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Soul of Power

Page 31

by G David Walker

  Seryn could think of a few potential problems with Jason’s idea, but if it meant they would never have to deal with an Altered, or someone like Bodann, ever again, they would simply have to be vigilant to safeguard their symbols of office.

  “And you believe you can do this?” she asked.

  “I’m pretty sure I can. I talked to the dimsai last night, trying to explain what I wanted to do. I think they understood.”

  “It still seems strange to think of dimsai as being alive,” Reyga said. “But, and I can only speak for myself, I trust you to do what you feel is right.”

  “Trust is hardly an issue,” Brin said. “No offense, young man, but with your power, there is little we can do to gainsay you if this is your chosen course.”

  “Maybe so,” Jason said, “but I won’t do this unless you all agree. You’re the ones who have to run this place. It’s up to you.”

  Seryn and the others exchanged glances. After all Jason had done for Teleria, even offering his own life in an attempt that may have very well failed, how could they not give him their trust? She could tell that several of the others must have been having similar thoughts. She turned back to Jason. “As High One, I could allow this, even order it. But in this instance, with such a drastic change as you propose, I believe the Circle should be unanimous in its assent. I will allow the Loremasters to answer for themselves.”

  “You already have my answer,” Reyga said.

  “Of course.” Seryn nodded to him, and then looked at Jason again. “I once told Tal Vardyn that, when the time came, I would stand with you, Jason. Now is hardly the time for me to back away from that. I will support whatever you wish to do.” She looked at the others.

  Brin stepped forward. “If what you do will ensure that my sons will never again be threatened by someone like Regor, I agree.”

  One by one, the Loremasters stepped forward. Each agreed, with attitudes ranging from apprehension to eagerness to quiet confidence. When the last had spoken, Seryn said, “Very well, Jason. What do you need from us?”

  “Uh, just stand around me, I guess. There’s really not much for you to do.”

  Lenai and Lenara moved to the side as the Loremasters encircled Jason. Seryn scanned the faces around the ring and saw the same nervous glances returned to her as she knew was on her own face. I can stop this. But she knew she would not second guess Jason. Not after what they had all been through.

  “Okay. Ready?” Jason asked.

  Seryn nodded once without saying anything. She was afraid her voice might give away her nervousness.

  A soft glow blossomed around Jason’s hands as he raised them to shoulder level. The glow spread up his arms, across his shoulders, and then over his entire body, until he was surrounded by a shimmering aura. The glistening power intensified, becoming brighter as Jason bent his head in concentration. He looks like Nyala. The only difference was that Seryn could still see Jason inside the shimmering power.

  Then, with a silent pulse, the power surrounding Jason became a sphere, and began gradually expanding outward toward them. Seryn braced herself as the edge of the power reached her, but it passed through her without any noticeable effect.

  Once they were all inside the sphere of power, Seryn saw the energy form auras around each Loremaster, coalescing onto their symbols of office. She looked down at her bracelets and saw the gems shining like small stars. The same image greeted her when she looked at the others’ gems. Kalen’s torq, Delani’s belt, Borin’s bracers, all of the gemstones glowing as if illuminated by an inner fire. Then a stream of power, pulsing like an artery of dimsai, formed between each Loremaster’s symbol of office and the larger gem in his or her staff. Looking at her own staff, she saw the glowing energy begin streaming from the mounted diamond. Then she looked closer. The power wasn’t flowing out of her staff; it was flowing into it. The diamond began glowing like her bracelets, but even more intense, brightening and strengthening as it absorbed more and more dimsai. Then there was a silent burst of power, and the bubble enclosing them vanished. From their vantage point on the plateau, she could see a shimmering wave spreading out from Lore’s Haven, crossing the land, until it vanished over the horizon. She looked at her gems and saw that the diamonds in her bracelet had returned to normal, but the gem in her staff still pulsed and glimmered with energy. Glancing at the others, she saw that the stones in their staffs glowed with power as well. Then she saw Jason sink to his knees.

