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Rising Shadows

Page 4

by Bridget Blackwood

  “What’s a Royal Red?” I question.

  “The Dawn Court, or Seelie court of Fairy has a special genetic quirk that runs through the females of the high royals, flaming red hair. Winter swears Livia’s one. Turns out they had a princess go missing not long after Athan. Only she turned up dead later. Rumor was she had given birth, but no one expected the child lived since ransom was never demanded.”

  Overwhelmed I plop down next to Bastien on the cot. “This is all too much. My headache’s worse than before.”

  He looks at me and brushes the hair off my forehead. “Who gave you the bruise over your right eye? A gift from the Richland Institute?”

  “A gift from the guards, to be exact. Rifle butt hit me. It was a pretty nasty cut before.”

  Warily, he touches the cut making me wince. “Sorry. Looks better than it did earlier. The Arcana you told me about might be helping you heal faster. I hope the guy that hit you is one of the two assholes I killed,” he snarled. I’ve no trouble imagining Bastien with blood on his hands. He has lethal predator written all over him. I am reminded of Alonzo.

  “Oh God. Will I be charged with the death of Alonzo?” I ask, frightened.

  I try to get up to pace again, but Bastien catches me around the waist and pulls me on to his lap. “I will keep you safe. Trust me to protect you.”

  I shouldn’t let him touch me so intimately, but it feels nice to have someone be tender with me. The magnetism I felt from his stare last night is stronger when he touches me.

  “What is going to happen to me?” I whisper. “Shifters don't frown on murder?”

  Bastien takes hold of my chin and forces me to meet his gaze. “What you described isn’t murder.”

  Relieved, I hug Bastien’s neck. He gives me hope and I've been without hope for a long time. I kiss him. I meant it to be a chaste touching of lips. Brief and passionless, to show gratitude. When our lips touched a spark flickers to life. His lips move gently under mine. My hand trails to his smooth cheek. He teases the hem of my shirt up just a fraction to stroke my side with the back of his fingers. Bastien stops the kiss to place tiny kisses down my neck. He pays special attention to the pulse at the base of my throat. Sharp teeth nip at the skin.

  “What is that scent you’re wearing?” Bastien asks me.

  I shake my head. “I’m not wearing any perfume.”

  Bastien and I are kissing again, deeper this time. I’ve had sex once before. What an epic fail. I decided to fly solo until I found a better reason not to. Bastien is better than any fantasy I ever had.

  “Ahem. Perhaps you can find a better time and place for this, son.”

  Wrapped up in each other, Bastien and I didn’t hear his father approaching. I want to shrink away, but Bastien won’t let me hide. I am wrapped around him like a vine, and he won’t allow me to let go.

  “We’ll be up in a minute, Dad.”

  “Don’t make me wait too long, Bastien.” His footsteps recede up the stairs.

  Alone again, Bastien chuckles against my neck. I jump off his lap.

  “How awful!” I cry. He arches an eyebrow at me. “Oh no! Not the kiss. The kiss was nice. I meant your father walking in. Aren’t you embarrassed?”

  “Not particularly.” Bastien reaches up and holds out his hand to me, “Wanna meet my family?”

  Sure, why not?

  Chapter 5


  Bastien leads me upstairs to his father’s study. Claude Bonvillian introduces himself from behind a tremendous wooden desk. Its size emphasizes how big he is. He assesses me as we near the chairs in front of the desk. “Well Rachel, you have made quite an impression in a short time. Especially on my son.” He smiles a little, putting me at ease. Bastien’s dad owns the Lune Rouge.

  “That was a misunderstanding. I mean it wasn’t supposed to happen. I threw myself at him. Oh God.” I’m mortified but Bastien is amused. His hand is in front of his mouth, and he’s shaking with suppressed laughter.

  “She’s cute, son. I understand your fascination with her. Happy as I am to see my boy take a serious interest in a woman, we’re short on time. You brought my granddaughter home; I am grateful. If you are going to survive the scrutiny of the council, you need to learn Therian’s laws before tonight. My daughter Madalaina will go over protocol and teach you all she can.”

