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Defile (Civil Corruption Book 2)

Page 18

by Jessica Prince

  His head dropped back and he stared up at the ceiling of the cabin, pinching the bridge of his nose. The silence engulfing us was miserable.

  Finally, after what felt like a lifetime, he broke it. “I’m going to ask you a question, and I want you to think hard about the answer. Am I wasting my time here?”

  “No,” I replied instantly, not having to give it a moment of thought. Squeezing his hand tightly, I leaned even closer. “You aren’t wasting your time, Declan. I promise.”

  He looked into my eyes closely, his own flashing with so many emotions I couldn’t possibly place them all. “Okay,” he said after a few more seconds, and the relief that one word gave me was palpable.

  “Excuse me,” the flight attendant on board said, pulling us from the privacy of our personal cocoon. “We’ll be arriving in Sacramento in a few minutes. The captain’s asked that everyone please fasten their seat belts.”

  Declan and I buckled up as requested, and as the plane descended into the fifth city we’d visited in the past three days, I kept my fingers tangled with his, unwilling to break the physical connection.

  I just hoped that connection was enough… at least for the time being.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  The line of SUVs pulled up in front of the hotel we were staying at for the night before heading off to San Diego for even more interviews in the morning.

  “Oh God,” Gina whispered as she leaned over me to gawk out the heavily tinted window. “This can’t be normal, can it?” she asked, turning wide, frightened eyes my way. “I mean, this is crazy!”

  At least three hundred screaming, crying fangirls—and fanboys—flooded the sidewalks and streets in front of the hotel. Guess it was safe to say word had gotten out that Civil Corruption was in town.

  “Welcome to life with a rock star, sweet cheeks,” Killian said in a smug tone, giving Gina a cocky wink before dismissing her all together, and climbing out of the SUV. My palm itched with the desire to smack him on her behalf. Ever since she started as their assistant, Kill had gone to great lengths to act like an asshole. I wasn’t sure what his problem was, but I was two seconds away from giving him a purple nurple like I did back in the day whenever he pissed me off.

  Mace and a couple of the security guys who’d been riding with us followed after him. The cab of the truck filled with high-pitched shrieks before the door shut again and blocked them out.

  “Tate, I don’t think I can do this.” Gina looked like an adorably tiny, yet hysterically frightened bunny caught in headlights, just moments away from being plastered all over a car’s front grill. “This is too much. I feel so out of place—”

  “Honey, I’m just as out of place as you are,” I said in a soothing voice that did absolutely no good.

  “Yeah, but you’re lifelong friends with these guys! And you know Camden Knight! You’re a part of this world. I just sling coffee drinks.”

  “Trust me,” I giggled. “I am not a part of this world. I don’t even like this world. And the guys are really down to earth. They like you, G. You’ve got nothing to worry about.”

  Her gaze returned to the window, a sad expression flitting across her face as she mumbled, “Yeah well, I’m not certain they all like me,” under her breath.

  I gave her a sympathetic smile and asked, “You want to talk about it?”

  That seemed to shake off some of Gina’s nerves. “No,” she responded resolutely, giving her head a quick shake and squaring her shoulders like she was about to go into battle. “No, I’m good. I can do this.”

  “I know you can.”

  “I got this.”

  A huge smile spread across my face. Tiny Gina was adorable on any day, but watching her psych herself up was hilarious. “You totally got this.”

  “I’ll show that asshole,” she finished on a mumble, and I didn’t reply to that one because I was pretty sure she hadn’t meant to say it out loud.

  “Let’s go, then. Show them who’s got her big girl panties pulled up and firmly in place.”

  Yeah!” She pushed open the door and climbed out. I followed suit and met her at the sidewalk.

  “Thought you two decided to move into that SUV for good,” Declan teased as he joined us, along with Garrett and Gwen. The rest of the group was already moving through the crowd, watching as Kill and Mace signed countless autographs and posed for one selfie after another.

