Scarlett's Will (Magic in the Smoke)

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Scarlett's Will (Magic in the Smoke) Page 12

by Nicole Smith

  In my bedroom that night, she came in to talk to me. I had my flowers beside my bed, with Buddy’s picture and the rope.

  “Can we talk Scarlett?” she asked. I sat up.

  “Sure,” I said.

  “You’re not planning on going back to the states anytime soon are you? Cause first, I couldn’t bear it again and second, well I have a whole list of seconds,” she said. I was about to say something when she held up her hand to me.

  “Let me talk. I know you love him and it’s obvious he loves you too , which makes me think that maybe he is really a sweet boy and not the monster I’ve made him out to be. I know that this is a decision that will haunt you for the rest of your life, either way you’ll lose something important. I don’t even know if you can work or go to school there, you’re so young. I think you should wait to make any decisions until you’ve at least graduated from high school. If at that time you still want to move, I have decided to support you,” she told me. I cried as I hugged my mother. She was right. I had to wait just another year.

  “I have something else to tell you. I received a message yesterday from your father's employer. Apparently he's been missing from work for three days. His apartment turned up empty. They called me to see if he showed up here. I haven't heard from him in months but I wouldn't be surprised if he came back. I just thought I should warn you,” she said shakily. I could tell she was scared of his return too.

  I never heard Willem's voice again after the flowers arrived. I tried calling him but his number was no longer in service and I never received another letter from him. He just vanished from my life, even though he promised we would never be over. He said that we would never end, but we did. It hurt but I accepted it.

  At least now I didn't have to decide if I should tell him or not that I was having his baby. I poured myself into finishing my high school credits through correspondence. My son was born the following April.

  I hadn’t realized I was pregnant at first, I thought I was sick from missing Will and from withdrawal, as I had made the decision to quit all my vices at once. It wasn’t until I was four months along that I noticed my stomach was bulging. My period still hadn’t returned, but I hadn’t had it in over a year so that wasn’t a signal for me. My mother took me to the doctor’s when I fainted at school. I kept it a secret until I finished my first term. I knew I would have to get the rest of my credits through distance learning. A pregnant student in a catholic high school was frowned upon. I mean I could be contagious.

  I was grateful for my mother’s support. She knew life was not going to be easy for me anymore and there was an innocent little boy that needed us both. We never heard from my father again either. I think my mother kept expecting him to show up but I had a feeling he was gone from our lives just like Will.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to tell him Scarlett, he has a right to know?” my mother asked once.

  “No, he doesn’t need to know. He has a new life now. He’s escaped his darkness. Life has not been kind to him but he’s been given a way out. If I tell him now he’ll quit school and want to support me. I don’t want to live to see him resent me one day, I just want to live with the memory that once I was loved,” I cried as I told her, talking about him always hurt. I would never see him again and I had to accept it.

  “Besides, I don't want a baby to be the only reason we are together. I know now that I was never meant to stay with him,” I said, hoping to end the discussion. I didn't want to talk about my baby's father again.

  I buried my past. I buried Buddy’s picture, his rope, his dried flowers and I tried desperately to bury his memory. I wouldn’t allow him in my new life. We were both out of the darkness now. That time has gone and those people are gone. I still believed that we needed each other then and I wouldn't have changed a thing. We needed to be together in that time and in that place and in that pain, but it’s gone now.

  When I finally graduated high school I went to college and then married Flynn. I can't help but wonder now if I had been rushing through life to avoid the pain or possibly the realization that I may have made the wrong decision. Maybe I shouldn’t have buried Willem so quickly, because now he has risen from that pit, deep down in my stomach and I can’t get to him. I can’t call him. I can’t go home with him again.


  I put the rest of my son’s eighteenth birthday cake back into the box. I pick up my phone and flipped through the photos from his party, stopping on the one where he’s grinning and staring into the camera. He has his father’s eyes, steel blue and serious.

