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Slave World 2 - The Ties That Bind

Page 5

by Johnny Stone

  Master was suddenly standing before me like a dream, and I whinnied in acknowledgment, crawling closer to him on my belly, pawing at one of his boots like a pitiful creature.

  “Margo, what are you doing? How long have you been waiting for me? Is your remote on?”

  His voice sounded funny, surprised and maybe even a little angry, and I wondered why. He reached down and grasped my arm, starting to pull me to my feet, and I went limp in submissive resistance; I didn’t deserve to stand in his presence. I was his slave, and my rightful place was at his feet.

  “Yes, Master, it’s on, just for you. It doesn’t matter how long I’ve been waiting; I’m always at your disposal.”

  I’d gotten good at talking with the bit in my mouth, but it made me drool, a lot. I didn’t mind though; it made me feel so cheap and slutty having my chin and breasts dribbled with saliva. It was a feeling I longed for when I was around Master.

  “Fuck me, I’m your pony whore.” I reached for the bulge of his pants, eyeing it like a starved animal. “Slap me, hurt me, fuck my ass and whip me with your crop. I need you Master, please!”

  The room was spinning, or was it my head? I felt out of control for some reason and loved it. The lower levels of the pleasure setting had never affected me like this before. As much as I’d wanted to in the past, I’d never asked Master to treat me the way Michael did when I was his slave.

  That’s because he can’t, he won’t, the fucking limp-dick. If he won’t give it to us, then I’ll just take it.

  “Margo, stand up! Get a grip on yourself!”

  I broke free from his grasp and fell back heavily on my ass, immediately rolling over on my hands and knees, bending over, and spreading my legs for him.

  “Take me, Master, please! Do it hard, make it raw, make me hurt for you, make my pussy yours. Use me, dammit!”

  What’s wrong with Master? Why isn’t he fucking the shit out of me right now? I was actually growing annoyed with him, if not angry, and I had no idea why.

  I caught movement out of the corner of my eye when Master stepped around me, reaching for the remote on the bed. Yes! I began gasping like a wild animal, gyrating my hips and ass like he was already inside me.

  “Turn it up, Master. Command me to cum for you! Beat my ass black and blue with your crop; I’ll cum, I promise, you know what a good slut I am!” I was nearly screaming at him now.

  I felt something when Master turned the remote off, like an unfamiliar semblance of calm slowly trying to creep back into my frazzled mind, but the pleasure was still there.

  “This goddamn thing is going to get locked up from now on, I should have destroyed it months ago. Jesus, Margo, look at yourself, listen to what you’re saying!”

  “I’m sorry, Master, I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to make you angry… I only wanted…” I lowered my head, unable to look up at him, beginning to cry hysterically.

  “I apologize for the intrusion, Mr. Burke, but the Captain’s hormone levels have risen to a dangerously high level over the last hour. Her vital signs are also extremely elevated and her brain activity is now well outside of the norm, signifying possible seizure activity.”

  I faintly heard Alex’s voice swirling in the turbulent fog, and I began to shake uncontrollably, before throwing up.

  “Nathan…I…what’s happening to me?”

  I retched again; my face felt like a thousand pin-pricks of fire were stabbing it, and the pounding in my chest made it hard to breath. Pain began to lance outward from between my breasts, and I slowly sunk to the deck, whimpering. I vaguely felt Nathan scoop me up in his arms like a child.

  “Alex, get medical powered up and prepare a sedative!”

  “Yes, Mr. Burke. Medical is in standby and ready for the Captain’s arrival.”

  The cool, soft padding of the auto doc felt heaven sent beneath me, and I closed my eyes against the lights glaring down from above. Within seconds the numbing sensation of a sedative began to spread throughout my body, along with my increasing grogginess. I was floating and Nathan’s grip on my hand began to fade.

  “Will she be alright, what’s her status?”

  “Vital signs… to normal, Mr. Burke… conducting a detailed scan.”

  Their voices sounded funny, echoing and bouncing around inside my head.

  “What about the babies, are they okay?”

