Scarlett's Will (Magic in the Smoke)

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Scarlett's Will (Magic in the Smoke) Page 13

by Nicole Smith


  When I awoke, confusion and fear filled my head. Where was I? Where was Cy? Is my father still after me? Did I really see him? Is he really here? I jumped up and stood in the middle of my bedroom. Maybe it was all a dream. I reached for my sweater hanging on my chair and wrapped it around my shoulders. The room was dark, except for the moonlight shinning through the open window. Shadows around the bedroom made me jump. I didn't feel alone. Someone was here. I don't know how I knew, just a feeling that someone was here and it wasn't my father or my son.

  “Willem, are you here?” I managed to squeak. I closed my eyes and waited for a response. Someone moved behind me. I didn't turn around. I kept my eyes closed and listened.

  “I'm here angel,” I heard him whisper. A single tear rolled down my cheek. I have loved him since I was sixteen years old and I knew in my heart that I still loved him. Just those three words sent trembles throughout my body and I prayed I wasn't dreaming. I slowly turned around, my eyes still shut. I was so afraid to open them and he would disappear. I could feel his body in front of me even though we weren't touching. I opened my eyes slowly, trying to focus on him through my tears.

  “I've missed you so much baby,” he said as his hands clasped either side of my face. I tilted my chin up to see him, to look into those eyes.

  “I've missed you more,” I whispered as I felt his lips meet mine. It was so familiar yet still seemed so far away. My whole body wanted more but he was a stranger to me now. It has been more than eighteen years since I've seen him, since I've talked to him. Since I've touched him. He can't just walk into my bedroom and act as though I'm still his. I had to find Cy. I had to call the police. My father just tied me to a tree and threatened my sons life. I shook free of his embrace, no matter how much it hurt.

  “What are you doing here?” I demanded as I raced out of my bed room. I put on my shoes this time. I glanced up at him, his face was so familiar, too familiar. He hasn't changed either. His hair has grown in, shaggy and darker, with blond streaks through it, but his skin, his high cheekbones, his strong jaw all the same as when he was twenty one. His smile sent a familiar excitement through me. I tried to hide this from him, my absolute thrill in having him here with me after all these years. I looked away from his face, glancing over his body. His style had changed. He was dressed in jeans without holes, a snug black tee shirt, revealing a few of his tattoos. His black dress shoes looked recently polished. He wore the same rings. I stared at the skull that seemed to be watching me again. I looked back up into his eyes. He was watching me, smiling.

  “We have so much to catch up on, I have so much to tell you but right now we have to collect our son. You are both in danger here. I need you to gather what you need for a trip or at least just your passports. I can provide for all your material needs Scarlett. Please, say you'll come with me?" he paused noticing my confusion.

  "Scarlett, please come home with me?” he asked me that same question he had asked me when I was sixteen and I had never felt so sure of anything then. I still wanted to go home with him, I just wasn't sure if it was a good idea now. I looked away, stepping back from him.

  “No Will, I can handle my father,” I said.

  “Did he not just have you tied to a tree?” he asked.

  “Did you not see me escape? Why are you here? Why now after all this time? What do you mean we are both in danger? I have to call the police,” I cried, feeling so lost and confused. I reached for my cell when he took it from me.

  “I can't let you call the police Scarlett. There is more going on here then you know. The police cannot protect you. They cannot protect Cy either. We have to find him before your father does. Let's go,” he ordered calmly as I tried to open my desk drawer for our passports. I reached for my purse and keys. I couldn't think of what else to bring.

  “How long will we be gone? Do we need clothes, toothbrushes?” I stammered. This is too strange.

  “What ever you need I can get for you later. Let's just go now,” he ordered as I followed him out.

  “ “Call Cy now,” he said, handing my phone back to me. He started his car and backed out of my driveway.

  “What do I tell him?” I asked. This is going to sound crazy to him.

  “Tell him it's time,” he said simply. I stared at him.

