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Freedom in Chains

Page 34

by Ann Raina

  "And what did you do?"

  "I shot in the ceiling. My colleague bellowed that we'd shoot people if they didn't separate into male and female and put their hands on their heads. I called for backup and we selected the wounded and the bruisers and all the rest." Kyra sighed, and slowly, a grin spread on her face. "I wouldn't call it a fun night, but it was nifty to have these guys and girls standing there, truly frightened."

  "And if one would have pulled a gun?"

  "It wouldn't have been that easy. We had our guns drawn already. If one had shot we would have had to answer."

  "You stayed cool."

  "Yes, back then." Her voice got quieter. "Today I wouldn't react so professional and distant. I would worry about my life. Really, really, worry." She frowned. "Have you ever--"

  "I knew the question in advance," Julian cut her short, not unfriendly. She made a move with her hand, apologizing. "I don't think that I ever got into a life threatening situation. Yes, I had some fights and got myself whacked, but nothing serious enough that I feared for my life. Just…" He shook his head, but her look made him go on. "The night the hitman got in. He was one strong fellow and I didn't know if I could beat him. I hoped he'd retreat the moment he lost his gun, but, no, he was out to do his job. Defeat me, grab the gun and shoot." He let all air ease out of his body. "We were lucky, you know? That could have really hurt."

  "I know." She shivered suddenly. "But he's behind bars and the other guy also. Let's hope that others won't be so eager to do the job."

  Julian put down the paper. "They are warned now. The police are effective and they have a lead. If they get to arrest some more of the mob they can really live up."

  "Let's hope so."

  * * * *

  Josepha sat across Kyra in the small Italian restaurant they both cherished. They had ordered favorite dishes and wine and after the usual chat about family and boyfriends, Josepha made serious eyes.

  "I really wonder why you are here tonight. You know, I thought you'd kind of celebrate with Julian. Tomorrow's the big day, right?"

  "Yes." Kyra stared at the last slice of pizza on her plate.

  "So? No celebration? Or is it planned for tomorrow?"

  "Nothing's planned."

  "Ky, sweetheart, come on, don't gimme that one-liners. I'm not good at guessing and you look depressed. Did he give you the boot?"

  "No, he didn't." She looked up, but the spark of a smile did not come. "He packed his stuff."

  "And that's a bad sign?" Kyra only shrugged. "Come on, you didn't expect him to live in from the next day on, all right? He's been with you for five months. Maybe he just needs some breathing space, you know? Some time off. Hey, I would need it!"

  "But if he really…"

  "Kyra, don't worry." Josepha put her hand on her girlfriend's. "You've never known this feeling, but if you've been confined…and in a way it was confinement and he could not decide where to go and what to do… So if you consider it like being released from a small room he'll want to wander around, see friends, meet people. He earned some money in the months so maybe he'll take a tour with his buddies through the pubs. Who knows? A man's still a man."

  "So you don't think he's going to dump me?"

  "No, honestly, no. I don't think so. Even if he packed his stuff." Josepha frowned. "Didn't you both talk about what he'll do after the collar's removed?"

  "Not really. I asked him, though, to accompany me to the mayor's final reception and he said yes…"

  "If he's the man I think he is he won't leave you after he agreed to be your date." She beamed with joy suddenly. "That's the first date you gonna have, right? The first official I-have-a-new-boyfriend-date, yes? Wow! That's great!"

  "I thought so, but still…"

  "Kyra, please, don't go on bickering! You're not the type to analyze and criticize every move. Chris did that and you hated him for it! So, hey, liven up!" Kyra nodded and the dread eased out of her. She had not known how tense her muscles had been until now. Josepha smacked her lips after another sip of wine. "Who knows? Maybe he's got some private business you shouldn't know about. But, please, leave him his privacy, okay? Don't do anything you'd regret later."

  "I didn't mean to follow him around. I told him that I'd drop him off where he wants to."

  "And it will be his apartment, right?"

