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Mate Night: An enemies to lovers shifter romance (Southern Shifters Book 2)

Page 7

by Eliza Gayle

Suddenly the woman was gone from her back and Lara lay free against the cold wood floor.

  “Kitty, what the hell are you doing?”

  Relief flooded through her at the sound of Kane’s voice. Shame, too. She’d been caught unprepared and likely would have been killed. She’d let her guard down for him, giving herself a chance to potentially believe in someone else. When would she learn?

  She rolled onto her back and watched Kitty smooth down her dress and hair before she spoke. Lara rolled her eyes at the ludicrousness of her moves.

  “You had no right coming here like this. You need to get out of my house right now.”

  “Me? I have no right? What about you? Why have you not done your job already? And what the hell is that mark on the back of her neck? Is that what I think it is?”

  Kane grabbed her then, his beefy hand wrapped tight around her bicep. She cried out in pain but he didn’t ease up. “You will do well to forget what you’ve seen here today. I’m warning you.”

  She hissed at Kane, baring her sharp little teeth. Her eyes glowed gold and her claws extended on her hand. The bone structure of her face and hands changed and Lara realized she’d partially shifted.

  “Don’t take me lightly, Kitty. I’m deadly serious here. This is none of your business, you need to remember that.”

  The woman’s features changed back to full human and she gave Kane a sickly sweet smile. “Not everyone is afraid of you, you know. Enforcer doesn’t mean God.”

  Kane steered her back to the front door, giving her no chance to say much else. “Tell your father our deal is off.”

  “You fucking bastard. You think you can just throw me out like yesterday’s trash? For—for her?”

  “Leave now.”

  She dug her heels in at the threshold of the door and turned around to face them. “You.” She pointed at Lara. “This is your fault. It’s you who will pay and it won’t be fun, at least not for you.” She laughed, a chilling sound that raised gooseflesh along Lara’s arms.

  Tired of dealing with the bullshit of this scene, Lara spun on her heels and headed for her room. She rubbed the back of her neck where she knew the birthmark was and wondered why the hell they were all freaking out about it, and why the hell was it itching all of a sudden? As soon as his crazy cat bitch left she would demand some answers. They needed to have a talk.

  Kane slammed the door behind Kitty and leaned against the wood. The day had been complicated enough, he didn’t need a jealous bitch to add to the mix. He’d gotten her out of the house and away from Lara, but the damage was done. He couldn’t trust her to keep her mouth shut for a minute, let alone long enough for him to figure out what they were doing here. Now Lara had stormed to the back of the house, killing his hopes of more fun from this morning. She’d want answers and he wasn’t sure if he was prepared to give them.

  Why had he given into the deal with Kitty’s father? He’d known from the start it would backfire on him. Because he wanted his brothers back, that’s why, and to do that he needed allies. Now things had gone from bad to worse.

  Despite the serious nature of his work, today he’d found his mind wandering back to her every few minutes. Walking around all day in a constant state of arousal had cranked him up to the point of madness. He’d cut the questioning short and raced home to be with her.

  “What’s going on, Kane?”

  He raised his brow at the detached tone of her voice. When he sniffed the air around her he got nothing. No fear, no anger, just nothing. It was downright scary when she did that and reminded him just how ruthless she could be.

  “Taking out the trash.” He quirked the corners of his mouth into a tight and hopeful smile.

  “Uh huh. Now tell me what’s really going on here. Oh, and yeah, it would have been nice if you’d mentioned your girlfriend before I ended up face first on the ground.”

  Kane winced at her sarcasm. This was one of those days when he wanted to curse his brother for doing this to him. Just a few short weeks ago he’d had very little to worry about. No pressure to procreate, no kill orders to complete, and no wayward mates on the death list driving him insane with lust.

  “I don’t have a girlfriend. What I do have, however, is a damn headache from arguing with people today, so if you’re planning to jump on that bandwagon go sing it somewhere else.”

