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Don't Stop Holding Me (Y.A Series Book 5)

Page 17

by Sarah Tork

  Where the hell am I?

  It’s like I was in this weird galaxy, another dimension almost. I was having a normal conversation with my little brother and neither of us wanted to kill the other one, at least I didn’t want to strangle him.

  I smiled. “That’s nice of him.”

  “Yeah, nice.” Charles muttered before tossing the soccer ball into his laundry basket. “Why do you care about my life all of a sudden?”

  “Who says I never cared?” I asked, honestly wanting to know why he thought this.

  “Whatever.” He shrugged and exhaled a long breath.

  I exhaled a rough breath. “Well, I’m waiting. What’s going on with you?”

  “Me and Brianna broke up.” he confessed quietly.

  Awe, that was so cute. Well not the breaking up part, that was awful. I held back from smiling, not wanting to look like I thought his love life was a joke.

  I cleared my throat. “How long were you guys together?”

  He made eye contact with me and answered. “Two weeks.”

  “Wow,” I nodded in amazement. “Was Brianna your first girlfriend?”

  “Yeah,” he answered, less wary than before. Perhaps he was warming up to me?

  “So, were you guys friends before?” I asked.

  He nodded. “Yeah, most of the seventh grade until last month.”

  “But you liked her secretly, right?” I smiled, genuinely.

  He shrugged. “Maybe.”

  I felt my cheeks grow warm as I prepared to ask him my next question. “Did you love her?”

  He hissed in embarrassment and looked away. “You gonna make fun of me now? Payback, right?”

  I shook my head. “No, I’m not. Why would I do that?”

  “Because… maybe you think I deserve it?” he chided.

  “Maybe… but I’m not like that.” I said.

  He grimaced. “And I am, right?

  Okay, things were going down hill fast.

  He wanted to fight with me so bad right now, it was so obvious. Being angry with one another was easier than trying to be genuine and kind hearted. But I wasn’t going to fall for his bait. Not anymore. Things were going to change.

  “No,” I said very seriously so he’d get I wasn’t about that life anymore. “Let’s get back to business. What happened between you and Brianna?”

  “We broke up,” he muttered, sounding exhausted all of a sudden.

  I cringed. “I know that already. When, though? Today?”

  “Yeah,” He nodded, looking sad, depressed… defeated.

  “Why?” I asked.

  “She’s been disrespecting me lately.”

  Lately? It’s only been two weeks!

  Stop it, Annabelle. Don’t be a bitch. Listen to him. And don’t judge him.

  “How did she… um… disrespect you?”

  His depressed state transitioned into scorn. “She’s been hugging Carl Haymore every day before class and after school, joking about being best friends loudly in front of everyone at school. And right in front of me. And I hate Carl Haymore. He’s a douchebag.”

  “Damn,” I drawled, feeling his pain.

  “I know, right.” Charles sneered. “I’m supposed to be her boyfriend and she’s hugging another guy twice daily. I’m not the jealous type, but I know I’m not crazy for feeling the way I do.”

  “I don’t think you’re crazy,” I said genuinely. He wasn’t crazy for feeling some type of way about his girlfriend hugging another boy… twice a day.

  Or… is he? I mean… If the situation was reversed, I’m sure Brianna wouldn’t be cool with Charles hugging the same girl twice a day…..

  Charles snickered in disgust. “I asked her to stop and she told me… not to tell her what to do. I wasn’t telling her what to do… but damn, she was making a fool out of me.”

  “I don’t think what you were asking of her was too much, or out of line.” I declared, feeling all types of ways about this… Brianna girl.

  Charles stretched his arms out behind his head. “They were laughing at me. Especially Carl. I knew what he was trying to do. I caught a few looks from him, thinking he was so sly, like he knew he was going to win. But he’s a total player. If he ends up dating Brianna, he’ll dump her in a week and get with another girl on his roster. He doesn’t give a shit about anyone. But no one sees the real him, except for me. It’s fucking bullshit.”


  Middle school drama was no joke.

  How could I forget though... I lived middle school drama. I remembered bits and pieces of the eighth grade daily. Ugh…. I hate remembering the eighth grade!

  The door creaked, interrupting our first ever serious conversation. Mom’s head peeked in as she stood from the hallway. She eyed the both of us, confused out of her mind about what was going on.

  “What are the two of you doing right now? Anna, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in Charles’s bedroom before. Charles, what did you do now?”

  “I didn’t do anything,” Charles smirked. “Me and Annabelle are having a… heart to heart chat.”

  Mom gasped in more shock. “Really?”

  I nodded, confirming the story. “It’s true.”

  Mom beamed with joy. “Really!”

  “Yeah,” both Charles and I confirmed again, not as enthusiastic as she was being.

  Tear spilled down her face as she clasped her hands together, like she was about to pray. “You guys are finally bonding. I’m so happy right now! I never thought this would ever happen. I mean, not before one of you turned thirty at least!”

