His to Take

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His to Take Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “I want her pregnant as soon as possible.”

  Daniel stared at his father.


  “You heard me. I don’t want to wait or give the Valentis a reason to think they can pull out of our alliance. I want her knocked up immediately. I’m giving you the next month off. Do what needs to be done. Remember what I’ve taught you, and I don’t want you to disappoint me, Daniel. I mean that.”

  With a wave of his hand, Frank dismissed him.

  Getting to his feet, Ronnie followed him out of the room. Neither of them spoke, waiting until they got in the car to finally say something.

  Climbing behind the wheel, Ronnie started the car up, and they left his father’s estate before even speaking a word.

  “What are you going to do?” Ronnie asked.

  He’d confided in his friends that he’d not taken Natalie, letting them know that he wanted her to fall in love with him before anything took place.

  Sitting back, he rubbed his eyes.

  “Do you think he’s got cameras in my home?” Daniel asked.

  “I’m starting to think he might have because there’s no way in hell that he can expect you to do just as he says.”

  “He’s the boss, of course he can.”

  “If you hurt Natalie, force yourself on her, she’ll never forgive you.”

  “I don’t do rape, Ronnie. That will never change.” He ran a hand down his face. This was not what he wanted to deal with right now.

  They didn’t make a single stop and arrived at his penthouse suite quickly. He noticed Vincent’s car was missing, and he pulled out his cell phone.

  Daniel: Where r u?

  Vincent: shopping, or at least trying to. Your wife is weird.

  Daniel smiled, thinking about his wife. She wasn’t the kind that would love to spend the entire day shopping, not at all.

  “Come on, we’ve got some time to check my place.”

  Ronnie went to the trunk of his car, where he found the piece of equipment that would say if there was a bug in his home.

  He hoped to God there wasn’t. Right now, he didn’t want to have to deal with the thought of his father listening in on his conversations. That would piss him the fuck off.

  Once again, neither of them spoke, entering his apartment, and the moment they did, they began to search.

  Within the space of twenty minutes all of the bugs were found and he placed them on the counter, pissed off.

  They were still live, and right now he didn’t know what to do with them.

  Grabbing Ronnie’s arm, he pulled him toward the bedroom, the only place they hadn’t found one.

  “He knew,” Ronnie said.

  “There’s no other word for it. He knew what you said, and this is some kind of test.”

  Daniel ran fingers through his hair.

  He’d known his father liked to randomly do surveillance, but this was just fucking out of line.

  “Why do you think he’s doing this?” Ronnie asked.

  “I don’t know. Knowing him, it’s one of his power trips, where he likes to completely control fucking everything!” He wouldn’t do it. No matter what his father wanted, he wouldn’t rape Natalie.

  This wasn’t the reason he picked her in place of Louisa. He liked Natalie. He didn’t think he’d have to convince Louisa to get into his bed, but still, he couldn’t bring himself to stick his dick inside her.

  “Honey, we’re home,” Vincent said, calling out to them.

  Daniel gritted his teeth.

  Entering the main room, he smiled at Vincent, and raised a brow when he caught sight of his very sexy, beautiful wife, in a pair of jeans and a shirt, bending over and plugging in a lamp.

  There were a couple of large bags, and Vincent looked mildly amused.

  “So your lady wouldn’t go with the clothes shopping, and she wanted to put her touch on the apartment. Decided that this is her place, and it will be like it.”

  “Speaking of it being part of my place,” Natalie said, coming toward him. She pushed some hair off her face. “How good are you at fixing things?”

  “What kind of things?”

  “You know, assembling a bookcase.”

  Before he could say anything, two delivery men entered the apartment, and Natalie gave a squeal of excitement.


  He watched as a large box was placed on the floor.

  “I’ve never done one before, and I was hoping you strong men could get it done for me while I fix some dinner.” She tilted her head to the side, looking all coy and adorable, and fuck, he adored her.

  She inspired feelings inside him that no other woman had.

  “We’ll get it fixed.”

  Ronnie cleared his throat and did some weird eye movement. For a few seconds, he’d forgotten the pressing problem.

  Daniel crooked his finger to Natalie, and she stepped toward him. He pointed a finger to his lips, letting her know to be quiet.

  With that, he led her toward the equipment, and he saw she knew what it was.

  Pointing toward the bedroom, Vincent and Ronnie followed.

  “That’s not gross at all. Who put listening devices in your apartment?” Natalie asked.

  “First, how do you know what they are?”

  “I’ve seen something similar from my dad. He told me how they work, even let me listen in once. Big mistake. Whoever he was listening to was having sex. Believe me, a ten-year-old doesn’t need to hear that. Or ‘hit me again, baby, make it hurt.’”

  Ronnie and Vincent were trying to contain their laughter, and he wasn’t having much good at it either.

  “My dad,” he said.

  He nodded at Ronnie and Vincent, and they left the room. Seconds later he heard the door close, and figured Ronnie was giving Vincent the update.

  Daniel sat on the end of the bed and sighed.

  “Your father is listening in on you. Doesn’t he trust you?”