  “Dad, I can teach protocol,” Bastien protests.

  “I think she will learn more with Madalaina. Fewer distractions.”

  Bastien opens his mouth to argue again when a blonde girl bounces into the room popping bubble gum.

  “He has a point big brother. I won’t be tempted to kiss her.” She gives him a cheeky grin. Bastien narrows his eyes at his sibling. Claude smoothly cuts off his son before he can say anything. He points Bastien out of the room. I’m nervous without Bastien beside me.

  Madalaina reclines in Bastien’s empty chair with her legs draped over the armrest. “Just us girls now.”

  “Relax. I’m here to help you.” She pops her gum in between sentences.

  “How’d you know we kissed?” I say to her.

  “Smell. You smell like Bastien. Scent marking.”

  I didn’t think it possible, but I’m even more flustered.

  The carefree girl facade slips for a second and I can see the mature woman underneath. “I would love to relax and gab with you for hours, learn everything there is to know about Rachel, but if you don’t pick up what I teach you fast, I doubt you will live. I love Bastien. Something big is brewing between you two and I won’t let his loss be on my hands. We need to get to work.” Madalaina slides back into the effervescent girl in a blink. “You’re about to get a crash course in all things shape shifter. To my knowledge no human has ever been told so much without already having a Therian mate. You’re unique.”

  Madalaina talks for the next three hours. Therians descend from Cain, as in biblical Cain and Abel. Therianthropy is a curse inflicted upon Cain for killing Abel. Act like an animal become an animal. The local shape shifter community consists of wolves, vipers, grizzlies, and one lion. Taka, the dragon I met in the tank, is a whole different creature Madalaina says. A handful of dragons remain in the city as foreign dignitaries. Dragos, the proper name for the dragons, were cursed as well, but by the Fae. Madalaina wouldn’t say much more about the Fae other than they’re not friendly. She tells me if I want to know more about the Fae, I can ask Winter the bartender I met at Lune Rouge.

  After the history lesson, she broke down the hierarchy. At the very top is the Alpha Prime. He rules over each shape shifter without exception. The alpha of all alphas. Usually that sort of strength runs in families, but it is not unheard of for someone outside the bloodline to challenge. Claude was the current Prime. He had expected Athan to lead after him, but with his disappearance it was unclear who would succeed him. Madalaina said Bastien is far too laid back to be Prime. I think she’s wrong. The Bastien I met is pretty intense.

  Beyond the Prime, is the Elite. The warriors. They’re the strongest and fastest. Betas follow, a class of average citizens. Children, elderly, injured, or impaired individuals are considered Omegas. They’re protected and taken care of. Human mates occasionally happen, though it is discouraged. They fall in the omega class as impaired.

  Turning a person into a shifter is outlawed and punishable by death unless you have permission from the Prime. Humans live as long as their spouse in a mated pair, so most couples didn’t bother. The problem with turning a human is they cannot control their shift during the full moon.

  According to the law, fighting is allowed only in front of the Prime or council. Unsanctioned fights required enough eyewitnesses to convince the council it was unavoidable or face retribution. An injured party could request the council issue a Weregild or man price, paid in possessions and flesh. Weregilds are a severe consequence as they’re capable of bankrupting or even being a death sentence.

  Madalaina guides me to her bedroom upstairs to find sufficient clothes. She’s
quite a few inches taller and slimmer than me, so pants are out. She draws out a white dress with sparkly little crystals on the front from her closet. The dress belongs in a club, not a courtroom. I glance at Madalaina askance.

  “Try it,” she responds. “I know it’s not ideal, but white will help you seem innocent, everything else I own is a bad idea. I buy my clothing to drive Adele crazy.” She insouciantly falls on her stomach across the bed.

  “Who is Adele?”

  “Mother dearest. Athan disappeared when I was fifteen. She stopped being a devoted mother and decided her remaining children were not as important as the golden boy. Mother and I aren’t on speaking terms, at least civilly, most of the year.”

  I did the math in my head; if she were fifteen when Athan disappeared that would make her at minimum twenty years old now.