  I shared a look with my brother as he smirked and shrugged. For the first time ever, I felt a certain type of camaraderie with him.

  I smiled back at him, feeling warm in my heart.

  This was the start of something amazing, I was sure of it.



  Annabelle: Don’t even lie, you hussy! I know you’re not about that life, but girl, it’s past midnight and you still haven’t called it in. Might I assume you’re still canoodling with your big… Tom? Don’t even lie. I can so tell.

  Jenna: You’re a lunatic, girl. Seek help, like yesterday. And if you must know our date ended twenty minutes ago.

  Annabelle: Lovely. Now start shelling out the details.

  Jenna: What details. It was a normal date. There are no details. End of story.

  Annabelle: Details…now!

  Jenna: Fine. We hung out, maybe kissed, maybe debated a bit over condiments, chilled in his car, chilled at the park, chilled at Yogurty’s…. then he dropped me off at home and voila, I’m here texting you.

  Annabelle: So you guys kissed, huh????

  Jenna: Yeah, so? Don’t people in relationships kiss?

  Annabelle: Are you sure you just kissed? LOL!!

  Jenna: You pervert!

  Annabelle: Hey! I learned from the best.

  Jenna: I never asked you about that kind of stuff!

  Annabelle: You so did, I have proof too! You’re queen perv, not me!

  Jenna: You can forge that kind of stuff with today’s technology, So nice try.

  Annabelle: I don’t have to try, it’s on my phone, shall I screen shot it for you, my dear?

  Jenna: Has anyone ever told you that you’re a savage beast!

  Annabelle: All day every day. I’m crazy like that. Now, stop trying to change the subject. You’re not going to talk your way out of this one.

  Jenna: Fine, ugh. I’m embarrassed though.

  Annabelle: Oh come on! You be embarrassed? Pulease! That’s like saying I’m full of confidence.

  Jenna: Anna, come on, stop saying that.

  Annabelle: Details please.

  Jenna: Fine, all right. I don’t have much to say except for that we did stuff.

  Annabelle: You did…stuff? What kind of stuff?

  Jenna: Stuff that sent my mind to another galaxy.

  Annabelle: Wow, another galaxy. I know you like looking at the sky, but damn….
Tom didn’t have to take you to the stars on your date.

  Jenna: Oh he had to. In fact, from now on…it’s a requirement!

  Annabelle: Aye, Aye Captain…. says Tom every time Jenna’s in the mood for some lovin’ LOL hahahahaha.

  Jenna: LOL… Screw you.

  Annabelle: Honey, you gotta buy me dinner first if you want that kind of action. Cause I’m worth it. And I would say screw you back, but I have a feeling Tom’s got that bit covered.

  Jenna: Not yet.

  Annabelle: Still gonna wait?

  Jenna: I’m not about that life, yet, Anna. I can’t just jump into having sex. I need more time. I’m not ready.

  Annabelle: Then take your time, until you are ready. But do you think you’d ever be ready to do something like that with Tom?

  Jenna: I think so. But I want to be completely in love before I give myself like that to him.

  Annabelle: I think he loves you. He’s obsessed with the ground you walk on.

  Jenna: It’s only been a few weeks. We need more time. I care about him. A lot. But the only person I have ever said I love you to besides my family, is you and honey, I am not about to get down and dirty with you. I know, cry yourself to sleep, I’d be sad too.

  Annabelle: Delusional much? Even if I was a lesbian, I’d never go for someone like you. So not interested.

  Jenna: Pulease, you so would go for someone like me, I’m amazing.

  Annabelle: That is true, you are amazing.

  Jenna: Anyways, I don’t know what love is supposed to feel like when it has to do with a boyfriend? I feel something very strong for him, but I just need more time to figure it all out.

  Annabelle: Then that’s all you can do.

  Jenna: That’s all I can do. Thanks for listening, doc.

  Annabelle: And you said you had nothing to explain. This better be the last time your ho ass lies to me. Confusing the hell out of me with yo bullshit.

  Jenna: Lies to you? Bullshit from me? Have you seen your track record in those two departments? Girl Pulease. You’re the president and the CEO.

  Annabelle: LOL. Then as chairman I’d like to welcome you aboard the ship.

  Chapter 22


  Sunday November 25, 2012


  Just when I thought I had a few things figured out, life served me reality like a surprise push into a cold pool on a hot summer day.

  Because one minute I hated my family, and then the next minute my views on the Simms family household did a complete 180.

  Let’s start off with exhibit “A”.

  Post impromptu reconciliation with my sister and brother, our mom was literally screaming with joy. And with Dad being in a slightly better mood, breakfast this morning wasn’t so bad for starters.

  I could get used to this.