  “Jason! Are you well?” she asked, as Lenai quickly knelt at his side.

  He lifted his head and looked around. “Yeah, I’m good.” He took a deep breath. “That was a little harder than I thought it would be.” With Lenai’s hand on his arm, he stood up. “But now you and the other Loremasters are the strongest people on the planet.”

  “Aside from yourself, of course,” Reyga said.

  Jason shook his head. “Nope. I don’t have any more power than anyone else. You all are the big guns now. No, never mind. In any case, the power is yours.”

  “But what happened to your power?” Seryn asked.

  “I told the dimsai not to give me any more than anyone else. So, I’m just like everyone else now.”

  “But why would you do that?” Reyga asked.

  Jason sighed. “Because I killed a bug…an insect.”

  Seryn glanced at the others and saw that they were as confused as she was.

  “You killed an insect?” she asked. “Why would that make you give up your power?”

  “Because of the way I killed it. I killed it just by wishing it was dead. It was buzzing around my head, annoying me, and I wished it was dead…and then it was. It just dropped right out of the air. I didn’t use power. I didn’t focus on trying to kill it. I just thought it dead.” He looked around at them. “Don’t you get it? What if that had been a person? What if I’d been having a bad day and someone said something that irritated me? What if that had been one of you? Or Lenai? Or even my dad?” He shook his head again. “Uh-uh. I’m not taking that chance. Besides, nobody needs the kind of power I had. Nobody.” He smiled at them. “So, you’re the big kahunas now. It’s all in your hands.”

  “You have placed a great responsibility upon our shoulders,” Reyga said. “We will strive to live up to your faith in us.”

  “Hey, it’s just like it was before. It’s just that now you don’t have to worry about someone bigger coming along and causing trouble.”

  Seryn nodded, thinking about the implications, and possible hazards, of this new way. Only time would tell if Jason’s faith in them would prove justified.

  Delani stepped forward. “Since this is a time of change,” she said, “I would have you know that I will also be changing the way the Amethyst Order works with their animals. No longer will we be merely bending animals’ wills to our own.” She looked at Jason. “We will seek a way to emulate what you have with Crin. We will find a way to work with the hawks and other animals, as friends and partners, rather than masters.”

  Seryn looked up as she heard a hawk scream overhead. A yellow bird with a splash of red and blue on its chest swooped down and landed on Jason’s shoulder. Jason grinned at his friend.

  “Crin said he would like to help you,” Jason told Delani.

  “He told you…” Delani stopped talking as a look of wonder crossed her face. “He speaks to me! He says he will help us forge the bonds between the saiken and our animal companions.” She gave the bird a wide smile—the first one Seryn could remember seeing from her in a long time—and bowed. “You honor me, Crin. Thank you.” Then Delani looked at Jason again. “You are a fortunate young man. Treasure your avian friend.”

  “I will,” Jason said. “Always.”

  “Well then,” Reyga said. “With all of these changes, it seems we should be about the business of this new Teleria.”

  “I could not agree more,” Seryn said with a smile.


  After everyone had left, Jason and Lenai stood on the plateau, looking ou
t over the landscape below.

  “It’s hard to believe it’s finally over,” Jason said.

  “Will you be going back to your world now?” she asked.

  “I can’t,” he said. “I don’t have the power. And even if I did, I still couldn’t go back.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’m part of Teleria now. When the dimsai brought me back, it became a part of me. I felt that while I still had my power. I can’t survive without it. I can’t leave now, not even if I wanted to.”

  “If you wanted to. Does that mean you do not wish to return?”

  “Oh, part of me will always miss home, but my dad’s here, so that’s one thing. And there are worse places I could be.”

  “Teleria will always be in your debt.”

  “Maybe,” he said, “but you’re the one who finished Bothan, not me.” When she didn’t answer, he said, “You saved my life, you know.”

