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Cold Comfort

Page 15

by Isobel Hart

  “Nothing happened.”

  “That’s probably the problem. Cat’s not good with rejection. In fact I’d hazard he’s never had to deal with it before. He’s not handling it well at all. Want to tell me what the ‘nothing’ was that happened?” he asked, adding; “No pressure.”

  “Nothing, really. I couldn’t sleep, so I went to the music room to play the piano and he was there. We had a nice time, wrote a song together, and then he asked me to kiss him. I said no. That’s it. Really, it was nothing,” I hurried to assure him.

  “Not for Cat it wasn’t. Seriously, women never say no to him.” He gave a little laugh. “It’ll do his ego good…” He paused as he looked at me again. “So why are you looking so sad? Did you want to kiss him?”

  “No… I don’t know… maybe,” I finally admitted. “I like him when he’s not being a whore. He was lovely when we were alone together. I was tempted, but then before I did anything I remembered Hardy was just the same and look how that finished up. I can’t risk being involved with another womaniser. It hurts too much. The man’s name is Catnip, for god’s sake. I’d have to be mad to think he was a good bet for a serious relationship.”

  “Not all relationships have to be serious,” he said thoughtfully. “Sometimes relationships can just be about a brief period of fun with someone you like, or really great sex. You don’t only have to date people you think you could potentially marry. You’re only nineteen, for heaven’s sake. I never thought I’d hear myself say it, but maybe you need someone like Cat in your life to shake you up a bit. You need to remember life’s short and you have to make the most of it. Who knows what tomorrow will bring… seize the day, Delilah. If you want to kiss Cat, then kiss him. If you don’t, then don’t.”

  “Blimey, you’ve changed your tune.”

  “I have. I think you need more fun in your life, and I’m taking responsibility for delivering it. So tonight we’re going out.”

  “Out out?” I asked, immediately nervous at the prospect.

  “Out out. To a club, like normal nineteen-year-olds do. And before we go out we’re going to find you a new outfit to wear. We’ll go shopping in Cambridge today.”

  “What about the others?”

  “They’re locked away with their manager, Wayne, showing him the tracks they’ve already done. I think they’re planning to record some more after that. We can see them later if we want to. Or not. In the meantime, get yourself dressed. I’ll call a cab.”

  I smiled at him, feeling a trickle of excitement at the prospect of a day out together, away from Cat. I nodded and swung my legs out the bed, grabbing the coffee cup and draining it, before standing up and making my way to the shower as he left the room to call a cab. Eddy was right, I was taking myself too seriously. I needed to lighten up a bit and start behaving like other girls my age. Otherwise I was going to wake up one day and find out I was forty and had missed all the best bits. I pulled on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, quickly running a brush through my hair and cleaning my teeth, and then ran down the stairs. Eddy was waiting in the hall on his own. There was the distant sound of male laughter from the direction of the basement. “I left them a note on the table,” Eddy told me before I asked. I nodded and we exited through the front door where the taxi was already waiting, engine idling.

  “Yeah, fine,” I said. “You’re right, I’ve got to start living my life again. I’ve been in hibernation for the last year, and it’s got to stop.” Eddy hugged me, a big smile on his face. “Thank you, for everything,” I said.

  “Thank you.”


  We spent the day in Cambridge, shopping our hearts out. I bought a new dress that was more daring than anything I’d ever worn before, and made Eddy buy himself a new shirt and some trainers. We planned to pop home, get dressed up and then return to Cambridge for dinner before going to the club night at the Corn Exchange. There were some well-known DJs playing, and we’d been lucky to purchase a couple of returned tickets that had been brought back only an hour earlier. The fates were smiling on us.

  Eddy had picked up some vodka and cranberry juice, so when we got back to the house he stopped at the freezer and collected a bowl of ice and a couple of glasses before we began to get ready. He insisted I let him apply some make-up to me. When I expressed some doubt, he assured me he’d had loads of practice on his Girls World when he was little. The mental image of an earnest little boy in glasses concentrating on make-up application to a mannequin made me laugh. He then proceeded to Google a well-known beauty blogger who promised on her video she would talk him through every step to achieve the perfect smoky eye. I poured us each another hefty measure of vodka and then sat back while he got to work.

