From Mistress To Wife 2: Love Scorned

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From Mistress To Wife 2: Love Scorned Page 2

by Angie Hayes

  Inside I was seething, hurt and confused. What the fuck was going on? Who was this bitch, and what does she mean longtime friends and daughter? All I knew is that Keith had never mentioned a damn thing about having a child. After Stacy’s announcement, Keith continued to play the role with me, all the while whispering about how he could explain and how had just found out recently about having a daughter and was going to tell me after the wedding. I just plastered on a fake smile, and returned his kisses while letting him know that it was our day and that we would discuss that issue another time.

  Truth of the matter was, I felt like it was my karma for stepping out and sleeping with my baby daddy right before me and Keith got married. I still don’t know what the hell I was thinking. I thought all the feelings I had for David went out the window a long time ago, but it seems like as soon as he found out that I had moved on and was engaged; he decided he wanted to be back in me and Jass's life. There was no way in hell I was going to leave Keith and what we built for the drama with David and all his other hoes. I can’t even front, because even though I knew that I would never go back to David, he still had one thing over me, and that was his good ass dick. He knew just what to do, and that was to hit that spot on my neck, and instantly I felt like I was in a trance and couldn’t resist. Hell, I think his ass had that way with all the other women he came across, and that’s why he cheated every chance he got.

  After that encounter that night, I felt so guilty.

  “David I can’t believe we just did this shit!” I yelled.

  “What you mean you can’t believe it? Shit you my baby momma, and that’s gone always be my pussy.” he said as he started to put on his clothes.

  Instantly I felt like the biggest damn fool in the world. All that ‘missing us’ shit he had been spitting to me went right out the window once he got what he wanted, and David’s true colors began to show again.

  “You know what David…ain’t shit changed about you! I don’t know why I fucking let you take me there, but I will tell you that this, this will be the first and last time I will ever have a slip up with yo’ ass.” I told him angrily as I started to grab my clothes and put them on as well. I was so upset all I saw was red.

  “Yeah whatever.” he snorted. ”You always were over the top and dramatic Keisha. That’s why we didn’t make it.”

  “No nigga we didn’t make it because you chose the streets and these hoes over ya family! Me and Jass have always came second to pussy and new babies.” I paused, before I threw my hands up. “I can’t wait to get the fuck away from you!”

  It was then that I started to feel the tears as they welled up in my eyes. All the hurt and pain David had put me through rushed to the surface, and felt fresh all over again.

  “Man, come on now, I never chose no streets or other hoes over you and my baby. You just saw it that way.” David declared.

  “When we first got together I was a street nigga and you knew what came along with that territory. I already gotta deal with the fuck shit out there, then to have to come home to hear more bullshit from you had a nigga stressing even more. So yeah, I admit I found a way to relieve my stress. I admit that it was with other hoes, but the babies just came in the mist of them. Never did I stop loving you and Jass. You made the choice to take my baby and walk away, so fuck it! I left that on you.” he said coolly.

  I guess he thought that was the end of the conversation because he turned to walk away.

  “You have got to be the most selfish muthafucka I have ever met! You damn right I took my baby and left yo’ ass! Muthafucka you left us the minute you got another bitch pregnant!” I yelled.

  David turned back around and looked at me with fire in his eyes.

  “Look Keisha, all that shit you talking is done and ain’t nothing that can be done about it. I can’t change the past, and I’m damn sure not about to keep fussing about it. You can either move the fuck on from it or not, that shit is on you. I’m about to bounce, but let me put this bug in ya ear real quick before I do. You know how the fuck I get down, so just know you ain’t take my baby and leave, I let yo’ ass go just like I’m doing now.” He said while giving me a cold stare. “Believe me if I really wanted Jass to stay put she would. It’s just that I feel like I owe you enough to let you move on wit’ yo’ life. So I suggest you enjoy ya lil fairy tale you having with this nigga, ‘cause whenever, or if ever, I choose to come back into yo’ muthafucking space I will. Just tell my baby I love her and I’ll be contacting you real soon to set something up so I can see her. I’m out.” With that said David walked out the door, as I stood there looking dumb as hell.