  “Just giving Gina a boost.” I shrugged.

  The woman in question looped her arm through Gwen’s and they took off toward Corrine, who was already standing at the revolving glass doors, waiting for everyone else.

  When I looked back up at Declan, I saw the feral glint in his eyes and warned, “Don’t you even think about kissing me in front of all these people, Declan Forrester.”

  “Oh, I’ll think about it all I want, baby,” he teased in a lascivious voice. “Nothin’ you can do about what goes on up here.” He tapped his temple for added effect. “But I won’t act on it. I’ll save what I have planned for later tonight, when I sneak into your hotel room.”

  “Oh yeah?” I asked, lifting a single brow. “And what exactly do you have planned.”

  “So much,” he whispered. “But the part I’m looking forward to the most is when I make you sit on my face.”

  With that, he turned and casually sauntered into the crowd. I walked past him, doing my best to ignore the tingles shooting between my thighs.

  “Declan! Declan! I wanna have your babies!” one overzealous woman shouted.

  “I’m Civil Corruption’s biggest fan!” another screamed, following that up by flashing her boobs for everyone to see.

  “Gwen is a slutty bitch!”

  That one made me stop. I glared the cow down before turning to Ian and pointing at her. “Get her ass removed!” I demanded. “Anyone else seems hostile to you, get the cops involved.”

  Ian nodded and burst into action, one corner of his mouth quivering as he fought a smirk. He and two other security guards went about dragging the shrieking bitch away while the guys finished autographing whatever was thrust in front of them.

  “You’re savage,” Corrie joked once I joined the rest of the ladies in the hotel lobby. “I love it!”

  “Thanks, honey.” Gwen smiled. “But you didn’t have to do that. I’m quickly learning to tune it out.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest and looked out the glass at the guys. “Yeah well, as long as I can do something about it, I will.” While they waited for everyone else, I headed over to the front desk and checked us all in.

  The lady working the desk wore her hair in a severe ponytail pulled so tight I was pretty sure it was the reason she didn’t have a single wrinkle on her pinched face. As her fake nails clacked on the keyboard, she kept shooting obvious, needy looks over my shoulder at the guys in the band. She finished and slid an envelope with the keys across the cool marble countertop, never once taking her eyes off the celebrities gracing the hotel.

  “All set?” Declan asked, coming up behind me. He discreetly brushed the backs of his knuckles over my side before resting his palms on the counter.

  “Yep. Here you go.” I pulled the key to his room out and passed it to him.

  “Excuse me, sweetheart,” he said to Pinched Face behind the desk, “but would it be possible to get an extra key to her room?”

  “Deck, what—”

  The woman looked at me for the first time in the five minutes I’d been standing there, and it was clear as day from her expression that she was less than pleased. “I’m sorry, sir, but it’s hotel policy not to hand out extra keys to rooms occupied by only one guest.”

  That was a policy I’d never heard before, and while I wasn’t necessarily thrilled that Declan had been so obvious by asking for a key to my room, I still wanted to claw the chick’s plastic face off.

  “Come on… Sandra,” he continued, peeking down at her nametag and smiling that charming, panty-dropping smile. “You’d really be h
elping me out here. See, this lovely lady is our manager, and I’m an extremely needy client.”

  I was going to kill him. First I was going to screw him stupid, but then I was totally going to kill him.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Forrester. Policy is policy. I wouldn’t want to do anything to put my job at risk. But you could always come back down to the front desk if you’re having trouble reaching your… manager,” she finished with a sneer, curling her top lip up while giving me a once-over. “I’m on all night, and I’d be more than happy to assist you with anything you need.”

  Oh, I just bet she would.

  “Hmm. That’s too bad.” He stared off, deep in thought, before finally smacking his palm on the ledge. “Looks like there’s no other option.” Snatching the envelope of keys from my hand, he began fishing through them as he spoke. “Do me a solid, Sandra. Go ahead and cancel Ms. Valentine’s room, and put mine down for two guests.”

