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What the Cuff?

Page 4

by Celia Kyle

  Just as quickly as she flipped them, he did the same. Cock still embed in her cunt, he turned them over, leaving him on top and her helpless beneath him. At least, she let him think she was unable to fight him. Her wolf yipped in appreciation for her male's forceful, dominant behavior and the glint of determination in his eyes made her pussy flutter.

  Caleb withdrew as if in slow motion, her pussy pulsing as each vein and ridge caressed her internal walls, awakening nerve endings she never imagined she had. He continued his torture until the very tip rested within her core, and between one breath and the next, he slammed home, filling her with a shout. Again, he repeated the stroke. A slow, gentle glide from within only to thrust home in one swift movement, his pelvis grinding and pressing against her clit, forcing her wolf to sing to him.

  She arched against him, dying for more, craving everything he could give. She planted her feet on the mattress and thrust her hips to meet his every lunge toward her, and the slapping of sweat-soaked flesh filled the room.

  She growled and groaned with his every entrance, teeth distending further, mouth accommodating the larger teeth as her body prepared to claim, to mark, to mate.

  Lyssa's nails were prepared to score the flesh of her mate, to brand him as hers. Teeth ached to sink into flesh while her pussy fluttered and clit throbbed with each thrust. Soon…soon she come apart in his arms, the euphoria of a shiftless change would wash through her and she'd become one with the man inside her. So…soon.

  "Caleb." His name was barely discernible with the extra teeth, even to her. "Caleb."

  Caleb leaned over her, kissing her with a fierce passion she'd never experienced. A tangle of teeth, lips and tongue.

  Each fighting for dominance, neither winning. Her canine nicked his lip, releasing the tiniest droplet of blood into her mouth and the sudden influx of pleasure from her wolf was too much to contain.

  With a howl of triumph, she came in his embrace, arms and hands on his back, pulling him closer while her teeth sank into the tender flesh at the juncture of his neck and shoulder.

  He stiffened in her hold, her name shouted as teeth hit muscle, cock throbbing deep in her pussy.

  The world righted itself soon after. Her breathing slowed to normal, teeth receding to their place within her gums. She released her hold on his shoulder, laving the damaged skin with her tongue, mixing their cells, helping him heal. He moaned and his cock stirred under her ministrations, and she smiled against his heated skin.

  The night had only begun.

  Chapter Five

  Lyssa woke the next morning, boneless and sated.

  Exhausted from a night filled with sex, fucking and love making…and all with the same man! Who knew?

  She snuggled closer, if that was possible, to Caleb, her body draped over his. She nuzzled his neck, licking the spot she'd claimed as her own the night before, becoming aroused with the subtle taste of blood lingering on his skin. He stirred beneath her, sliding his hands along her outer thighs where they were spread on either side of his hips, up to her ass. His large hands cupped the cheeks of her rear, kneading and squeezing her flesh.

  "Mmm…morning." She nibbled his neck and rocked back to rub against the cock hardening just behind her ass. The thick length she'd gotten to know so intimately the night before was making itself known. Again.

  Caleb nipped her shoulder and then kissed that sweet spot.

  "Morning, baby. You find a position you like?" She felt rather than saw the smile against her skin.

  She wiggled her butt, brushing his erection, pressing down on his body. "Yes."

  He slid his hands up her back in long, sweeping, comforting motions. "Me too."

  After loving most the night, Lyssa found the only comfortable position for her was as close as she could get to her new mate. And if that meant crawling and sprawling on top of the man…so be it. She sighed. Life, so far, was good with her new mate. Until he smacked her ass and pissed her wolf the fuck off, of course.

  "Come on, babe. Look sharp, I'm hungry." He slapped her bare butt. Again.

  Before she could protest, or bite a finger or two off, he rolled her to the side and slid from beneath her body, padding to the bathroom. It wasn't until the shower started, the patter of water echoing off the tile walls, that she realized he expected her to get breakfast ready. The. Nerve. Good thing she loved the low-born, human bastard.

  Whoa. All engines stop and reverse. Do I love him? Her wolf whined at her indecision and then growled, low and warning. Shut it, bitch. You're the reason we're mated to my best friend.

  With a moan, she wiggled and rolled to the edge of the bed, staring at the floor below her. Damn, it was a long way down. She'd never been worked over the way Caleb had loved her, but every joint and muscle in her body ached to hell and back. Groaning, she flung her legs over the side and shoved off from the bed. Pain radiated from her hips and thighs, back twinging with every step.

  It took a few minutes, but eventually she slipped one of Caleb's shirts over her head and padded to the kitchen. The shirt, nearly see-through and worn, barely covered the essentials, but it would do for cooking.

  The kitchen…was a bachelor's kitchen. Pots and pans were loaded in the sink, unwashed, when a dishwasher was only a foot further. The counters were littered with crumbs that smelled like…pop tarts.

  Her mate existed on pop tarts.

  O-kay. She could do this. A few dietary changes wouldn't be hard. He would have to keep up with her somehow and making sure he ate well would help in that department. No way would she tolerate him puttering out after two or three rounds every night. Sure, they'd done fine this first time, but things were new and it was their mating night, after all.

  She looked at the mess before her and sighed. Might as well get to work. She started with the dishes in the sink.

  Okay, she meant to start with the dishes in the sink. Only, when she opened the dishwasher to put in the dirty pans, she realized exactly why he hadn't put them in there. It was already full. Hell, it even had soap in the compartment.

