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The Pageant

Page 11

by Leigh Walker

  “Okay. But thank you.” I squeezed his hand.

  He tilted his chin, gazing down at me. “For what?”

  “For asking my opinion.”

  He leaned forward, and my pulse kicked up. “My pleasure.”

  He laced his fingers through mine as we headed toward the landing, where Mira and company waited. I composed myself quickly. There were bright lights and multiple cameras set up. I glimpsed Tariq in the crowd of production assistants and sentinels, watching everything carefully.

  The production assistants were on us in an instant, fussing over our clothes and hair.

  Dallas held on to my hand through it all. “If that man comes near me again with the makeup brush, you might get to see my fangs.”

  I giggled, even though the thought made me nervous.

  Finally, they finished with us. Then the eternally-frazzled production assistant with the glasses took us to stand on an x taped to the floor. “Cameras are rolling in three, two, one.” She ducked out of the way.

  Mira Kinney was dressed to thrill in a floor-length, tight-fitting sequined dress. She held a microphone and faced the camera. “I’m exhilarated to be here with the prince and his first ever one-on-one date with Miss Gwyneth West from Settlement Four. Your Highness, Miss West, it’s so wonderful to see you.”

  Dallas nodded. “It’s lovely to see you, Mira. And I’m honored that Miss West accepted my invitation.”

  Mira beamed at both of us. “Miss West, you look stunning. How are you feeling tonight?”

  I gripped Dallas’s hand. “I’m excited. It’s an honor to be here.”

  “I’m sure everyone from Settlement Four at home is thrilled to be watching you.” Mira turned back to Dallas. “Your Highness, why did Gwyneth get the first date?”

  “Well, as you said, she’s stunning.” Dallas smiled at me. “But on top of that, Gwyn has shown me that she’s kind, smart, and supportive. She is a natural choice for my first real date.”

  My heart did a somersault. Tariq’s jaw dropped.

  Mira Kinney’s grin got wider. “Now that’s a compliment. I’m sure you’ll all join me in wishing these two a great first date. We’ll check in with them later. Stay tuned for all the romantic details!”

  They stopped filming, and Mira quickly looked at us, her gaze taking in every detail, including our entwined hands. “You two are cute.”

  “Thank you,” Dallas said smoothly. “Do you think you can give us some peace?”

  She winked at him. “I already got the shot inside, and the kitchen staff let us film the food. I’m officially out of your hair for dinner. In other words, your wish is my command.”

  Dallas chuckled. “I think you stole my line, but that’s fine. I’m pleased with the outcome.”

  Mira’s approving gaze flicked to me. “You have every reason to be pleased.”

  The crew started moving the equipment again, everyone talking and jostling about. Dallas gripped my hand and pulled me away from the hubbub. “Christ, this really is a circus.”

  “It’s your circus. At least you can tell them what to do.”

  “To an extent.” He looked back and nodded to Tariq, who was overseeing the crew as they worked. “Tariq would have me filmed in the shower if he had his way.”

  I shivered, and it had nothing to do with the cold. “That would probably be a popular episode.”

  Dallas arched an eyebrow.

  Ugh. If I didn’t have a ton of lip gloss on, I’d have clapped my hand over my traitorous mouth.

  “Thank you, Gwyneth.”

  I coughed. “You’re welcome?”

  His chest puffed a bit. “I think I am.”

  Our accompanying sentinels opened two large doors to another room, and Dallas quickly swept me inside. I sensed he was eager to get away from the bright lights and the prying questions. I know I was.

  All thoughts of cameras fell away as soon as we were inside the room, which was warm and inviting, like a summer night.

  Dallas watched me, smiling. “This is the winter garden.”

  I looked up, mouth agape. The ceiling soared into an atrium. Enormous windows showcased a view of all the stars in the heavens. Elegant lanterns blazed with hundreds of candles, giving the room a soft, magic glow. The room was filled with trees and exotic plants. I heard birds chirping inside their depths. Fairy lights lit up the gardens around us.