  “I know,” she said. Then a tiny smile bent the corner of her mouth. “So, does this make us even?”

  He grinned. “Well, I’m not really sure. I mean, technically, you did kill me in the first place.”

  “Jason!” She studied his eyes for a moment. “Very well. What would you consider adequate repayment to make us even?” She cocked an eyebrow at him in mock sternness. “Have a care what you ask of me,” she said, repeating one of the first things she’d ever said to him.

  “Hm. Let me think.” He pretended to ponder for a moment, and then said, “Well, we could try that kiss again. That would be a good start.” He held up a hand. “Without the knife this time.”

  Her smile spread. “I suppose that could be arranged.” She took his face in her hands and, looking into his eyes, leaned in…and disappeared. “If you can find me, that is.” He felt her hands leave his cheeks.

  “Hey! That’s not fair. You know I don’t have any power now.” He began walking in slow circles, trying to catch any sign of her. He spun around as he heard her laugh from behind him.

  “Keep trying,” her voice said.

  “Lenai, c’mon.” Then he felt her lips against his, and she reappeared. As she wrapped her arms around him, he felt another presence.

  “Jason? Are you happy?”

  He smiled against her lips. Yeah, Crin. Couldn’t be happier.

  She pulled back, studying his face. “You are smiling. Does this mean we are even now?”

  “I’ll let you know,” he said, leaning in for another kiss.


  A Little More About Teleria

  The Races of Teleria

  Teleria is home to numerous races other than humans, most of which came about as a result of the protophasic technology used in the last world war, the Devastation. Their progenitors were created either as a side effect of the technology or came to Teleria through a rift from another world. This list contains only the most prominent of the sentient races.

  Ally, Neutral, or Enemy indicates their general stance toward the Circle.

  Dokal (Ally)

  The first Dokal came to Teleria through one of the rifts created during the Devastation. The rift subsequently collapsed, leaving the small exploratory band trapped and unable to return home. Although a warrior race, they are also very introspective and thoughtful. After learning of the Loremasters and their quest to preserve and restore knowledge, they became allies of the Circle. The first saiken to begin working on creating portals to other worlds did so primarily in an attempt to aid the Dokal in their desire to return home.

  Over the centuries, their numbers have grown, although they are still outnumbered by most of the other races. What they lack in numbers, however, they make up for in size. The average Dokal stands three heads taller than a human and the smallest weighs twice as much. Their skin is extremely thick and plate-like, serving as a natural armor. Their weapons of choice are battle axes, maces, and clubs, wielded by both male and female in battle. As Far Planers, they do not possess any dimsai ability.

  The Dokal mentality is part warrior, part philosopher. Belying their daunting appearance, the typical Dokal has an excellent sense of humor and a quick wit when they choose to display it. Their leadership is determined by mutual debate and discussion and it can sometimes take them months to come to a consensus. The leaders rule until they either step down from their position or die due to battle wounds or old age.

  F'aar (Ally)

  This amphibious race is also alien to Teleria. During the Devastation, a rift opened up to their watery home world, dragging an entire F'aar village through. When the rift closed, they were unable to return. The F'aar are the only non-Telerian race where any member can use dimsai, similar to the humans of Teleria.

  Generally human looking, their amphibious nature is clear due to the gills on the sides of their necks, slightly webbed hands and feet, and horizontally slit pupils in their eyes. They also possess an inner eyelid that allows them to see clearly when they are underwater.

  As a rule, they are a pacifistic people, and it is very difficult to upset their natural composure. Threaten something dear to them, however, and their warriors, generally female, can be fearsome opponents. Their weapons of choice are poison-tipped spears and daggers.

  Ferrin (Ally)

  The Ferrin are a cat-like race of people. They appear to be mostly human, with their only feline features being slightly pointed ears set high on the sides of their heads, slitted pupils in their typically yellow or green eyes, and retractable claws in their fingers.

