The Tragedy of Liberation: A History of the Chinese Revolution 1945-1957

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The Tragedy of Liberation: A History of the Chinese Revolution 1945-1957 Page 43

by Dikötter, Frank

  A71 Shanghai shiwei funü lianhehui (Shanghai Municipal Party Committee’s All-China Women’s Federation)

  B1 Shanghai shi renmin zhengfu (Shanghai Municipal People’s Government)

  B2 Shanghai shi renmin weiyuanhui zhengfa bangongting (Office for Law and Politics of the Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress)

  B13 Shanghai shi zengchan jieyue weiyuanhui (Shanghai Municipal Committee on Increased Production and Economic Thrift)

  B31 Shanghai shi tongjiju (Shanghai Municipal Bureau for Statistics)

  B182 Shanghai shi gongshanghang guanliju (Shanghai Municipal Bureau for Supervision of Business)

  B242 Shanghai shi weishengju (Shanghai Municipal Bureau for Health and Hygiene)

  C1 Shanghai shi zonggonghui (Shanghai Municipal Federation of Trade Unions)

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