  "I don't know. And I don't plan on finding out. Since he's been sick I've got a lot of work to do to get back to schedule." Kyra sighed, then, after a moment's hesitation, pulled her hand free and looked straight at Josepha. "You know, I wouldn't be so…well, worried, surprised or something if we had been just employer and convict. But there was so much more, and now he's not talking to me. See, if he said I've got meet some people, fine. But so…I don't know how to handle it."

  "Believe me, it's a guy thing. Thinking of freedom and everything." Josepha nodded confidently. "Give him some days."

  "I wish I could."

  * * * *

  If nervousness had been an essence to save Kyra would have needed a cask to fill. She tried to hide it as best as she could. She had been a cop and a business owner, she should be cool. Still the situation unnerved her. The more when Julian swung his bag into the trunk and sat in the back seat. He smiled at her and she returned it, though the smile never reached her eyes. The tension in her muscles was back, making her uncomfortable.

  They drove the long way to the prison without much talking. Kyra watched traffic like a prey afraid of its hunter. Usually when being that nervous she drove badly. She could not afford negligence right now. She had thought of the day of release to be happy and carefree for both of them. She had dreamed about taking him to a restaurant somewhere nice outside the city. Eat out, go shopping, maybe something else. However, his packing of belongings had dried out her mouth and had made her forget what she had planned to offer. Somehow deep inside she feared that he would vanish from her life completely. Whoosh and gone. And she would sit at home, wait for him to come and he would not show up. For what reasons ever. She did not know. Remembering Josepha's words did not help at the moment. She glanced at him as she parked the car.

  Julian was still in good mood, even offered her his hand as they crossed the parking lot and entered the building. "It gives me the creeps to be here," he confided, stooping to her. "But since it's the last time and you're with me, I think I'm gonna make it."

  "Sure." She pressed his hand. It seemed such an odd gesture to calm down a hunk, but he truly needed it. She felt it. Felt his uneasiness and suddenly she was not that nervous anymore. Her cold hands warmed up and she looked forward with more confidence. "It'll be over in less than an hour."

  "I hope you got the paperwork ready." It was only half a joke.

  "Yes, Julian, everything's filed already. I sent the E-mail yesterday and a brought a hardcopy if they need one."

  "Did you write much?"

  "About our…nocturnal activities?" she joked and he gave her wide eyes. "I wrote down everything concerning your work, your behavior and if I would recommend you to other employers and if so in which position. Since you didn't give me much it's only about what I saw and what you showed me at home. I know now that you do carpentry and that you're fairly able to paint ceilings."

  "Thank you. That's kind."

  "I know." She exchanged a quick glance with him, and then there was Brad Cornell waiting for them, a surprised expression on his face. "Good morning, Mr. Cornell."

  "You bring in the convict without handcuffs?" he asked, a tint of anger and anxiety in his voice.

  Julian took away his hand as if Kyra's were hot. Kyra smiled confidently. "Your regulations might differ, but it's Mr. Bithrell's day of release. And there was no necessity to handcuff him."

  "Well…" Mr. Cornell scrutinized the convict with not so happy eyes. More like the proverbial hare in front of the snake. Kyra exhaled, exasperated.

  "I promise no one will get hurt," Julian said and handed Kyra his jacket. "I just want the procedure over and done."

  "Sure. If you would follow me, Mr. Bithrell? You, Ms. Jennings, can wait here, if you want to."

  "So I can see him?"

  "Yes." Cornell did not dare taking his eyes off Julian and from the end of the corridor two guards arrived to accompany Julian into the examination room. "I have to stress this is a violation of the guidelines!" Cornell hissed at Kyra, but she replied a very nice and female smile before she sat down to watch.

  Her heartbeat sped up. Here, in this very room, she had seen Julian Bithrell for the first time. She had been impressed and intimidated by his size and strength. Yet she had mastered him. She had won. One more time in her life she had proven that she could do more than being a cop by her father's sake or a business owner by the sake of Chris Balfour. She wished him to hell with all her heart. She had tamed and calmed Julian and found out more about him than, maybe, any other woman in his life before. She had explored depths of sexual preferences with him and made him happy. She hoped. She wished. If it had been a fitting lie she would learn of it now that he was free.

