His to Take

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His to Take Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “It’s why the dad is close with Natalie,” Vincent said. “He had to be in order to keep her safe.”

  Frank stared at all of them. “You do realize accusing the wife of Valenti could mean certain death. Their reputation alone would see they retaliate.”

  “We don’t ask,” Daniel said. “This is my wife. We’ve heard the news that she’s on the hit list. I’m not going to rest until I find this person. In the meantime, we’ve been invited for family dinner next Sunday.”

  Frank sighed. “I was hoping not to have to go to that.” Daniel watched as his father rubbed his eyes. “You’re aware that if the perp is her mother, you will have to demand blood?”

  “I will demand her fucking head,” Daniel said.

  His father looked at him, really looked at him. “This girl has your heart?”

  He didn’t look away. “I’m in love with my wife, yes.”

  “That’s a pretty big leap in a matter of weeks.”

  “You don’t know her. You’ve not been around her.”

  “And you think that would make a difference?”

  “It did to me.” Daniel didn’t back down.

  “Loving someone makes you weak.”

  “Point me in the direction of the fucker who targeted my wife, and you can see how weak I am. Loving Natalie doesn’t make me weak. It makes me better, because I will fight harder than anyone else to make it home at night.”

  Frank kept on staring at him. “If that’s what you believe.” He moved back behind his desk. “Vincent, Ronnie, leave.”

  He looked back at his two half-brothers and watched them leave the room. He saw they clearly didn’t want to go, yet they did.

  Turning his attention back to his father, he waited.

  “Is she pregnant?” Frank asked.

  “I don’t know. It has only been three weeks.”

  “If the person who hired the hit is her mother, I will take care of it,” Frank said. His father sat back in his chair. “You know, this life … it’s fucking cruel at times. The money, the power, it doesn’t mean shit if you’re miserable.”

  Daniel took a seat as his father began to talk. It was the first time he’d ever spoken to him like this.

  “You ever loved anyone?” he asked.

  Frank nodded his head. “A long time ago. After you three were born. She worked in a bakery. I pulled over one day after dealing with a rat. I was starving, it was late, and she served me. I don’t know why, but I kept on going to that damn bakery for another month. I had on my wedding band, and she wouldn’t let anything happen between us. It didn’t matter though. I loved the food she had, and the conversation. I’d been with your mother for some time. I couldn’t stand her. Most of the women in this life put up with their men. Our marriages are not based on love, but on power. For an entire year, I had her. Piper, her name was. Such a beautiful woman. Sweet smile. She knew who I was, but told me she didn’t want to know any of it. I was more than welcome to come, eat my sandwich, and talk.” Frank ran a hand down his face. “Love for her made me fucking blind. One of our enemies discovered where I went. He watched me, and because she wasn’t a wife, or a daughter, they took her, raped her repeatedly, tortured her, and made her pray for death long before she got it.”

  Daniel was sure he saw a tear in his father’s eye.

  “I … she didn’t deserve that. I had the tape delivered on the day that I was going to go and see her. I sat and watched what they did to her. They kept her for three days, and I didn’t even know they had her.”

  “What did you do?”

  “I set fire to this fucking city. I made sure I found every single person that helped. I killed everyone—and they did it because I liked her. She was a no one, just someone special to me. It was the only time I actually considered a life far away from this one. A white picket fence, three-bedroom home, a dog maybe. Loving someone can make you weak to others seeing what you love. I don’t have a problem with you loving Natalie, son. In fact, I’d say that I was happy for you. I know I don’t show it, but you’ll understand one day. You’ve got to keep your shit together, as otherwise someone will exploit what you love. Keep her close, and keep your eye on the ball.”

  Daniel nodded.

  His father waved his hand, letting him know he was dismissed.

  Vincent and Ronnie were waiting for him, along with Natalie. When he got the call demanding all of their presences, he didn’t have much choice but to bring her to his childhood home. She’d opted to sit outside his office. There were a couple of guards he was sure she talked to. His mother didn’t even bother to come and see her.

  “All set?” she asked.

  “All set.”

  “So, I booked us a place at this Italian restaurant. Theodore told me all about this place, and they have the best carbonara going, and I love carbonara. Do you like Italian?”

  He smiled. “I do.” As he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, they left the house. “Do you talk to everyone?”

  “Only the people that I like.”

  Her arm held him close, and not for the first time, he wondered if she liked him the way he liked her.

  No, not liked, loved.

  Watching her sleep, he’d known that he’d fallen in love with her. He had to wonder, though, if her feelings were the same. He’d taken her away from the life she’d originally had planned. Was there even a smidgen of a chance that she could love him?


  Later that night, Natalie sat in bed waiting for Daniel to arrive. When he’d left his father’s office earlier before she made them all go to dinner, she’d seen the tension. Ronnie and Vincent had tried to hide what was going on with their jokes and laughter. She didn’t get it.

  Running fingers through her hair, she couldn’t wait for him to come to bed. He’d been in the shower for a long time. Climbing out of bed, she made her way toward the kitchen and made herself a hot chocolate.

