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Reborn: Demons Return

Page 7

by D. W. Jackson

  “Looks like you did your job well,” Thorn said as soon as he saw Ash.

  “Took out their wheels but I don’t know how long that will put the out of the fight,” Ash replied.

  “Depends,” Thorn said shrugging his shoulders. “Did you destroy the wheel itself or the entire wheel assembly?”

  “I destroyed the wheel and a good portion of the housing that it was set upon,” Ash said.

  “Then it should take them days if not longer to make repairs. Now they only have one ship that can outrun us and unless they want stress their masts until they break, the larger ships will have to pull back. As long as we can keep them off our keel for a few days we should be safe at least for a time,” the captain said as he looked back over his shoulder to where the other ships were now drifting into the horizon.

  His MP slightly drained and his mind tired Ash looked for Tina who was currently below deck treating people in the chapel. Most of the major wounds were healed as soon as they happened but the sailors in the chapel now were there for any injury they could find or fake. The person that Tina was healing now had a splinter in his finger. When the sailors noticed Ash enter the room their injuries suddenly got better.

  As they sailors started filing out of the chapel Tina saw them off with a warm smile and a wave of her hand. Ash wanted to scowl at the men but he couldn’t really blame them. “How was work?” Ash asked as he looked around at the few sailors who had really needed healing.

  Tina gave a bell like laugh as she ran over to Ash and hugged him. “It wasn’t bad. Most of the sailors I only had to hold their hand or touch their shoulder and they started to claim that they were feeling better.” The sparkle in Tina eyes told him that she knew what was going on and she was just humoring the sailors. As long as they did not cross the line she wouldn’t complain. Ash knew she enjoyed the attention, any woman did to a point, and if she didn’t mind he wouldn’t force the issue though it did claw at his gut a little.

  “How was your work?” Tina asked as she started to lead him from the chapel and back to their room.

  “Bloody,” Ash said as he waved his hand over his shirt that had long turned from white to red.

  Tina looked at the shirt and sighed. “There is no way that I will be able to get out all that blood. I will just have to buy you a new one when we reach a port,” She added with a firm nod of her head. Ash wanted to talk her out of one with buttons. They might look good but they caught on his cloak and generally just got in the way but when he saw the look in her eyes he decided a little annoyance was worth not fighting.

  Ash and the sailors kept on guard over the next few days keeping a weathered eye on the horizon for any signs of a ship. When nothing appeared everyone started to relax but not so much that no one kept their eyes out to distant waters.

  Three days later they reached their first port and just as promised Tina bought him another shirt this time with silver buttons instead of brass. They looked a little sharper but Ash still didn’t like the style. The captain asked about Harken and his ships and learned that a ship with the flag mentioned had sailed past the port the day before headed south. Ash didn’t like the news that he heard but there was little he could do to stop a ship that he couldn’t see.


  The Unity had five stops before reaching the continent of Welren and their last stop at the port of Housten. The largest port in north and a city belonging to the Tren kingdom. Throughout the journey they had kept an eye out for enemy ships but not once had the Harken or duke ships reappeared. Now as they sailed into the Housten port Ash could see his way home. He would have to cross three other kingdoms first but he was known here by name if not by his face and he didn’t think there would be anyone who would dare risk a war with the demons just to cause him trouble.

  As they pulled into port Ash noticed a large group of guards and soldiers standing at the port seeming to await their arrival. “What do you think this is about?” Thorn asked as he noticed the same thing.

  “I have no clue,” Ash replied honestly. “But it doesn’t look very inviting.”

  “No it doesn’t but we can’t put back out to sea. We are running low on supplies and if they really want to keep us here there are any number of ways they can do so least of all would involve their warships,” The captain said with a frustrated tone.

  Ash, Tina, Thorn, and Benson were the first to walk down the lowered plank to where the soldiers and guards waited. Just as soon as they stepped onto solid ground a man dressed in a fine robe stepped out of the group of soldiers and raised his voice. “We have heard that his majesty demon king Ash Hawkwing is among you passengers. We wish to greet his eminence.”

  “King?” Thorn said as he raised an eyebrow and looked at Ash.

  “Even reapers need a side job to pay the bills,” Ash said with a shrug of his shoulders and a wry smile. Thorn gave a low chuckle but he didn’t say more.

  “I am Ash Hawkwing, king of the demon empire,” Ash said as he stepped forward. “But I am not here in the capacity of a king, but as a reaper of the goddess Altina.”

  Ash’s words gave the soldiers and speaker pause but only a brief one. “The king of Tren his majesty Astel would still wish to be blessed by your presence.”

  Ash sighed and looked to Tina. “What do you think?”

  “We should go,” Tina said after a few seconds of thought. “If Astel wants to cause us trouble he can do so without inviting us to his castle. And an armed escort will make travelling safer. If everything goes well it could also expedite your journey home.”

  “And if it goes bad?” Ash asked. This was not just asking for a visit this was demanding one. The king wouldn’t do this if he wanted to make friends. Ash couldn’t see this going any way but south no matter how he handled it.