  Julian sat down on the chair. His expression was almost the same. Cautious, a little anxious. He was tied and his head fastened though he said it would not be necessary. The guards did not even respond to his plea. Dr. Fa-Lung entered and the guards retreated. "I'm happy to see you here, Mr. Bithrell," the Chinese said in his heavy accentuated English. "Men like you I always welcome."

  "Sure you do."

  "I consider my task well done if a man like you is here after the said time." He arranged the tools and inspected the collar. "You did not tear it, did you?"

  "An intruder did."

  "Oh!" Dr. Fa-Lung smiled, obviously he knew the story. "But it's in good condition." He set the tools to the lock. "It might tighten a bit." He turned the device in his hand and Julian clenched his teeth. "The fibers pull themselves together before they come off. See?" Julian fought for air for a few seconds. Then the material parted and the collar came off. Dr. Fa-Lung smiled happily. "Now it's done and you are a free man again." Julian breathed heavily and did so until the guards released him. He stood on shaky legs for a moment and Dr. Fa-Lung used it to take his hand. "Here I say I hope to not see you again."

  Julian whistled through his teeth and left the room to meet with Kyra. He took his jacket from her. "Let's get out of here," he said, breathless. "I need fresh air."

  "As you wish."

  He gave her a look for that, but a genuine smile only surfaced when they had left the building. He swept her off her feet and into his arms in one swift motion, before she could think, he kissed her. Then she so did not want to think anymore. With her arms around his neck, tousling his hair, she clung to his body. The kiss was deep and held all emotions that had been bottled for the long morning and the ride. Julian kissed her and if he wanted to drink her down to her heart. She had experienced his rigor, but this was more. She wanted it to be love and she had a lot of love in return. Just waiting for him to take it. Waiting for him to say yes and be hers for all time to come.

  A wolf's whistle got them back to reality and they saw the two guards at the gate, gaping at them. Julian waved to them while Kyra started to walk to her car. "You don't need to be embarrassed," he said. "You're no longer kissing a convict, Ms. Jennings. How did it feel?"

  "I'm trying to find out if my lips are still there." She sounded indignant, and Julian laughed.

  "Usually it's you eating me up."

  "No fair!"

  "Get in the car." He slapped her butt, startling her.

  "Is that the new Mr. Bithrell?"

  He stooped to her. The sparkle in his eyes was back as was the boyish attitude. He breathed relief and happiness. "Afraid I might not do what you tell me to do?"

  "Afraid? No. But…wondering, yes." She got in and he rode shotgun. "Ah, something new already."

  "Do you mind?"

  "Not the least."

  "I rode back seat for too long. Hell, usually I drive alone!" He shook his head, an astonished laugh on his lips. "I've got to look if my car's still there!"

  "It's all back to being your decision." She could not keep regret out of her voice and he was gentleman enough to pretend not to notice.

  "I always feared the five months to be terribly long." He flashed a smile at her. "Thanks to you that not true."

  "Okay, Mr. Charming, where shall I drop you off?"

  "Central Station, if you don't mind."

  "All right." She put the car in gear and drove back to the highway.


  "The house is much too empty," Kyra declared when she crossed Oliver's hall with her brandy glass still in her hand.

  "You brought your own glass? I appreciate that."

  "My glass wanted to go where the better stuff is bottled." She pressed the glass in his hand.

  "Do I have to remind you that you could buy the same bottle?"

  "And where would be the excuse to come here?" She slumped on the couch with a deep sigh.

  "You don't need an excuse and you know it. Come on, Kyra, we've been friends for too long! What's eating you?" He filled up her glass at the bar.

  "I never thought it to be so bad. I put away the mattress and the cuffs and chains. Your stuff…well, we could do that tomorrow if you need it back. Is that okay?"