  I knew in the back of my mind that he was right about letting me take Jass. David always had to have control and that hadn’t changed. All I know is, if he thought that I was the same naïve chick I was back then, then he had another thing coming. That was six months ago, and just last week he finally called letting me know that he was coming out to Cali to handle something, and that he wanted to meet up to see Jass. I haven’t told Keith yet, especially since he’s not that fond of David to begin with. Shit, as far as he’s concerned I don’t even talk to my baby daddy. It’s just that I never wanted to be that woman who kept her child away from her dad, so I guess I have to have this conversation with my husband before David gets here. He can only get so upset, mainly since I gotta put up with this shit from his stupid ass baby momma.

  Chapter Three


  Lord knows I Love Alicia with everything in me, but when she told me that the baby she is carrying is Troy’s, that shit ate me up on the inside. Even though it happened before we made it official, I still feel some type of way about it. Then on top of that, Carmen’s scandalous ass acts like she doesn’t want to give me a divorce. She knew what time it was when we first got in this contract marriage, but now when I tell her that I’m finally ready to really get married, she starts talking this crazy shit about how she’s use to the benefits. The killer is all of a sudden she claims that she truly has feelings for me. Man I don’t know how the fuck I didn’t see this coming!

  I always heard the stories of other soldiers getting caught up in these contract marriages but I can honestly say that I never thought that I would be a statistic. My main focus was the extra money I would receive, and now look at the shit that came from my greed. I’m married to one woman and engaged to another one who’s pregnant by a man who’s also married. Then to make matters worse, after promising to never hurt Alicia, I’m doing just that by keeping my marriage a secret. I know I’m wrong for not being upfront with Alicia about my situation, but I wanted her so bad and didn’t want to lose her by any means. Now I guess I can kind of understand why Troy may have felt the need to not disclose that information when they were together.

  Alicia is a good woman, and I can’t take the chance of losing her. I knew I should have said something when I had the opportunity a few months ago. It was when she told me about the baby. I remember being so excited until she shared the other information about the baby not being mines. As she cried, Alicia also told me the truth about her thinking about making me believe that Troy’s baby was mines, but said that she didn’t because her heart wouldn’t let her do it. My baby loved me too much and respected what we had to not put me through anything similar to what Troy had put her through. She didn’t want a bunch of lies and hurt to break us apart. Even though unbeknownst to her, that’s what I’m doing. When she broke down and cried I knew she was being genuine. With tears in my eyes, I took her in my arms and told her that no matter what, it was our baby, and that I loved her, and couldn’t wait for her to be my wife.

  As bad as I wanted to, because it was the perfect time, I just couldn’t bring myself to tell her about my situation with Carmen. To tell you the truth, I’m terrified. Alicia always stressed about how she would never again be involved with someone who had someone else, regardless of the situation, and like I said before, I can’t lose her. So I figured I can just handle this shit on the low
without her ever finding out. Well it’s been six months and I still haven’t handled it. I don’t even see what the big deal is. It’s not like Carmen and I lived with one another, or kept in constant contact. I was living my life and she was living hers. When I was deployed, she did make sure I had care packages and made sure I was alright, but I always thought that we had the friendly understanding. It wasn’t like she wasn’t getting things in return. I’m sure that extra money did her justice as well. I never thought that she was actually in love with my ass.

  I’ve never led Carmen on by promising her that we will be together or nothing like that. We haven’t even been in each other’s presence since I came home from deployment…well, except for that one time when I asked her to meet for lunch. That was the day I told her about getting the divorce. At this point, I realize that I’m no better than Troy on how he fucked up with Alicia, of course, minus the physical abuse. Why in the hell did I think it was a great idea to propose to her knowing damn well I already had a wife on papers already? Now Carmen isn’t willing to let go of this pretend ass marriage, I don’t know what I’m going to do next, but I gotta figure something out because Alicia is talking about getting married right after she has the baby and that’s only two months from now. With my mind going a mile a minute, I decided to call Keith and talk to him about it. We’ve gotten pretty cool and I know he will try and help a brother out.