  “God, if you don’t make it into the London Philharmonic you can always have a career as a make-up artist,” I remarked as I admired the finished result. He’d created the promised dark smoky eye effect which did amazing things to the violet colour of my irises. I swore I’d learn how to do it for myself as I slipped into the bathroom and pulled on my new dress. It was made of a soft, white clingy fabric and combined a demure boat neck with a very short skirt – it stopped mid-thigh. The back was the part I loved most, though, plunging to just above my derriere and forcing me to forgo a bra. The whole ensemble managed to be both demure and sexy at the same time. I liked the suggestion of nipple that was visible through the fabric. I felt daring and alive as I brushed my dark hair until it shone. Eddy whistled under his breath when I finally emerged.

  “You look freaking amazing, Delilah,” he breathed.

  “You look pretty amazing yourself,” I said with a laugh, as I made him take a turn so I could see the full effect of his new shirt and trainers.

  “Your carriage awaits,” he said, taking hold of my arm and leading me down the stairs. I’d kept my heels low, knowing my limitations and preferring comfortable feet if we were going to dance later. “Did you want to take a jacket?” he asked, glancing at the back of the dress when we were halfway down. He was right. It had been warm all day, and whilst I knew it would be hot in the club I thought I might need a jacket for walking from the restaurant, and then after we’d left the club. I nodded and ran quickly back up the stairs towards my room, calling that I’d meet him in the hall. I grabbed my leather jacket off the hook on the back of my door, looped it over my arm and skipped back down the stairs, my spirits high.

  Eddy was waiting for me, surrounded by the members of Cold Comfort, who looked like they were teasing him about his new shirt. They turned as one as they heard me approach. “Are you ready?” I asked, smiling at Eddy.

  “Fucking hell,” Matt exclaimed, with a quick look at Cat. The others just stood there and stared. I shifted, my confidence wilting under their scrutiny. I didn’t dare look at Cat.

  “Doesn’t she look amazing?” Eddy said, grinning at me like a proud parent and elbowing his way through the silent group. He grabbed my arm again and led me towards the door. The group caught sight of the back of my dress at the same moment, and there was an audible hiss. I ignored it, refusing to allow them to knock my confidence further, and continued walking.

  “Put your jacket on, Delilah,” Cat said, suddenly appearing beside me. He took it from my arm, his eyes dropping to my now prominent nipples. He swallowed hard as he held my jacket out for me, helping me into it before zipping it up all the way to my neck. Then he opened the door of the cab and held it for me, watching as I clambered in, before closing it firmly. He walked quickly round the car, grabbing Eddy’s arm so he was forced to stop, then pulled him in close to talk to him. I watched from the back of the car as Eddy glanced nervously towards me, his response showing some irritation before he shrugged Cat off. Cat asked him something else, and Eddy became uncharacteristically animated as he spoke, poking Cat in the chest with his index finger to reinforce his point before shaking him off and walking the rest of the way round the car. Cat just scowled at him as Eddy opened the door and slipped in beside me. He leant forward to give the driver

  “What did he want?” I asked when we were finally on our way.

  “Just trying to teach me how to look after you. He really is being the most overbearing, stubborn ass where you’re concerned,” he said, looking at me. “Now let’s forget all about Catnip and concentrate on the fun we’re going to have tonight. I need you to find me a suitable young man.”

  “I need you to do the same for me.”

  “Done,” he agreed.

  “Done,” I echoed.


  Three hours later, having consumed another four double vodkas and not much food, my spirits were high as we weaved our way towards the Corn Exchange. Eddy clasped my elbow as we walked up to the entrance, our tickets clutched in his hand. We joined the long queue, waiting patiently to be searched for any drugs we might have hidden on our bodies. Where they thought I might hide anything in this dress I wasn’t sure. Eddy nudged me as a good-looking guy openly gawped when I removed my jacket and handed it in at the cloakroom before handing Eddy my ticket to look after. I smiled at the man, my inhibitions dampened down by the alcohol, and the guy grinned back, encouraged by my response. He was cute, dressed simply in jeans and a white t-shirt. Eddy pulled at my arm, dragging me inside the dark club, and I lost sight of the guy, immediately overwhelmed by the relentless pulse of the house music. It made me want to dance.

