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Auctioned to Him 4: His Addiction

Page 92

by Charlotte Byrd

  “You are impressed by very strange things. Does this impress you?” He held up a mini quiche and I smiled.

  “Oh yes. Very much.”

  He handed it to me. “How about this?” He held up little stack of bacon, cheese and cucumber.

  “Yes. Even more so.”

  He handed it to me. “And this?” It was a piece of pickle.

  I pulled a face, “Oh no. Definitely not.”

  “You see,” He said and put down the pickle, “I’m getting to know a bit more about you now. I’m glad to see you’re not a fan of pickle. It’s awful stuff. Not quite sure why anyone would actually eat it unless they were forced to.”

  “My motto in life is why eat pickle when you can eat bacon?”

  “Great philosophy.” He put a piece of bacon into his mouth and smiled and I moved uncomfortably in my seat as I looked at the way his mouth had moved. I couldn’t stop thinking about what that mouth might feel like on mine.

  “Uh… so… about that work you wanted to discuss?” I said and took out my notebook and pen, desperate to think about anything else other than his mouth.

  “Ah… I like a woman that is all business. Okay, well here’s what I’m thinking.”

  He launched into a few ideas for my campaign and I was surprised to find that he really did have work to talk to me about. I wasn’t sure if I was relieved or disappointed at that. Nevertheless his ideas were good and I was glad to be talking business. For a small moment I almost forgot that I was hoping for something else to happen in the meeting. Almost.

  “So, what do you think?” He asked me.

  “Honestly? I think those are great ideas. Definitely something that I can incorporate quite easily into my campaign – which by the way is going very well. I’d like to hold a meeting at the end of next week if you don’t mind – just to update everyone on the statistics. I’m well aware that I’m the new girl so I also don’t want to tread on any ones toes. I would rather let everyone know what I’m doing and hear their thoughts. I think it’s something that I can do well by myself but even better with everyone’s input.”

  “Great idea, not many people think that way. Everything is better when done in a team. And yes of course. Chat to Abbie and get her to set something up.”

  “I’ll do that. Thanks Sebastian.”

  “So, are you enjoying it here? Glad you got the job? Is this the type of place you could imagine working at for a while? I mean, messed up car aside.”

  That made me smile, “I am actually – messed up car aside. It’s very interesting and I’m learning a lot. And I really like everyone on the team. And I can definitely picture myself staying here.”

  “Yeah, they’re a good bunch. And you’re right about the job – it suits you. I knew it from the moment I saw you in that meeting on your first afternoon. The way you commanded the room like that. I tell you what Jane, I was very surprised at that. That was not at all the same Jane that I had seen that morning, embarrassed over spilled coffee. I half expected you to run out the door when I asked you to stand up and yet you did it with so much grace and self-assurance.”

  “I guess I’m just confident when it comes to my work.”

  His eyes glistened and he stared at me without looking away. I was desperate to look somewhere else but for once I couldn’t stop myself from staring right back at him. I could literally feel my entire body start to shake. “I liked your confidence. And I liked your shyness. You’re like a little walking contradiction, you know that.”

  “Like the Green Day song.” I said, and squirmed in my seat and looked at my hands, which were crossed firmly into my lap. Suddenly I was too nervous to look back up at him. I didn’t know what to do with myself.

  “With good taste in music too. Can I tell you something Jane?” He asked.

  “Yeah… of course.” But I was still looking down at my lap.

  “I want you. I want you so badly right now.”

  I looked up suddenly. “Wh – What?”

  “I want you so badly Jane. I don’t know what it is about you. You’re very different to the type of women that I normally go for. And yet, I cannot stop thinking about you. I cannot tell you how wild you are making me right now.”

  I was startled by his bluntness and the sudden turn this conversation had taken. “But you don’t know anything about me.” My voice was timid.