  “Then we run for it and maybe kill a king, but at least we might learn who our enemy is and why,” Tina said with a smile. “You wouldn’t believe how much easier it makes things when you know the why about things. At the very least it keeps you from pulling your hair out trying to figure it out.”

  While Ash and Tina were speaking everyone else was just looking at them since they made no effort to lower their voices. “Looks like we will be going with you then. At least for now,” Ash said turning to look at the man who seemed to have the authority within the group.

  “Very good your majesty,” the man said with an awkward bow that showed his nervousness.

  The trip to the capital of Tren took six days. Ash and Tina were given a carriage alone that had silk drapes so that they could lookout at any time. So far none of the soldiers had made a move against them but Ash didn’t trust them for a moment. Their knowing his arrival and the way that they had greeted him just seemed wrong on many levels. He knew something was afoot but he didn’t know what but if Tina was right, he would soon learn.

  The capital of Tren looked like many others he had seen and didn’t impress him. The same could be said of the castle though the number of knights and soldiers moving around were far more than he had around his own. After exiting the carriage they were showed to a nice floor on the second floor of the castle and provided with new clothes that better fit the atmosphere of the castle and befitting Ash’s nobility. He put on the clothes though he felt far more comfortable wearing his normal clothing. After they were washed and dressed they were led to the throne room where King Astel awaited them.

  “Welcome your majesty Hawkwing,” King Astel said as he raised from his throne. “I am honored that you have been able to set aside some of your time to visit me.”

  “With such a pronounced way to invite me how could I refuse,” Ash said his voice light but his eyes narrow as he watched the king closely. The king seemed to pick on Ash’s attitude and frowned.

  “I ordered my men to simply request your presence and nothing more. If my men have done something that has raised your ire let me know and I shall get to the bottom of it,” the king promised.

  “You mean other than blocking our
path with a line of guards and soldiers blocking our path as the request was made,” Ash replied. “It seemed to me no matter what my reply was I would be visiting you.”

  “I see,” the king said looking at the man who had travelled with them and made the request at the dock. “I can guarantee that was not my intention. Sometimes my nobles take their duties far too seriously.”

  Ash could detect no lies from the king but he didn’t relax. He didn’t know why but something still felt off and he had grown to trust his intuition. “I only ask that you grace us for a few days then I shall give you an armed escort to the edge of our lands. The demon kingdom is new within the lands, just as the newly founded Hawkwing kingdom is and you are the ruler of one and the price consort of the other. It would be remiss of me not to try and make some connection with one of the strongest powers on the continent.”

  “I don’t mind staying for three days but that is all,” Ash said firmly. “I have been away from home for far too long and I wish nothing more than to see my other wives again.”

  “Three days will be plenty. Tonight we will host a grand banquet for you and…I must apologize I don’t recognize your companion. Is she one of your demon wives?”

  “No your majesty,” Tina said with a curtsy. “I am Tina and I am indeed Ash’s wife but not one belonging to either the line of Hawkwing, or the demons. I am his tie to the church of Altina and a priestess.” Tina wasn’t lying as she had been recognized as a priestess after her stunt in the counts manor.

  “It is always a pleasure to have a member of the church of Altina within my walls lady Tina,” The kind said with a slight bod of his head.

  “For now you can rest and relax within my castle. If you wish to visit the town just let a servant know and they will see to an escort.”

  “See that wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be was it,” Tina said with a chuckle.

  “No but something doesn’t feel right,” Ash said as he looked around.

  Just before they reached their room a young man in his early twenties blocked their way. He looked first to Tina and gave a lusty look before turning his eyes to Ash and gave a slight bow. “I am Prince Alren second son of his majesty Astel,” the young man said. “It is a pleasure to learn that you escaped from your capture.”

  Ash looked at the young man closely. His words were polite but his eyes were like small fires, then a small puzzle piece slipped into place. “So you are the reason that we were surrounded by guards,” Ash said nodding his head. “You wanted me to die fighting them, or maybe start a war between the two kingdoms,” Ash said thinking out loud making the two guards who stood not far away open their eyes wide in shock. “But why? Were you hoping that your older brother would die in the war and you could take the throne? That seems unlikely.”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about your majesty,” the prince said coldly but his eyes showed his shrewdness.

  “It doesn’t really matter what reasons you have,” Ash said after a few moments. “I won’t be dying to your foolishness and if the demons march to war we don’t leave behind a kingdom we take it over. Just keep that in mind my young prince.”

  “We still haven’t found out the why but we found out the who,” Tina said as they entered their room. “Unless there is someone else behind him.”

  “It is a step but as long as the king is not in on it I don’t think things will go that badly,” Ash said. “Hopefully after a few days here and we can be on our way.”

  “Yes and with only a month on the road we can be back within the Hawkwing lands or a few days more the demon lands,” Tina said with a nod of her head.

  Ash smiled as he thought about seeing Emelia again. Tina suddenly hit him in the arm and pouted. “Haven’t you ever been told that thinking about another woman when you already with one is rude.”

  Ash laughed and pulled Tina into his embrace. “We have a while until the banquet. What should we do to pass the time?”

