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From Mistress To Wife 2: Love Scorned

Page 6

by Angie Hayes

  “Hey baby, how’s your morning going so far?” he asked once I answered.

  “It’s just getting started. I just dropped Jass off and now I’m about to run some errands and go grocery shopping. Do you want anything particular from the store?” I asked my baby.

  “No anything you get is fine. Listen, I know I have been saying this a lot lately but I really am sorry about all this that’s happening because of Stacy. We have been dealing with her bullshit for so long that we haven’t been having any time to ourselves. What do you say if I get a sitter tonight for Jass? I’ll take you out to dinner, then come home and make slow passionate love to my wife?” he suggested sounding sexy into the phone.

  Hearing those words instantly brought a smile to my face. We had been disagreeing so much lately that we haven’t taken any time out for ourselves.

  “That sounds like a plan. You got yourself a date.”

  “Okay, I should be home around six, you just be ready.”

  “I most certainly will. You have a good day baby, I love you.”

  “I love you to baby.” he replied and we disconnect our call.

  I had arrived at the place David was staying as soon as I hung up with Keith. From the looks of the outside, I could already tell what type of business his homeboy was in. I gave the guard at the gate my name and he buzzed me in with no hesitation, so he must have already known I was coming. David met me at the door looking good as usual. I had to put my game face on because there was no way he was going to catch me slipping with my panties down again.

  “Hey Keisha, you looking good. What’s up with ya?” David asked as I entered the house and took a seat on the couch.

  “Thanks. I’m good so what is it you want to discuss when it comes to Jass?” I inquired getting straight to the point.

  “Damn, I guess you ain’t got no time for small talk huh?” he laughed; I didn’t. “Alright listen I’m gone be coming out here every few weeks for the next six months and I wanna be able to see my baby girl.” David said.

  “Okay, why are you coming out here so much besides seeing your daughter?” I asked, because I knew that there was always a catch when it came to David.

  “I’m handling business like I normally do.” He replied without giving me much more.

  “Listen, I don’t have a problem with you visiting her, but you know damn well I don’t want her around your street bullshit.”

  “Come on Keisha, you know I would never have my business around Jass.”

  “Good. Well since we have that understanding, is this where you’ll be staying when you visit?” I asked looking around the place.

  “Why does that matter?”

  “It matters because I need to know where my child will be and who she’ll be around, because from the looks of this place I know your friend doesn’t work a damn 9-to-5.”

  “Whatever. This ain’t about who I roll with, this about Jass. But if you must know I’ll be handling business here but for the most part, and I’ll have a hotel room while I’m here.” He told me.

  The very mention of hotel room quickly brought back both chills and guilt.

  “We’ll that sounds cool. I’m sure Jass will be excited. I have no problem with you spending time with your daughter.” I don’t know why, but for some reason I started to become uneasy.

  “So how’s married life?” David asked.

  “Married life is fantastic. Keith is great and treats me and Jass wonderful.” I made sure to put emphasis on my answer because there was no way in hell I was gonna let David know the truth about what was going on.

  “That’s good. I’m happy for you Keisha. You really are a good woman, and a great mother to my daughter; you deserve to be happy.” That was a shocker.

  What was even more shocking was what came out my mouth.

  “I’m a good woman huh? I just wasn’t good enough for you I guess.” I blurted out.

  I couldn’t believe I actually said that. Why should I fucking care? I’m a married woman now.

  “Keisha please don’t start this shit again. Every time we see each other, do you always have to bring up the past? You moved on and got married, so why the fuck should all that happened back then matter to you anymore?” he asked me.

  I just sat quiet because I knew he was right.

  “You’re right. Just call me and let me know when you wanna see Jass and I’ll bring her to you.” I replied back to him as I stood to leave.

  “Oh so you not gone let me pick her up from your place? I can’t see where my baby lay’s her head at?” David asked me.

  His questions caught me off guard. I haven’t even told Keith yet, so I knew that wouldn’t work.