  I wipe my tears as I stand up. Reaching for my glass of red wine, I open the back door and walk out into the night, looking up at the dark sky. The stars are shining bright tonight, a million of them, like scattered diamonds.

  “I hope you can see the stars from where you are baby, they are beautiful tonight?” I said aloud as I try to let him go again.


  There's another side to the story though. A side of the story that everyone I loved knew about before I did. When I look back on it now the signs were all there, but only a crazy person would have come to a conclusion like that and as messed up as I was, I wasn't crazy. I was in love. I just didn't know then what I was in love with.

  I began to wonder why after eighteen years I had barely aged. I was complemented all the time on my youthful appearance. Sometimes I would stare into the mirror looking for a wrinkle or something that would prove my age. Some days I looked tired but not old. Of course I felt older and I wasn't as spontaneous as I used to be but I blamed that on being a mother. Aside from Cy, I have been unable to have any more children. We tried everything but the doctor said it was impossible. We considered adoption but never actually took the steps. I think Flynn really wanted children of his own which was one of the main reasons we divorced two years ago. He loves Cy but he felt something was missing in his life. Honestly, so did I. Love and passion was missing.

  I stood in my backyard, underneath the dark night sky but I didn't feel alone. Someone was out here with me. A feeling crept through me, through my bones, a feeling of being watched, like prey about to be attacked. I took another sip of my wine as I casually turned and walked back toward the house. Just as I reached the back deck I heard my name whispered from someone standing beside me. I turned around quickly, but there wasn't anyone there. I raced for the door and slammed it shut. I locked it, then glanced back out the window. I don't know if it was because I was frightened, but I believed that I saw something in the bushes. It appeared to be a man. He must have been dressed in black. I couldn't make out his body but I was sure I saw his eyes. I continued to look out the window when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I screamed and jumped back.

  “Hey, mom. It's just me, sorry. Are you okay?” Cy asked.

  “Cy, you frightened me. I thought you had gone out already?” I panted, trying to catch my breath.

  “I'm just leaving now. Are you sure you're going to be okay?” he seemed concerned.

  “I'm fine, don't worry about me. Go, enjoy yourself. You won't turn eighteen again. Just promise to be safe and take a cab on me, if anyone's drinking don't get in the car. Promise me Cyrus Willem Jones?” I pleaded, using his full name for emphasis. I was feeling especially protective but I couldn't ask him to stay home on his birthday.

  “Yes mother. I'll be good, I've been looking forward to tonight for a long time. Love you,” he said as he gave me a quick hug before turning from me. I watched him as he put on his coat and walked out. He reminded me so much of his father now. I wondered what he looked like. I tried to picture him in a suit with a barbershop haircut. I hope he aged well. I decided to cut myself off of the wine since I was so jumpy. I picked up my novel from the couch and made my way to my bedroom. I brushed my teeth and changed into my nightgown. I fluffed my pillows before turning on my lamp. As soon as I settled beneath the covers my cell phone rang. I didn't recognize the number but I answered it anyway. It could be Cy.

; “Hello,” I answered calmly. There was only silence on the other end. I repeated myself but there was still no answer on the line.

  “Who is this?” I asked. I felt a strange sensation run through me as I heard a breath. I must be crazy because a part of me felt it was Willem. How stupid, I've just been thinking of him too much today. I hung up the phone and settled back down on to my pillows. I opened my book and tried to focus on the words but my thoughts were a million miles away. I looked at the phone and it rang again. I considered not answering but my son was out there or it could be my mother.

  I looked at the number again. It was the same one as before. I answered it but didn't say anything. I listened to the breathing on the line.

  “I told you we would never be over Scarlett. I told you I would come back for you one day and you promised to be waiting for me, remember?” I almost dropped the phone as this familiar voice said the words I'd heard before and ran through my mind many times over the last eighteen years.

  “Willem, is this really you?” I whispered, barely able to speak. I was shocked to hear his voice. I never told anyone that he had spoken those words to me. That he had said he would come back for me one day and that I would stay.

