Scarlett's Will (Magic in the Smoke)

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Scarlett's Will (Magic in the Smoke) Page 14

by Nicole Smith

  “Your father was right to leave you when he did. He had learned that it was only a matter of time until you were carrying the new leader. If he returned to you and your mother he would only have brought danger to you. He had to stay away until you were forgotten, off the radar. That is why I had to leave you and hide myself from you. If you lived with me then Cy would grow up being a target. He wouldn't have a chance at a normal life, but I had to keep visiting, to protect you both with my magic. I had to help Cy develop his magic. He is amazing Scarlett,” he told me. I didn't say a word as I tried to put all these pieces together.

  “You have no idea how much it hurt when you married. I was tortured by it. When I saw him with you, all I wanted to do was runaway with you but I knew this was my choice, even if it was to keep you safe. Just so you know, I had nothing to do with you not having another child. If you wanted one I would not have stood in your way,” he confessed. I couldn't believe all of this. If I had seen Will with another women, I think it would have killed me.

  “This is a lot to take in Will. I can understand some of it. I have always felt different. I have had dreams of witches. Demons and monsters have invaded my dreams too, in the daylight as well as the night,” I confessed to him. He moved closer to me. I could feel his warmth again, his breath on my skin made me tremble. He smelled of the familiar smoke I haven't smelled in many years.

  “Scarlett, can you forgive me?” he asked, kneeling in front of me now. His hand runs through his hair as he looks up at me. I can see the nervousness in his eyes.

  “I just can't believe you never showed yourself to me, considering you were so close. It freaks me out a little that my son has known you all along. You know, the only reason I married Flynn was because I felt that Cy needed a father and I needed someone to take care of us. You know I wasn't the strongest girl, you have no idea how much it hurt when your letters stopped coming. When I called your number and it never connected. You never called me. I just thought that your new life didn't include me anymore, if it didn't include me then it wouldn't include your son either,” I confessed to him.

  “My life will always include you and Cy. You should know that you have always been stronger then you think Scarlett. You have evaded your demons, even when you were living on the streets. You have no idea how frightened I was that they would get to you, but you fought them off. You are strong and powerful. You are a witch of the west, you are meant to accept your lineage. You are so beautiful Scarlett, I have missed you so much,” he said as he stood, bringing me up with him. He moved closer to me, tilting my chin up the way he does before kissing me. I leaned into him, wanting him. I shuddered as his lips found mine. It was better then I remembered it. This man intoxicated me, I couldn't think when he held me in his strong arms holding me tightly. His touch still sent my fears away, burying my anxiety and my anger. I can't believe after all this time he is here. I pulled back from him, needing to collect my thoughts. I wouldn't allow my heart to take over. I have my son to think about now.

  “Where did my father go? I asked, suddenly remembering him attacking me and tying me to a tree just hours earlier. I was sure he was still out there searching for us. I glanced at Will's rings on his tanned fingers, catching one of the red eyes watching me again. I felt his fingers reach for my chin, tilting my head up to look at him again.

  “You are safe here, this is a secret place, protected through out time, it's a safe haven, for my family,” he calmed me instantly. I knew I wouldn't be able to deny him. He has already won me back but I just felt so confused, lost and still so hurt.

  “Why so many lies Will? Why did he lead me to believe you were a drug dealer, your father and brother had died and you were poor? If you didn't go to college then where did you go? What have you been doing for the past eighteen years? Have you taken other lovers? Do you have other children? I don't even think I know you Will,” I gasped, letting my tears flow, he wrapped his arms around me, kissing my forehead.

  “I know I have a lot more to answer too and I will but I think for now you need to rest. Can I get you settled in for the night? In the morning we have a journey to make. That is if you will come home with me again Scarlett?” he asked sweetly. Before I could answer he gently placed his fingertip on my lips.