  He walked into the kitchen and searched the fridge for something to drink. What he needed right now was a drink—anything, really, to take his mind off the woman standing behind him watching him. He felt her gaze raking over him, hot and steady. The air now scented of her anger and it did nothing but make his dick harder in his pants. He was like an uncontrollable teenager. Maybe a cold shower?

  “I’m afraid you’ve made a mistake.”

  Kane turned, the chill of her voice warning him. “Mistake?”

  “For some unknown reason you think I give a damn about what kind of day you’ve had, but I don’t. You brought me here and the first thing I’m doing is fending off your little jealous bitch. This is bullshit and you know it.”

  A low growl sounded from his chest. He fought to tamp down his temper before he tackled her to the ground and bit her. Whether she realized it or not, this was foreplay. He took two strides forward and she stepped back. “Are you sure you want to push me now? Because some things can’t be taken back.”

  “Spare me.”

  His nostrils flared when the scent in the room changed. She was no longer just angry. Uh huh. The animal he couldn’t suppress aroused her. He took another step and her body hit the wall when she tried to back away.

  “I’m serious, Kane. Coming here was a bad idea.” Her words died on her lips when he bent and sniffed at her neck.

  “You’re wet.”

  “Christ, Kane. This is serious business.” Her hands pushed at his chest but he didn’t back down.

  “Yes it is.” He nipped at her bottom lip lightly with his teeth over and over, teasing and playing with her until she groaned from his touch. She could fight him all she wanted but nature would win, she always did. “But you’re still wet and just as hot as I am.”

  She shook her head against his lips. “Stop playing. I want some answers.”

  His fingers rubbed her breasts, grazing the nipples through the shirt she wore. She leaned into his hands on a low moan. He loved the sounds she made when he touched her almost as much as her screams when he made her come.

  He squeezed and pinched her hard tips until she gasped, yet still she made no real move to get away. “Ask me anything you want.” A slight tremble moved through her shoulders as she fought for normal breath. Her hands roamed at his waist, pulling at his shirt until she loosened it from his pants.

  “You’re overdressed.”

  He fought a smile at her statement. Gone were the protests and instead the hunger gripped her as well. “Then you should do something about that.”

  Her hands reached for the buttons of his shirt, twisting each one apart. When they were all unfastened she pushed the shirt from his shoulders, the pads of her fingers grazing against his skin. He bared his teeth at the streaks of heat the sensual move created and she chuckled at him.

  “You’re not the only one who can enjoy the games, you know.”

  “It’s like playing with fire and it’s hard to hold it back.” She yanked her top over her head and her unclothed breasts bounced in front of him. The loud rumble of a purr sounded in his throat and she gave him a wicked smile when she hooked the waistband of her pants.

  “Then don’t.”

  She had no idea what she asked for. She’d set the pace before but he didn’t think he could let that happen this time. Only one way to find out.

  He dragged her to the floor with him and pushed her to her knees and hands. Ravenous hunger raged through him as he helped her pull her pants and the flimsy piece of lace she called panties down. Pale, smooth flesh drew him like a moth to flame. How was he supposed to resist this? A powerful rush of lust and triumph raced through
him while he caressed the baby soft skin of her bare ass. His claws protracted and scraped lightly across the tender flesh while spikes of adrenalin directed his every move.

  With his head filled with thoughts of getting inside her as quickly as possible, her hair fell around her face and revealed her mark. His mouth salivated with savage need. Precious seconds passed while he worked to stay in control before he bent and gave in to the desire to taste and lick his way across her heated skin.

  He knew he couldn’t mark her, but he damn sure could fuck her until thoughts of biting her left him. Yet, his mouth traveled up to the back of her neck and his tongue swiped the small mark.

  “What is it with my birthmark? Why is everyone making a big deal out of it?” she asked breathlessly.

  He absently answered her, too lost in touching her. “It’s your mating mark. It’s the sign of a black cougar.”

