His to Take

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His to Take Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  He’d been more than prepared to wait. Even though his father had given him an instruction, he’d have waited.

  Natalie meant more to him than getting the deed done.

  “Just because there’s supposed to be pain doesn’t mean I love to give it.”

  “You’re not a Dom then?”

  “A Dom?”

  “You know? The whole big thing of the moment with whips, chains, safewords.”

  He laughed. “No, and I’m surprised you know that stuff.”

  “I have a very wide collection of amazing books.”

  Daniel squeezed her ass. “Well, whatever the lady wants, I will be sure to make all of your dreams come true.”

  She moaned, and that amazing sound went straight to his cock.

  Natalie nibbled her lip, and the teasing smile that she gave him made him think of all the things he wanted to do to her.

  “You mean that?” she asked.

  “Yes, I mean that. I want to give you everything your heart desires.”

  “And I want to do the same for you. Everything.” The smile fell from her lips, and he didn’t like that.

  “Talk to me,” he said. “This is not supposed to be a sad moment, but a happy one.”

  “We’re married now, and even though I didn’t originally want to, we’re together.”

  “Yes, we are,” he said in agreement.

  “Well … forget it. I’m being stupid.”

  “You’re not being stupid, and I may not be a Dom, but I am more than willing to spank this ass if you need it.”

  She chuckled. “Okay, fine, I don’t want us to have a marriage like our parents did. I never wanted to be in a relationship where I was wondering if he was cheating or if he was happy. If he was thinking about another woman.” She teased the hair at the back of his neck. “I don’t want you to get a mistress or to cheat, or anything like that. I …when you want something like that, I want you to come to me, no matter what the time is, or the day, or whatnot. I want to be the woman that satisfies all of your needs. Every last one of them.”

  Her cheeks had gone a delightful pink.

  “Do you want to be my living sex toy?” he asked.

  He had no intention of being with anyone else, of going to another woman. That was not what he wanted.

  Natalie was his, and he’d wait for however long she wanted him to get her.

  Pushing some of her hair off her shoulder, he smiled. “If you’re my sex toy, then I want to be yours.”

  “You want to be my dildo?” she asked.

  “Yes. Every little desire, secret fantasy, let me know, and I will give it to you. We’re here because of my father, but I picked you. There won’t be another woman for me, Natalie. I don’t want to be in a loveless marriage, or having to screw a wife out of necessity. I want everything, and I’m a greedy bastard.”

  “I don’t mind you being greedy.” She cupped his face. “I’m going to kiss you now.”

  “Then kiss me.”

  Her lips slammed down on his. At first her touch was a little unsure, but he didn’t let her go. The kiss deepened, and he couldn’t help closing his eyes, basking in her touch. She was like fire in his arms, and he never wanted to let her go.

  Running his hands up her back, he deepened the kiss. Plunging his tongue into her mouth and hearing her moan had his dick pulsing in a fresh wave of arousal.

  Her hand dropped from his face and moved between them, sliding around his cock.

  He growled but didn’t break the kiss. He didn’t want to.

  She ran her hand up and down the length, teasing him.

  The water around them was going cold, but her touch was firing his blood.

  “I want you,” she said, breaking the kiss.

  “Are you sore?”

  “I don’t care. I need you, Daniel.”

  He didn’t have the patience to make it to the bed, and so lifting her up, he slowly eased her down onto his cock. Natalie guided the tip to her entrance, and once he was a few inches inside, she slammed down on his cock, shocking him.

  She wrapped her arms around him as well as her legs, holding him tightly.

  Gripping her hips, he began to rock inside her, guiding her, feeling her pelvis rub against him.

  The pleasure was instant, and he fucking loved it. The only thing that would make this even better was if he had some mirrors to watch everything.

  Reaching between them, he found her clit, and he refused to find his own release until she’d at least found hers.

  Stroking her clit, he broke the kiss, watching her gasp. Her eyes dilated, and she fucked his cock as he kept up with his stroking.

  Her tits bounced, and he was in heaven.

  Her body was a fucking dream to him. He couldn’t get his fill of her, and she only served to arouse him more.

  “I love fucking you, Natalie. You better get used to feeling my dick inside you, because that’s all I’m going to want to do. Fuck you, take you, make you mine.” He didn’t want her to move without being reminded of him inside her.

  She nodded. “Yes, please, Daniel.”

  “You want to come?”


  “I want to hear you scream my name, and come all over my dick. I want you to make it wet, so fucking wet.”

  He stroked her clit, and she came.

  Her cunt tightened around him, drawing his own release from him. She yelled his name, and he cried out hers as he kept on stroking her even though his release spilled from him, filling her cunt.

  One day soon he was going to fill her, and it was going to stick. She was going to be full and swollen with his kid.

  He loved the thought of that, and as they both came down from their peak he placed a hand across her stomach.

  Her hand covered his. “Whatever happens, Daniel, our child will be ours, and you cannot let either of our fathers get to him or her. Are you wanting a son?”

  “I don’t care what we have, Natalie. So long as you’re both safe, healthy, and part of my world, I’ll be happy.”