  “But—” we both sputtered at the same time.

  “Mine’s better anyway. And we’ll need a second key for that one. Great. Thanks so much. You’re a doll.”

  Left with no other choice, Sandra did as demanded, clacking away once again. A few minutes later, she slid the second keycard my way with a sour look on her face. “All set. Enjoy your stay. And please let me know if you need anything else.”

  “Oh, I’m sure we’ll be fine.” Declan grinned. “Once we get upstairs, I doubt we’ll be leaving the room. You know how it goes, jet lag and all that.”

  Jet lag, my ass.

  He grabbed my elbow and began leading me away, but I planted my feet and glanced back over my shoulder. “Oh, someone should’ve dropped our luggage off earlier. Could you please have a bellman deliver it to our rooms?”

  “Right away,” she chirped with a fake smile.

  “You’re a pain in my ass,” I whispered between clenched teeth as Declan pulled me toward our group.

  “Sorry, baby, what was that? I couldn’t quite hear you. You want me to tap that ass?”

  I laughed in spite of myself. “God, you’re such a jerk.”

  “You’re saying that now, but you’ll be calling me a god later tonight when you’re riding my face.”

  “Everything okay?” Gina asked once we joined the huddle.

  “Everything’s great,” Deck replied. “They just screwed up the reservation. Tate here didn’t have a room, but I kindly offered to let her bunk with me, so problem solved.”

  How it was possible for him to make me want to laugh and punch him at the exact same time was something I was sure I’d never understand, so instead of fighting it, I let out a sigh and decided to roll with the punches. This was the Declan I remembered from so long ago. The one I’d demanded be my friend when we were seven. The one who used to climb through my window at night just so he could spend more time with me. The one I’d missed so badly these past ten years my heart ached.

  “Oh, well you could always room with me,” Gina offered, giving Declan and me a curious look.

  “No worries,” he cut in before I had a chance to respond. “It’s already done. And I have two rooms in my suite anyway. Why don’t we all head up? I’m beat.”

  “The diva needs his beauty rest,” Garrett chided as he and Gwen led our posse toward the elevators.

  “Hey, don’t hate just ’cause I’m the best-looking one out of all you ugly assholes,” Declan replied.

  And just like that I felt like I’d been thrust right back into high school, playing mediator between four dumbass men who traded insults like it was an Olympic sport. I’d forgotten what that felt like.

  And how much I secretly loved it.

  Chapter Thirty


  “Enough,” I growled, my jaw ticking furiously in an effort to keep from coming.

  Tate ignored me, swallowing my cock down her throat as her fist squeezed tighter around the base of it. It was as if she was trying to ring me dry, and she was doing a phenomenal fucking job. But I didn’t want to come in her mouth, or her tits, or on my own goddamn stomach. I wanted to come inside her sweet pussy.

  She let out a wicked hum, sending vibrations through the head of my dick and into my entire body, pushing me closer to the edge. My teeth gnashed, and a ferocious snarl rumbled from deep within my chest as I tried desperately to ignore the tingles in the base of my spine, alerting me to the fact that I was about to blow.

  “Goddamn it, Tate,” I grunted, reaching down and grabbing under her arms. I hauled her up my body until she straddled my waist, her slick cunt gliding along my cock and driving me out of my mind. “You’re in the mood to play, huh?”

  She writhed on top of me, desperately trying to get off as she stared down, her eyes clouded with hunger. “Mmm. But I wasn’t finished,” she teased.

  “You are now.” With that, I drove her down onto me at the same time I snapped my hips, filling her as deeply as I could.

  My balls instantly drew up tight, and her walls began to spasm around me. We moaned simultaneously.