  Babies? What babies? I didn’t know Nathan could have children. The thought of him waddling around with a swollen belly made me giggle. Nathan could say the strangest things sometimes.

  “…adverse reaction with the genetic augmentation to…”

  “Is it dangerous? What about…”

  “…a significant spike in… a 79.57 percent chance that hardware rejection… possibly be fatal… genetic augmentation, worsening her condition over time due to prolonged rejection illness.”

  “I don’t think we have a choice, Alex.”

  Nathan and Alex were talking about someone, but I wasn’t sure whom. The world was fading in and out around me.

  “…A shift in her brain wave patterns as well…microprocessor combined with the… inevitable rise in psychoneurotic activity developing from the remote stimulator when it’s activated. I’ve noticed…neural pathways and central nervous system, resulting in permanent and irreversible damage due to…may be dangerous, resulting in significant behavioral…”

  “You know we can’t do that, the risks would…”

  Can’t do what, Nathan? I’m hungry. Why can’t I eat pancakes any longer? I want pancakes.

  “Pancakes forever!” I shouted, giggling at the blurred image of Nathan hovered over me. “Nathan? Fuck me so I can have pancakes again. I’m horny, I want to fuck pancakes and maybe some eggs or juice.”

  I couldn’t stop laughing from the image of a large pancake smeared in butter, standing over me with its cock hanging out.

  “…Unexplained spike in…again, Mr. Burke. It would appear the Captain…progressively worsening case of… increased levels may affect the fetuses in unforeseen ways… under control quickly.”

  “… it, Alex. Everything will be okay, Margo, just relax.”

  Of course, everything will be okay, why wouldn’t it be? I get to fuck a pancake later then eat it.

  Chapter Four

  The room was dark and quiet, incredibly quiet, so much so that I thought I might have lost my hearing, until I heard Nathan grumble something, rolling over on his side. In my delirium of half-sleep I gave a content sigh, snuggling deeper into the bed and my butt wiggled closer until coming in contact with his back. I had to feel him against me while I slept, and I don’t know, maybe I’m weird in the sense that it just makes me feel safer, like I’m not alone.

  You’re not alone, Margo; you’ll always have me with you. Partners may come and go, we’ve seen that ever since Daddy died, but we’ll always have each other.

  Yes, I know, but it’s been so long since…

  You needed me again today when we thought we were being attacked, didn’t you? You listened to me and turned on the remote, and look how we enjoyed ourselves until he turned it off.

  Yes, but you shouldn’t have turned it on in the first place. Only Master is supposed to do that. It was bad of us, naughty, and…

  You wanted it just as much as I did, and you know it.

  Maybe, but…

  I lay quiet and unmoving for several moments, gathering my thoughts, just listening to Nathan breathe. I couldn’t remember going to bed; as a matter of fact I couldn’t remember anything except waiting for him after gearing up. Damn, it must have been good this time, I think he screwed me senseless. The longer I lay there thinking, the more it became apparent that something wasn’t right; the familiar sensation of after-sex was missing, and I felt ‘clean’. I should be laying a damp bed, drenched with the lingering scent of sex, and I don’t remember taking a shower. Why am I so hungry? I’d been dreaming of food, and I never do that. What about Nathan’s recent augmentation? I couldn’t remember how big he wa
s, and I think I would have remembered something like that. I always had been the curious sort and he’d been teasing me with little hints here and there for the last couple of days. And one more thing, why am I still so horny? It’s like the motor between my legs is stuck on full throttle and won’t shut off.

  Yes it is, just like the good old days, so let me be naughty just this once. He might just like it, and you’ll be the one he’ll thank for it.

  Okay, just this once, but after that…

  I slowly reached across Nathan’s hip, inching closer to his groin, trying not to wake him. My pulse began to race and in my growing excitement I spread my legs, slowly fingering myself.

  “There we go,” I grinned, licking my lips when my fingers played lightly across his cock. It’s impossible to mistake the feel – soft and supple, yet with a pneumatic firmness that hinted at what could be.


  I carefully took it in my palm, giving his shaft a tentative squeeze. Nice and thick, plump was a better way of describing it, and he felt a few inches longer. Oh man, I have to wake this monster up and get some more.

