From Mistress To Wife 2: Love Scorned

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by Angie Hayes

  Wicked Pen Publications Presents

  From Mistress to Wife 2: Love Scorned


  Angie Hayes

  Copyright 2014 Angie Hayes

  Published by:

  Wicked Pen Publications, LLC

  P.O. Box 1788

  Red Oak, GA 30272

  Publisher’s Note:

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the authors imagination, or used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locals are coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a newspaper or magazine.

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  First off I’d like to thank the Almighty for allowing me this blessing to share my stories, imagination and gift with the world. I thank you Lord religiously every day for your blessings.

  I want to thank my husband, my Teddy Ruxpin himself, Shavargo, for being my #1 and biggest fan. Your prayer, encouragement and support has held me a thousand times over baby. I love you to the moon and back! Thank you for helping me be the woman that I need to be for you, and me.

  My mother Joyce: Ma, thank you for always being there for me, and never stirring me wrong. Your love is not only strong, but it’s irreplaceable. I love you ma!

  My brother Chris and sister Neka: I love you both dearly.

  My nieces Da’Zha, Destiny, Shatara and Nephew Dequan: You guys will always be auntie’s babies. I love you all.

  My cousin Quinton: I love you dearly for always being here taking these journeys with me.

  My cousin Kenya: Just like book #1 couldn’t happen without you, neither could book #2. I love you girly, and thank you for always being my ear, as well as my best friend.

  My Auntie Iris: I love the aunt you are, and have always been to me.

  My little cousins James and Isa: You two rock and I love you both!

  To my friends, Aisha T, Latriece G, Courtney E, Sandra R, Nicole N, Valerie L, and Katherine V: Thank you all so much for being here with me and holding me down while my husband was deployed. Your friendship means so much to me; more than you’ll ever know. I am forever grateful!

  My publisher Cachet: Thank you so much for still believing in me, and giving me the opportunity to still share my work with the world. Not only are you an awesome boss, but you’re an awesome person.

  My angels, my grandparents; Mildred and Howard Armstrong, my daddy; Rev. Robert Thomas, and my uncles; Uncle Jr., Uncle Bradshaw and Uncle Steward: I miss you all dearly and daily. Keep watching over me.

  To my awesome readers: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I am forever grateful for your support. Without your desire to read my books, they wouldn’t exist. Please continue to take this journey with me, because I’m just getting started. Thank you and God bless.

  ~Angie Hayes~

  The Wedding Day…

  The wedding day was finally here and everything was in place. Keisha was absolutely beautiful! She cried so much exchanging her vows to Keith, that she constantly needed tissue. Little did people know, her cries were from the guilt of sleeping with her baby daddy two days prior and not from the beautiful words that came from her mouth. Keisha couldn’t believe that she had slipped up the way she did and let David maneuver his way into her bed once again. She didn’t want to start her marriage off with secret and lies, but she couldn’t tell Keith because she knew she would lose him forever. Something’s you just have to take to your grave and that was one she was going to get buried with.

  Alicia was a nervous wreck when she saw Troy. She kept thinking he would notice that she was pregnant and question her; even though she wasn’t showing at all. All Troy did was stare at her as if he was trying to figure her out. He wasn’t being discreet about it at all, and Shawn noticed it quite a few times. It made him uncomfortable, so he made sure he stayed close to his woman’s side. Shawn’s arms were either wrapped around Alicia’s waist or draped over on her shoulders. Although it was Keith and Keisha’s day, he had no problem beating Troy’s ass if he got out of line. He noticed that Alicia was nervous as well, but took it as her being worried about running into her ex after all that time. He had no clue that she was actually pregnant, because she had yet to tell him. Alicia planned on sharing the news soon; she just wanted to delay it as long as she could so that Shawn would believe that the baby was his. Alicia knew that without a doubt, there was no way she wanted Troy to be in her life again.

  At the reception, everyone hung on Alicia’s words. She gave a beautiful toast and so did Keith’s brother, who was the best man. All of a sudden a woman stood up and asked if she could make a toast as well. Since no one had any problems with it, she began.

  “I’d first like to take this time out to congratulate the beautiful couple on their union. Keith and I go way back. In fact, we have a daughter together who I’m sure the rest of you don’t know about. So not only do the two of you become husband and wife today, but the bride also becomes a new step-mom. Cheers!” She held her glass up to toast and the room fell silent.

  Unable to do anything Keisha just stared at Keith for an explanation. With nothing to say, he held his head down wondering how the fuck did Stacy even knew where his wedding was held; especially when it was in another state. Shit just got real…

  Chapter One


  It’s been six months and this pregnancy sickness has not stopped! I got all day sickness, fuck just morning sickness, and on top of that I’m in the middle of planning me and Shawn’s wedding. Yes, my baby proposed and hell yeah I accepted! Shit, why wouldn’t I? My baby loves me and I love him just as much, if not more. I’m still shocked at the bullshit that went down at Keisha and Keith wedding though; you know when his new found baby momma tried to show her ass? That shit was crazy! Add in the fact that Troy followed me into the bathroom that night, asking questions like we were still together. That was a fucking headache within itself. I still replay that evening in my head like it was yesterday.

