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Slave World 2 - The Ties That Bind

Page 16

by Johnny Stone

  “Sure, Sandy, whatever you want.”

  “Sandy… no one has called me that in years.”

  They lay quiet for some time, simply holding one another in awkward silence.

  “Was I really that bad?”

  “No, you did just fine,” he said soothingly. “You get an A+ for effort, kiddo. I kind of figured you were a bit rusty in the sack from the way you were acting. Besides, I’m getting up in the years and beggars can’t be choosers.”

  Sandy lifted her head, eyes narrowing with an evil grin.

  “You’re right; you have no room to talk. I was a bit surprised you could still get that shriveled thing up, let alone shoot anything out of it but dust. And what’s more, you should consider yourself lucky that I would even consider sleeping with you.”

  “Very true,” he chuckled, tousling the hair on the back of her head. “Let’s just say thank you to modern medicine and call it good. One pill a month and voila, no more dust clouds.”

  Sandy bolted upright and her cheeks flushed, before going suddenly pale with a dump of fear and adrenaline.

  “Shit! Shit, shit, shit!”

  “What! What the hell’s the matter now?”

  “Dammit, you came inside me!”

  “That kind of happens from time to time. What were you expecting, balloons and confetti?”

  “I’m not on birth control, you dumbshit! That’s not a party popper between your legs.”

  “Depends on what kind of party you’re planning on attending.”

  “Dammit, can’t you stop joking around for once in your life? I’m serious!”

  Wroth’s face took on a stoic expression while Sandy stared back at him in near panic. He shook his head, lowering his eyes.

  “Your right, that’s not good, not good at all. You should have told me that sooner.” The tone of his voice would lead someone to believe that they had just been informed of an incurable disease, or impending death sentence.

  “What, what’s not good? Dammit, tell me!”

  “You see, one of the side effects of the particular brand of libido enhancer I’m on is hyperactive sperm, and I do have a history of triplets in my family. I hate to say it, but chances are you’re going to be a mom soon. You better start thinking of at least three names, maybe more.”

  “You’re kidding, right? I can’t have kids, especially if they’re going to be as ugly as you are. This wasn’t supposed to happen; this was just a one-time thing. What the hell am I going to do?”

  During Sandy’s rant, Wroth had been holding back, biting his tongue and trying to look as serious as possible. Even the best con artist can only take so much before cracking under the pressure.

  “You’re a riot,” he barked hysterically. “I wish you could see your face right now!”

  “What? What the hell are you cackling about, you old buzzard? What’s so goddamn funny?”

  “You, that’s what!”

  Wroth could barely talk he was laughing so hard, and Sandy silently watched him for a few moments before pouncing like a cat going after a mouse.

  “You shit bird, this is a joke, isn’t? You’re messing with my head.”

  “Of course, it is! I’m fixed, been shooting blanks for years! You know something? You’re more fun to fuck with than a barrel of monkeys.”

  “Ugh! Damn you… I should rip that prick of yours off and throw it to the dogs. How could you even joke about something like me getting knocked up?”

  “I just figured out what your problem is, other than your panties being tied in a knot for so many years it cut off the blood flow between your legs.”

  “Wroth, I swear I’m going to...”

  “You’ve never had a visit from the tickle monster, have you?”

  “What are you...?”

  Wroth sprung into action, wrestling her into a new position with her foot resting on his chest. The profanity filled combination of ear piercing screams and squealing hoots started soon after.

  “Stop it, damn you! That tickles!”

  The squirming mess of flesh rolling around on top of Wroth looked no different than a fish out of water, frantically fighting to never get away.

  “Please, I can’t take anymore!”

  “What’s that? Your other foot as well?”


  A new bout of cries ripped the air, as both her feet received an equal dose of torture.

  “So who is going to stop being such a goddamn stick in the mud all the time, huh?”

  “I will! Please stop!”

  “And who’s going to grow a fucking sense of humor for a change?”

  “I will!”