  “Want a drink?” Eddy bellowed in my ear.

  “No, I want to dance,” I yelled back. Eddy looked nervous as he stared at the already heaving dance floor. I knew he was worrying about his sight. “Come on, I’ll look after you. We’ll stay near an edge,” I promised. I took hold of his elbow and steered him to the side of the dance floor, just as a Chemical Brothers track I loved came on. I squealed in delight, making Eddy laugh, as we both began to dance. The DJ mixed seamlessly, one track flowing into the next, and soon we were both sweating. I’d kept a close eye on Eddy, moving anyone who came too close out the way, so that we maintained a clear perimeter all around us.

  “I hoped I’d find you again. I just needed to look at where the greatest density of men was. You’ve got quite the crowd of admirers,” a voice announced beside my ear. I turned quickly and found the white t-shirt guy beside me. I smiled, pausing to take in the crowd of men that had indeed formed a perimeter around Eddy and me. I’d been so caught up in our dancing I hadn’t noticed anyone else. “Thought you might need this,” he said, handing me an unopened bottle of water. He offered a second to Eddy. I was touched he’d included him. “Boyfriend?” he asked, nodding towards Eddy, who took the bottle from him gratefully.

  “Friend,” Eddy supplied before I could answer. Eddy looked at me. “I found you one. Now it’s your turn.” I looked around, wondering how the hell I was going to know if a guy was gay or not. “Go and dance, D,” he said, laughing. “Don’t look so worried.” I smiled at him as t-shirt guy grabbed my hand and pulled me into the middle of the dance floor.

  He was a great dancer, and we were soon caught up in the music again. When Eddy joined us with another guy I was delighted. Dan, the name of the guy I was dancing with, grabbed my hips and was moving against me when a stir rippled across the dance floor. There was a sudden surge in people at the side of the room, and I craned my neck to see what was causing all the excitement. Dan pulled me back against him, slowing his movements and positioning his hand against the bare flesh of my back. I could feel the gentle caress of his thumb against my skin. “You’re beautiful,” he said. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone as beautiful as you.” I blushed, ready to refute his claim, when suddenly he was no longer in front of me. Instead he was on the floor, with Cat standing over him, his foot pressed firmly on the middle of Dan’s chest.

  “You don’t fucking touch her,” Cat growled before looking up at all the other guys around us. “None of you fucking touch her,” he shouted, before grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the side of the room.

  “Get off me.” I yelped as his grip pinched the skin around my wrist. I could see the lights of cell phone cameras capturing my humiliation as Cat yanked me across the room. “What the hell are you doing? Why are you here?” I tried again.

  Cat stopped dead and turned to look at me. “You may not be ready for me yet,” he said, piercing me with his beautiful blue eyes, “and that’s okay. I can wait until you are. But I won’t let anyone else touch you. I can’t. I’ll fucking kill someone.”

  “You hypocrite,” I shouted. “You’re a complete manwhore. I’ve seen the blonde sluts hanging off you like human pashminas. So you’re allowed to fuck anyone you want and I’m not?”

  “No,” he said quietly, pulling me again towards the door where I could see his minder waiting with a car.

  “What do you mean no?”

  “I mean I haven’t fucked anyone since I kissed you at that film shoot.”

  “But I saw you leave with those other women.”

  “I left with them. I didn’t fuck anyone. I can’t seem to summon up interest for anyone but this beautiful girl with long dark hair and violet eyes I met,” he said, stopping to stare at my face, his hand lifting my chin as he brushed his fingers against my lips. They parted of their own accord, and Cat’s eyes flared in response. “You’re a fucking witch, Delilah.”

  I smirked. “Well, that’s not very nice.” I laughed softly. A camera flashed near us, which galvanised him into motion. He started pulling me towards the car again.