  “Time for what?” I whispered.

  “He'll know. Scarlett he knows what's coming. He has always known. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you. I didn't want to put you in danger. The less you knew the better,” he told me.

  “What is coming?” I whispered through my tears. What has he told Cy.

  “It is time for our son to join his family. To protect his name and claim his estate. There are many out there that would like to take it from him. Now that he is eighteen it belongs to him. I have kept it safe but now he has to claim it,” he said as he focused on the road and the cars behind us.

  “How did he know, how has he always known? When did you know you had a son?” This was a conversation I never thought I would have with Will.

  “I think we should wait to have this discussion. I have a lot to tell you angel,” he said glancing nervously at me. I could feel my anger growing again, this time at him instead of my father.

  “If you knew you had a son then why did you never call me, you never sent me any letters, no support at all, nothing. Years and years have gone by without a word from you but you've known all along. You have even been in touch with my son without telling me,” I blurted. I couldn't control my anger. I started punching his arm.

  “Let me out!” I shouted. He grabbed both my wrists with one of his hands, while keeping his other hand on the wheel.

  “Scarlett, I can't pull over here, we are being followed. I am going to explain, I promise, soon. Please Scarlett, remember I love you, I always have and always will. Everything I have done has been for you and Cy. I know you can't see it, it must seem like I abandoned you but I didn't. Just give me time to explain, please angel, please,” he begged as he kissed my fingers. I tried to pull away from him but he wouldn't release me. He glanced back towards me, I caught his eyes and could feel my anger subsiding. Just his touch has always been able to calm me. I have missed him more than I wanted to admit. I dialed Cy's number when Will reluctantly released me. I trembled as I waited for him to answer.

  “Hey Mom,” I heard him answer.

  “Hey Cy, how are you?” I asked, trying to hide the fear in my voice.

  “I'm fine, are you okay?” he asked.

  “Cy, this is going to sound crazy but I have to tell you something,” I said, feeling unsure of all this again but knowing my father did threaten us, I had to do what Will said, I had no one else to help us.

  “It's going to be okay Mom, I think I know what you have to tell me,” he said quietly.

  “You know it's time?” I asked.

  “I know it's time. I have been waiting for a sign all day. Is my father with you?” he asked. I gasped, shocked that he knew so much. How do I respond to this strange question.

  “Yes, he is with me. Where are you Cy?” I managed to ask.

  “Tell him I'm at the hideout,” he said, sounding calm and in control.


  “He knows where. Try to stay calm, see you soon Mom,” he said, sounding so much older then his eighteen years. He hung up but I still clung to the phone.

  “The hideout?” Will asked. I just nodded, feeling so clueless. What have I missed all these years and how had Cy kept this from me. We were so close, or so I had thought.

  “I am so sorry Scarlett for all the years that I couldn't get to you, the years I couldn't see you. It wasn't my choice, if there had been any other way,” he sighed. He understood I was angry, hurt and confused. I needed answers but I didn't think he could say anything that would make up for all this.

  “Where is this hideout? Is it a bar or something?” I asked coldly, feeling exhausted. I had to make sure Cy was okay, then I had to get away from Will.
  “No, it's not far though,” he said cautiously, glancing at me. We drove in silence for another ten minutes when he turned down a lane way. I have lived in this area since Cy was six but I have never noticed this road before. I quickly looked back, shaking my head. It was dark but it almost looked as though the road was disappearing behind us, turning to bushes and trees. I must be tired. I rubbed my eyes, looking ahead again.

  “I have so much to tell you my angel,” he said again. I chose to ignore him. Now was not the time for explanations. I needed to see my son and hide him from my father. I tried to be strong, I tried to hold back my tears. Cy asked me to stay calm, so I'll stay calm. I felt Will's hand rest on my knee. I loved the warmth and calmness it gave me. He parked the car and turned to me.