  “Oh God,” she whimpered, throwing her head back. She started moving, riding like her life depended on it. “Yes! God, Deck, you feel so good!” Sitting up, I wrapped one arm around her waist as I used my other hand to lift her plump, round breast to my mouth, taking her nipple between my lips and biting down. “Yeah, just like that,” she groaned, picking up her pace. “Harder, baby. I’m so close.”

  I bit down again, this time harder, as I pumped my hips up over and over. Her breath hitched and she plunged down, grinding against me as she came on a sharp, keening cry.

  I quickly followed her over the edge, coming so hard I nearly blacked out.

  We collapsed back onto the bed, and I’d have been content to stay there for the rest of our lives. Unfortunately, the real world insisted on invading.

  A pounding knock sounded on the hotel room door. “Yo! Get your lazy ass up! Everyone’s heading down to the lobby!” Killian shouted through the solid wood. “I wanna get this video done so we can get the hell home!”

  And just like that, the blissful dream world we’d been living in the whole damn trip came to an end.

  “Be down in a minute, for fuck’s sake!” I hollered back.

  “God, I hate LA,” Tate declared on a whisper, burrowing her face in my neck.

  Rolling her to her back, I slid out of her silky heat and stared down at her face. “You do? Since when?”

  Her expression grew sad, and I instantly knew the answer without her having to say a word. Things between us had taken a turn for the immensely better ever since Sacramento, and there was no way in hell I was going to fuck that up by taking us backward.

  Not giving her a chance to reply, I said, “Then let’s get this shit done, yeah? Faster we shoot, faster we can get back to Seattle.”

  The sadness melted away, and she gave me a brilliant smile as she replied, “Sounds like a plan.”


  “This is so bizarre,” Lyla whispered in awe as she gazed around the set where the guys were about to shoot the music video for “Soulless.” She’d come in from San Francisco, planning to head back with us and hang in Seattle for a bit before we had to jet off again for the start of the tour. I loved having her there with me, though I wished it was a different single we were filming for. “I mean, I know they’re famous and everything, but they’ve always just been ‘the guys’ to me.”

  I had zero desire to hear the song again, but I had to admit, I was excited to watch the guys shoot. Even if their performance was fake and scripted, seeing them in the element had always been a thing of beauty.

  “I know what you mean,” I replied with a smile. “It’s hard to picture them as celebrities when I’m still breaking up catfights between them just like back in school.”

  “Well I’m glad you two can be so cool about it, ’cause I’m still freaking out,” Gina grumbled as she joined us, a tray of coffees in her hand.

  “Who are those for?” I asked curiously, spying the infamous paper
mermaid cups.

  She looked at me with confusion as she answered, “Killian said the guys needed coffee. Should I have gone somewhere else?”

  That son of a bitch.

  “He actually said that?” I asked, my anger starting to grow thanks to a certain bass player’s childish behavior.

  “Yeah. And the closest damn Starbucks was like a fifteen-minute walk from here. Then the line was damn near out the door. Are they pissed I took so long?”

  “Uh, isn’t there a coffee station near the craft services table?” Lyla asked.

  Gina’s entire face grew red with rage as she glanced at the full-service coffee bar a few yards away. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  “Thumbelina!” we heard shouted from the direction of the dressing area. “Coffee, woman!”

  At the sound of Killian’s condescending tone, the vein in Gina’s forehead began to pulsate. “I’ll fix it,” I reassured her, placing my hands on her shoulders. “I’ll make him stop, I swear. In the meantime….” I took the coffees out, passed one to Lyla, and kept another for myself. “We get to drink these, and Kill can go screw himself.”

  She plunked the tray on a small folding table not too far away and snatched out a coffee for herself before stopping a guy shuffling past to give him the last one, saying, “It’s from the guys in the band. Enjoy.”

  Lyla and I laughed at his bewildered expression as he slowly took the drink and started away.

  “That was twenty-five bucks of my own money,” she continued to rant. “I’m gonna murder that guy before this tour’s over.”


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