  "Yes, sure. Ah, don't you think it's just a…temporary emptiness? And that he will be back?" He handed her the glass and stood in front of her, wearing the shining kimono and soft slippers.

  "Thank you. How shall I know?" she whined.

  "What did he say when you parted?"

  "That was the oddest thing ever." She put the glass down on the table, letting go of her breath. "See, I drive up to park, but he just asks me to drop him off in the no parking lane. So he could grab his bag and be gone. I couldn't even get out and say goodbye." She shook her head. "That was…quite surprising."

  "He didn't kiss you goodbye? Said no word?"

  "He kissed me, but…I've known kisses from him and that was more like a quick brush of lips. Nothing more. And he said I shouldn't worry and that he'll be around." Again, she shook her head. "That wasn't truly encouraging. He seemed…distracted or…fuck! I don't know."

  Oliver frowned, but tried for a positive tone. "Don't you think he just needed a breather? After being only in your house and your shop? I mean, nothing bad about that, you surely had fun with each other, but there's more to life, right?"

  "You sound like Josepha." Her tone was positively grumpy. She drank and watched the liquid turn in the glass. "I just don't know what I shall think. Is he gone? Will he come back? Was I just a nice form of entertainment and he got someone else waiting for him?"

  "Kyra, stop the morbid ideas, please!"

  "I've had one brandy too much, so that's that."

  "Okay, fine, have it your way, but don't go all disruptive on me. I'm trying to help, and from my point of view you sound possessive." Now he got her attention. "Yes, you heard me right, and don't look so flabbergasted! You've had him for five months in a row. He worked and slept and did whatever you both thought nice together, but he couldn't decide what he wanted to do. Got that? In a way he was like my subs. With you. Enjoying it. But having no will of his own." He shrugged and opened his hands, palms up. "Usually my sessions end after a few hours, but yours didn't. So stop whining and let him have his freedom. You know that's the definition of it. He can go where he wants to go. Period."

  "And the reception?" She emptied the glass and knew she would regret it in the morning. And there was so much work to be done.

  "He will show up. He's no lousy guy who says yes and means no. But in the meantime I wouldn't bet on him being around. Maybe it's for the better."

  "Ah, yeah?" Now she was clearly suspicious and Oliver dropped the happy-to-be-here tone.

  "Can the anger, Kyra. Even Pierre and I don't live 24/7. I work. He works. That's how a relationship develops. You both have obligations to meet. So…" He let the word hang and looked at Kyra with wide open eyes. "He has to
see other people. Maybe he's already applying for a new job. Driving a loader might be okay for a while and better than packing, but his talents, I'm sure of that, range further."


  "See? If you support him he might be able to open his own shop. I bet there're a lot of people in need of new tables, carports, benches…"

  Kyra leaned back and folded her hands behind her head, a gesture of laziness, but she did not feel comfortable. Not the least. She wanted certainty and Julian had not left any of it. "Okay, I believe you. Because I want to. You're the master of words and I'm slightly drunk. Let's watch a movie. If I sleep over on your couch, do you mind?"

  "My couch will survive it. But I don't know if you will. I snore."

  "I sleep deep if I'm drunk enough."

  He rolled his eyes. "You're persistent. And what kind of movie do you like to watch?"

  "One of your really old ones. A comedy."

  He ogled her, already walking to his cupboard, filled with DVDs from one side to the other. "Nothing thrilling or suspenseful for you tonight, hmm?"


  "Well, what about Bringing Up Baby? I just got a new, remastered version of it."

  "Great." She settled back, hands folded on her lap when the door bell rang. "Do you expect a visitor?"

  "My neighbor's already here and I don't think that Mr. van Meers will show up at this odd hour." He looked at his watch. "It's past eleven. Honestly, not a time for a visit." He padded through the hall and took a peek before he relaxed and opened. "Come on in."

  "No, thank you. I'll stay on the porch. Is Kyra here?"

  "If you came in you could look for yourself," Oliver teased with an inviting gesture.


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