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Mate Night: An enemies to lovers shifter romance (Southern Shifters Book 2)

Page 4

by Eliza Gayle

  “Who me?” She tried to fake a sweet innocent smile and ended up biting her lip to keep from bursting into laughter.

  “Nice try, babe.”

  “If someone told you I was nice, then you have been badly misinformed.” She wrenched open the car door and slammed it a little bit harder than necessary. The heavy door of her old car boomed loudly behind her.

  Kane rushed from the car and moved toward her. “All right, all right. I called a friend of mine who can get some information for me. When I hear back from him I’ll make a decision about what to do.”

  She turned and cocked her brow at him. “You will decide? What is this, the 1950s? Never mind, I’m going to assume you meant to say we will decide.”

  “Yeah yeah, semantics.”

  She unlocked the motel room and swept the room for any signs of disturbance. Habit made her cautious and she didn’t like being caught unaware. She headed to the bathroom to wash up and left Kane to take care of the food. He must have some thoughts on what their options were, although she couldn’t imagine what they would be. If she ran he’d come after her and her she would spend her life in hiding. Secluded and alone. Not exactly the plan she had for herself. Or, she could go back to her original plan and kill the black cougars. If she took care of all three of them then the clan would be left in a shambles. Her revenge would be completed and she could finally move on with her life.

  She paused and looked at herself in the mirror. From the dark smudges under her eyes to the weight she’d lost lately, she looked tired. What exactly would she do with the rest of her life? Settle down somewhere, find a husband and have kids? She shuddered at the thought. She’d spent her whole life so far saving up for this day without taking time to consider what she’d do after. Lara shrugged her shoulders. No matter, she had plenty of time to make plans afterwards. If she survived.

  When she returned to the room she stopped outside the bathroom door and watched Kane. He sat at the little table, his big body dominating the space. Even his legs stretched far beyond the edges of the furniture. She watched in fascination as he devoured one of the steak dinners she’d bought him like a man possessed without even noticing she’d returned.

  “I take it you were hungry.” Her statement startled him and his head jerked swiftly around, a hunk of meat halfway to his mouth.

  “It’s been a while since I’ve had a meal this good. That’s the charm of a small town like this. Great home cooking.”

  “I guess a growing boy needs his nourishment.” He snarled at the word boy. So typical. She took the seat across from him and opened up one of the hamburger meals and doctored it up with condiments. “You don’t cook?”

  “Not as often as I’d like to, but out on the road it’s been one fast food hell after another.” He clamped his lips shut when he realized what he’d said. Meaning, he’d been hunting her. Her guard slammed back into place as she reminded herself he was someone who could not be trusted.

  “I hope telling them to make the steaks medium rare was to your liking.”

  “It’s perfect.”

  “Probably more cooked than you’re used to, huh?”

  He set his fork down and scowled at her. “I’m not a beast, you know. I’d like to think I have the best qualities of both species. And eighty percent of my time is spent just like any other human male. Maybe you should bother to get to know me before you accuse me of any more heinous crimes.”

  “That’s a little like the pot calling the kettle black, don’t you think?”

  His face flushed an angry red as his gaze turned hard and cold. “Maybe we should change the subject for now.”

  “Maybe so.” They finished their meal in silence and cleaned up the table. Now what the hell were they going to do? It was just the two of them in a small fifteen by fifteen space with a huge bed sitting in the middle. She couldn’t stop herself as she gazed at the king-sized elephant in the room. She needed to get out of here before either one of them did something they’d regret. He had her running hot and then cold from one minute to the next, driving her crazy.

  “You don’t want to be in here with me, do you?” he asked.

  She should have known he’d know exactly what she was thinking about. Fear was probably written all over her face. Not to mention she was damned horny, and a fucking cougar had sharpened senses including that annoying heightened sense of smell he enjoyed reminding her of. He would know. She shook her head, afraid to look at him.

