeaked at the end.

  “Uhh.. How much more are we talking?”

  “We are talking, like, all the way.”

  “Like… You went all the way all the way?”


  “Like not just a hug or something, but him penetrating inside of you all the way?”

  “Gross.” There was never an excuse to use the word penetration, even if it was in an appropriate or correct usage. “But yeah. And this morning just made it worse.”

  “Why? Did you double dip? Is he sending a ransom to your family for the dirty cash?”

  “No. We were at breakfast, and I gave him the money because I figured, well, I don’t
know. I didn’t want him to think he wasn’t getting paid.”

  “Sure, yeah. I get that.” He was breathing heavy in the background. I could tell he was starting to run again.

  “But then he got super pissed. He slammed his coffee on the table and started yelling about how I’m a horrible person and how last night had nothing to do with money, and then he just stormed out and he has been in the lobby for god knows how long now.”

  He stopped breathing heavy. I could tell he stopped again. “So…”


  “So he has feelings back?”

  “I… I guess….”


  “Yeah.” I picked some of the paint off of one of my fingers. “What do I do?”

  “I don’t know, I have never had to deal with that kind of drama. Prostitutes are all news to me.”

  “You think I have experience?” I scoffed.

  “More than I do. As of now.”

  “Shut up.”

  “Sorry.” He started jogging again. His speech was becoming quick.

  “So you see my dilemma.”

  “Girl, I would help you if I knew how, but your situation was already fucked before you even got the party invite.”

  I sighed. “Yeah, you’re telling me.”

  “If you want my honest opinion, I’d say ask him how he really feels. It’s not your fault that you thought a prostitute might have been sleeping with you for money.”

  I chuckled. Travis was the best at making me laugh. He knew that too, so he pushed harder.

  “And how would anyone believe that he would want to touch someone as hideous as you?”

  “I know. I get confused with the sea monsters so often I have my own fan page dedicated to the search for me.”

  He laughed too. “I have had people come to our house and ask me for pictures or evidence of life in your natural habitat.”

  “Yeah, a lot of people do the same for you.” We both sighed.

  “I’ll have a ton of wine waiting for you when you get back. I have to go. Keep me updated.”


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