  It was shortly before nightfall when the attendant came for them to take them to the banquet. Once they were outside the large hall they heard the names and titles of the people in front of them being called out. They were the last in line and Ash was sure that was for a purpose. He was the guest of honor and while all the nobles inside knew each other none of them knew him. They knew his name but that was all. After a quarter of an hour waiting Ash and Tina stepped through the door and started walking down the steps stopping halfway as they were announced.

  “His majesty the demon King Ash Hawkwing, and his wife a priestess of Altina Tina,” the servant announced loudly. All eyes turned on them as they descended the last half of the stairs.

  As soon as they reached the bottom of the stairs they were greeted by person after person. The greetings went on for quite a while before Ash was able to take a breath. It was in this brief moment of pause that prince Alren approached them. “Greetings your majesty, Lady Tina,” Alren said with a bow. “I would like to introduce a friend of mine, captain Harken,” the price said as he introduced a man in his mid-forties with streaks of grey in his long beard and a number of scars covering his weathered face. “It is a pleasure your majesty.”

  “I didn’t know that the prince associated with pirates,” Ash said loud enough for those around him to hear and both Alren’s and Harken’s face blanched slightly.

  “I don’t know what you mean your majesty,”Alren said after a few seconds obviously not expecting Ash to expose him in such a grand manner. He had expected Ash to act like a noble and counter his threat with a subtle one of his own. He didn’t know that Ash as well as the other demons were not common nobles and didn’t play at intrigue.

  “It seems that for a prince of a sea adjoining kingdom that you are well misinformed. Harken is a notorious pirate well known around the Lima port. In fact he and his ships attacked us numerous times on our journey here among the Unity,” Ash said before raising his voice. “Guards…Guards I wish this man arrest for his crimes. If king Astel does not wish to try him, then I will be glad to bring him back to my own lands where he can stand trial for his crimes.”

  Three knights and four palace guards appeared quickly and Harken looked toward the prince with fire in his eyes. “How dare you falsely accuse my guests,” the prince said angrily.

  “What is going on here?” King Astel asked as he approached the group that was now surrounded by the kings own men.

  “Your majesty I was just seeing to my own safety as well as that of you and your guests,” Ash said with a bow. “This man is a known pirate around the Lima port and during my journey to your kingdom attacked the ship I was aboard no less than twice.”

  “Pirate,” Astel said his voice nearly dripping venom as he looked to his son and Harken. Tren was an ocean faring kingdom and much of their wealth was built upon trade and any news of pirates were treated seriously.

  Harken could tell that things were quickly going from bad to worse for him. “Should have never trusted a fool noble,” Harken said as he reached into his blouse and pulled out a dagger and turned toward Ash but he was a step too slow. Just as he turned he felt something warm enter his chest as pain raced through his body but he couldn’t even scream. Ash pulled his bloodied had from the pirate’s chest and let the man fall dead to the ground to the gasps of those around him.

  “It seems that your son may have had a hand in the attacks on me when I was out at sea,” Ash said as he looked toward the prince making both the monarch and his son eyes widen. “Most of the time accusations such as this would be done with a limited audience but Ash had done it in front of all the nobles of Tren and a few that were visiting from other countries, putting the king in an awkward position. If the king did nothing then it could lead to war but if he imprisoned his own son it would look like he was bowing to a foreign threat.

  “I will investigate this thoroughly and should my son be guilty of any misdeed he will be punished accordingly, though I think it was just poor judgement on his account with whom he chose
as friends,” the king said before the guards escorted the prince away and started to clean up the mess. One of the servants was also kind enough to bring Ash a towel so that he could clean up the blood that still dripped from his hand. The banquet didn’t last long and soon people started to disperse. When most of them had left the king called for Ash to attend him in a small meeting room at the side of the hall.

  “Things have not gone well between us it seems,” the king said with a heavy sigh. “My son is young and foolish. When news came that you were captured by the Trieste he went down and met with the young lady Emelia. You must remember that none thought you would return save those among your closest kin including Queen Emelia. My son had proposed a joining of our two houses but she refused, saying that as long as it was unknown whether you were alive or dead she would not remarry. I thought when news of your return arrived my son would give up on the notion but it seems that he had not. For his actions I apologize and hope that you will forgive him for his foolishness.”

  “I have no love of war but I hope you understand something. I am demon king and demons do not have nobles. There is no intrigue within our courts. We are straightforward with our actions and intentions. If I see your son again I will take his life. It doesn’t matter if it is now or ten years later if I see him at some noble event. The only reason I did not do so tonight was because of the respect due to your crown and your people,” Ash said coldly. He had learned his lesson with the duke about leaving threats behind him. He wouldn’t search out the prince but he wanted to let the king know that he would kill him should they meet again in hopes that the king would remove any of his son’s thoughts of going against him again.

  Astel looked to have aged ten years as he sat back in his chair. “Little is known about the demon kingdom as they don’t let anyone inside and all trading has been done through the Hawkwing lands in the past year. The hawking lands though have nobles like any other, and it seems that we erred in thinking that you would be like them,” the king said his voice sounding weak. “I can’t have you staying in my castle if my son’s life will be at risk. Tomorrow I will have the soldiers escort you to the edge of my lands.”


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