  She hugged him tight, kissing him hard. “Good answer.”


  “Did you completely empty the pool?” Natalie asked, moving toward the edge of the large indoor swimming pool.

  With Daniel home for the entire month, she had warned him she couldn’t shop every single one of those days. So rather than waste their time away, they did things together. The apartment block that he lived at not only had a pool, but also an in-house cinema, a game room, a club, and of course a gym. She hadn’t opted for the gym yet.

  The thought of watching Daniel work out though actually piqued her interest.

  “I didn’t make everyone leave. It was already clear when I got here. You took forever.” He swam toward the side of the pool, his hands moving to her legs. He spread her legs open, and using the ledge, he lifted up and kissed her.

  She sighed.

  She was growing addicted to his lips. “You always know what to do to make me want you.”

  “Come in, the water feels great.”

  He moved away a little, and she climbed into the pool. The moment she did, he was on her, pressing her against the side of the pool.

  Wrapping her legs around him, she moaned as his cock pressed against her core. The bathing suit she wore wasn’t enough protection between them. Not that she wanted protection of any sort.

  In the past couple of days since Daniel had announced his father’s instruction, she had found herself loving the moments she shared with Daniel, his naked body against hers, not to mention the way he took her.

  Fucking was all new to her, but with Daniel, she was willing to explore everything.

  She ran her tongue across his lips, and he opened up. Their tongues touched, gliding together.

  “Now, now. No funny business in the pool,” Vincent said, entering the room.

  What she’d also come to realize was that Ronnie and Vincent were Daniel’s personal bodyguards, and where he went, they went. />
  At night time though, she got him all to herself, with no interference until after they shared breakfast in the morning.

  Daniel groaned. “You’re taking this protection detail a little too seriously.”

  “Speak for yourself,” Vincent said.

  “We’re to keep you alive, being the king and all,” Ronnie said, dropping into one of the chairs. He wore a pair of swim trunks and sunglasses, even though they were indoors.

  “I’m here with my wife.”

  “We know. Your father wants to make sure that you’re always with her, by the way,” Vincent said, sitting at the edge of the pool.

  “He does?”

  “Yep. We got the call. He wants this deal to go off without a hitch.”

  And like that, any fire that had started died. “Your dad is a cock-block,” she said, pulling away from him.

  Vincent and Ronnie laughed, and she winked at Daniel.

  “You always seem to amaze me.”

  She tapped her head. “You’ve not heard everything yet.”

  “Why do I have a feeling a lifetime with you wouldn’t be enough?”

  Now that filled her with warmth. He often made comments about them being together for a lifetime. She sometimes wondered if he wanted something similar to her. Love, a future, a chance at a family.

  She wanted that.

  They may not have started out right, but their life together didn’t have to be dictated to by others. They could find a life for themselves.

  “Are you being romantic?” Vincent asked.

  “Fuck off. This is supposed to be my honeymoon, and I’ve got two brother-friends ruining it.”

  “Oh, come on, Natalie likes us, don’t you?”

  She chuckled. “You’re okay. I wouldn’t want my man to be upset though.”

  Daniel moved toward her, and the glint in his eyes sent warmth spreading throughout her entire body.

  “Leave,” he said.

  His voice, the way he spoke, his two friends didn’t even bother to argue. They simply grabbed their stuff and began to leave.

  “That was a little mean, sending them away.”

  “They’d have done the same to me if they had what I do.”

  He moved her so that her back was pressed against the side of the pool.

  “Anyone could come in.”

  “They’ll be guarding the doors. No one will come in.” His lips slammed down on hers. One of his hands slid in her hair, cupping the back of her head, holding her in place. She couldn’t fight, nor did she want to.

  His other hand took the strap of her bathing suit and began to slide it down her arm. When it fell loosely, he removed the fabric and cupped her breast. The moment he touched her, she was like fire in his arms.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she held onto him. He pressed the hard ridge of his cock against her stomach, and together they both moaned.

  “You drive me crazy. No one has ever done this to me before.”

  She didn’t want anyone to do this to him ever.

  When it came to Daniel, she felt this overwhelming obsession.

  He belonged to her, just like she was his.

  Running her hands down his body, she found his cock and held him. She remembered everything he’d taught her, how he liked it to be just a little tight. She made sure to give him what he wanted, and as she touched him, he got bigger.

  He broke the kiss, trailing his lips down her neck until he took her nipple into his mouth. She closed her eyes, enjoying his touch. Watching his lips circle her tit, she gasped.

  Daniel bit down, and the sharp nip took her breath away. He soothed it with his tongue, flicking the tip back and forth.

  He teased the other strap of her suit down and removed the fabric, which fell to her waist. He cupped both of her tits, pressing them together, and she couldn’t keep touching him as he began to lave her nipples, paying careful attention to each. The fire was more than she could stand.

  Pressing her thighs together, she moaned his name, not wanting him to stop.

  Daniel released her tits, and her suit was pulled off her body. He placed it on the surface behind her.

  His trunks followed suit.

  She didn’t let him go, and as he pulled her closer, she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  One of his hands reached between them, and there in the pool, he teased her, stroking her clit, sliding down, sinking a finger into her pussy. She gasped, moaning his name as he began to fuck her with his finger.