  I cautiously worked my way under the covers trying to roll Nathan over on his back. It was an odd feeling for me to take the lead and be so aggressive in bed after so long, but I needed it, now. Thankfully his body complied with my desires, because his smell alone, just inches away was… I convulsed with an internal shiver and stifled a euphoric squeak, as the dampness between my legs increased dramatically. I just came. I’d never done that before, at least without the remote being on.

  My panting breath hovered over Nathan’s cock, and my tongue darted, licking it, teasing it. My lips moved closer, and I lifted him to my mouth, brushing warm, soft flesh across my lips. I began to salivate like a beast at feeding time, when I finally took him in my mouth. My fingers felt so good on my clit, rubbing it faster. I’m so wet… A soft moan on my part, pushing him deeper in my mouth until I began to gag, was the only warning I had against the explosive bolt of electricity that shot outward from between my legs. I’d come, again, and wanted more. I never wanted them to stop.

  I didn’t care any longer if I woke Nathan or not, as I began stroking him, feeding his cock hungrily in and out of my mouth, he had something I wanted and I was going to get it.

  “Margo…what…?” His voice cracked in a blurry whisper. “That feels good…faster.” His cock was quickly beginning to swell in my hand, and my mouth, and the slight, upward thrusting of his hips drove that delicious piece of meat deeper into my throat. The growing stiffness, and expanding length, forced me to my knees above him. I don’t know what happened earlier, and at this point I really don’t care, but I would have remembered having sex with him, it had been a long time since I’d had anything close to this large inside me.

  “Wait, we have to talk.” Nathan sounded more awake now, and for obvious reasons. He began stroking my hair, a veiled attempt to dislodge the death grip I had on his cock, and I wasn’t having any it.

  “We can talk later,” I gasped, kissing the tip. “Fuck me again.”

  What was I saying? I shouldn’t be talking to Nathan like that. I wanted him though; I wanted to fuck him, to feel him inside me and I wasn’t taking no for an answer. Like a sexy kitten, I began slinking my way up his body, leaving a trail of kisses across his stomach, ending at his chest, straddling him.

  “It’s important, I have to tell you something.”

  “What do you want to tell me? How you want to fuck me blind right now? You want that slutty pussy, don’t you, Nathan?”


  “Shut up, just shut the hell up and fuck me. You know that’s all I’m good for. You fucking men just want one thing from a woman like me, so stop playing around and take it.”

  My nails began to claw at Nathan’s chest, greedy, angrily, as I air-fucking his bobbing erection. I wanted it rough… I wanted to fight…I wanted him to force himself on me, I wanted him to rape me.

  “Margo, you need to calm down, you’re sick. You almost...”

  The pleading softness in his voice brought forth a snarl of contempt on my part. Why was Nathan acting like such a fucking sissy? I have needs, he won’t give it to me, then I’ll take.

  It only took a slight shift of my hips to put the head of his cock snuggly between my lips, and I pushed down against the resistance, taking him hard and deep in a single thrust. A whimpering cry as I felt myself stretched… A gasp of pleasurable agony, wallowing in the burning ache between my legs… The erotic bow of my back, breasts jutting, while I writhed on a shaft of pain… I pushed down harder, wanting more than I could handle, while my nails dug deep into Nathan’s chest. Hurt me you bastard… Hurt me.

  “Stop it!” Nathan grasped my wrists, forcing them upward- I could smell blood on my nails. “You have to be careful... the babies!”

  “Babies… Is that the best you can come up with?”

  I knew what Nathan was capable of; he could easily overpower me if he wanted to, and he wasn’t even trying. I didn’t think – I reacted – ripping free of his grasp and hitting him in the chest with an open palm blow. There was a dull thump, and he was knocked flat on the bed again. I’d hit him hard, hard enough with a servo-assisted blow that I would have cracked the ribs of a normal person; someone who didn’t have their bones covered with military grade ceramic laminate. One way or another, he was going to be forced to use everything he had to control me.

  I leaned down, hissing in his face, spitefully cruel.