  “It's me angel. I'll see the stars with you tonight,” he said before the line went dead. “What?” I screamed into the phone. I redialed his number but it never connected. I tried three more times but nothing. I jumped out of bed and turned on all the lights in the house. I don't know why I was so frightened but I was. A man doesn't just call you after eighteen years to tell you he's going to show up at your house that night. How does he even know where I live?

  I considered calling the police but what would I say. I guess I could tell them an old boyfriend was stalking me. I quickly pulled on the clothes I was wearing earlier, for the party. I brushed my hair and put on some gloss. Then I stood back from the mirror, dropping the gloss. What was I doing? This is crazy. My heart was beating way to fast. I walked into the kitchen and poured myself another glass of wine. I turned and the glass slipped from my hand smashing on to the floor. Glass and red wine splashed up onto my feet as I was lifted up and carried out of the house. I tried to scream but a hand was covering my mouth. I kicked but it didn't seem to bother my attacker. He was large and silent. His face was covered in a mask and he wore gloves. I tried not to cry but I was close to passing out.

  He carried me out into the backyard, setting me down in front of a large oak tree. He actually began to tie me up to it. He taped my mouth and then took a few steps back. He took off his mask, facing away from me. I was terrified, trembling, trying not to faint. What did this stranger want with me.

  “Now we wait,” he mumbled

  "I've been waiting for eighteen years, what's a few more minutes," he sneered. He had a deep voice. I tried to squirm out of his ties but it was useless. They were too tight. He sat down beside me. Something about him seemed familiar. He turned slightly to the right, as if listening for something. I heard nothing but the odd tree frog. I followed his gaze but saw nothing in the blackness. I looked back to him. I froze with fear when I focused on his features.

  It can't be. He would be so much older now. He should be in his fifties, my mother was in her fifties and they were the same age. I stared at him, watching him slowly turn towards me. If I could have screamed I would have. I was trembling uncontrollably as a slow smile crossed his face.

  “Hi darling, how's my little girl been? I saw your mother tonight. She looks good. Aging well, not as well as me obviously but still,” he grinned. I felt sick. Why is he here and why is he abducting me. What are we waiting for?

  “I guess you have a few questions for me. It's kind of a long story but we have a little bit of time before your boyfriend shows up,” he said, winking.

  “I was surprised when I saw you walk out into the backyard earlier. You haven't changed too much yourself. I guess your boyfriend was able to bring out your birthright after all. I didn't think he had it in him, to be honest. You must have gone back to see him. It takes more then just a few days of exposure for the herbs to work their magic, turning you into a true witch.

  I tried to hide you from this world. I tried to get the demons out Scarlett. I tried to live a normal life but once you've been exposed to their world, to their herbs, to their chants and possessions, to there curses, there is no going back, especially if you have the blood of a witch, which you do darling. I didn't know when you first ran away that he was one of them, let alone the new leader. You know you were targeted right?

  Willem Chauderon was there to find you, it was no coincidence. When the leaders have chosen there is basically no way out but death. Unless of course Willem decided you were not the one. I really had no idea they would target you, my child of all the available daughter's, they chose my rebellious Scarlett. My only child. I thought I had removed myself from them. I moved around to so many different countries, until I met your mother in Canada. I thought they wouldn't find me there. Even though they still managed to control my mind from time to time. I didn't find out until I had left your mother and met up with a few of my old cohorts in Europe. I was informed then that my offspring had been chosen by the Chauderon family and was going to give birth to our new leader. You could imagine my shock, well probably not as shocked as you are right now but I was pretty surprised,” he said laughing.

  All I could think was that he had gone completely insane. He was seriously delusional. How he managed not to age I couldn't understand, but he was certifiably crazy. I looked away from him. I didn't want to listen to him anymore but he continued talking anyway.