  “Let’s go for a walk, get back outside for a while. I think we could both use some fresh air and perspective.”

  Hours later, they were headed back to the motel and even tenser than when they started. At least he was. Kane had walked behind her much of the time, and simply watching her fine ass wrapped in snug denim had kept his dick harder than he could stand it. Her scent wafted back to him on the slightest breeze and her arousal had only increased with the exercise.

  Did she have any idea how difficult it was to walk when you had to adjust your cock every few minutes to find a place where it wouldn’t press up against the rough denim? Would she care? Not likely, he imagined.

  When they emerged from the woods not far from the motel, his cell phone vibrated against his ass. He stopped and dug it out of his pocket and flipped it open to find a text urging him to call as soon as possible. There were four other similar messages as well. They must have gotten out of cell range at some point while hiking.

  When she turned to say something he waved his phone at her to let her know he needed to make a call. He watched her enter the room and waited until she closed the door behind her before he dialed the familiar number.

  “Where the hell have you been?”

  “Out of cell range, I guess. I just got your messages.” Kane shoved his hand in his pocket and leaned against the concrete wall.

  “I hope you two aren’t doing anything stupid.” Annoyance buzzed from his friend’s tone.


  “Good. I suggest you keep it that way.”

  “Stop giving me shit and get to the point, dickhead.” He wanted to get inside that room.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I checked around and I don’t know, Kane, she might be right. There’s very little information available about her mother.” Damn. This was not what he had expected to hear.

  “Who killed her?” His breath stilled as he waited for the answer.

  “Don’t know. Can’t find the order.”

  “That’s impossible.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought, too. There’s only two options here, Kane. Either do what you’ve been sent to do or bring her in. You have that power. Although, I can tell you right now that’s not going to go over well at all. Damn council hates being questioned.”

  “I’m not going to kill her if I don’t know for certain.” Not sure I could have in the first place.

  “It’s your head, dude. You ready for that?”

  “Doesn’t look like I have much of a choice.” He remembered the flash of sadness he’d seen in her eyes. The one look he suspected held the truth.

  “I’m just glad it’s you and not me. Gonna be a shit storm when you bring her in.”

  Despite the seriousness of his dilemma, Kane smiled. He always did have a way of finding humor in any situation. “You have such a way with words.”

  “Ain’t my words you should be worrying about, Kane. What does she think about all this, anyways? She looking forward to walking into the enemy camp?”

  “I haven’t told her yet.”

  Laughter erupted over the line, annoying the hell out of him. He already knew she would tell him where to shove his plan. He closed the phone and rested his head against the side of the building. He really didn’t want to take her in against her will, it would make it more difficult all around, for her and for him.

  However, he’d do what he had to do. He owed that much to his brother, Lucas. Mixed feelings aside, Lara had tried to kill both him and his mate multiple times. They had to get to the b
ottom of this. He shoved the phone back in his pocket and headed inside. Best to get this over with as soon as possible, like ripping a Band-Aid.

  He expected her to be waiting impatiently for him when he went in, but what he found was far different and nothing he’d prepared for. The room was warm and humid from a shower and she was sprawled out on the bed in a tiny t-shirt and short shorts.

  Oh, hell.

  Skin. That’s all he saw. Bare, smooth flesh ready to be touched, licked even. Oh, yeah. He wanted to start at her cute little toes and tongue every square inch of flesh he could until she squirmed and writhed from the onslaught. His body sprang to life as yet another erection pushed to be free. His body said he should be inside her right now, sinking into the warm heat he knew waited for him. She could deny it all she wanted, but he knew the truth and so did she.

  He made quick work of removing his boots and socks, then peeled the offending denim from his legs. He couldn’t stand the clothing rubbing against him for another second. Standing in nothing but his boxer briefs, he paused to consider whether or not he could get away with being in bed with her completely naked. Reluctantly he opted for restraint. She was already going to be pissed at him, why compound it with nudity?

