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Don't Stop Holding Me (Y.A Series Book 5)

Page 21

by Sarah Tork

  Jenna: Anna come on! The last one is bullshit. It’s defo the first one. Or maybe it’s both, and the no distraction thing is for way more douchebaggy reasons than wanting to just focus. Whatever the reason is, he can’t play you like this. Where’s the respect? You’re not a distraction, you’re the main event. All day everyday. He needs to get that through his thick head. UGHHH!!!

  Annabelle: I honestly don’t care anymore. My brain is on overload mode. I don’t know how I’m supposed to react. I don’t know what to say. Or what to do.

  Jenna: Well I would tell you to maybe randomly show up to his fight and “distract” him with a giant poster with “James’s Girlfriend” and an arrow pointing down. LOL. But no, don’t do that. Boy Wonder would defo lose the fight with all that distracting…LOLLL muhahaha. Actually you should totally do it!!! DO IT! Please! I’ll help you make the damn sign. In glitter too! Please! Let’s do it!

  Annabelle: Jenna.

  Jenna: Fine, I’ll stop. Damn, you’re no fun!

  Annabelle: I’m not going anywhere. Especially somewhere I’m clearly not wanted.

  Jenna: Screw him and his macho pissing contest. I hope he loses and cries like a baby in a corner for the rest of the night.

  Annabelle: Jenna.

  Jenna: Whatever. I’m totally not apologizing for that one. I meant it.

  Annabelle: Ah sigh… I need a hobby.

  Jenna: You do.

  Annabelle: I need a lot of hobbies.

  Jenna: That is also true.



  Jenna: The fight starts at 8 at Rome’s Gym. You’re welcome.

  Annabelle: I’m still not going.

  “Annabelle.” my mom called me as I sent my last text to Jenna. “No phones at the dinner table. You know the rules, sweetheart.”

  Annabelle: Dinner now, talk later. Bye.

  “Sorry.” I said, quickly placing my phone in my pocket and taking a seat at the dinner table where everyone else was waiting. We were having hearty tomato soup and cornbread, with a side Caesar salad for dinner tonight. It smelled amazing.

  Dad was staring at me from across the table. “What happened to your face, Anna?”

  Oh shit.

  Mom piped in before I could. “It’s a pimple, Marcus.”

  Dad picked up his spoon and swirled it inside his bowl of soup. “Really? That’s a big bandage for a pimple?”

  I grabbed my fork and got busy with my salad. “It’s a very big pimple and I kind of scratched it… too much.”

  Believe me….

  “Oh, that’s not good.” Dad cringed while ripping apart his cornbread. “Be careful. I know it’s tempting, but playing with pimples leads to scarring.”

  “Ew,” Katherine murmured, giving me an innocent cringe.

  Charles rose from his seat with a shit-eating grin on his face. “I got a giant zit on the back of my neck. Who wants to see?”

  “Nobody. Sit down, Charles.” Mom ordered him before gracing Dad with a cringe. “Marcus, please. Enough with the pimple talk. It’s disgusting while we’re trying to eat dinner. Come on.”

  My dad said nothing and instead stared at his soup with a crease on his forehead. Arriving home an hour ago, it was odd for a weekday because usually my dad would be working in the basement for the majority of the afternoon. As Mom prepared dinner, I felt tension between them all the way upstairs. And now it was weirdly depressing, watching them act like this with one another. But here’s hoping all tension would cease to exist by the time dinner was over. I picked up a piece of cornbread and dinner resumed. Eating hearty soup and salad kept everyone quiet and busy. Halfway into my bowl of soup, I thought about the lie I told my mom earlier, and now to my entire family. Using the ol’ pimple lie seemed like an easy way out of explaining the bandage situation. Honestly, the fact that my face wasn’t covered in scratches or still red from fighting not once but twice with Donna…. was sheer luck. Or skill, as I blocked that girl’s claws like my life depended on it. She used those things way to often to get revenge. Which was totally unjustified to begin with.