  They are an easy-going race who can usually find some humor in almost any situation, even in combat, where they are masters of lethal grace and precision, employing acrobatic jumps, flips, and diving rolls in their repertoire of skills. As a rule, they disdain any form of weapons in favor of their razor-sharp claws. They also rarely wear armor other than metal bands on their wrists and ankles, as the armor interferes with their naturally fluid movement. They are one of only two hybrid races to have full use of dimsai, the other being the Grithor.

  Ferrin warriors are generally male, although unmated females will often also take part in battle. Ferrin leaders can be male or female, with leadership determined by weaponless challenge combat. Leaders, past and present, are usually marked by multiple scars on their head, faces, and bodies. Leadership can only be challenged once per year. When multiple candidates are vying for leadership, various contests of skill will narrow the field to two candidates who will then battle for the position.

  Grithor (Enemy)

  The Grithor are very sensitive to light, having small, weak eyes, and have become an underground dwelling race, only coming to the surface at night or in emergency. Although pound for pound stronger, they are shorter than humans, with squat legs and muscular bodies. Their hands are slabs with stubby fingers and powerful claws. Due to their weak eyesight, they have developed extremely acute senses of smell and hearing. Along with the Ferrin, they are one of only two hybrid races to have full use of dimsai.

  They live in warrens underneath the Scorched Plains and further south and west in Barrenrock. Living underground, they are usually covered in a layer of dirt and grime, rarely bothering to clean themselves. Their build makes them very efficient excavators, and their preferred method of attack is to hollow out the ground beneath an enemy until the ground collapses underneath them. Any attacker that manages to make it into their tunnel system is met with swords, maces, and dimsai from their saiken. Although unrivaled in their stonelore, their overall intelligence is slightly below average in all other areas.

  Leadership belongs to whichever Grithor can intimidate the others the most, either by combat or threats.

  Manarach (Enemy)

  The Manarach species are human/spider hybrids, with human torsos, arms, and heads on hairy, pony-sized spider bodies. They are a predator species and consider any living creature as prey, unworthy of their respect or consideration. They are very reclusive, living in the foothills of the Cauldron Mountains southwest of Barrenrock, and few who venture into their l
and have ever returned. Manarachs are intelligent and extremely territorial of any place they consider theirs.

  From the waist up, they are human looking except for two large black orbs where the human eyes would be, and six smaller orbs circling the rest of the head. They also have two hand-length fangs, which hide within folds of skin on the neck underneath their human chins. They do not possess any dimsai ability.

  Manarachs are a matriarchal society, with females being dominant. Leadership is determined by battle, with the loser generally slain. Their preferred weapons are their fangs and spears. They also use their trapsilk to ensnare foes and potential meals, which are synonymous to the creatures.

  Rodinn (Ally)

  The Rodinn are one of the smaller races of Teleria. They are a naturally polite people, and can be somewhat timid around those they do not know. Unable to use more than the basic dimsai, they are very good with their hands and often become skilled craftsmen. Although generally human looking, their hair never grows more than a thumbs-length long, and their eyes, nose, and ears are smaller than the typical human. They stand approximately the height of an average human's shoulder and are very quick and nimble. Other than becoming craftsmen, they often fill the roles of courier and voluntary domestic servants.

  The Rodinn accept the leadership of wherever they may happen to reside. The oldest lucid resident of a Rodinn village will generally serve as the Elder of the village unless he or she chooses to decline leadership.

  Shanthi (Neutral)

  The Shanthi are a secretive people with the ability to change the color of their skin to match their surroundings, even down to matching patterns of leaves and walls. With proper training, they can learn to use the minimal dimsai available to their race to make themselves completely invisible. They are human in appearance, though their eyes are slightly larger than a human's. Their fingers and toes can extend when necessary, revealing sucker-like structures underneath the knuckles which allow them to climb and cling to walls and ceilings. Although the distance varies by individual, the Shanthi are also able to detect when others of their race are nearby.


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