  I study myself in the mirror, the dress does look nice on me. I don’t have much as much to work with as Madalaina in the chest department. The straps are about an inch wide, and the hem hits mid-thigh. Blessed with a naturally tan complexion, I still look sallow from my time in Richland. When was the last time I spent any time in the sun? I think I qualify as cute rather than beautiful with my high cheek bones and dimples, they fit perfectly with my ready smile. Used to be ready smile, haven’t had a reason to smile in ages. My eyes are hazel and maybe a little squinty.

  Madalaina assists me in removing the bandages. The bullet wound is substantially healed. Arcana is useful for something. We elect to leave the big bandages off and place a smaller gauze over the wound.

  My hair is limp and heavy, lacking style. A honey blonde, the highlights give it a warm glow that I think makes it my best feature. Turns out Madalaina has a gift with hair. She whipped out a set of scissors, and in moments soft layers frame my face and fall to mid back.

  The last item she gives me is a pair of conservative heels.

  Madalaina hugs me. “Alright. Time to go face the music.”

  A green SUV is idling in front of the house. Bastien leans against the driver’s side. His pants are black, and the white button down shirtsleeves are rolled up above the elbow, the dark waves of his hair kiss the collar. His grin is roguish. I’m witnessing the playful Bastien Madalaina spoke of. Madalaina skips down the steps and climbs into the backseat. Bastien takes me by the hand around to the passenger seat.

  “You don’t need to open doors for me,” I assure him.

  “And waste the chance to hold your hand?”

  He keeps my hand for the whole trip. I’ve limited experience with men, but I get things are escalating fast. I like him, and if I had more time I would object to his forwardness, but as it stands, I may be dead in an hour. This could be the last time anyone offers me affection. With a heavy heart, I think of the plans I had. Graduate from college, get a job, and fall head over heels in love. Eventually, we would marry and have children. I can’t see any of it happening now. Provided the council lets me live, what then? I will need to run and spend the rest of my life in hiding. Bastien’s interest in me will wane. All alone with my Arcana, I can’t imagine any other future.



  Damn meetings. The others don’t want me on the council, but I am the sole alpha werecat within a hundred miles. Claude exercised my minority status to force my compliance. I’d rather laze around. It is my nature after all. Male lions are not known for being active members of the community. I said yes because I’m nosy. My headstone is apt to read “Cleary Neil. Curiosity kills another cat.” Today’s dispute is over a human woman. She caused a big stink by taking out an anti-were group. Based on the account I was told, we should be presenting this girl with a medal. Instead everyone is freaking over how dangerous she is.

  I’m bored already. Time to chill out behind my sunglasses. Another perk of being a lion, not many are dense enough to cross you. I relax behind the table and wait for something exciting to happen. I don’t have to wait long. Bastien accompanies the woman and his sister, Madalaina, into the assembly gallery. The space looks like a fight club crammed to the rafters with spectators. The center arena is used by the accused to defend himself, at times physically. Bleachers fan out in a circle. I sit up on the platform with the additional five council leaders. Claude and his wife Adele are in the middle. The man on Claude’s left is a behemoth of a grizzly shifter named Jay. He dwarfs the diminutive woman close to him. I can’t look at her without shivering. A viper as cold hearted as she’s cold blooded. Next to me is the dragos. He’s a reptile, too, but I like him. The old coot is a riot at parties.

  “The accused has entered. Let’s begin,” Claude calls out to the room.

  The female stands in the arena alone. I can hear her heart pounding in her chest. Poor thing is terrified. She looks harmless to me.

  “Rachel Ryan, you are to be judged. By your own confession, you are guilty of killing a werewolf from our pack. You entered a shifter establishment with the intent to destroy us. Yet you didn’t. You betrayed your own, and supplied us information about this Richland Institute that may prove vital to future plans. The answer is not clear. A vote will be taken. We start with Lyssa.”

  “Ssshe isss a human with too much power. I sssay kill her now to sssave the time later.”

  Told you she’s a cold hearted bitch.

  “Jay, your vote?”