  “I don’t know. It’s my dad, and it’s his way of keeping control of everything.”

  She took a seat beside him. “It didn’t go well? This meeting with him? Your business.”

  “I’m going to be completely honest with you, because I don’t want any secrets between us.”


  “My dad wants me to get you pregnant as soon as possible.”




  He took hold of her hand, locking their fingers together. “He must have heard what I said to you.”

  “Yeah, because that’s not creepy at all.”

  “I never claimed to have a perfect family.”

  “Neither have I.” She squeezed his hand and offered him a smile. “You don’t have to look terrified.” She chuckled and winked at him.

  “He’s given me a month to do it.”

  “Oh, wow, he doesn’t want you wasting any time.”

  “I think it’s some kind of test.”

  She didn’t look shocked by that. “Our fathers and all these tests. It’s probably to help cement the Solano-Valenti deal or whatever you guys got out of this marriage. I don’t really know.”

  “I only wanted you, Natalie.”

  She smiled and took her hand back. He watched as she ran her hands down her thighs. “There’s not a lot we can do then, right? You’re being honest with me, and let’s face it, you can’t exactly get rid of those devices. This room is clear?”


  She nodded. “Then we’re going to have to … you know … have sex.”

  “Are you even ready for a baby?”

  She shook her head. “I’m not, but I also know how these things go, and believe me, they never end well for people who completely disregard an order.” She stood up. “I’m going to fix some dinner for us all. I suggest you get Vincent and Ronnie and put them back. We’ll know where they are. We know where our privacy is, and we’ll just have to deal with it.”

  “I’m a full-grown ma

  “I know.” She reached out, touching his cheek. “I never said it makes it right. Families always do crazy things.”

  He watched her walk away.

  He was pissed off that his father would do this. What Daniel wanted to know was why?


  Flossing her teeth had never seemed like such an important thing to do, and yet here she was, standing at the bathroom sink, running white cotton things through her teeth. Natalie had already showered and brushed her teeth twice. Now she decided she needed to floss. She wore a negligee, one that Daniel had purchased for her.

  Tonight she was going to lose her virginity, and she didn’t know how she felt about that.

  Sex was something she’d wanted but hadn’t craved it.

  Why crave something she hadn’t really been that interested in?

  With her teeth flossed and her hair brushed with about two hundred strokes, she couldn’t think of any other reason to remain in the bathroom.

  Grabbing a cloth, she wiped down the bathroom sink, even though it was spotless. She made a note to ask Daniel if he’d canceled the woman he normally had for cleaning.

  “Everything is fine.” She stared at her reflection, hating the fear staring back at her.

  Her father had once said if someone was listening in, it didn’t mean good things for the future.

  Were both of their fathers listening in?

  She didn’t know, and she didn’t want to know.

  The thought of her father invading her privacy like that was just too much for her to handle. She refused to think like that, and she stepped away from the sink. There was no point in putting this off any longer.

  Staring down at her wedding band, she couldn’t believe that she’d been married a whole day. That was all it was, and yet when she was around Daniel, it felt like much longer. Not because he was a pain in the ass or anything, just the way they were together.

  Entering the bedroom, she saw Daniel wore a black robe, and he was sitting on the edge of the bed.

  She smiled at him. He looked troubled.

  “You were in there a long time,” he said.

  “I was … trying to distract myself. It’s not every day that a woman loses her virginity or anything. Or finds out that her father-in-law likes to keep track of her conversations.”

  She tried to make light.

  Daniel sighed. “I’m a thirty-year-old man, and I’ve been ordered to fuck my wife and knock her up.”

  She winced. “Have you been a good boy?”

  They both laughed.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know of a good way to phrase it, and words are not always my strong suit.”

  She stepped up to where he sat. She held out her hands, and he took them, and she stared at where they were joined once again.

  “I won’t ever hurt you, regardless of what anyone wants from me. You wanted out of this life, and I brought you back in. For that, I am truly sorry.”

  “There wasn’t a lot you could have done.” She paused. “You could have fallen for Louisa, and that would have been … easier. Oh, well, life is never easy, is it? Not really.”

  He stood up, and she held in her gasp.

  He was so much taller than she was, bigger, and when he moved closer to her, she couldn’t think, not for a second. His touch grazed up her hands, and she closed her eyes, feeling every little aftershock from his touch alone.

  “I will only ever do what you want me to, Natalie.”

  She knew if she asked him to stop, he would. He wasn’t a monster.

  Daniel was a good man who did bad things because he had no choice.

  The life he was born to decreed that.

  When he cupped her face and tilted her head back, she didn’t fight him. Her stomach tightened, and a flood of warmth filled her pussy. Her nipples tightened too, and when his lips finally touched hers, she couldn’t resist the moan that escaped.

  Daniel swallowed down her moan, holding her tightly as he explored her mouth. She closed her eyes, desperate for more, to feel him surround her. She didn’t want him to stop.

  Grabbing the belt of his robe, she tugged it open. Her hands met naked chest, and she ran them up, moving toward the arms of the robe, and sliding it off his shoulders.