  Her body went rigid underneath him and in a split second he realized what he’d done.

  She rolled from underneath him and came up in front of him, too quick for him to stop her. She kneed him under the chin and he fell backwards against the wall. Pain exploded in his head and his body reacted on instinct. He charged her and tackled her to the ground, but he didn’t have a good grip on her and she wriggled herself free.

  “Calm down and let me explain.”

  “Get the fuck away from me. Now!” The hatred in her voice startled, not to mention, offended him. It was not as if he’d been forcing himself on her. He’d never done that in his life, and he wasn’t about to now. Fine, let her cool her jets for a while.

  He gave her one last hard glare before walking away. He didn’t need this shit.

  Which was a damn lie.

  Chapter Eight

  Bran paced the floor of his study, restless and irritated. The council elders had listened to Kane’s request and, against some small opposition— himself included—decided to grant a tribunal to the damned witch. In a few days time, when everyone could be gathered, the case against Marlene would be reopened and examined thoroughly. That sure didn’t give him much time to find a way to stop it.

  The cougar’s weakness had grated on his last nerve while in the meeting. He’d sat there watching him, looking for a way to get to him and dearly wishing he could go ahead and get it over with already, and just snap his neck. Lucas had been flawed as well, but he never disregarded a kill order. He could always be counted on to follow through on his duty as a death enforcer.

  He should have fought harder against forcing Lucas out of the clan. He’d have been more than happy to see Lara dead for her crimes, and no amount of sweet-talking would have worked on him. Not a cougar who’d joined with a born mate.

  Born mate.

  With the first appearance of a born mate after decades with none, the traditions and quality of the clan would be threatened.

  Why couldn’t Kane have just done his duty and followed his orders? What had happened to make him so weak? The Enforcers weren’t known for their generosity, damn it. He needed to think on it and surely something would come to him. He’d either find a way out of this mess or clean house, whatever it took.

  “Hey, Daddy.”

  He looked up to see his eldest daughter Kitty standing in the doorway—his only daughter as far as anyone in the clan knew. Her face was flushed bright red and she had scratches on her arms and legs.

  “What happened to you?”

  “Had a run in with Kane’s new bitch.” She crossed to his mini bar and poured herself a drink.

  “Damn it, girl, don’t you ever fucking listen?” She flinched at his words but he didn’t care. It drove him absolutely insane when people didn’t follow his instructions. “I told you to stay away from them. You push that boy too hard and he’ll kill you instead of breeding you. Stop being a stupid child and do as I tell you from now on.”

  “But, Daddy...”

  He cut her off with his raised hand. “No, enough is enough around here. If you hadn’t stuck your nose where it doesn’t belong you wouldn’t even know about her, and this situation with the girl is going to be a mess. She’s dangerous and not to be trifled with.”

  “She’s just a human. I can take care of myself against her.”

  He sighed. “She got away from three black cougars a few short weeks ago. Never underestimate your enemy. Unless, of course, you want to lose.”

  She rolled her eyes and he clenched his hands to keep from slapping her. She may be his child, but she had an attitude problem in desperate need of adjustment.

  “Katherine, for once in your life just do as I ask. Your disobedience is getting old and no male in this clan is ever going to accept you unless you learn to behave, or at the very least learn some subtlety.”

  “Have you ever considered that not everyone has to bend to your will, Father?” she asked him coldly.

  “Get out then. If you’re going to ignore my advice and instructions, then you need to leave and learn for yourself what you can and cannot do in this clan to survive. You are nothing but a fool. Don’t come back until you’re ready to accept your place, either.” He turned his back to her and strode to the window. He wasn’t so sure Kane would ever be able to handle his Katherine. She needed a strong hand and a lot of guidance, not to mention some discipline here and there.

  But, in the end, she was a smart girl who didn’t want to be on her own. She would listen. So he waited for her to say something more. To beg for his forgiveness, maybe cry a little, but ultimately give him what he wanted.