  “We have to walk now,” he told me. I nodded as I took off my seatbelt. I stepped out into the dark night, waiting for Will to guide me. I let him take my hand and lead me into the blackness.


  I followed along as he led me down a narrow path, thick brush on either side of us. I couldn't believe Cy knew to come here. What kind of a hideout was this and how did he know of it. I had too many questions. I glanced back and the path seemed to be even narrower then when we had walked through it. Will caught my fear, holding my hand tighter.

  “Just look ahead Scarlett,” he ordered. Up ahead I caught sight of a light go out.

  “Cy,” I called. Will pulled me back, covering my mouth with his hand.

  “Don't speak, don't yell until I tell you too,” he demanded. I nodded as he removed his hand from me. I followed along obediently. We approached what looked like an old abandoned house. Will walked up the steps and unlocked a wooden door, slowly opening it. He seemed to be listening for something before letting me in behind him. He closed the heavy door and locked it. He smiled as he reached for my hand again.

  “Welcome to my world Scarlett, I'm so happy you're back,” he grinned like the young man I fell in love with but I was still too confused and angry to fall for his charms, no matter how hard it was to resist him. He opened another door at the end of a long hallway which led down a flight of stairs. At the bottom of the stairs was an elevator. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I stepped in, feeling him close behind me as the doors closed. I felt his fingers graze the back of my neck, brushing my hair to the side. I could almost feel his lips touch my skin, but before I had a chance to respond the elevator stopped.

  The doors opened to a brightly lit room. Music and laughter surrounded me. A number of people all stopped talking and the music turned off as soon as Will entered the middle of the room. I searched the crowd for Cy, wanting to shout his name but remembering Will's warning, I bit my lip as I watched Will walk to the front of the room and up a few steps to three chairs lined side by side. Facing the crowd he nodded to me as I stood beside him. He was still holding my hand, he brought it slowly to his lips and kissed it sweetly, looking into my eyes briefly before turning to all the faces looking up at him.

  “Thank you all for coming and showing your support for the family. I want to reassure you that we our safe and everyone that should be here with us tonight is here. I just have to ask for your patience while I attend to a few private matters. I ask you to stay, eat, drink and be merry. I will join you soon!” Will shouted as the crowd cheered. The lights dimmed and the music played again. Will took my hand and led me to a room off to the side. He closed the door and released my hand. I watched him walk over to a decanter, where he poured a drink. Handing it to me, I noticed another door open and Cy walked in, smiling at me. I raced to him, wrapping my arms around him.

  “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” I asked, frantically patting him down. He just laughed as he reached for my hands.

  “Mother, please, you're embarrassing me. I'm fine. I haven't encountered anything tonight. My father has come back to us just in time,” he said with a wink as I watched him hug Will.

  “You know him?” I asked, not sure which one I'm asking this to, both perhaps.

  “I think it's time I had a chat with your mother Cy,” he said looking back to me. Cy turned to leave the room.

  “Stay Cy, please, don't leave me,” I cried, feeling frightened of Will and all those people down there, in the middle of nowhere. He quickly walked back towards me.

  “It's okay Mom, they are our friends. They have all come to protect us from our many enemies,” he told me seriously. This is still too crazy.

  “What enemies?” I demanded. Cy looked to Will, hoping for help.

  “Scarlett, this world we live in is full of enemies. Some of them appear as friends and family. This world is full of demons and angels, gods and monsters, witches and hunters, vampires and body snatchers. Scarlett, your father is not who you think he is and he has come back to seek his vengeance against my family. Your family Scarlett. He is willing to sacrifice his only grandson to do so. He deserted us many years ago, he wanted to leave our world. My mother was deeply offended, which is why she really didn't want you to be the one, but I knew it was you. I knew it the moment you bumped into me. I felt your energy, then I turned and saw your beautiful dark eyes,” he said as he reached for my hands. I pulled away from him, moving away from his warmth, his energy. I looked over to my son.