  Dad rose from his seat all of a sudden. “Oh no, I forgot. I need to call Raymond back.”

  As he picked up his bowls, Mom gave him the stink eye. “It can’t wait, Marcus? We’re eating dinner as a family.”

  “Nope, sorry. Duty calls.” Dad clipped and sped away to his sanctuary in the basement.


  Tensions were high again. It was palpable. I could practically taste the contempt in the air. I glanced over at Charles who inhaled the last of his meal and shot up from his seat. “I’m done. Thanks Mom.” Speedily, he took his bowls to the sink and ran upstairs to his room.

  “Me too, I’m full.” Katherine pushed her half filled bowl forward. Normally Mom or Dad would make her eat a couple more bites. But Dad was gone and Mom was pissed off, barely eating her food now.

  “Alright,” Mom murmured lifelessly.

  Katherine gave me a concerned look briefly before taking her bowls to the kitchen. Obviously, neither she nor Charles were too worried about our mom’s mental state. Even though it was as clear as daylight that Mom’s mood had dipped to a negative fifty in the span of ten minutes. Perhaps they didn’t notice because they were still too young? Me on the other hand… I wasn’t so “young” anymore. I saw signs of distress on her face. The shift from happy to sad was swift, and her begrudging silence screamed louder than a fire truck roaring towards a flame the size of Mount Kilimanjaro.

  So dramatic… but how could I not be. Abandonment reigned supreme, and it was just Mom and me, seated at the dining table now.

  “I’ll clean if you want to go to your room.” Mom murmured, trying to contain her sadness. It wasn’t working at all.

  “No, that’s okay. It’s my turn to clean the kitchen anyways.” I grabbed our empty bowls and headed for the kitchen. I expected her to follow me, but she stayed seated at the dining table. Maybe, she wanted some space? I quickly placed the dishes inside the dishwasher and washed the pot my mom made the soup in. I swept the floor, wiped the countertops, and then the kitchen was finally clean. I faced the dining room again and Mom wasn’t there anymore. Which was odd, but I guess she left while I cleaned. On my way back to my room, my parents’ bedroom door was closed. I knew my dad was still in the basement… “Working”. Knowing Mom was in there alone, crying on her bed, made me nervous.

  Like a giant rock plummeting over top a pond, I collapsed loudly on my bed and used my pillow as a shield to ward off the evil spirits. Something iffy was definitely in the air, because not only were my parents being assholes to one another, somewhere out there Donna was probably putting a hex on me, or sticking needles in a doll that looked like me. The toxic energy was suffocating. I turned on my back and pulled my phone out from my pocket. I had a text message waiting for me.


  Jenna: Ugh, they’re going for moral support.

  Annabelle: Who? What?

  Jenna: The guys. They’re going to Rome’s to be there as Boy Wonder’s personal fan club. Tom wants me to go.

  Annabelle: What’s the problem with that. You were the one texting me the time and place like an hour ago.

  Jenna: Yeah, so we could band together and sabotage Boy Wonder’s chances at victory. Duh! Tagging along with them would include me in whatever sick moral support cheer squad thing they’ve got planned. Bro code shit. And judging from me and Boy Wonder’s history, I’m clearly not about that life.

  Annabelle: So I take it you’re not going?

  Jenna: Of course I’m going. You think I’m gonna let my man go off to Rome’s without me. I just stalked their website, and let’s just say there’s no shortage of hot girls there. My boyfriend’s gorg, duh. Not that I don’t trust him, but I don’t trust hoes and well I pity the fool that tries me tonight, or ever. I’ve learned from my one time ambush from the she-devil who shall not be named. Evil Jenna will have no mercy.

  Annabelle: Wow. Lol.

sp; Jenna: You gotta come too.

  Annabelle: I wasn’t invited.

  Jenna: So. Anyone can go.