  “Shh, don't answer yet. I'll give you time to think this time,” he said with a grin. I've missed that grin. I sighed, so happy that his charming grin still had the same effect on me.

  “I'll bring you to your bedroom through the back. You must be exhausted after all you've been through in the last twenty four hours. Don't worry about Cy. He has a room of his own here,” he informed me as I looked at him.

  “Of course he does,” I mumbled, feeling betrayed again. As I turned to leave a man knocked and walked in.

  “Sorry to interrupt Sir. He's been secured,” he said with seriousness. I looked to Will as he stared at me.

  “We have your father now. Do you want to talk to him?” he whispered to me, afraid of my answer.

  “Yes,” I said confidently, although still unsure if I wanted to see him again. I followed Will and a few other young and muscular men through a dark corridor. I'm nervous as the door opens. He has been blindfolded, held behind bars, although I knew this wasn't a normal jail. I could almost feel the bars vibrating without even touching them. This was a prison for a warlock.

  “Don't believe them Scarlett Rayne, he does not have your best interest in mind. For him it is all about the family,” he warned me as I approached. His blindfold still on and without having said a word myself he knew I was here.

  “She is a part of my family now Marcus Jones,” will tells him, with a tone to his voice I have never heard before. He is emotionless and cold.

  “Can I talk to him alone?” I asked. Will looks at me, fear crosses his face.

  “I'll be right outside that door Scarlett. Evander must stay in the room, that is not negotiable,” he whispers to me. I nod my head as I glance over at the cold faced large man behind me. I have met him before. Will stared at me, his searching eyes were back. He didn't say a word as he turned and left. I looked towards my father again. His blindfold had been removed somehow.

  “I am a part of his family now. I am the mother of his child, the mother of the next leader of the Chauderon family. I have witches blood thanks to you. Cy has already accepted his birthright. There is nothing you can do to stop it now. Please father, it is time for you to give up this vendetta you have for Will and his family. After tonight I demand that you stay away from me and Cy. There is no fight here, it is over,” I told him, trying to sound strong and in control even though I still had no understanding of what was going on.

  “Oh Scarlett, there is so much you just don't know,” he said, shaking his head, as though he read my thoughts.

  “It will never be over. I don't work alone. I am not the only one seeking to end the Chauderon rule. There are many just like me that do not want to be dependent on them for our lives. We should be free. If we want to escape we should be allowed to without them sending out their curses and demons. I am not the enemy Scarlett. You have to save yourself and Cy before it is too late,” he whispered that last part.

  “OK, that is enough Marcus,” Will yelled as he entered the room.

  “You're crazier than I remember old man,” he said with a sneer. I could tell they have more of a history then I knew.

  “I'm not done yet, this is just the beginning,” my father snarled back.

  “The transition is done. You were too late. Your fight is now with your only grandson. I'd be careful what you say now, he is more ruthless than I was and I don't think he even knows who you are, does he?” Will asked, ignoring me as I stared at him. What transition had I missed. I dared not ask Will, the look on his face terrified me. His calm beautiful features seemed almost vicious now. His eyes had darkened, his pale skin seemed to glow, his lips looked darker, redder even.

  “It's time to go Scarlett,” Will said, pulling me from my observations. He cau
ght my gaze and sensed my fear of him immediately. He quickly softened his expression, reaching for my hand, he wrapped his fingers in between mine, sending that familiar warmth through me, calming me, soothing my fears. He can't be evil, he can't be lying to me, I told myself as I gazed into his deep blue eyes. Eyes that I once always wanted on me.

  I followed him out of the prison, but I glanced back at my father, catching him smile as he shook his head.

  “I warned you Scarlett Rayne Jones,” my father said before the blindfold reappeared. Fear ran through me again but Will pulled me closer to him, calming me instantly. I wondered if this was one of his magic spells.