  “Before you kick me out, you might want to know I have some interesting information. Something that could cause lots and lots of chaos if it were revealed.”

  The threatening tone of her voice chilled him to the bone. Maybe his daughter had more of him in her than he thought.

  Lara hurriedly dressed in shorts and a tee before making a grab for her running shoes. Staying cooped up in this house for one minute more was out of the question. With little regard to whom or what she might encounter around here, she was going for a run. She opened the front door and ran headlong into Kane.


  “Running away isn’t an option.”

  “I’m not running away, I’m just running. I need to get out of this house and away from you for a while. Things are out of control.”

  “The perimeter of the property is five miles, stay within it and you shouldn’t have any problems. Go outside it and you’re on your own.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She gave him a mock salute to go with her smart-ass response and sprinted off the porch. Her legs were cold and unstretched so the first few minutes were a challenge, but once she warmed up she got up to full speed. Something about going for a run in nature always cleared her mind and lifted her mood.

  The colors of the plants and trees exploded around her as she ran through the unfamiliar grounds, making sure to keep track of her distance as much as possible. The fresh scent of earth and wildlife perked up her senses as she made her away across a shallow stream. Tension and anger eventually gave way to the loose and lax sensation freedom always gave her. It had been far too long since she’d given herself a chance to stop and think. After a while of running the sweat soaked through her clothes and her energy began to wane, but the setting sun lured her to keep going and enjoy it for as long as possible.

  She slowed to a stop and movement from the corner of her left eye caught her attention. She spun around, catching a quick glimpse of a large dark animal behind a stand of trees. A grizzly?

  No, this was no bear, but she was being followed. “You can come out now.” She waited to see if he’d show himself.

  The huge black cat bounded out from behind the tree and ran towards her. For a minute she held her breath and worried whether he would attack her. She presented him the perfect opportunity to carry out her death sentence. Without her magick she had nothing to protect herself. Damn, he really is humongous.

  It slowed a few feet in front of her and stared at her with his golden eyes. This
was the first time she’d gotten more than a fleeting glimpse of one of the black cougars. Malcolm had never shifted in front of her, and when she’d had to fight them there hadn’t been time to really study them.

  Seeing him like this twisted her up. He edged forward and nuzzled her hand and she scratched him behind his ears, loving the soft silky sensation of his fur. This complicated things. He complicated things. Hell, the whole situation did. Life had seemed simpler when her only goal had been to kill. Kill or be killed had been her whole life, even when she worked with Malcolm in her attempt to find a weakness.

  She crouched down on her heels, bringing herself to eye level with Kane. “I didn’t need you to protect me out here, you know. I can take care of myself.” He purred under her hand and some of her anger dissipated. Apparently she was a sucker for a pretty face and a sexy purr. Who knew?

  “You know, a little purring isn’t going to get us out of this mess.” She said her words through a smile and he nuzzled against her cheek, and lord help her, she nuzzled him right back. She couldn’t resist cuddling up with a sexy, sleek black cat whose sole purpose in life was killing. Or so she’d thought, but the more time she spent with Kane the more she came to realize he had a human side, too, not to mention a human body that made her scream so loud she would likely disturb anyone for miles.

  All the emotions of the day crashed in on her, mixing in with this inexplicable draw to the cougar in her arms. She wanted him and she wanted peace. Her eyes slid closed on the thought and the air around her changed as he shifted back to the Kane she was beginning to know well. They looked at each other but neither spoke for a minute, reluctant to break the mood. He nudged at her neck again, this time with skin instead of fur. His lips traced across her neck and chin to her mouth where he probed and licked the inside.

  With a certain weakness for his kisses she suddenly couldn’t remember why she was mad at him. It would come to her later. How could anyone be expected to think straight when her clit throbbed like a musical instrument? When his arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her off balance, she fell forward, feeling much of his naked body pressed against her. Fuck, he feels good.


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