  After this random chick name Stacy stood up and made the comment about Keisha becoming a bride and step mom all at the same time, I was ready for war! I just knew Keisha was gonna pop off on that hoe and I was right there making sure nobody else tried anything stupid. Oddly to my surprise, my cousin kept her cool and actually laughed it off. She even went as far as to say “Cheers”, and raised her glass to toast as well. As for everyone else, although they were shocked by the announcement, they also saluted the toast thinking it was a joyous occasion and that Keisha knew all along. Of course I knew better than that shit! I knew she was just as caught off guard as I was and didn’t know anything about that child, because if she had known I would have known as well. Keisha and I talked every day, so I knew that she wouldn’t have kept something like that from me!

  After that, the night continued on as if nothing happen and Keisha and Keith were loving each other up; which left that Stacy bitch looking dumb as hell in the background. Whatever intentions she had didn’t work tha
t night. After I checked on Keisha later on that evening to make sure she was good, I started to feel a bit nauseated. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I rushed to the bathroom and threw up. It was then that Troy slipped in behind me and locked the door behind him. I didn’t notice he was in there until I came out of the stall and saw him standing behind the door like a damn watch dog guarding it.

  “What the fuck are you doing in here Troy? You need to get the hell out of here before Shawn comes in!” I snapped as I washed my hands so that I could hurry the hell up out of there.

  “Come on Alicia, you know me better than that. You know I don’t give a fuck about that nigga you came here with. I had to come in here and talk to yo’ ass since you just up and dipped on a nigga.” he paused. “What the fuck you got going on Alicia, because that’s that bullshit!”

  I could tell he was highly upset because he started coming towards me. I was scared to death that he was gonna hit me and since I couldn’t get to the door without passing him, I felt trapped.

  “Look Troy, I already told you before I left that we were done. I can’t be with you anymore. I refuse to keep dating another woman’s husband, while getting my ass beat in the process.” I said to him.

  Although I was scared ass shit and talked in a calm tone; you could still hear the nervousness in my voice.

  “It’s funny how you so worried about dating another’s woman husband all of a sudden. Yo’ ass wasn’t concerned about my wife when I was dicking you down, lacing you with money and shit and making sure you was straight. It’s mighty funny that as soon as you got close to graduating, it was fuck Troy all of a sudden. Then ya’ conscience started to kick in.” Troy said as he was now standing in my face.

  I didn’t see rage anymore, instead I saw pain; he was hurt. There was desperation in his eyes and I knew without a doubt he wanted me back.

  “Troy please! Are you fucking serious right now!” I retorted.

  “First off, you know damn well that I didn’t know from the beginning that you were married. Then by the time I found out, my feelings and love for you were so deep that it was hard to just walk away! Soon after that your true colors started to show. Not only did I not sign up to be your mistress, I also didn’t sign up to be your fucking punching bag!” By that time tears had started to fall from my eyes.

  When Troy tried to wipe them from my face, I snatched my head away from his reach. I had no desire to have him touch me ever again.

  “I hear ya’, but tell me this. Why the fuck are you in here throwing up? Is there something you need to tell me?” Troy stared me down so intense that I quickly looked down at the floor to avoid eye contact.

  “Hell no it’s nothing I need to tell you! Since you all in my damn business, I drank some champagne without eating and now my stomach is acting up.” I replied hoping he believed me.

  “That’s funny, because I’ve been eyeing you all night and not one time did I see you drink any champagne. What I have noticed is the fact that yo’ ass has been out there chowing down on all that food though. So let’s try this again, is there something you need to tell me?” he asked me again.

  There was no way in hell I could tell him that I was pregnant and that he was the father. I didn’t want any part of Troy, but I wanted my baby.

  “Whatever Troy, like I said I was drinking on an empty stomach.” I told him again trying my best to sound convincing.

  “Yea what the fuck ever, I know yo’ ass better then you do. You only throw up when you’re pregnant, and I do recall the last time we fucked I shot my seeds all up in that pussy like I been doing; so miss me with the bullshit you trying to spit. You know you could never lie to me. Every time you don’t look me in my eyes I know you’re up to something.” Troy paused. “So this nigga know you pregnant with my seed?” he asked.

  Before I could respond there was a loud bang on the door.

  “You alright in there Alicia?” I heard Candy ask from the other side.

  I hurried passed Troy to open the door in hopes that I could get the fuck out of there. As soon as I unlocked it, Candy came stumbling inside. ”You good?” she inquired again.

  “I’m good girl. I just came to use the bathroom that’s all.” I responded with a nervous smile. I didn’t want a scene.