  The robe landed on the floor with a thud.

  Breaking from the kiss, she saw that he hadn’t worn any clothing, and he stood before her naked.

  He was all hard muscle, covered in ink, and totally sexy as she stared at him. She couldn’t believe for a second that this man belonged to her.

  Biting her lip, she met his gaze.

  “I figured undressing would make you more nervous.”

  She chuckled. Placing her fingers on the straps of her negligee, she didn’t give herself a second to doubt her moves. When she slid the straps down her arms, the negligee fell down, landing at her hips. She gave a little wiggle, and the negligee fell to the floor.

  Just as he stood naked before her, she stood before him, completely nude.

  She couldn’t help covering her breasts, crossing her arms together, hiding a little part of herself.

  Daniel stepped forward, taking her hands, and pulling her close. As he eased her arms down, their chests collided, and she closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around his back as his hands touched hers.

  Opening her eyes, she found their reflections in one of the many kinky mirrors that he had.

  His hands caressed up and down her back, and she eased her head away to look at him.

  “I trust you, Daniel.”

  He gripped her ass, and she felt the hard ridge of his cock poking against her stomach. She didn’t fight him as he spun her around and moved her back to the bed.

  When the backs of her legs hit the bed, and she dropped with a thud, she let out a little giggle.

  As she lay back on the bed, all laughter ceased when he spread her legs open. The instant his hand touched her pussy, she gasped. Fire and pleasure danced together. Moving to her elbows, she glanced down between her thighs and watched as he teased through her slit, spreading the lips of her pussy and touching her clit. She gasped as he slid his fingers back and forth over her clit.

  She arched up, needing more.

  Daniel placed a hand on her stomach and pressed her down to the bed.

  When his lips replaced her fingers, she didn’t think for a second anything else could have felt so damn good.

  His tongue, though, the way it danced and licked across her clit, she went to heaven.

  Pleasure unlike anything she’d ever felt before began to build inside her, and she felt that point that she’d read about in so many books. She felt the precipice that he kept her at but wouldn’t allow her to fall over.

  She gritted her teeth, begging him to let her fall over the edge. Daniel was the one in control though, and only when he was ready for her to fall did he send her over, spiraling the pleasure, shocking her with the level of her climax.

  Natalie didn’t think it was possible to ever experience that kind of rapture, but she did at the ministrations of his tongue and hands.

  She didn’t want it to end.

  The fire he ignited within her was like an inferno.

  The moment he flicked the switch, she didn’t want to turn back.

  He eased off her pussy and moved over her.

  Going on instinct alone, she cupped his face, kissing him. She didn’t care about the taste of her pussy. All that she cared about was the feel of him around her. His hands moved up and down her sides, stroking her, showing her in more ways than one how good having him could be.

  “Are you ready?” he asked, sliding between her thighs.

  They’d moved up the bed, and he rested between her thighs, his cock against her pussy.

  She licked her lips and nodded. “Yes, I’m ready.”

  His hand moved between them, his cock sliding down her slit to her entrance. She couldn’t help but tense. In all the books she’d read it was such a cliché, and yet here she
was, in the same predicament, and acting exactly the same way. She was twenty years old, and shouldn’t be nervous.

  Daniel slammed to the hilt inside her, and she cried out as the searing pain shook her to her core. She gripped his shoulders, shocked by the sudden invasion.

  He wrapped his arms around her, staying still, and she couldn’t believe that tears leaked out of her eyes.

  This was not how she imagined her first time. She’d figured the pain was a lie, something to keep women in line. They weren’t lying.

  She held onto him, hoping his strength gave her strength.

  “I’m sorry, baby,” he said, kissing her shoulder.

  His tenderness melted the last of the ice around her heart.

  Chapter Seven

  A couple of hours later, Daniel ran the sponge over her body. Natalie rested against him, and he smiled.

  “I feel … weird,” she said.

  “Good weird, or bad weird?”

  “I don’t know. I mean, I thought about what it would all mean to lose my virginity. It’s what a lot of people do.”

  “Nah, not for men. Unless of course they’ve not gotten rid of it by their late teens, and then it’s an obsession.”

  She chuckled.

  “How did you think it was going to go?” he asked, curious.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t think there’d be as much pain as there was.”

  Daniel held her just a little tighter. When he closed his eyes, he saw and heard that little scream and the shock that entered her eyes as he’d slammed inside her. He’d felt her virginity break, tearing open as he claimed her for his own.

  He liked that no other man had ever gotten to taste her, or to know how her pussy clenched around his cock. Every new sensation she had was all for him.

  “I’m so sorry,” he said.

  The last thing he ever wanted to do was cause her pain, and yet he had.

  She held onto his arm and smiled up at him. “I believe every woman has to go through that. You don’t have to keep blaming yourself.” She spun around and moved so that she straddled his waist. The bathtub was huge, so there was plenty of room for the both of them.

  Resting his hands on her hips, he stared down at her body. He loved her curves, fucking relished them. They tempted him in every single way, and he couldn’t get enough of her.


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