  “Well, I think I know enough. I know that you like bacon and cheese, and little mini quiches. I know that you detest pickles and that you name your cars. I know that you hate wearing high heels and you love alternative rock music. And the thing I know the most… well I know how I feel whenever I see you.”

  I felt my mouth go dry. I thought of Abbie and the warning bells went off in my head. I had to stop this from happening before it got out of hand. I had to make sure that I wasn’t just one of the girls that he got into his bed simply with a few nice words. I wouldn’t be that type of girl. I rolled my eyes at him. “Oh please, you’re just thinking with your dick. Just the way all men do.” Then I stopped myself. “Oh my God, I cannot believe that I just said that to you. I’m so sorry. I think I just crossed the line there. Sorry Sebastian. I’ve just met a few bastards lately, but it wasn’t fair for me to say that to you.” I could not believe I had just called my boss a dick. The very same boss I had been fantasizing about and who was now flirting with me just as I wanted but wouldn’t admit. Thankfully he was smiling at me.

  “Well, I’m not one of them. I’m not a bastard. And I can totally believe that you’d say something like that to me. Just the same way that you shouted at me when I crashed into you. You’re a feisty one. And I like that about you. I’m sorry but can’t help it – I really do want you so badly Jane.”

  I took a step back. I wanted him too, of course I did, but I was too afraid of what I was doing. Of who he was. Of what Justin had done to me. I wanted to run out the door and yet I also wanted to stay inside. He stood up and came towards me and I noticed a bulge in his trousers. I couldn’t believe that I had managed to turn him on. Me! I mean, this was a man that could easily make it onto the cover of a magazine and I was just plain Jane. And yet, I could see that he wanted me. And that he wanted me badly. I felt my body responding to his stare and I knew that no matter how much I tried to deny it that I wouldn’t be able to resist him.

  “Sebastian, I – “

  But before I could finish he came forward and started to kiss me. He was much taller than me and even though I was wearing heels he had to bend down to kiss me. I understood why Abbie liked tall men now – there was something so desirable about him reaching down for me like that. His hands were in my hair, touching my face and the longer we kissed the more intense it became. The only guy that I had kissed for the past several years of my life had been Justin, and even when we had first met the kiss had been nothing like this. This was a kiss that I would never forget. It was hot, heavy and passionate and I felt the whole room steam up around me. I never wanted it to end. “Oh God.” I groaned the moment we pulled away and then I leaned in for more. I couldn’t get enough of him. When he stopped me I thought I was going to cry out in frustration. But he just smiled at me, that lopsided mischievous grin, and locked his office door. Then he looked back at me and took my face into his hands. “Jane, I want you.”

  Chapter 19 - Jane

  “Do you want me?” Sebastian was saying to me, his breath against mine. His voice sounded distant, almost as if this were a dream and I squeezed my eyes shut and opened them again to make sure that it was real. But there he was, still standing in front of me – my face in his hands. This was real. This was really happening. Since when did my dreams come true like this?

  “I do. I want you. Oh God of course I do.” I whispered. I couldn’t deny it anymore. I had never wanted anyone in my life more than I had wanted Sebastian at that moment. I hated myself for it and yet I knew that I couldn’t stop it. And now, with his face so close to mine, I couldn’t believe that this was actually happening to me. Se
bastian just got better looking to me every single day, and up close he was actually flawless. I stared at his mouth and watched as it moved closer to mine. I pushed aside any thought of Abbie then and the fact that if she came back from her meeting she’d be right outside the door. I wondered if she’d know when I came out. Then I saw his mouth again and I didn’t care. He kissed me with wild abandon, slow at first and then with more passion as the kiss went on. I felt my knees buckling from underneath me.

  “You taste so good Jane.”

  “So do you.” And he did. He tasted like bacon and desire. Then he looked at me and took my hand, leading me towards his desk. He picked me and propped me on top of it. I loved how strong he was and how easy it was for him to do that to me. Then he came forward and kissed me again.