  Resisting the urge to bang her head on the counter, she took a deep breath and turned the dishwasher on. Looked like she'd have to wash the pans by hand. No bigs, she could do this.

  Ten minutes and two broken nails later, she gave up and threw the pans, soap covered and all, into a garbage bag. He had to have other cooking utensils around. Had to.

  She peeked in every cupboard and drawer and didn't find a single one. That was fine, she could do this. Wolves could provide for their mates and she would…figure something out. This was not beyond Lyssa McGivern.

  With a new air of determination, she threw the refrigerator door open and gagged, slamming it shut while she raced to the newly cleaned sink, dry heaving. A warm body folded against her back, a large hand held her hair back while another fumbled and fought with the tap to run water. Finally, a cool, damp paper towel was pressed to her forehead.

  "Easy…easy, I've got you." Caleb murmured.

  She snatched the paper towel from his hand and dabbed her mouth. Once cleaned, she shoved him back and whirled to face him. She ignored the shock on his face and addressed more important matters.

  "I can't do this, Caleb. I…I just can't. I won't live like this. Not just because the damned wolf decided your ass smelled good. I won't live in filth because of biology and-and-and…I just won't." The wolf howled and clawed within, but Lyssa would stomp the bitch down. "I can't wake up after our freaking mating with a pat on the ass and a 'get in the kitchen, babe'. It's not happening."

  She ran a hand through her hair, thoughts pinging and bouncing around her brain. "We don't even know if we're compatible and we had sex without a condom and I mated you and-and-and—"

  Caleb yanked her into a bear hug, lips smashed over hers, his tongue flicking along the seam of her lips as if begging for entrance, and the damned wolf superseded her control, opening her mouth to his questing tongue. She moaned and melted into him, curves forming and molding to the harsh, ch
iseled planes of his body. The moment she gave in, he lessened his hold and she wrapped her arms around his neck, tugging him closer, if possible. She wanted to be one with this man. Crawl inside him, discover every secret and cherish it as her own. She wanted to be connected to him like no other.

  "It'll be okay, love. Shhh… It'll all be okay, we'll work it out and everything will be fine. Calm down." He tried, he really did. And she almost started to believe him.

  Then reason bitch-slapped her upside the head. "No. How can this be okay? We've been best friends for years and suddenly, cause you stop wearing No Were and the wolf gets a whiff, I'm supposed to fall all over you?" She poked him in the chest. "Where was the wooing? Huh? Sometimes…we don't even like each other, Caleb." She was yelling and didn't care. The enormity of everything landed on her shoulders and being the wolf she was, she did not like the uneasy feeling crawling through her gut. "How are we supposed to mesh lives if you can't even clean up after yourself? What about cubs? What about—"

  A pounding on the front door cut her off and she glared at the steel and wood separating her from the interloper. The wolf wanted to take the intruder down. Hard.

  She turned and stalked to the entrance of Caleb's apartment. When her mate made a move to slide past her, she shoved him back, snapping her teeth at him in a warning.

  The pounding came again and Lyssa scented the air surrounding the door, her wolf cataloguing and evaluating the threat to her and her mate. Within a second, she knew of the threat and was determined to slice and dice the intruder.

  Six in the morning on a Saturday and the bastard had a woman coming to his apartment? Oh, hell no.

  She flung the door wide, glaring at the petite woman standing on the doormat. The red-head glared at her in return and the wolf took that as a direct challenge. She sized up the woman. Dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, she didn't look like much; mostly skin and bone considering the way her clothes hung on her. Lyssa could take her, no problem. She wouldn't even have to bust into fur to bring this dog down. She flexed her hands and rolled her shoulders, ready to wipe the floor with this woman.

  She sensed Caleb behind her, but she ignored him when he tugged and yanked on her shirt. "Taylor, uh, hi," he muttered.

  The tiny woman's attention flicked above her for a moment and then resettled on Lyssa. Good, the fight wouldn't be fair if the other woman was distracted. "Hello, Johnson. The calls came all night, but I managed to keep the Captain from sending anyone out here. Mind telling me who your friend is?"

  Taylor was seriously cruising for a balding. "I'm his bitch."

  She arched a brow, waiting for a response. What she'd said must have shocked the other woman. "Uh huh."

  Caleb had to have sensed the tension. "Thanks for coming by T, we'll, uh, keep it down."

  Lyssa sensed her mate's blush more than saw it, and before this Taylor woman could respond, she slammed the door in the interloper's face and whirled to face Caleb.

  They spoke at the same time.

  "Who was that?"

  "My bitch?"

  "Answer the question, Caleb, before I hunt her while furry."

  "Can I call you my bitch? That's kind of hot."

  She smacked his chest and shoved him against the hallway wall. "You are mine, Caleb. I don't care if you never love me, but you're mine and as for the other stuff…we'll hire a maid. But Taylor the whore does not come see you ever again."

  Jealous much? Absolutely.

  He enfolded her in his arms, trapping her hands between them, while he dropped a kiss on her hair. "Aw, baby, I love you too."

  "You do?" She propped her chin on his chest, looking right into his eyes to judge the truth for herself.

  "I do."

  She pressed her ear to his chest, listening to the slow even beat of his heart. "Okay. Then, yes, you can call me your bitch. But only in the bedroom when you've got me cuffed."

  About the Author

  Celia Kyle would like to rule the world and become a ninja. As a fall-back, she’s working on her writing career and giving readers stories that touch their hearts and *ahem* other places.

  Visit her at




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