  Annabelle: But my situation is different. He didn’t tell me about it for a reason. He clearly doesn’t want me there.

  Jenna: Maybe it’s not what you think.

  Annabelle: I only know one thing, I’m defo not going anywhere I’m not wanted. And that’s the truth. Besides I don’t want be that pushy girlfriend who cries every time her boyfriend wants space to do his own stuff.

  Jenna: Even if he’s acting majorly sketchy?

  Annabelle: Actions have consequences.

  Jenna: Well ain’t that the truth.

  “Where are you going?” My mom shouted from the landing, all of a sudden. I heard a loud bang follow and footsteps quickly descending the stairs.

  “I don’t have it in me to fight with you anymore tonight.” My dad hissed back and my heart began to pound heavily. I rushed to my door and opened it slowly; a bit scared to take a peek, but I did anyway. Katherine and Charles were at their doors too, and they looked confused and slightly scared.

  “What’s going on?” Katherine murmured in her little girl voice.

  Oh no, she’s really scared. I rushed over and put my arm around her tiny shoulder. “It’s fine, don’t worry.”

  And on another note, I can’t believe this is happening. I’m taking care of my siblings emotionally!!! What a contrast to last week!!

  Charles stepped into the hallway and cringed. He pointed toward the stairs. “Annabelle, everything is not fine. They’re fighting. And dinner was fucked up. Be honest. It was obvious.”

  “Calm down,” I hissed at him and pointed to his bedroom. “Keep your voice down. Don’t make things worse. Go chill in your room, now. Everything is going to be fine.”

  Because our newfound camaraderie was still in its beginning stages, I expected him to retaliate, but surprisingly he listened and returned to his bedroom. It was a relief, and when Katherine went inside her room too, I quietly shut her door and said AMEN. Whatever was going on downstairs, and maybe it wasn’t as big of a deal as I was making it out to be, but I did not want Katherine and Charles to witness it. Whatever it was.

  Older sister.



  The front door opened and our house alarm beeped once. I went over to the stairs and watched my mom close the front door and enter the living room with her shoulders slumped, looking defeated. I saw headlights beam from the driveway and I went downstairs and looked out the window as my dad drove his car away.

  What the hell is going on? I entered the living room and Mom was lying on the couch, staring at the ceiling. That made me smile. Maybe it runs in the family….

  I took a seat on our other couch and looked at her. “You okay?”

  Mom took a deep breath and wiped her face quickly. She sat up and tried to give me a reassuring smile. “I’m fine. Everything is fine.”

  Enter awkward pause. She stared ahead, looking lost. And I began to regret interrupting her chill session on the couch. When I’m anxious, lying on my bed and staring up at my ceiling was a coping mechanism that worked wonders. And if my mom and me were really alike in that sense, then I just interrupted her coping session. So freaking selfish of me...

  I cleared my throat. “Would you like some… space?”

  That kind of broke the spell. She looked at me like I was crazy. “Space? Why would I want space?”

  “Maybe to… calm down?” I suggested slowly, my tone of voice low. I didn’t want to offend her. Maybe she’d think I was calling her crazy. I mean… I did think she was crazy sometimes, but this was something else. She and my dad were having problems, and it didn’t take a genius to see that was very hard for her.

  Seeming embarrassed for a second, she gulped and then shook her head. “I’m fine, Annabelle.”

  I looked at the clock and it was half past seven. The fight was starting in half an hour. In the back of my mind, a huge part of me wanted to throw caution to the wind and go. No one would even have to know that I went. I’d secretly watch in the background and then leave.

  I guess deep down I just wanted to see him… even if I wasn’t “invited” to his fight.

  I can take a hint. Annabelle Simms is not wanted at this fight. Done.

  “You want to watch a movie?” Mom interrupted, holding the remote. “I think there’s a good movie playing in fifteen minutes. It’s a comedy.”