  With her mug full, she moved toward the windows and opened up one of the curtains. The city below was aglow with activity. She sipped at her chocolate and thought about the life that she was currently living. It seemed surreal to her that she was married to Daniel Solano, and she was happy.

  Her happiness was the most confusing part about it all. She hadn’t expected to be happy or joyous; far from it. Taking another long sip, she saw her reflection in the mirror. She wore a sexy negligee. The only reason she wore them was so Daniel had a reason to take them off. She loved his rough hands as they tugged the fabric from her. Not only did she love his hands, but his sexy words. The way he commanded her.

  She loved everything about him, and that was what made her life so much more enjoyable.

  In the past few weeks, she’d seen something inside him, and it had taken her feelings for him to the next level.

  Love wasn’t allowed in their world.

  A world she’d tried desperately to leave behind.

  “Why are you out here?” Daniel said, catching her unaware. She gasped, and nearly spilled her hot chocolate.

  She saw there was no spillage and smiled at him. “Nearly.”

  He wrapped an arm around her waist, closed the curtain, and pulled her back into the room.

  “Okay, you see, there’s only so much of this silent, brooding treatment I’m willing to take. It’s getting a little … boring.”

  She turned in his arm, and his hand rested on her hip. She tried not to think of all the dirty things he could do to her body. Right now, she needed to focus on what was going on with him, and he couldn’t lie. She saw the trouble in his eyes, and she had a right to know the truth.

  “Tell me,” she said. “Since you met your father, something has been bugging you, and I can’t handle it. We’re a team, Daniel.”

  He took her hand within both of his, pressing a kiss to her knuckles.

  “Don’t you dare say you’re handling it,” she said.

  Daniel smirked. “I am handling it.”

  “Oh, how do you expect this to work
if you keep me in the dark? I don’t know what you want from me.”

  “Someone has put a hit out on you.”

  Her mouth opened, then closed, and opened again.

  “A hit on me?”

  “Yes. Someone wants you dead.”

  “Oh.” She licked her lips and stood back. Staring at her empty hot chocolate mug, she needed to go and clean it up. Brushing past him, she made her way toward the sink, and began to wash the dirty cup.

  Daniel didn’t leave her alone for long. He moved right up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. His hands rested on her stomach.

  When he pulled her back, there was no evidence of his arousal.

  “The thought of my death doesn’t get you off?” she asked.

  “Don’t, Natalie. Please.”

  “So, someone has ordered a hit on me.” She finished cleaning the cup and reached for the towel. All the time, Daniel kept a hold of her waist, not letting her go.

  She didn’t want his arms to be anywhere else but around her.


  She released a breath. “Wow.”

  “I think it’s your mother.”

  “Oh.” Now that didn’t actually surprise her. Her mother had been wanting her dead for a long time. “Your father knew?”

  “He knew, and he warned me.”

  “Do you want me to get Dad on the phone?” she asked.

  “It’s not something you can just make a phone call about, baby. I accuse his wife, and it’s not true, he’d have to retaliate.”

  “Even though we’re married?” She didn’t like this.

  “Yes. It’s just the way they work.”

  “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “I won’t let anything happen to me, either. I love coming home to you too much to set you free.”

  This made her smile. When he used the word love, it made her believe in fantasies. Could he love her one day?

  Turning in his arms, she stared into his eyes. “How?”

  “How what?”

  “How can you find out if it’s my mom? Dad would never tell you.”

  “We’ll find a way.”

  “What happens?” she asked.

  “She put a hit out on my wife. You’re not a Valenti anymore. She’s willing to try to kill what was mine, and I would have to put a stop to it. Blood would have to be spilled.”

  “I don’t know why she hates me so much,” she said.

  “You think it’s your mother?”

  “She’s the only one that has already tried to kill me, so yeah, I would say she’s the one who wants me dead.”

  He held her tightly to him, his hands running up and down her back.

  She closed her eyes. Even though the topic they were talking about was the least erotic, her body began to wake with his touch.

  Her pussy grew slick, and her nipples tightened.

  Against her stomach, she felt his cock begin to thicken, and she bit her lip, trying to contain her smile.

  His hands moved down to her ass, squeezing the flesh. She released a little moan.

  In one swift move, he lifted her up and placed her on the counter.

  Running her hands down his body, she took his kiss the moment his lips were on hers. Cupping his face, she gasped as he spread her legs open. He stepped between them, lifting up her negligee, exposing her pussy.

  Within seconds, he had his cock in his hand and eased the tip up and down her wet slit. She cried out his name as he slid inside her. Each inch filling her made her ache for more.

  He tore at the straps of her negligee, which fell to her waist. He cupped her tits, lifting them up. His tongue teased across each nipple as he pressed them together. Gripping the counter, she couldn’t contain her moans as he rocked within her, going deeper with each thrust.

  “I will protect you, Natalie. You’re mine, and I wouldn’t let anything happen to you. I will always keep you safe.”

  “I believe you.”

  He lifted her off the counter, still with his dick inside her. She gasped, wrapping her arms around him as he carried her back through to their bedroom. He followed her down to the bed, his cock slamming inside her.