  As I laid on this strange bed in this strange room, smelling these strange scents, I wondered if I could really trust Will again. Maybe I should go home, dragging Cy with me. This is not a world a mother wishes for her son. I couldn't sleep. I sat up, wrapping a warm deep blue robe around my silk nightgown. Will has supplied me with a trunk full of clothing. I sighed as I reached for the lamp, lighting the dark, windowless bedroom. I tried to ignore my claustrophobia. I needed windows. I walked toward the door, about to open it when I heard a soft knock from the other side. I took a deep breath as I opened the door slowly.

  In this light Will looked so much like the boy I fell in love with, the boy that broke my heart. His eyes locked onto mine and I trembled. My body seemed to be aching to touch him, wanting to jump into his arms and feel his strong body against mine. I haven't felt this desire for a man since the day he left me. It has come back in a rush. I hold my hands together behind my back, knowing that a single touch from him would scatter my brain and turn me into putty in his hands. I have to avoid him, his touch at least, for as long as I can. I have to listen to him explain all of this to me.

  “Can I come in?” he asked quietly.

  “Is it safe to talk in here or maybe we should go somewhere else,” I said stepping back from him. I could tell by the questioning look on his face that he was uncertain how to approach me. I stood my ground, keeping my hands free of his.

  “I just want to talk Scarlett,” he explained, sighing.

  “Good, okay. Me too,” I gestured for him to sit in one of the captains chairs across the room. I turned on another lamp, giving the room a warm yet brighter glow. I tightened the tie on my robe and brushed back my hair, scooping it up into a bun. When I finished I took a seat in the chair across from him, resting my legs on the ottoman. Just as I became somewhat comfortable there was another knock on my door.

  “I hope it's okay, I sent down for tea and cookies,” he said with a grin as he stood to answer the door. I watched him as he took the tray from Evander. He must be his body guard. He closed the door with his foot then set the tray down before turning to me.

  “I have missed you Scarlett Rayne, you must believe that,” he stared into my eyes, hoping to find some reassurance there. I tried to blink and look away, but I couldn't. I can't fall for his charms.

  “I don't even know where to start. Why me? Why did you let me live on the streets, why did you let me fall so hard if you could have saved me? Why did you leave me?” I blurted out, surprising myself with my reemerging anger. I was still angry, after all these years, I was still hurt.

  “I told you I had to leave you to protect Cy and to keep you safe. After we first met I was warned not to touch you. I had to wait. All of the mother's of the first born to the Chauderon family were eighteen. I knew you were the one but my mother felt that I should give us another year. She wanted me to be sure. Once we have chosen a lover they will be your lover for life,” he said, looking away from me. Has he not had a lover since me?

  “But you let me marry another man. I had another lover,” I said, watching him wince as if I slapped him.

  “I had no choice because of the danger it would have put you and Cy in. It was well rumored that an uprising was coming, is still coming. All the elders warned me that if we stayed together and I raised Cy then we would forever be living as targets. I sacrificed my pain for Cy to grow up safely. He is ready now to defend himself if the need arises. It has been a long and strenuous eighteen years but the fact that we would be together again always kept me going,” he sighed, reaching for my hand. I continued to hold back.

  “You let me live on the streets. You pretended to be a drug dealer, a poor kid that lost his family. You fed me lies Will and now you expect me to believe you. You made me crave a drug you knew I couldn't get anywhere else,” I carried on. I wouldn't let any of this go.

  “I had no choice. I had to be what you where looking for. Would you have fallen for me if I told you I was a rich witch selling a smoke that allowed you to live beyond a lifetime in beauty and health?” he grinned.

  “That doesn't sound so bad,” I said, grinning back.

  “I'm going to do my best to explain, to justify all of this, to answer your questions. To beg for your forgiveness Scarlett. My father and my brother have both disappeared, that is true, we just don't know if they are dead or not. There hasn't been any word from them. My mother still believes they will come back to us. I have been the leader since my father vanished and my son is the next in line.