  “You know his mother, Levana, she didn't approve of you. That's my fault actually. She didn't want her grandchild to be related to a traitor, to a warlock as she affectionately began to call me. She tried to convince Will that you were not the one but it was too late. You had been chosen and poor Will was in love. How sweet. It wasn't his fault that he had to abandon you Scarlett. He had to break off all ties with you in order to protect the child. Only a few knew about you being the chosen one. Most of them are loyal to the Chauderon's and the others that knew were loyal to me. So we had to work together to keep you our little secret from the others. So you see dear little Scarlett, it was planned all along for you to have his child. He knew you were pregnant when he left you eighteen years ago,” he sneered. I could feel the tears burning in my eyes.

  “Don't cry Scarlett. I am here to seek my revenge on him. I will seek it for both of us. You are the bait, in case you were wondering why I tied you to the tree. He has to come and rescue you, then I will kill him, it's as simple as that. Once Will is dead Cyrus Jones automatically becomes the new leader and I believe I can easily control that boy. Not that I know him, I know I have been a bad Pappy but I plan on changing all that. You are going to be seeing a lot more of me darling. Just so you know, since I rejoined the clan I have given up alcohol. I still smoke plenty of herbs but no booze. I'm not as angry, agitated and violent anymore. I do apologize for all that. The demons sometimes get in my head, it wasn't me that hurt you. The demons wanted to kill your baby, but you weren't even pregnant then. That is why they stopped and I was left to take the blame for the beating. How could I explain that to you or your mother,” he said with a sigh.

  I closed my eyes and tried to take in all his crazy words. I still couldn't believe him. What kind of demons was he talking about? Did he really want to kill Will? This was too much. I just prayed Cy was going to stay out late, I didn't want him coming back to this. Maybe that really wasn't Will on the phone. It must be part of my fathers strange act he's putting on. I have to get away from him. I tried to wriggle free again. I could feel the skin on my wrists grating against the rope. I had to ignore the pain and continue. Cuts heal. I held back tears as I felt my hand beginning to slide out. He started talking again.

  “He should be here by now,” he said as he walked back towards the trees, into the darkness. I felt one of my hands come free. I kept it back with the
other one as I continued to pull it free. I glanced at my father, relieved to see him gazing at the house.

  “He's here. I guess this little reunion party starts now,” he said with a laugh. I was shaking as I continued to keep my hands behind the tree. I didn't dare run yet. I followed his gaze towards the house, praying Cy wasn't home. I didn't believe Will was coming. This was some kind of crazy game my father was playing with me.

  “We're outside Willem!” my father shouted. I jumped, quickly adjusting my arms back behind the tree. I waited, trembling, clinging to the tree for support. I wanted to run but if there was any chance Cy was in the house I had to stay, I had to protect him somehow. I convinced myself that my father's ramblings about Will were lies. I didn't believe he would come here, all I could think about was protecting Cy. I had to get my father out of here. I have to call the police. I watched him as he smiled and walked towards the back of the house.

  “I have Scarlett out here,” he shouted. I scanned the windows for any movement, but nothing. I took this as my chance to escape. Cy wasn't here. I had to run. I'd call Cy once I escaped. I threw the rope as I stood and ran into the woods. I ran as fast as I could without looking back. I just ran away from my home. Anger rose in me, how dare he do this to me. After all these years why would my father come back and disrupt my life like this. I was so angry I didn't feel the rocks and branches cutting into my feet as I ran towards my neighbors house. I knew Mrs. Robins would be home. She would be sitting down to her tea and buttered scones while watching the BBC. I approached her house quickly, realizing someone was catching up behind me. I reached her backyard and raced around to the front of her house. I planned on knocking on her front door. Just as I placed my foot on the first step I felt strong hands reach my shoulders and spin me around. Before I could scream a familiar hand covered my mouth. I felt faint as his other hand reached around my waist and held me up. I looked into those familiar eyes and felt the blood rush from my head. My world went black.


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