  “Jane,” he said, pulling away from the kiss, “Is this okay?” He was tugging at my shirt. I couldn’t believe that he was actually asking me this – he didn’t seem the type that asked. He seemed the type that just took. Not that he really had to ask. He could do anything to me and I would let him. I simply nodded. I suddenly found that I was unable to speak like a normal person. My mouth had become dry. My tongue had become twisted. He grinned at me and while looking intensely into my eyes he started to undo one button at a time. For a brief moment I panicked because I couldn’t remember which bra I was wearing but when I looked down I was relieved to see that it was one of my good ones. My mother was always telling me to wear good underwear in case I was ever in an accident. What she should’ve told me was to wear good underwear in case a gorgeous young man suddenly decided he wanted to see them. I liked the way he was looking at my breasts and for once I felt proud about my body. My blouse hung wide open now and he reached behind and then unclipped my bra with expertise. The bra fell to the floor and even though I still had the rest of my clothes on I felt completely exposed.

  “Jane, Jane, Jane.” He whispered. I wanted him to say my name forever. He reached over and felt my breasts, one at a time and then he bent over and started to lick them. I felt my nipples harden at his touch and I pulled him closer in towards me. I looked down and saw him sucking on my breast and it was one of the hottest moments of my life. I leaned back and groaned. Then, all of a sudden, I felt a hand reaching under my skirt and I arched my back as his hand went further and further up my leg. I was wet before he even touched me.

  “You should wear clothes like this more often.” He said to me. He was right – I was wearing the best clothes for a moment like this. My skirt was loose and flowing and very easy to get inside. He pulled off my panties and then moved his hand up to touch me. He grinned when he felt how ready I was for him. He stood back up and kissed me again and I thought my body was going to explode. I had never wanted any man more in my whole life and at that moment I didn’t care that he was my boss and that what we were doing was probably quite inappropriate. All I cared about was what was happening at that moment and how he was making me feel. For once in my life I was throwing caution to the wind and putting myself first and it felt wonderful. I thought he was going to take off his clothes and have sex with me right there on his desk and if he had I knew that I would completely allow it to happen. In fact, I wanted it to happen. Instead, he bent down onto the floor, lifted up my skirt and began kissing and licking me. I couldn’t believe what was happening and I couldn’t control my excitement. Just before I was about to come he pulled away and said, “Don’t scream. This is our moment.” This only made the orgasm more intense as my body shook and I forced myself not to scream out loud. Thankfully he warned me because if he hadn’t then I don’t think I would’ve been able to control myself. The whole office would’ve heard me – no matter how sound proof his office may be.

  When he was done he came up and kissed me gently on the mouth and I felt as if I was going to melt all over again. Then he grinned, “Well that was nice, Jane.” Again, I loved how he said my name.

  I felt immediately aware of my surroundings and what I had done and I wasn’t quite sure what to do with myself or how I even felt about it. “Great lunch break. One of my better ones this week.” I said and hoped that my voice sounded light and carefree.

  “Better than pickles?” He grinned.

  “Oh way better than pickles.”

  Just then his phone rang and I heard him say. “Hi Alison. Yes, yes. Okay no problem. Yes that is fine. Sure, give me five minutes and then send them right in.” Five minutes?

  Chapter 20 - Sebastian

  “Sorry Jane, I have people coming in for a meeting. That was Alison on the phone. They just turned up unexpectedly but I really do need to see them. Unfortunately of course. I’d way rather carry on with this. ” I chuckled as I watched her scramble, looking everywhere for her bra. “But anyway, thank God she didn’t call five minutes earlier.”

  “Trust me, I wouldn’t have let you answer.” Jane said. She was on the floor looking under my desk. I considered asking her to stay under my desk for the duration of the meeting. Now that would be an interesting meeting.