  The grizzly leans back in his chair. It groans under his cumbersome weight. “She seems too weak to be able to tear a beast right out of a man. I wouldn’t buy it if my Uncle Earl hadn’t seen her at the bar. He told me how she tried to protect that little girl. Let her live. She’s as much a victim as anyone else.” Jay pushes away from the table and leaves. He did his part, so he’s done. He has as much use for council business as me.

  “Adele, my love? How charitable are you feeling?”

  She snorts delicately. “She’s of no use to me. She returned a half breed grandchild, and by the smell of her she wants to snare my son and breed more mongrels. I won’t allow it.”

  I’ve often wondered how Claude keeps Adele from eating her young. I look over to Madalaina standing next to her brother. She’s glaring daggers at her mother. Bastien seems calm, but his eyes reveal a different story. Unlike Madalaina, who is an open book, Bastien shows the world only what he wants them to see. How odd for him to be so easy to read.

  “Cleary, yes or no?”

  I push my sunglasses on top of my head before speaking. “This whole affair is a bullshit display of power. You and I know it, Claude. She defended herself. I can’t blame her for that.”

  Madalaina is gawking at me. I wink at her. She frowns. Claude scowls at me. Big papa doesn't worry me. If I desire the little temptress, her father can't dissuade me. The fact that he commands the entire Therian army gives me pause. Flirting with Madalaina is innocent. Dating her could be perilous.

  Claude focuses on the Dragos. Thumbs up from Fu Man Chu.

  “Ursa, Lion, and Dragos support the human. Snake does not. I vote in favor of the human. She lives. Rachel Ryan will be delivered into protective custody.” Claude rises but is frozen by vicious shouting.

  “The bitch has to die. She murdered my son!” The mother of the werewolf Rachel killed in self-defense. “I will avenge my child!”

  Behind her is Alonzo’s brother. He puts his arm around his mother to comfort her. “Don't cry Mama. I will get justice for Alonzo.” He turns towards the council and yells, “I demand Weregild from Rachel Ryan!”

  Out of nowhere, Bastien is beside Rachel. His hand on her arm, and whispers in her ear.

  “Uh, I want Bastien as my champion!” Rachel blurts out as Bastien starts to unbutton his shirt.

  Miguel just bit off a lot more than he can chew. Bastien is a fun loving kind of guy. He’s easy to laugh, and always joking, but he’s also the son of the Alpha Prime. He was taught to fight brutally from the cradle.

  “Bastien, son, you are familiar with the law. She’s not our kin, nor mate to our kin. We have no ties to this woman. You can
not champion a stranger.” Claude reminds him.

  Claude is a slick one. Every word he says is carefully measured. There was something in there meant for Bastien to grasp. Father and son stare at one another. Bastien snakes a hand around Rachel’s waist and leans her backwards until she’s flush against him. His right palm is flat on her abdomen. He tilts her head to the side with his left.

  “Then I claim her.” His teeth sink into the flesh of Rachel’s neck.

  Adele rages. I want to cheer. The claiming bite done, Bastien whirls Rachel around to face him, his lips crash down on hers. Must be some kiss because Bastien has to hold her up. When the kiss ends, he barks at Madalaina for help. Werewolves are strong so Madalaina takes her brother’s mate out of his embrace and carries her to the nearby benches. Bastien is in the ring, chest and feet bare. When he lost the shoes, I don’t know. The man is faster than the flash when he puts his mind to it.

  Rachel’s blood still marks his lips and chin. “Come on, Miguel. You want blood. Let’s shed blood.”

  Miguel sneers and leaves with his Mama.

  Bastien faces his father. “She has been blooded. By the morning, she will be bedded.”

  Damn, now I’m jealous.

  Claude nods, “The law doesn’t accept her as a full mate until then.”

  Madalaina hugs her new sister in law. “You’re okay, Rachel. I know you’re confused but trust Bastien. He will take care of you.”

  She moves back while Bastien collects his bride. His shirt is on but unbuttoned. I follow Madalaina out into the front hall. She stands gazing out the window. Her brow is furrowed. She's cute when she worries.

  I put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her. “It will be okay Mads.”


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