  He stretched out next to her, sure to keep some distance between them. It had been a long, stressful day for them. This wacky sexual attraction thing they had going on was like a tight string between them, threatening to snap at any moment and cause them both a whole hell of a lot of problems.

  Laying this close to her, he smelled the sweet scent of vanilla from the soap she’d showered with—he was a man with a sweet tooth. He groaned and turned his head away; maybe he should go for another walk, alone, for a while. Get her out of his head.

  Yeah, like that’s possible.

  “What’s wrong, Kane?” Her voice sounded soft and sleepy. The sexiest damn thing he’d ever heard in his life. She definitely didn’t sound mad.

  “Nothing, sweetheart, go back to sleep.”

  She shifted and rolled onto her side, which left him looking at her backside. With a groan he turned and stared at the ceiling, desperate for a distraction. Anything but the curve of her supple back and indented waist that led to a fine round ass anyone would have a hard time resisting.

  She moved again, burrowing closer and groped for the covers.

  “Are you cold?”

  “Yes, a little.”

  He pulled the blanket over them both and wrapped the fabric around her waist, his fingers brushing the soft skin of her leg. She sighed in appreciation, a sexy sound no man on earth could resist. Kane worked his hand underneath her shirt and touched the heated flesh of her waist. He spread his fingers in the curve there, thinking how well she would fit him. He continued a path to her stomach where he swirled around her belly button. For a split second her body tensed before relaxing once again in his hand.

  He touched her ribs and hesitated at the point he’d expected to touch her bra. She didn’t have one on. He stilled his fingers, willing them not move, but the knowledge that everything he’d dreamt of for weeks was right here in his grasp was too heady an enticement. He couldn’t have stopped now unless she told him to, and even that was questionable. Based on the subtle increase in her breathing and shift in her scent, however, she wouldn’t stop him.

  He moved forward and traced the under curve of her breast. Around and under he continued, but purposely not touching her more sensitive spots. He smiled when she quietly sucked in a breath and held it. She wanted him to keep going.

  “We can’t,” she murmured.

  “Don’t think, Lara, just feel. Unless, you really don’t want me, and if that’s the case then you need to tell me now.”

  She didn’t say anything else, she didn’t need to. She covered his hand with her much smaller one and pulled it to cover her breast, scraping against the ice hard nipple.

  He groaned at the exquisite feel and roughly flipped her onto her back so he could get better access. Her hair fanned out around her head, and her skin seemed to glow in the dim light of the room. This was everything he’d dreamed about when his conscious self shut down. Underneath the evil he’d perceived in this woman was a softer, sweeter side he craved.

  “What do you want, Lara?” Without waiting for her answer he shoved her shirt up and out of the way and got his first look at the lush, full breasts topped by the tightest little nipples he’d ever seen. He dipped down to nip at one and then the other, licking and biting as he went.

  Her eyes popped open and caught his gaze, and for a moment he saw an unguarded lust that took his breath away. Hunger met hunger like never before. His tongue traveled between her breasts and up her neck, pausing at the little hollow in the center for a few extra nibbles and licks. Lara’s body shivered beneath him and the scent of her arousal flooded the room. His nostrils flared as he inhaled deeply, letting her fill his lungs. When her shirt got in his way, he lifted it over her head, stretching her arms, and tossed it to the ground. His gut clenched at the scene she presented. He loved the look of her with arms held up and looking a little helpless.

  Kane opted to keep them there by grasping her wrists together with one of his hands. “Damn, that’s hot, babe.” She started to speak, but he kissed her quiet. He didn’t want her to say anything that would distract from his plan. Her honeyed taste drove him so wild he was sure it would be addictive. With a low grown he slid his lips further along hers, tangling with her tongue until they both broke apart gasping for breath.