  It wasn’t enough, though.

  He removed his finger, and the tip of his cock began to ease inside her once again. The first initial thrust always shocked her with how big he was. His length drove in, slamming to the hilt and making her cry his name. She didn’t want him to stop. He held onto her ass, gripping her tightly as he began to fuck her, going deep with each thrust.

  Over and over, he fucked her harder than ever before. It wasn’t possible, but it felt like it. Each time they fucked it was the most incredible feeling in the world.

  “Please,” she said.

  “You want to come on my cock, baby?”


  “Touch yourself.”

  She opened her eyes, which had closed the moment he began to touch her. He wouldn’t let her go so easily, and she moved her hand between them, finding herself.

  With him watching, she started to tease. He began to thrust into her at the same time. Each thrust was shallow at first, then building. She moaned as the sensation took her orgasm to the next level.

  It didn’t take her long to find her release, and when she did, Daniel filled her with a hard thrust, giving her several seconds to ride her wave of pleasure. The moment she began to come down, his grip on her hips tightened, and he began to fuck her harder, taking her deeper.

  He claimed her lips, and she held onto him, relishing the feel of his rock-hard cock driving within her.

  “Please, please,” she said.

  “You’ve got the best fucking pussy, baby. All I can think about is being inside you.”

  Over and over, he slammed within her, forcing her need for him even higher.

  He didn’t let go, and when he found his release, she was desperate for more. The pleasure inside her was not sated as his orgasm spilled inside her.

  They were both panting.

  Daniel held her close, his kisses adding more fuel to her flame. “I can feel you, Natalie. You want more, don’t you?”


  “You want me to fuck you again?”


  “Good. I’m not done with you yet.”

  He pulled out of her and helped her climb out of the pool. If she didn’t have Daniel’s help, she wouldn’t have been able to get dressed or focus on anything else. Her body shook with need.

  Need for him.

  Once they were both dressed, they left the pool. She held Daniel’s hand, and pressed her head against his shoulder, not wanting to look at his friends, knowing deep down that they knew what they were doing.

  “You can’t come upstairs,” Daniel said.

  “Seriously? Dude, you’re putting us to shame.”

  “Don’t care.”

  They entered the elevator, and she chanced a peek over his shoulder. She didn’t know what she expected, but it wasn’t to see both friends smiling at him.

  They shook their heads but didn’t say another word.

  “You’ve got good friends.”

  “They’re the best.” He pressed her against the elevator.

  “Can’t you wait?”

  “I’m only going to kiss you.” He took possession of her lips, and she didn’t care. Waiting was way overrated.

  Chapter Eight

  “What?” Daniel asked, pausing as he stared at his father.

  He’d been married now for nearly three weeks, and that time had been the best of his life. He couldn’t recall a time when he’d been happier.

  Staring at his father, he couldn’t belie
ve what he was just hearing. This morning had begun with so much promise. Waking up with Natalie in his arms was the pleasure that he didn’t think for a second he would have ever found, and yet he had, from their kiss, to their fuck session, where she actually took him in her mouth this morning. He’d guided her through the whole thing, and she’d taken him to the back of her throat, moaning as she did. When he’d been close to orgasm, she’d not left him to it. She kept on sucking his cock until she swallowed down his cum, every last drop.

  Daniel had returned the favor, licking her pussy until she screamed his name. Spending time with her was exactly how he imagined it would be. It was the very reason he picked her. But, staring at his father, he couldn’t think right now.

  “You heard me.”

  Ronnie and Vincent remained silent as he snorted.

  “You’re telling me that someone has ordered a hit on my wife,” Daniel said. “You don’t know who did it?”

  He stared at his father. Frank Solano was a tough man, and you didn’t argue with him.

  “That’s what I said.” Frank stood up. “You will protect her.”

  “I want to know what’s being done about finding out the perp who fucking did this.” Daniel stared at his father. He wasn’t leaving until he knew for a fact they were looking into the fucker.

  “We’re looking.”

  “You know, I hate to be a party pooper, but it has to be someone on the Valentis’ side,” Vincent said.

  “Why do you figure?” Frank asked. “It could be anyone.”

  “Not really. Until Daniel married her, Natalie was a no one. She didn’t join in the family circles or the social ones. For a long time, Natalie Valenti was just a name. No one knew who she was, or what she did. She was a mystery,” Vincent explained, looking mildly bored.

  “She’s not now,” Daniel said.

  “I don’t see anyone trying to put a hit on our side of things,” Ronnie said. “One, it’s too dangerous, and two, who would be stupid enough to go up against Daniel?”

  Daniel stared at his father. “It has to be Valenti’s wife.”

  “That’s a pretty big fucking leap,” Frank said. “That is close to an insult, and we don’t take kindly to insults.”

  “I’m not trying to insult anyone. I’m speaking the truth.” Daniel stared at his father. For all of the man’s faults, he didn’t try to have any of them killed. “Natalie’s mother tried to kill her twice that we’re aware of. It was why she was so close to the cook.”


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