  “I can see why it’s your favorite. It’s stunning.”

  “Stunning—yes, that’s the right word.”

  I looked up to find him staring at me.

  I flushed but forced myself to hold my head high. Dallas held out his hand, and I took it again, marveling at the garden as he pulled me through to the center of the room, where there was a small, perfect table intimately set for two.

  The prince pulled my chair out. “My lady.”

  I sank down into the chair, and Dallas sat across from me, only flickering candles between us. “The staff did a lovely job organizing all of this.” I motioned to the white china and the fairy lights winking all around us.

  Dallas nodded. “They did. They’re excited about the contest, which makes it fun. They’re so thrilled to have some life at the palace.”

  Two liveried servants poured us water and wine. They brought out small dishes of cheese, olives, and fresh-made crackers and placed them in front of me. Again, my mouth watered.

  The prince had a sip of wine and watched me with interest.

  “Can you eat?” I asked.

  Dallas scowled. “I had a friend who was turned. In his human life, he’d been a vegetarian. One holiday, his new girlfriend cooked a turkey, and to be polite, he ate it. He said he threw up several times on his way home.” He chuckled. “That’s what eating your food would do to me. I could eat it, and it wouldn’t kill me, but it would probably make me sick.”

  “So you only drink blood?”

  He held up his crystal goblet. “And wine. This Pinot is delicious, by the way. You should try some, but only if you want to.”

  “No, thank you. My mother and I had alcohol the night before I came here. I’m afraid it didn’t sit well with me. Much like your friend and his turkey.”

  “I wonder if he would’ve preferred goose.” Dallas’s shoulder shook with silent laughter.

  “You’re unbelievable.” But in spite of myself, I laughed too. “I can’t believe the way you and Eve were making fun of me yesterday.”

  He shrugged. “I was just trying to make light of the situation. I didn’t know what else to do.”

  “I guess I can appreciate that.”

  “And I can appreciate that you’re a good sport.” Dallas leaned forward. “I want to know more about your life. You mentioned your mother. What’s your family like? Tell me about them, please.”

  “We live in Settlement Four, as you know, near the downtown district. Before the war, our neighborhood was considered quite posh. My father worked as a bond trader in the city square. He was a partner at his firm. I attended the private academy.” I cleared my throat. “I have two younger siblings, Winnifred and Remy. They’re adorable. Winnie has the biggest crush on you. She’s so thrilled that I’m here.”

  “And your parents?”

  I put down the cheese and cracker sandwich I’d assembled. “My mother’s at home, taking care of my siblings. She’s very pleased that I was selected for the competition.”

  “What about your father?”

  I swallowed hard. This was where Tariq needed to do his homework, and he’d failed miserably. “My father and my older brother, Balkyn, fought in the war. I haven’t seen them or heard from them in five years.” I tried to stay calm, but my lower lip trembled.

  Dallas winced. “Oh, Gwyn, I’m so sorry. I had no idea.”

  “I know.” I closed my eyes and shook my head. “I don’t know if they’re alive anymore. I try not to think about it. It hurts too much.”

  “I can help you find out.”

  My eyes snapped open. “You can?”
/>   “Yes.” He stood and held his hand out for me. “Come with me.”

  I motioned to the table. “What about our dinner?”

  His eyes flashed. “You don’t have to pretend to care about dinner. Trust me, Gwyn. I can find an answer for you.”

  Breathless, I took his hand.

  Chapter 19

  The List

  Dallas led me out of the winter garden and down the back stairs. He ordered his sentinels to stay put. Together, we traipsed through dark halls underneath the castle.

  The prince walked swiftly, with purpose, his hand gripped around mine.

  “Are you sure this is all right?” I asked, nervously. The gloomy hallways weren’t doing anything to alleviate the growing tightness in my chest.

  “Your family’s been missing for five years, and you’re worried about me?”