  Sunshine beamed through breaks in the blinds, highlighting various parts of our kitchen, showcasing pans with bacon grease and left over scrambled eggs. Attitudes were at an all-time high, so much so, my mind didn’t revert to where it liked being most, with me against the world. But, it wasn’t like that this morning. In fact, my plate of food was like the rest of them on the kitchen table. And as our happy, smiling, full of laughter breakfast went on, something hit me hard. The visual description of “family” was in process, right here. Though, the positivity I felt right now scared me. It was foreign, unexpected, and very weird… and kind of much needed. Of course, things could change in the next second and our new sweet family image could shatter, but…. whatever.

  Our untypical morning was drawing to a close. I glanced down and two pieces of bacon were missing from my plate. I had eaten all my scrambled eggs, they were good, and I even ate a piece of bacon. But again…. there were two pieces missing, and I knew who the culprit was. The bacon thief sat to my left, munching an end to my breakfast with no regrets.

  “Thanks, big sis.” Charles grinned this big toothy smile that made me smile. I felt warm inside, reminding me of a time when he was smaller and adorable, and when warm bear hugs given were unlimited. Things were so much simpler when we were all younger. But despite all that, and despite that I kind of bribed him into talking to me; the “brick wall” between us had begun its impending destruction.

  “You’re welcome,” I smirked at him and pushed off my seat to wash my plate and get a head start on cleaning the kitchen.

  I’m so happy. I’m cleaning when it’s not even my turn!

  “Thank you, Annabelle.” Mom joined me by the sink as I let the pans soak in water for a few minutes. “But I believe its Charles’s turn to help clean the kitchen. Charles, trash duty, right now.”

  Charles groaned and got up from the table. “Alright, alright, I’ll do it.”

  Mom had this look on her face, like she couldn’t believe what was going on, that the “war” was finally over and it would be nothing but peace from now on, or at least the next couple of hours.

  “I don’t know what’s going on, but I never want it to stop!” she screeched hysterically, wiping the counter with extreme enthusiasm. Dad laughed out loud, still finishing the last of his breakfast. Usually on Sundays, he was the first one done and back down in the basement to get work done for the next week. So, it was nice to see him take his time, and with a smile

  Kitchen duties over and done with, I had one more thing on the agenda today and that was doing what I said I would today. Helping Katherine with her schoolwork.

  “Knock, knock?” I knocked on her door, which wasn’t closed surprisingly, because usually it was.

  “Hi,” Katherine said, a bit confused why I was here.

  “Doing homework?” I asked, eyeing the setup of textbooks and opened pink and white binders on her desk.

  “I have a lot to do.” she explained, looking at the mountain in front of her like her life was over. At least for today it was. “I don’t know how I’m going to finish everything. I have like five things due for tomorrow.”

  I took a seat on her perfectly made bed, the bedding a frilly pink and white ballerina set with the matching pillow. “It can’t be that bad.” It was middle school homework after all, how hard could it be? “I’m here to help, remember?”

  “Really?” Her little blue eyes widened, both in sheer joy and desperation, that her older sister for once was her savior. I liked how it made me feel. Not useless.

  “Yep,” I said.

  “I thought you weren’t serious,” Katherine pulled her math textbook from beneath the pile and handed it to me. “Page thirty five, chapter 4, section A – B – C and D. I have no idea what to do.”

  Sheer horror returned, this time it was my face, because ughhhh…. I hated math.

  But I made a promise…. so here goes nothing.

  Three hours later….




  I cleared my throat and collapsed on her floor in exhaustion. “Wow,” I muttered breathily. “Six grade homework is no joke.”

  Katherine flopped on her bed, matching my enthusiasm. “I told you. I have homework like this every single week. My teacher, Ms. Whethers…. she’s a sadist.”

  “A sadist?” I smirked. How did Katherine even know that word?

  “Yeah, a sadist. That’s what Beth calls her. She said it meant the devil.”

  I propped myself on my elbow and rested on my side, staring up at Katherine on her bed. “Something like that. A sadist is someone who enjoys inflicting pain on others with some other stuff added into it that I won’t get into, but the main thing is, they like making people feel pain for their own fun.”

  Katherine took a second to think and then nodded. “Yeah, she’s definitely that too. Beth also called her the homework Nazi.”

  My eyes widened. “Oh my god, who’s teaching Beth these things!”

  Katherine shrugged, like she didn’t know either. “Her grandma likes shouting at random people, calling them sadists and Nazis for no reason.”

  We laughed hysterically. I collaps
ed against her floor and she on her bed, enjoying the deep belly laugh over her “crazy sadist homework Nazi” teacher.

  As our laughter died down, I couldn’t help but shake my head in bewilderment. “We’re going to hell for laughing at this.”

  The door creaked open and Mom’s head peeked inside, stunned at what she was seeing, both her girls laughing with pieces of homework scattered around the room. “What’s going on in here?”

  “All my homework’s done!” Katherine rejoiced, jumping off her bed and stepping over me to show Mom page after page of completed homework. “See, Mommy?”

  Mom looked at me in bewilderment. “I thought this would take the entire day to complete. Did you help her?”

  I smiled, shrugging. “I said I would, don’t you remember?”


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