  “Eddy,” I suddenly remembered. “I can’t leave without him.” I pulled back against Cat’s grip. He ignored me and continued forward. When we reached the car, he picked me up and lifted me into the back seat of the SUV before climbing in beside me. I tried to ignore my body’s immediate response to the sensation of his firm thigh pressed against my own.

  “Dave,” Cat said to the bulky figure of his minder. “Can you find Eddy for us and let him know I have Delilah in the car outside? Make sure he makes it out here in one piece.” People were now peering in the windows of the car.

  “No one bothered me when I was with Eddy,” I remarked.

  “So the guy with his hands all over you, and the circle of vultures waiting to move in if he struck out weren’t bothering you?”

  “I was only dancing.”

  “If he’d only been dancing with you I’d have left you alone. He touched you,” he growled. I was flummoxed, completely lost for words as I looked at him, a warm sensation burning in my chest. The moment was broken as Dave returned, announcing that Eddy was fine but wanted to stay a little longer. I assumed it had something to do with the guy he’d been dancing with.

  Ten minutes later Cat had arranged for a car to be waiting for Eddy whenever he wanted to go home, and Dave had returned into the club to inform him.

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  “Matt would never forgive me if anything ever happened to him,” he admitted. “He’s like all our little brother.”

  “He loves you guys too,” I said softly. I lifted a hand and cupped his cheek, the vodka making me bold. He captured my hand with his own and held it there. Another camera flashed against the window of the car. These weren’t phones any longer, but full-on paparazzi.

  “Where to, sir?” Dave asked, as he climbed into the driving seat and started the engine.

  “Home?” he said, looking to me for confirmation. I nodded, feeling tired after all the excitement. I yawned and allowed Cat to pull me against his side. I curled easily against him, liking the smell of his leather jacket, combined with his aftershave, as it blended with the smell that was uniquely his own. He wrapped his arm around me, his fingers gently tracing through my hair and down my neck, lulling me gently into sleep as the day’s events finally caught up with me.

  Chapter 17

  I woke and stretched, my bladder insisting I needed to get up soon. The room was bright, forcing me to blink repeatedly until I could face the glare coming in through the curtainless windows. I must have slept late. My head felt thick, but not overwhelmingly so,
probably thanks to the bottle of water that guy Dan had given me. Thoughts of him reminded me of Cat’s arrival, which in turn reminded me I’d left Eddy at the club, along with my jacket. I tried to sit up, wanting to check he got home okay, only to realise I couldn’t move because something heavy across my chest was pinning me to the bed. It took me a further second or two to realise I wasn’t in my own room. Moments after that, as anxiety flooded through me, I realised the object currently holding me to the bed was another person’s arm. Judging by the shape and size it was a man’s. Heart in mouth I peered over at the man next to me, and with a surprising amount of relief discovered it was Cat.

  For a while I just stared at him. It almost felt gluttonous as I lay there appreciating the spectacle of his bare torso beside me, relaxed as he was. Even at rest his muscles were ripped, and the urge to touch him took me by surprise. It was almost irresistible. Almost. My gaze moved to his lips, and their gentle curve, surrounded by a haze of stubble. They made me wonder what they’d feel like to kiss. I’d never really looked at a man’s lips before… well, apart from Hardy’s.

  Thoughts of Hardy had my good feelings evaporating in seconds. What the hell was I doing here? I tried to recollect how I’d ended up in Cat’s room but could remember nothing after climbing into the car outside the club. From what I could tell I hadn’t had sex; there was none of the discomfort I’d felt down below after that first time, and anyway I was still wearing my dress. Cat on the other hand had far less on – just a pair of briefs from what I could see from my current position. My bladder chose that moment to reassert itself, reminding me I needed to pee – soon – which presented something of a problem.

  Slowly I attempted to roll out from underneath the dead weight of Cat’s arm without waking him, making good progress until at the last second I heard his breath catch. His hand slid down my arm as I rolled the last foot, capturing my wrist firmly in his grasp. I gasped at his touch.


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