  They moved and fucked their way until they were against the pillows. Daniel took her hands, pressing them either side of her head. He held her down and began to drive his cock within her.

  “Watch us, baby. Watch as I fuck you.”

  She looked down, seeing his cock appear before sliding deeper within her. She couldn’t contain her moan, the pleasure of his touch driving her arousal higher. She needed him more than anything.

  “Fuck, baby, I want you so much.”

  Over and over, he drove within her, taking her to the next level. He released her hands and sat back. His fingers found her clit, teasing her pussy, drawing an orgasm from her.

  Before she’d come down from her peak, he filled her again, rocking inside her, harder than ever before.

  She loved the power of his possession, the ache that flooded her. Daniel was everything she ever wanted, and as he came, flooding her pussy with his cum, she wished he loved her.

  To make her life perfect, she craved his love.

  He collapsed against her, and she held him tightly.

  She closed her eyes, pushing away the tears that sprang to her eyes thinking about all that he’d told her. The saddest thing of all, she wasn’t even surprised, not even a little bit. Her mother had no love for her. Other than Mary and her father, there was no one else that loved her.

  This was why she tried to avoid thinking about her family.

  She hated feeling this way, and it was one of the reasons she’d tried to leave.

  Daniel pulled away from her, and she forced a smile to her lips. He tensed up. “What is it?” he asked.

  “It’s nothing. I’m fine.”

  “You look like I’ve hurt you. I didn’t hurt you.”

  He pulled out of her, and began to look her over, searching for bruises or something like that.

  “It’s nothing, honestly, that was perfect.”

  “If it was perfect, you wouldn’t be close to tears.”

  She cupped his face and smiled. “Thank you.”

  He took her hand, kissing her knuckles. “What?”

  “Just being silly.”

  “I will do everything I can to protect you, Natalie. I can only do that if you’re honest with me.”

  “I’m not surprised by what you’ve said. I’m just, it still hurts, you know?”

  “She’s not worth this. You’re better than her, but don’t ever hold back. I want you to be honest with me. Promise.”

  “I promise.”

  Chapter Nine

  Daniel hadn’t wanted to come to Sunday lunch with the Valenti family. Any reason from Natalie and he’d have been more than willing to cancel. His father hadn’t told him if her mother was the person behind the hired hit.

  He stood in the sitting room, watching as Louisa and her mother stood talking to each other. Everyone looked normal. Alfie was talking with Frank. Vincent and Ronnie were with him, as he wouldn’t go anywhere without them.

  Natalie’s brothers were sitting there, drinking.

  Seconds passed, and Natalie finally appeared. She carried a tray of drinks, these non-alcoholic.

  She came toward him, placing a drink in his hand first. The scent of coffee soothed his senses, but he looked at his wife, who looked stressed.

  “You okay?” he asked, taking her hand, and placing a kiss to her knuckles.

  “I’m fine. Just a little … tense.”

  “Go and get your own drinks.” He told Vincent and Ronnie before taking Natalie into his arms. Her ass rested against his cock.

  She gave him a little wriggle, and he leaned forward, grazing her ear. “You’re playing with fire.”

  “I like to play. Would you play with me?” she asked. Her head rested against his chest, and she smiled up at him. His cock twitched just thinking about all the kinds of
play they could have.

  “You look like the happy couple,” Louisa said, speaking up from her position.

  No one saw it, but he felt Natalie’s tension.

  “That’s because we’re very happy,” he said, speaking up. He looked around the room. Each person had a reason to try to kill Natalie. The only one who ever had tried was the woman glaring at her though.

  She was the easiest target to attack. Louisa, though, she loved money, and a lifestyle. She may take soldiers as lovers, but they’d never have the kind of power he or anyone like him would. Word would have gotten around that he’d passed her ass up, and it would make other men think twice about being with her.

  Then of course, there were Natalie’s brothers. They were thirsty for blood, and a peace between Valenti and Solano would end any chance of war. Could they decide to take out his wife in order to incite it?

  It couldn’t be her father. He wanted peace.

  No, he had money on the mother, the sister, or the brothers. He held onto her hip, stroking her, letting her knew with his touch alone that he was there for her. That she didn’t have to be afraid.

  “You’re happy?” Alfie asked, looking at his daughter.

  Natalie nodded. “Yes, very happy. Daniel takes care of everything.”

  “She also has two best friends, slash brothers, with her at all times,” Daniel said, nodding at Vincent and Ronnie. “I like to make sure she’s protected.” He was purposefully making comments just to see who would bite, and who would not.

  His father was aware of what he was doing.

  “It’s been a pleasure, Alfie, to finally bring peace to our families. Natalie is a treasure. You must all be proud of her,” Frank said.

  Her mother sneered, and Louisa looked disgusted.

  “It took us by surprise. You wanting the fat sister,” her brother said.

  Natalie didn’t even gasp or make a move at her brother’s words.

  “That is my daughter-in-law,” Frank said, being the first to speak up. “Seeing as we’re all family right now, I suggest you apologize.”

  “She’s my sister. I can say what I want to.”


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