  Chapter Four


  I would have never thought that my shit would have come to this. For as long as I can remember I always kept everything in my life in a straight line. Now it seems as if everything is falling apart. For starters, ever since Candy’s slimy ass left that bullshit ass note in my mailbox that let Cassandra know that I got her pregnant, she has been on some real fed up shit. I ain’t gone lie; I always thought that my wife would stay with me no matter what. That was one of the reasons I decided to settle down with an older woman. I knew I wouldn’t have to worry about home not being taken care of and my money would never coming up short. I guess all the shit I was doing over the years had started to become too much for Cass, because she actually took my kids and left me. They all now live with her sister.

  “I am so tired of you Troy. I have kept our house a home, only to keep getting disrespected time and time again from ya lil side pieces out here. They come to where your kids and I lay our heads! Then not only do you cheat on me, but you have the audacity to have outside babies with these women who then turn around and put yo’ dumb ass on child support, just because you decide you are through fucking with them!” she screamed, throwing her hands up. “I even helped you cover your tracks with the courts so you won’t have to pay an arm and a leg for these outside kids you create with these women. I work so I can still make sure the lil money that you do pay wont effect our household and our children, but that’s not enough for your selfish ass.”

  Since there’s nothing I can say, I just sat there as she continued her rant.

  “If that’s not enough, I got another woman out here coming to my house yet again, leaving me notes like a little ass girl instead of knocking on the door telling me to my face that she’s having your baby? Well I tell you what, she can have you, her baby, and all the other babies you got out here because I’m done with you Troy!” tears slid down her face. ”I’m done playing the fool. That’s why I took my kids and got away from you, because you’re too damn disrespectful.” she paused. “Just to make sure you know, I really don’t want anything more to do with you and I’ve filed for a clear cut divorce!” Cassandra screamed.

  Now I know she’s furious, because Cass had never brought up divorce before.

  “What the fuck do you mean you filed for a divorce?” I roared.

  “Just like I said! I don’t want shit from you either except for you to help me take care of our kids. The house and everything else, you can keep because I’m pretty sure when the courts get a hold of what’s really going on with your pockets, you might need to sell all of it to pay the shit load of child support you gone have to pay!”

  I had never heard Cass talk with so much hate before; especially toward me. This was not my wife standing here. No this person in front of me was a stranger. I knew right then and there that I turned her into a woman scorned, and suddenly I felt bad.

  “Oh and before you try to open your mouth and let more lies spill out, I’m telling you right now that I plan on moving me and the kids into our own place for a fresh new start.”

  “Cass you can go where the fuck you want to go, but you ain’t taking my kids nowhere, so you can kill that shit you talking about right now!” I’m beyond pissed!

  Cass must have forgotten who the hell she was talking to. She’s standing here talking to me like I’m some nigga on the street. I was two seconds from knocking the shit out her, but I had to catch myself. How would that look for me to hit her while standing on her sisters porch with my kids in the next room? I’ve always made a point to never get violent in front of them, and I’m not about to start now.

  “Troy please, you have plenty of other kids you can spend time with while we’re gone. Besides I don’t plan on keeping you from our kids, that’ll be totally up to you. What I do plan on doing is taking them out of this fucked up situation that me and you have going on. I can’t keep allowing them to see me cry because you keep hurting me, or be worried about the fact that when they go out in the front yard to play your latest jump off could come to our house and do some crazy shit. I just can’t do it no more.” That was all Cass said before she turned and walked back into the house.