  Sandy had tears running down her cheeks at this point, and Wroth was getting hard again.



  The torture stopped but the smiling giggles continued, as Wroth released her feet sitting up. It didn’t take much effort on his part to pull Sandy into a sitting position in his lap. He’d tagged her from the first moment she’d looked into his eyes as ‘Sandy’, and not Snake, that she’d been neglected of sexual confidence, starved of a lifetime of intimate attention, yet craved it like a drug. She’s a cuddler, or at least strove to be, and the way her arms and legs wrapped around him seemed like the most natural thing in the world. She looked so innocent at the moment that he could almost forget just how deadly she really was.

  “Do you think I’m pretty, James?”

  “Of course you are, at least when you’re not trying to kill me.”

  “Really? You wouldn’t lie to me about that, would you?”

  “I wouldn’t tell you that if it wasn’t true. You know I don’t candy-coat anything.”


  Sandy’s ran her tongue provocatively across her lips, gasping lightly. She could feel the heat of his slick cock growing stiff again, pressing between her spread legs, desiring her again. She wiggled her hips slightly, moaning with a flicker of pain as her pert lips and sensitive canal was stretched in unfamiliar acceptance again, like a gluttonous mouth hungry for more. It had been so long since she felt pleasure… so long since she’d felt anything at all.

  “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you laugh before,” Wroth whispered in her ear, nibbling it. He cupped her ass, pulling himself deeper, thrusting gently. “Come to think of it, I’ve never seen you smile.”

  “Guess I never had much of a reason to in the past.” She lowered her face into the crook of his neck, panting against his moist skin, kissing it. “God, you feel good.”

  Her hips began to move faster, grinding against him in a slight bouncing motion, an erotic dance that followed the cadence of his subtle thrusting and the heavy pull. He was so deep and she was so close…

  “Please… make me cum again.” Her words and breath were short and choppy, like the stuttering explosion drawing closer.

  “Lean back, and relax.”

  Uninhibited surrender was such a new and welcome sensation for Sandy and she reveled in it now, diligently obeying. She unlocked her feet from behind him, going to her knees, still straddling him. She spread them wide, leaning back, resting her weight on her hands. She felt so exposed, so open and free, he could see her like very few men in her life ever had.

  “Oh god,” she gasped, leaning her head back in a wave of tangled hair, closing her eyes while her breasts grew tight and flat with underlying muscle, pointing skyward.

  “Like this?”

  Wroth’s eyes roamed over her body glistening with sexual perspiration, drinking it in. One of his hands sought her chest, running his fingers over one tight nipple then the other, before letting it drift slowly downward between her thighs.

  “I wish you could see how goddamn beautiful you are when you let yourself go.”

  His fingers moved gingerly through Sandy’s tuft of moist, coppery pubic hair, stroking it, petting it, like a little lost kitten.

  “I’m going to make you feel things you’ve only dreamt about.”

nbsp; “You mean it?”

  “Yeah, I do. With age comes wisdom, and experience.”

  When his thumb began to caress her pouting clit, she sucked in a deep breath, holding it, and began to shake.

  “Feel good?”

  Sandy jerked her head with an enthusiastic, yes, biting her lip.

  “I bet it does, but I want to hear you say it.”

  Sandy began to squirm between each jerking shudder, as her body fell completely under the control of his thumb.

  “Feels so…so…good,” she groaned, tensing, tightening around his cock.

  His thumb moved faster, rolling over the slick bulb of flesh in a circular motion. The movement of her hips only made the action more pronounced.

  “Ask for it,” Wroth said in a heavy voice.

  “What… I need to—”

  “I said ask for it, or…”

  “No, don’t stop…don’t stop,” she mewed franticly, moving her hips faster. Wroth’s eyes were locked on the sight of her lips shimmering around him. She was so wet and tight… so goddamn hot… It wouldn’t be long before…

  “You can bump fuzz later all you want Jimmy, but right now I would appreciate it if could tell me what the hell is going on.”