  “Okay, well last I checked this was the ladies room, so Troy what the fuck you doing in here?” Candy asked eyeing Troy up and down with a nasty look on her face.

  “Minding my muthafucking business like yo’ ass need to.” he barked as he stared her down.

  “Whatever. Anyways, Alicia you need to get back out there before ya man come up in here looking for you. He’s already been asking people have they seen you.” Candy said to me.

  “Yeah, let me get back out here. I’ll talk to you later girl.” I said and jetted passed her.

  “Oh I’ll be talking to you real soon too!” Troy yelled as I grabbed the door handle.

  “This conversation definitely ain’t over, believe that.” I heard him say as I stepped into the hall to make sure that the coast was clear.

  I spotted Shawn busy laughing it up with Keith on the other side of the room. I could tell they were drunk because they were all over the place.

  Later on that night when Shawn and I finally went to our suite to get some rest, he asked me to marry him. I said yes, but didn’t take the proposal serious because he was drunk and as soon as he heard my answer he dozed right off to sleep. The following morning we went and had breakfast on South Beach. It was then that he presented me with a beautiful engagement ring.

  “Oh my God baby! When did you get me a ring?” I asked excited.

  “I’ve had it for a while now. Just because I asked you last night doesn’t mean I haven’t been planning it. I just had a better way of asking you, not when I was drunk as hell.” He said laughing. “But I felt like fuck it, why not? So I popped the question, you said yeah, and now I’m giving you the symbol of our love. So let me try this again correctly. Alicia would you marry me?” he was now on one knee in the middle of the sidewalk of the breakfast café.

  “You know I will baby!” I screamed, as I jumped up and down happy. Shawn placed the ring on my finger, and gave me a juicy kiss. All that could be heard were folks clapping and telling us congratulations.

  I took his ring and accepted his proposal knowing that I was hiding a terrible secret from him. I made it up my mind right then and there that before I became his wife I would have to tell him the truth about my pregnancy.

  Chapter Two


  “Listen, either you tell her or I will! I’m sick of her ass calling our house all times of the night with nothing but bullshit! First, its Destiny needs new gym shoes, then its Destiny needs a new leotards for ballet, and Destiny wants to go to summer camp! Now this hoe has the nerve to call and tell you that you need to come over to the house because your daughter is having a hard time sleeping?” I looked at my husband sideways. “You must think I’m a fucking fool to fall for that shit! I’m telling you Keith, I’m getting real sick and fucking tired of this shit with yo’ baby momma.” I yelled to Keith.

  Keith and I were having what seemed like our weekly argument about Stacy, his tried ass baby momma and her stupidity.

  Ever since the bitch revealed that she and Keith had a baby together she has been doing everything in her power to remain relevant in our relationship and I’m sick of it! She calls our house at two; three o’clock in the morning just to tell him things that Destiny needs. Bitch really? That little shit couldn’t wait until the sun came up or any other time throughout the day? That ain’t even the craziest part. The kicker is that lately she’s been saying that Destiny has suddenly hurt herself and that Keith needs to meet them at the emergency room. Now correct me if I’m wrong, but I’ve never heard of a child hurting themselves on a regular basis like that, and all of her injuries always seem to happen at night. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; that bitch must think I am stupid. Keith’s gullible ass may h
ave a closed eye to her but I don’t.

  In the beginning, she used to call his cell phone nonstop. I’m talking about all fucking day and night long. Of course, I peeped game and flipped out about it, so Keith stopped answering it. I guess she caught on to what he was doing and decided to become even bolder and start calling our house phone. After the first few times Keith would call himself going off on her dumb ass telling her to stop calling our house like a crazed maniac; especially with the non-sense she was calling about. Why in the hell did he do that? Her rebuttal was “What if something happens to our daughter?” and “You’ve already missed the beginning of her life.” you know, that sob ass bullshit story that she throws in his face every chance she gets. Of course, Keith falls for it every time, not thinking that it was her fault that he wasn’t in Destiny’s life in the beginning.

  “Baby I know, and I’m sorry. I just had a long day at work and I just wanna get some sleep. I promise I’ll talk to her in the morning about it.” Keith said as he gives me a kiss and rolls over; instantly he’s snoring lightly.

  As I lay here in my bed mad as hell, I start to reflect on how much my life has changed within these last six months. I never in a million years expected to already be going through things in my marriage; especially something like this. When that bitch took it upon herself to stand up at our wedding and make her little announcement about me becoming a step mom and wife all at the same time; I wanted to choke the shit out of her, and fuck Keith up. I almost lost it…almost. Then it dawned on me. I’ve been around enough slimy, desperate bitches from dealing with my baby daddy to know how hoes like her like to play. With that on my mind, I waited until her toast was finished, and politely raised my glass. “Here, here” I said before throwing a smile her way. Everyone else in attendance followed suit and said the same thing, even though I knew that most of them were just as shocked as I was. I guess they figured I must have already known, so they went with the flow.


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