  “When did you meet your father?” I asked Cy. I felt as though I had to start from the beginning. Cy glanced over at Will and he nodded his approval for him to answer.

  “I have known him all my life. There was never a time when I didn't know him. My earliest memory is of him reading me stories at night and teaching me magic tricks. As I grew older he would teach me more magic, chants for protection and curses for my enemies. He introduced me to my grandmother, his mother. She gave me charms and good luck tokens. I was told never to talk to you about them, in order to protect you and keep our location secret, they had to stay out of our lives until I turned eighteen. Then all would be revealed and then we could all be together. You have no idea how much I wanted to tell you about them but I knew I had to protect you. Mom, you should know that he always asked how you were. I caught him watching you so many times, with tears in his eyes. He told me after each visit, before he left just how much he loved me and how much he loves you. You have to believe him now,” he told me.

  “Why do we need so much protection?” I asked, trying to ignore this invasion and his decelerations of love.

  “Cy, would it be okay if I talked alone with your mother now?” he asked him. He nodded as he gave me a hug.

  “Please mother, believe him. We belong here, with them. I have been waiting to join my family all my life,” he whispered before turning and joining the party in the other room. I sighed as I sat down in one of the red plush chairs in what appeared to be a dinning room.

  “Are you hungry, thirsty? Can I get you anything Scarlett?” Will asked as he stood in front of me. I shook my head. I had to stay as clear headed as possible. I made the mistake of catching his eye as he sat down in the chair beside me. Those deep, penetrating eyes, always searching, but now seemed settled. He slowly, cautiously reached for my hands. Wrapping them in his, he rested them on his lap. I could feel his warmth and I wanted to feel his arms around me. I quickly looked away.

  “I don't know where to start Scarlett. I would be lying if I told you I wasn't hurt that you didn't try to find me, but I had to vanish from your life for awhile. I hoped you would try and find a way to tell me that you were carrying my son. You never told me when he was born. I was hurt but I understood. I knew that if I had told you that it was planned for you to carry my son then you would have refused me. You were so young and it looked like I didn't have much going for me at the time. I wasn't really a drug dealer and I wasn't really poor. I sold special herbs to the underworld, it is these witches weeds that give us everlasting life, continued health, power and strength. Veils and illusions were my specialty. All my customers were from the underworld, so were my attackers that night.

  The demons, monsters and other creat
ures that go bump in the night do not like what I sell. They don't like my family or my family recipes but we believe in what we do and how we contribute to keeping balance in the underworld. My family has been creating and selling these mixes for many years, as long as there have been immortals the Chauderon family has been selling potions.

  Your father was once a witch but he tried to escape. He wanted to start his own family, raise his own following. He has done well unfortunately. He had left you and your mother to grow this following once he realized that he could never live a normal life. He was haunted and tormented by demons and witches. He didn't have our protection anymore. He didn't have our smoke. Alcohol could not take away his demons, no matter how hard he tried.

  My mother was worried about you Scarlett. Even though you had witch's blood in your veins, you knew nothing about our world. She was worried you were being hunted by the demons as well and I think she was right. When I met you, they were after you. I gave you protection when you came to stay with me. The smoke I gave you held the demons at bay. It kept you safe, kept your dreams and your mind free. On occasion throughout the years I sent witch's out to you, blowing smoke, lacing your food, any way I could to protect you and Cy without raising suspicions. The demons didn't know that your child was mine. I had to keep that a secret from them,” he explained.

  I could tell by the way he looked at me that he wasn't sure if I was following him. He was worried I would run from him. I considered it, but I realized that what he was saying was true. I knew my father fought his demons, he told me so many times. I had been haunted in my dreams all my life, that is until I met Will. I was afraid and anxious all the time. New people made me nervous. I felt like I was being watched, even hunted at times. My father seemed to feel the same. He was always watching out for me. I used to think he was over protective. My mother never seemed to be afflicted with our paranoia. After I met Will my fears vanished.


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