  This shit is all new to me, because no matter what I’ve done, I always felt secure with my household. I knew I was wrong for all of the things I was doing, but Cass was supposed to ride with me no matter what. It’s crazy, because I thought the same about Alicia. I guess they are what you would call two peas in a pod, because just like Alicia, Cass was hauling ass too. I’m not letting this shit happen again though; not my home. I’ve lost Alicia and now her ass is laid up with another nigga, in another state pregnant with my seed. I may not have a hand on that just yet, but I’m damn sure not losing my hand on this! There’s no doubt in my mind that my wife is serious, so I know that I have to dig deep and get our shit back in order. It’s officially time for me to man up and be not only a good husband, but a good father as well. Karma is steady getting me back for all the fucked up shit that I have done throughout the years; especially to my wife and all my kids. I gotta get it together, but first I gotta handle this crazy bitch Candy.

  Chapter Five


  Ever since Troy found out I left that letter for his old maid looking ass wife, he has been ignoring the shit out of me. That’s okay though, because sooner or later he’s gonna have to face me. When we were at Keisha and Keith’s wedding he was acting like a fucking lil puppy when he saw Alicia there with her new man. He couldn’t keep his eyes off the bitch. I watched him watch her all night, and it had me pissed off. All I could do was drink and watch the two of them like a hawk. I didn’t give a fuck about being pregnant or celebrating Keith and Keisha’s nuptials; my only concern that day was Troy and what the fuck he was doing.

  When I saw him follow behind Alicia into the bathroom, I knew I had to go in and put a stop to whatever the hell they thought they was about to do. After I pushed on the door and saw that it was locked, I pressed my ear up against it to see if I could hear what was going on inside. I heard Troy arguing about how Alicia up and left him, and some other shit about how he knew she was pregnant with his baby. When I heard that last part I pounded on that damn door so fast, because I wanted to know what the fuck he meant. I knew there was no way in hell that that bitch was pregnant with his got damn baby! Alicia didn’t even respond to what Troy was talking about, and instead swung the door open with a nervous expression on her face. I downplayed my reason for being there by letting her know that her man was out looking for her, and in no time she bounced.

  Once I was alone with
Troy, I stepped in and closed the door, locking it behind me. I honestly didn’t give a damn if Alicia noticed or not.

  “What the fuck you want Candy?” Troy asked with a scowl on his handsome face.

  He seemed annoyed with my presence, as well as mad because of my interruption. As if I gave a fuck.

  “I saw you run behind that simple bitch when she came in here, so I came to make sure I’m the only bitch sucking this dick tonight.”

  Before Troy could respond, I pushed him up against the wall and dropped down on my knees. He exhaled loudly when I pulled his dick out —which was hard ass shit— and begin sucking the head of it like I was trying to win first place in a race. I knew there was no way in hell that Troy would turn down head. In no time he had a tight hold of my hair. Back and forth he guided me as he rapidly fucked my mouth. Right when I knew he was about to cum, I stood up and bent my ass over the sink. With one leg up, I waited for him to fuck my pussy from the back, and that’s exactly what he did.

  Troy rammed himself inside me with no remorse. He gripped my hips tight and started to fuck the shit out of me. I didn’t give a damn who heard us, and because of that I moaned loudly. I actually hoped that Alicia would hear us. Troy must have caught on to why I was making so much noise, because he reached around and covered my mouth and fucked me even harder. In no time my body started to shake, and I came so hard on his dick that my juices spilled out and slowly slid down my leg like a mini waterfall. Troy followed suite and exploded, all of his creamy fluid all up in me

  Still feeling the effects of our orgasm, we both struggled to catch our breath. While my ass was still in the air Troy pulled out of me in one swift motion, snatched a napkin from the dispenser and proceeded to clean my juices off his dick. When he was finished he pulled up his pants, and walked out of the bathroom without so much as a glance in my direction. That shit didn’t bother me not one bit. I just cleaned myself up as well and went back out to the reception, as if nothing ever happened. Satisfied with my restroom fuck, I stood around enjoying Keisha and Keith’s free drinks.


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