  My mom stared at me with hopeful eyes. We didn’t watch a lot of movies together, hell – I couldn’t remember the last time I watched one with her or my family. No matter what I had going on, doing this for her took precedence. It was the antidote to her sadness.

  “Okay,” I nodded. “I’ll go get Katherine and Charles, too.”

  Mom’s face brightened, her mood shifting from sad to happy. “I’ll make us some popcorn and get us some candy. We’ll have a movie night… the four of us.”

  Movie night was a go.

  Operation: get Mom’s spirits back was in process.

  I double stepped my way up the stairs and knocked on both their doors like Morse code, alerting the troops to get ready for combat.

  Katherine opened her door first. “What’s going on?”

  Charles opened his door after. “Yeah?”

  “Come downstairs, we’re going to watch a movie.” I told them and they both looked at me funny – which was understandable. We never did stuff like this together, well…. not in the last five years at least.

  Charles scrunched his face in confusion and looked over his shoulder at his room. I heard the sounds of a computer game, but I didn’t care if he was mid game or not, he’d be pressing pause and joining the “movie party” downstairs.

  Katherine broke the fog of disbelief first. “Mom wants to watch a movie?”

  “Why?” Charles leaned against the wall. “Usually she likes reading after dinner.”


  “Because…” I was drawing a blank.

  Alert! Alert! Alert!

  Red zone status. Here’s the part where I completely lost my mind. My inner goof rose from beneath the slumbers of teenage angst, demanding my tone of voice and my overall vibe to scream… playful.

  “It’s not up for negotiation, soldiers. One of our own is down and it’s up to us to save her from the pits of misery!” I drilled in full sergeant mode at the both of them, which earned me “you’re crazy” looks. Katherine and Charles’s jaw dropped in shock.

  This was hilarious for me.

  Seeing their reactions.

  I mean… didn’t they know their older sister was crazy?

  I guess not.

  But that was fine.

  We were going to get to know one another again.

  Or, maybe being this goofy, this soon post reconciliation… wasn’t the best of ideas? Did I want to scare them away? Or would they accept this behavior with open arms.

  Charles broke into a fit of chuckles. “Anna… there’s something wrong with you.”

  I gave him a curt nod, like I meant business. “You’re damn straight there is. Now are you two with me or not?” I barked like a “drill sergeant” at them.

  Katherine’s face slowly conformed from disbelief to a bewildered happiness, like a five year old watching a clown do magic tricks. I was that clown... and I was okay with that.

  Katherine nodded. “What’s the movie?”

  Charles leaned off the wall. “Yeah, what’s the movie? It better not be anything romantic, or, I’m gonna puke.”

  “Is it that new romance about that high school couple?” Katherine gasped, hopeful.

  Charles cringed. “Ew, no way! I’m not watching that crap.”

  “Hey,” Katherine scowled at him. “I like those kinds of movies.”

  “I want to watch that new zombie movie that’s on demand.” Charles stated.

  “Ew,” Katherine grimaced. “No, I hate zombies. That’s gross.”

  “It’s a comedy.”
I finally answered, with a huge grin on my face.

  “Awesome,” Charles and Katherine cheered. They ran past me toward the living room. I was about to follow right behind them, but my phone vibrated, chiming with an incoming text. I went inside my room and checked with no expectation… and no hope of who it might be.

  Jenna: Tom is picking me in a couple of minutes. If you want we can pick you up. Last call girl. It takes like thirty minutes with a bus to get to Rome’s.

  Annabelle: I’m okay. I’m gonna watch a movie with my family.

  Jenna: Really? You guys never do that.

  Annabelle: My mom needs it.

  Jenna: Then Boy Wonder never stood a chance in the first place. Mom’s come first.

  Annabelle: Mom’s come first.

  Jenna: I’ll tell you about the whole thing later. I hope I don’t vomit from the testosterone overload and the stink. Geez I heard those gyms stink like crap


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