  “I don’t want you to get in trouble.”

  Dallas stopped and held my hands. “I’m the prince. Someone’s going to be in trouble, but it won’t be me. But I promise you, heads will roll for this.”

  “What do you mean?”

  His eyes flashed in the semi-darkness. “There’s a lot you don’t know about our decision to take over the settlements, about how and why we’re here. I can’t share much of it with you, but I’ll tell you this—I was too young to rule when we came from the North. That’s no longer true, and from now on, we’re doing things my way. I will not have innocent people suffering. You poor thing, left with your mother and your younger siblings to care for.” He grabbed my hand and stormed down the hallway, cursing under his breath as we went.

  “I managed fine.” I carefully kept my voice even. “I learned to barter in the local market. I’m the one who kept my family in firewood and food.”

  Dallas stopped and cursed again. “I meant nothing derogatory about your survival skills. I’m sure you were an excellent provider. You’re certainly brave. But the idea of you having to fend for yourself, hawking your family’s wares…” He cursed again, and I decided to keep my mouth shut.

  My heart thundered in my chest as we continued down the hall.

  We finally came to a large metal door with a wheel. Dallas opened the vault. The room was pitch black. Issuing another litany of curses, he grabbed a torch from the hall and looked inside.

  When he turned on the lights, I sucked in a deep breath.

  The room was lined with books in all colors, shapes, and sizes. “Why is your library in a locked vault?”

  He raked a hand through his hair. “It’s not a library. It’s a list.”

  I pointed to all the books. “That’s one list? A list of…?” But the question died on my lips. “It’s their names, isn’t it?”

  Dallas didn’t answer. He went and examined the spines of several books at the far end of the bookcase until he found what he was looking for. He pulled out a volume and flipped through it quickly. “What’s your father’s name?”

  “Christian. And my brother’s Balkyn.” I clenched my hands into fists as I waited.

  Dallas examined several pages, then he stood up and sighed. “They’re not in here. And that’s a good thing.”

  “What does it mean?”

  “It means we didn’t kill them in combat and they aren’t our prisoners.”

  I took a step back, staggered by the news. “They’re alive?”

  Dallas came closer, his face etched with worry. “I don’t know. These aren’t conclusive. But it means that the royal family—my family—hasn’t hurt them.”

  Tears pricked my eyes. “I can’t believe it. I don’t know what to say. I thought they both died in battle. But does this mean—could it mean—that they’re still alive?”

  Dallas took another step, then stopped himself. “Yes.”

  I reached for him. “Thank you.”

  But he didn’t come closer. Instead, he looked devastated as he raked a hand through his hair. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know. This must have been torture for you, coming here.”

  I swallowed hard. “It was difficult at first.” I was torn. I wanted him closer, but what we were talking about forced me to keep my distance.

  “I can never make it right, what’s happened in the past between our people.” Dallas’s eyes blazed. “But I promise you, in the years to come, I will do everything in my power to bring peace to the settlements. I will also do everything in my power to find your father and your brother, Gwyneth.” He bowed before me.

  I was touched by his words. “Thank you.”

  Standing, he looked as if he wanted to reach for me again but stopped himself. “We should be getting back.”

  I nodded as he turned off the lights and closed the door. We stood awkwardly in the hall for a moment until I took a deep breath.

  I stepped toward him, closing the distance between us. I needed to be closer to him. It was a physical ache, a yearning. “You’ve given me hope that I didn’t dare have.” I forced myself to be brave, to speak the truth. “For lots of things.”

  His face softened. “You continue to surprise me. I’ve not encountered that before.”

  “Humans have more potential than we’re given credit for.” I smiled.

  He smiled back. “So do vampires.”

  “I believe it.” I took his hand and laced my fingers through his, and we slowly headed back through the underground passages. I was reluctant to end our evening, but my mind raced, turning the night’s events over and over.

  Father and Balkyn, alive after all these years… They were out there somewhere. But would I ever see them again?