  “You little choir boy… You can’t even satisfy a woman without getting a cock enhancement, can you? You’ve never been able to. I might as well have been fingering myself, for all you gave me. I know why you got it,” I smiled fiendishly, drawing the sentence out. “You remembered how much I liked pony cock, especially Cirus’. I still dream about him. Every time we’re together it’s him...”

  An expression of jealous rage suddenly stared up at me, and was exactly the reaction I was hoping for. That’s when the wrestling match ensued.

  “That’s enough, Margo! What the hell is wrong with you?”

  His grip on my wrists grew incredibly tight, I wasn’t getting free this time, but I tried my best, twisting against him, coiling like a snake beneath the sheets.

  Growling and grunting…


  I tried to bite him while we sweated against one another…

  Cursing and moaning…

  I was an animal, and I came twice, managing to keep him inside me for much of the struggle.

  Nathan finally had me pinned on my back, and his tight-lipped expression of quiet anger made my chest heave in excitement. Just like that Nathan… just like that. I was immobilized beneath him, with my hands pinned above my head. Before he had a chance to climb off, I wrapped my legs around his waist, locking him inside me with vice-like force. He was going to fuck me, whether he wanted to or not.

  “I’m sorry to disturb you, Mr. Burke, but I have detected a drastic shift in the Captain’s brain pattern, again.”

  “Yeah, no shit,” Nathan shouted through clenched teeth.

  “It would appear as if I miscalculated the dosage, over compensating—”

  “Shut up, just recalculate—”

  “Yeah, shut the fuck up, Alex! Can’t you see I’m trying to get laid,” I laughed, smiling up at Nathan like a wicked nymph. My hips thrust upward, harder, grinding against him, crushing my clit against his pubic bone.

  “…another sedative!”

  “Yes… yes! I’m cumming, you fucking pig!”

  I couldn’t stop screaming, whinnying, partly in pleasure and partly in wonderful pain. My head rolled from side to side, using the momentum of the bed to bounce off Nathan, driving him incredibly hard and deep, and violating the deepest recess of my body. A hot gush of cum, tainted pink, stuttered from around my taut lips.

  “Margo, stop, you’re going to hurt yourself!”

  “She already has, Mr. Burke. I have detected several tears
in her vaginal wall, and—”

  “Uh-huh… like that…Fuck me harder!”

  My back arched, straining for more, forcing Nathan to the hilt, I could feel his balls bouncing wildly off my ass. I know he liked it, despite trying to climb off me, he was still hard as a rock, maybe even more so than before, and every time he attempted to pull away my legs locked up, slamming him back into place.

  “Cum in my pussy, make me your bitch, you motherfucker!”

  “Alex! Seal the cabin and flood it with SDX-6, concentration level 7.”

  What was Nathan babbling about now? SDX-6… I’d heard of it… couldn’t remember… so long ago. Whatever… Who gives a shit, I have better things to think about, like getting off.

  My hips continued their steady, relentless assault while staring directly into his eyes, smiling. That beautiful chest of his was swelling with each gasp for air, as muscles tensed, flexing. Nathan was getting close, and it was about fucking time. I clenched my slobbering cunt around him like a fist, then released. Over and over, milking him.

  “That’s it, cum in my pussy,” I screamed, splattering his face with spittle.

  Something was wrong, my frenzied strength began to fade, and I grew weak. My legs turned to mush, slipping from around his waist, while I stared up at Nathan through blurry eyes. His hips continued to thrust rapidly, he was too close to stop.

  Why couldn’t I move any longer, what’s going on? I tried to speak, but nothing came out. I wanted to scream, to tell Nathan it hurt; a dull burning ache mixed with the sharp, sporadic sensation of being torn, of being split in two. My wrists! They hurt so bad from his grip that I started to whimper. What are you doing, Master? Please… please stop, you’re hurting me!

  Nathan thrust hard with an explosive gasp, holding himself inside me for a moment before pulling out and driving deep again. A warm, tickling sensation of a massive release began to fill my insides, while I lay there confused and helpless. His final thrust was almost savage, and I would have screamed in agony if I could, but it came out sounding like a gurgling whisper.


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