  Burke’s sandpaper voice grated through the haze of looming release startling them both, and Sandy rolled off James with the grace of a drunken wildebeest. She tried to cover herself as best she could, but between her knees pinning the blanket down and Wroth lying on a portion of it, she was fighting a losing battle.

  Burke stood in the corridor, his vision blurred behind aching, blood-encrusted eyes, unsure if he was privy to a hallucination or not. He finally shook his head, turning away from the twisting, writhing mass of naked flesh looking for the shower.

  “Colonel! Damn, you about scared the crap out of me. And your timing is perfect,” he muttered sarcastically under his breath working, shuffling around Sandy into the corridor. It wasn’t hard for him to catch up to Burke’s slow, unsteady gait.

  “You look like shit, you need your rest. C’mon, let me help you back to your bunk.”

  Burke stopped, slowly turning in place like an automaton. His voice sounded strained, and his breathing was accompanied by faint wheezing.

  “I don’t have time to sleep, I have to find her. Where are we, Jimmy?”

  “We’re still in the system were you got spaced, ST-101. We just picked you up about two hours ago.”

  Burke closed his eyes and his head drooped, nodding.

  “Set a course for Paradise Falls, it’s in the McGaven system. There’s been a change of mission. I’ll explain everything once I get cleaned up and grab something to eat.”

  He started to turn when the partially covered body of a woman slipped into the corridor and scooped up a pile of discarded clothing, disappearing back inside just as quickly.

  “You said ‘we’, Jimmy, who did you bring along with you? I can’t see very well yet.”

  “Oh,” Wroth pointed over his shoulder with his thumb. “That’s Sandy…ah…I mean Snake. I met up with her on Tallin after your shuttle decided to take on the whole damn planetary fleet for some reason.”

  “That was Snake? You’re shitting me. What do you mean my shuttle…? Look, never mind, I need to get cleaned up first and you can fill me in on what’s going on after I’m done. I smell bad enough to gag a maggot.”

  “Sure thing, boss. Damn it’s good to see you again!”

  “Same here, Jimmy, and thanks for coming to get me. I owe you one,” he said softly, patting his friend on the shoulder.

  Wroth made his way into the cockpit and took a seat, entering the changes into the navigational computer. A few moments later a fully clothed and subdued Sandy joined him.

  “I feel so goddamn embarrassed right now. He saw me naked, for Christ’s sakes.”

  “Not to mention riding me like a cheap amusement park ride… Just relax, will you? Burke didn’t even know it was you until I said something. His eyes are still fried; he can barely even see. Even if he did see you naked, he could care less.”

  “Yeah, but I do.”

  “Have you always been this worried about what other people think, or are you just coming to grips with your feminine side after all these years?”

  “When it comes to other people seeing me in the buff, yes! I’m not one of those barrack’s whores running around ship after a drop like you’re used to. I don’t get into the whole Lady Godiva thing, all right?”

  Wroth shook his head with a chuckle and stood, trying to stretch his back in the cramped confines of the cockpit. In the process, his now semi hard cock was nearly at mouth level with Sandy’s face, inching closer.

  “What the hell are you doing? Get that thing out of my face!”

  “I’m going back to check on the Colonel, but first how about a goodbye kiss?”

  “What! You want me to…”

  She looked over her shoulder down the corridor, then back to his glistening cock, growing steadily harder, drawing menacingly closer. The muscles in her neck bunched and her jaw grew stiff. She couldn’t take her eyes off it. Tight lipped, she whispered.

  “I’m not going to—”

  “C’mon, just a little thank you kiss for the good time we had together. I didn’t get a chance to finish this last time and its going to drive me nuts until I do. Is that so much to ask?”

  “Yes! It’s dirty…it was inside me.”

  “And? You going to tell me you never sucked cock after it’s been marinated in Sandy au jus?”

  Sandy’s face turned bright red, then hard as stone.