  As far as the drug you mention, I had no choice but to give you the smoke. I had to give you enough to begin the transformation. I needed you to become the witch you were bred to be. In order to do that I needed to increase your vitality. I sent messengers out with it, providing you with it where ever you went. I was so confused and frustrated when you ran away from home. I was advised to let you go. You had to summon me when you were ready. I couldn't stop you from leaving home Scarlett. In a way I felt it was better then you living with Marcus. He would have recognized the smoke. He would have sensed me around you. I turned to your mother as someone that I could use as a connection to you. As a human I was able to influence her to take care of you. It is written throughout our history that the witch must choose her lover as well. I couldn't summon you back to me. You had to come to me, you had to call me when the time was right. I had to believe you would summon me eventually, before it was too late. I believe you met Lily?” he smiled. I didn't know how to respond.

  “Lily?” I said, shocked.

  “She was my little secret. I sent her out to you. To take care of you. She is looking forward to seeing you again,” he said.

  “Lily lied to me too?” I cried. I didn't know if I should be happy that I was going to see her again or angry that so many people I love have lied to me.

  “No angel, listen to me. We love you, protecting you was our only agenda, please Scarlett, try and understand,” he begged.

  “You mentioned writing's about our history. I would like to read those writings someday,” I replied, collecting myself.

  “You will. Your father has kept you in the dark about your lineage. I plan on providing you with all of it.”

  “Who else has been a lie? Who else have I met wasn't who I believed them to be?” I asked, needing to satisfy my curiosity.

  “Well, Lily was my only messenger that I sent out without my mother's knowledge. Trust me when I tell you that she really loves you Scarlett. I know that a few demons almost hurt you. A man you believed to be known as Calvin. He was sent to find you and he did. He just wasn't good at his job, thankfully. The two that saved you, I can't remember their aliases, I think Dylan and Jeremy. They are a part of our network of humans that do our bidding. When they reported back about Calvin I almost blew my cover. I was just a few blocks away from you when you and your friend left the shelter. You have no idea how much you infuriated me. Hitchhiking Scarlett? The love of my life, hitchhiking? I was forced to leave you, another painful day of my life,” he said, looking away from me. I saw his tears though. I saw his pain, pain that I had caused him. I reached for a cookie, needing to have something in my hand.

  “This is all too much Will. I still can't believe you were able to just stand back and watch me go through all that without interfering,” I said before sipping my tea.
I took a few more sips and finished my cookie.

  “Did I not just tell you how much you infuriated me? How much pain and frustration you caused me. I was waiting for you to call me. If you had just called me, when you stepped off the bus, when you woke in that drafty abandoned apartment, when you had to leave the shelter, when Lily left you. There were so many times I prayed and believed you would call me but you never did. I was waiting for you angel just as I have been waiting for you these past eighteen years. The last two have been the hardest though. Once Flynn left all I wanted was to lay next to you. At night I would visit you, listen to you breathing. I would gently place my fingers on your beautiful face and wish I could kiss you,” he said, his fingers grazing my cheek. My body trembled as he looked so deep into my eyes I thought I would collapse in his vision. I felt his pain, his anticipation and his rejection.

  A feeling of peace and calmness came over me. I felt warm and relaxed. I stared back into his eyes. I placed my tea cup back onto the tray, not taking my eyes from him. I slowly brought my hand up to rest on his chest, I felt his heart racing. He belonged to me, I belonged to him. This I finally knew, this I finally understood. All these years I have been craving this man and now he is here, still loving me, still wanting me. He has never left me.

  “Can I come home with you? Can I stay with you forever?” I whispered. He quickly had me in his arms, tears falling from his eyes. I ran my hands through his hair as his lips kissed my neck.

  “As long as I am with you we are home,” he said before placing his lips on mine. I trembled again as the familiar tingles ran through my veins. I haven't felt this excitement in eighteen years. All I wanted was his body on mine. All I wanted were his eyes on me forever.


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