  “You’re mine now.” Kane slid his hands down her smooth torso to the edge of her waistband. He wanted her naked and underneath him right now, no more games. With a quick twist of his fingers, he had her shorts unbuttoned and the zipper edged down as well. His breath caught in his lungs when he spied the tiny tuft of silky black hair that covered her mound. A rumbling in his throat sounded again. Damn woman got his motor running, that was for sure. He couldn’t remember feeling this out of control with another female.

  His fingers moved through the soft thatch and her moist, silken folds, circling her clit but not quite touching it.

  Her gasp caught his attention and he turned to look at her face to see her expression. Her eyes closed tight and her mouth formed a sweet little circle, giving him all kinds of devilish thoughts of taking her there. His hardening cock pulsed against his leg as he imagined sliding it between those luscious lips. Fuck, he was going to die if he didn’t have her soon.

  Drawn magnetically back to her sex, he dipped a finger inside, reveling in the tight sheath heating him as he stroked her soft skin. He grazed her clit with his thumb and she jumped enough that he thought she was going to fly off the bed. He loved how responsive and eager she’d become.

  He worked a second finger inside, getting her ready, ’cause damn, she was tight. Again her skin beckoned to him and his beast fought for control. His canines lengthened on a sudden urge to bite and mark her. Careful not to hurt her, he touched the razor sharp points to her flat stomach and scraped lightly around her belly button. She groaned and bucked, close to an orgasm if her ragged breathing and little cries indicated anything.

  She cried out, “Oh, Kane. So close.”

  A loud pounding sounded at their door and Kane and Lara both leapt instinctively away from each other, springing off the bed on each side. Adrenalin surged, leaving him alert and ready for whatever was happening.

  “Open up.”

  Chapter Five

  Lara’s heart raced as she fixed her shorts and hopped around, looking for her shirt. Crap, what the hell had she been thinking? The banging on the door continued and Kane motioned for her to go into the bathroom. She pulled her shirt back on and shook her head. No way in hell would she cower in the other room waiting for someone else to protect her.

  “Like fucking hell. Why don’t you go wait in the bathroom and let me take care of it?” she whispered.

  He arched his eyebrows. “That wasn’t a question.”

  She moved swiftly arou
nd the bed and pushed her face inches from his. “Don’t even go there. This is my room and no one else knows you’re here. You are going to stay out of sight until I see what is going on.”

  “I’m not going in there, either,” he stated sullenly.

  “Fine. Then get behind the door and let me handle this.” She walked away from him; they’d have this out later. She attached the wall chain to the door and opened it a few inches.

  “You can stop banging anytime now.”

  Two hulking men stood outside her door dressed in black jeans, black t-shirts, and black boots–she knew right away what they were even if she didn’t know exactly who.

  More fucking cats. “Ma’am, where is he?”

  “Ma’am?” She rolled her eyes. “Where is who?”

  “We’re here for you and Kane.” That took her back. What had Kane done when he’d made his phone calls? Called in reinforcements?

  “What’s going on?” Kane had come around the door and questioned the men. “Dave, what the hell are you doing here?”

  “Friends of yours?” She looked at him waiting for an explanation.

  “We’ve come to help you bring her in.” Dave looked down at Kane’s state of undress and arched his brow.

  “Since when do I fucking need help?”

  “Whoa, wait a minute. Bring me in? Kane, what the hell is he talking about?” This was far quicker than she’d expected She should have just killed him when she had the chance. God, and she’d let him touch her.

  Kane snarled. “You guys wait outside I’ll be with you in a minute.”

  The men took a few steps back and Lara sensed their fear. She should have made more magic.

  “I was going to tell you when I came in, but you were already napping.”

  “God, where have I heard that before?” She shook her head and paced across the room. “I don’t know what you’re planning, but I ain’t going nowhere with you. Especially now.”

  Why the hell had she listened to him? She fucking knew better. Since when did she let a hot body control her? Ugh. Now she was trapped in a tiny motel room with three cats watching her every move. Damn. Damn. Damn.


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