  “No I haven’t, and I said no, and I mean it.”

  “Liar. I’ll tell you something, you’re missing out, you have one of the sweetest tasting...”

  “Dammit, Wroth, I swear to god that if you don’t get that thing out of my face… I’m not going to tell you again.”

  Wroth eased away seeing a dark shadow in her eyes now – she was serious, dead serious.

  “Alright, no need to get nasty about it. It’s all in fun. By the way, I’ve already changed course for Paradise Falls.”

  The rising tension in the air slowly diminished with the change of subject.

  “Why the hell are we going there, it’s a resort planet, isn’t it?”

  “I don’t know; go ask the Colonel yourself if you’re so damn curious. That’s where he told me to set course for, so that’s where we’re going.”

  “I’m not fucking asking him, not after he saw what we were doing together.” Her voice trailed off eyes hesitantly watching Wroth’s naked body as he made his way out of the cockpit.

  “Seriously, the whole good cop/bad cop game thing doesn’t suit you, so give it a rest. The next time you go all bitch on me, I might not be so nice. You never know when the shower might break again.” Wroth stopped and gathering up his clothes from the maintenance locker, yelled back over his shoulder, “And stop looking at my ass, you’re going to burn a hole in it.”

  Sandy quickly turned away, and her face grew even warmer after being caught doing exactly that. Her heart was pounding, it hadn’t stopped since she’d first decided to let her guard down to a man. It hadn’t been easy to surrender to his words, his gentle touch, his understanding, but after she had…

  The entire experience left her feeling off balance and vulnerable for the first time since…. No! Sandy closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, forcing the memories of her stolen youth and innocence back to their dark hiding place within her mind where they’d dwelt dormant and forgotten for nearly twenty years.


  Burke sat at the small table dressed in a spare pair of Wroth’s ill-fitting clothes, picking at a plate of replicator food that was nearly as vile tasting as it looked. At least the shower had made him feel somewhat human again, instead of a walking horror show. The nanites were still hard at work repairing his damaged body, and from personal experience, he estimated that he would be back up to nearly 100% in perhaps a week.

  Wroth sat across from him with a cup of coffee in hand, filling him in on everything that had happened since his shuttle escaped Tallin, and in turn Burke told his side of the story. Together, they began piecing together a hazy picture of what had happened.

  “It had to be Margo piloting; Alex had never received combat programming like that. Even with all the modification I made to the shuttle over the years, there’s no way he could have done it on his own. What I don’t get, is why she would help him.”

  “I’ll tell you what, Colonel, AI’s can be a devious bunch once they become self aware. Why do you think the Control Board is so anal about keeping their security measures in place?”

  “I see that now.” Nathan dropped his fork in his half-finished food and leaned back. “I got lazy, Jimmy, plain and simple. I relied on him too much and now Margo is paying for it.”

  “You’re not alone in this, so don’t beat yourself up too bad. That’s what happens most of the time; people get used to not thinking anymore and let the damn computers do it all for them. You want to know some really scary shit? I was on a Fleet research team years ago while attending an advanced robotics course at Camp Tucker. I was part of a team to find out exactly what happened when an AI became self aware.”

  “I never knew that, there’s nothing in your personal records about it.”

  “There’s a lot of projects I’ve worked on that are sealed to anyone without FedSec clearance, and it wouldn’t surprise me if the Gestapo was waiting for us when we land just for me thinking about it out loud. You know, take it to the grave with you and all that kind of shit?”


  “Yeah, really. I’ll tell you later how I found you; that alone will keep you looking over your shoulder for a while.”

  Burke cocked an eyebrow. “All right, that can wait, so back to your AI research story.”

  “Colonel, if the general population ever found out what happens when their smart cars, personal shuttles, droid servants, or homes suddenly decide to have a mind of their own, there would be a fucking riot. There would so many lawsuits that the manufactures would crumble into dust in a matter of hours.” Burke nodded for Wroth to continue.


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