  Dallas frowned when we reached my room. “You never got to eat.”

  I shook my head. “I’m not hungry.”

  He chuckled. “I wish I could say the same.”

  “Oh? Is that because of…” I frowned. “Why is that?”

  He sighed, and I could feel his breath on me. It made me tingle. “Because, as I told you, you smell delicious. I can’t stop thinking about it. It’s intoxicating.”

  “What would happen if you bit me?” I asked, curiosity getting the better of my judgment.

  His face darkened. “Gwyneth. You mustn’t say such things.”

  But the floodgates were breached, and the barrage of questions I’d been hoarding tumbled out. “Would I turn into a vampire like Eve? Could you just have a little taste? Would that make you feel better, or only make it worse? Would it hurt me, or would I like it?” I took a step closer, feeling strongly for some reason that I might like it very much.

  Dallas stepped back, eyes flashing. “I would never pierce your skin, Gwyneth. I don’t think I could stop myself if I did. I’d drain you dry. And I would never hurt you like that or put you in harm’s way.”

  “It wouldn’t be putting me in harm’s way. It’s you touching me. I trust you.”

  He took a step back. “You shouldn’t. You have no idea what I’m capable of.”

  “I know you wouldn’t hurt me.” I sighed. “I’m sorry, but I have so many questions. I just don’t know how this works!”

  Dallas’s jaw went taut, a sure sign that I’d upset him. “How this works is that you’re right. I will never hurt you, nor will I let anyone else hurt you. I will protect you with my life, even from my own kind. Even from myself.”

  “I didn’t mean to make you upset. I’m just curious.”

  “I’m not upset. But I need to be clear, and you need to understand.” He took a step closer, and my heart rate kicked up again. “It’s a dangerous time for my family and for those around us. So when I say I will protect you with my life, I mean it. Just as I also mean I will never cause you harm. I could never hurt you, Gwyneth. And I faithfully promise to protect you.”

  “Is that… Do you…” My breathing was erratic as I tried to gather my thoughts. “Do you say that to all the girls?”

  He surprised me by laughing. His big shoulders shook. “I haven’t spent any time with the other girls, in case you hadn’t noticed. I’ve been too preoccupied with one girl, the only
one I have eyes for.”

  “I didn’t…” I didn’t dare hope.

  As if reading my thoughts, he tapped me under my chin, lifting my gaze to meet his. “That vow of protection is personal to you. And I mean it with my whole heart, just as I meant it when I said I would help you find your family.”

  My own heart did a somersault. “Thank you.”

  He smiled. “The pleasure is mine.”

  With a deep bow, he was gone, his cape trailing behind him down the dark hall.

  All that was left was me staring after him.

  Chapter 20

  The Morning After

  I woke the next morning to the sun streaming through the windows, and for the first time in five years, there was hope in my heart.

  My father and Balkyn might be alive. I’d always prayed it was true, but I’d never let myself come so close to believing it.

  Dallas will help me. A sense of well-being settled over me. I’d been fending for myself since the war. I’d assumed the role of caretaker for my family, but I hadn’t realized how much that weighed on me until I’d come to the palace. Now, with the stipend from the competition, my family would finally have some security.

  Now, with the help of the prince, we might finally get our family back together.

  I hadn’t known I’d needed help until Dallas had given it to me. I felt the weight lifting from my shoulders. Even my guilt and fear about what had happened to Eve—he’d helped to alleviate those dark feelings too.

  The Dark Prince had brought some light to my life. He’d given me room to breathe.

  I clutched the blanket to my chest, going over the details from the night before. I’ve been too preoccupied with one girl, the only one I have eyes for.

  The hope in my heart fluttered, as if it had wings.

  Easy, I warned myself. My heart wanted to soar, but there were still thirty-five other young women here. Last night, I was the prince’s first official date.

  But today, who was I?

  I hopped out of bed, anxious to find out.


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