  “Are you looking for this?” I asked and dangled her bra in my fingers. It had been on top of the desk all along. She smiled gratefully and quickly put it back on. She seemed suddenly shy to have her breasts exposed. But I didn’t look away. I watched as she took her blouse off and put her bra back on. I watched as she put her blouse back on and then put her panties back on and arranged her clothes to what she hoped was orderly. I watched as she tried to untangle her hair without a brush and how she looked in her little compact mirror to make sure that her makeup was still fine. I couldn’t stop looking at her. When the door knocked I laughed as she ran to my desk and began packing away all the food. Then when I opened the door to let in the clients I laughed as she almost tripped walking out. It was good to see that I had that effect on her. For a while I thought she might not be interested in me at all. My walking contradiction.

  “Working through lunch I see?” John said.

  “Always.” I replied and motioned for them to come in.

  “Thank you for seeing us on such short notice. We happened to be in the area and thought we might as well try our luck. You’re a very busy man so we were very surprised when your secretary said you could see us.” John and Spencer were two very important clients of mine. I had done a lot of business with them in the past and had taken on board a lot of their suggestions. We’d been planning on meeting up again for a long time now but something kept coming up for either them or myself. I was glad to see them even though they had come at a rather unfortunate time. Perhaps only twenty minutes later and Jane could’ve returned the favor to me. I wonder how it would feel to have her lips on my –

  “Yeah,” Spencer interrupted me out of my thoughts, “I told John it was pointless coming in to see you like this, but I was wrong.”

  “Ah I’ve wanted to meet with you for a while now anyway. We have lots to discuss so I’m very glad that you were in the area. What do you think of the changes in the casino? Did you get a chance to see any of them? You haven’t been here in what, six months? A lot has changed since then and a lot of the changes were because of all your suggestions.” I was sure that they would be happy with everything that I had done since last seeing them.

  “We briefly saw when we were coming in and I have to say Sebastian. We liked what we saw. We liked it a lot. I think we make a good team.”

  “I think so too. Well, there are going to be even more changes. And hopefully we can work towards getting the two of you on board. You’ll also be happy to know that we have finally gotten someone to deal with our social media. I know that it was something that you mentioned before and you were right – we are very far behind in that department. Anyway, before we start, would you like some coffee? I know that I can sure do with some.”

  “That would be great, thank you.”

  I picked up the phone and called Alison. But it wasn’t Alison that answered, it was Jane. I was so used to hearing Alison’s gruff cigarette voice that the sweet voice that came
through took me by surprise. “Jane, why you are picking up Alison’s phone?” I asked.

  “Sorry, Alison needed to go get some lunch and she asked if I could monitor the phone while she was out. She should be back in about half an hour or so.”

  “Okay, well that’s no problem. You have reminded me that I need to make a plan to get someone to cover for her during lunch times. I keep forgetting. Don’t tell her that though. I was actually phoning to ask Alison if she could bring three coffees into my office. Would you be able to do that for us?”

  “Uh… yes. Sure. I’ll be right there.” I put the phone down and was glad that I’d be seeing Jane again.

  When she walked in she was nervously carrying a tray with three coffees and then with snail-like speed she placed it on the table. I thought she was going to spill coffees over everyone the way she was carrying on. I tried not to laugh at the thought.

  “I’m sorry. As you can see, this is why I’m in the marketing department and not serving drinks at the bar or restaurant. I was always a terrible waitress. It’s like I’m super confident with everything and then the moment I have to serve someone something I turn into a nervous wreck.”

  John and Spencer laughed and smiled at her. That’s when I noticed that her one button was still undone and that her breasts were hanging out when she bent over. The men could not stop staring. I literally saw Spencer blink and quickly compose himself. “Not too worry at all. I was an awful waiter too. Awful. It’s not a job that everyone can do well, that’s for sure. But I think it’s something that everyone should do. You have so much more respect for waiters once you’ve done it yourself. Thanks for the coffee. It’s great.”

  Jane was beaming at him and looked more relaxed. “I agree. And yeah, the coffee is amazing here, a very big perk of my job. Have a great meeting and just call if you need anything else.”


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