  “David that’s something we would have to discuss at a later time. Just call me when you wanna see her and I’ll make that happen.” I responded avoiding the question for now.

  As I walked towards the door, David gently reached out and grabbed my arm to stop me.

  “Keisha all I wanna do is see my daughter, that’s it. I’m not trying to cause any problems in your household. Your marriage is between y’all, meaning whatever happens during the time of your marriage, you deal with it.” David said looking me dead in my eyes.

  “What’s all that supposed to mean?” I asked.

  “It means that I am always gonna be in your life and that we can’t deny our sexual attraction to one another; that’s what all that means.” He expressed.

  I didn’t say anything, because I couldn’t.

  “Before you go, take this for Jass and holla at me if you need more.” David said as he counted out $3,000 and handed it to me.

  “I gotta go.” I said taking the money and left out the door.

  When I got back inside my car, I reflected on his last statement David said and it gave me the chills.

  I’m always going to be in your life and we can’t deny our sexual attraction to one another.

  I knew exactly what code language David was speaking, but he had me fucked up if he thought I was gonna fuck him again. I have way too much to lose.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Damn, right there fuck this pussy with yo’ tongue.” I moaned as I grabbed the back of her head while I grinded my pussy in her face.

  Moments later I came, sending my creamy liquids down her throat. She continued to lick and suck on my pussy, making sure she got every last drop.

  “Whew, damn baby that was good like always.” I said to Nicole as I rolled over trying to catch my breath.

  Nicole was a chick that worked down at the club with me, and from time to time I would let her eat my pussy when I wanted a good nut. Now don’t go thinking I’m bisexual, because I’m not. It’s just that I refuse to turn down a good fuck; no matter where it comes from. Anyway, Nicole was always flirting with me at the club, especially when I had just finished doing my set on stage. She would sometimes tip me outta her money, while she playfully grabbed on my ass and titties. She would always tell me that I needed to let a real bitch suck my pussy dry, but I never paid it much attention. Nicole is a bad bitch, with a lethal tongue to match. I just could never see myself in a relationship with a female. I might have dibbled and dabbled here and there, but I’mma always love me some dick baby!

  I finally took Nicole up on her offer when she approached me one night. I had just come out of VIP making some easy money off an old trick, when she asked me if I was ready to fuck with a real bitch. I laughed and told her to give me her number and that I would call her later. When I got home later that night, I took a shower and was lying in the bed smoking some weed that I copped from my guy at the club. Basically I was just relaxing and couldn’t fall asleep. It was then that I decided to call Nicole up and see what she was talking about. That night when she came over, that bitch ate my pussy so good I was seeing stars! No fucking lie. After that it was on!

  We have developed a mutual understanding that when I called, she came; nothing more. She even taught me how to eat pussy and in no time, I b
ecame a pro at it. I started to enjoy it more and more, especially when I saw how good I was making her feel. That all came to a halt when I started kicking it with Troy though. I stopped calling her and answering her calls; even going to the club less. After I found out that I was pregnant, I stopped going all together. We all know shit went south though. I ended up having a miscarriage and losing Troy baby. I can’t say I was sad because of the loss; in fact, the only thing I was unhappy about was that I would no longer have ties to Troy’s ass. I never wanted a fucking child anyway, but I did want Troy, so whatever I had that would link me to him I would have accepted.

  Speaking of Troy, he was still completely ignoring me up until the day I texted him letting him know that I had lost the baby. Wouldn’t you know that nigga called back instantly!

  “Candy don’t play no fucking games with me!” Troy yelled into the phone when I answered.

  I had just came from the hospital from getting my DNC and I was in major fucking pain. I had popped an oxycodone, so I was very mellow when he called; well at least at first.

  “Oh so this is what it takes for yo’ ass to finally call me back Troy? I’ve been trying to talk to you for months and you just straight ignored me, but now when I tell you I lost our baby you wanna call.” I yelled back at his ass.

  “Candy miss me with that bullshit! First off, stop saying that it was my muthafucking baby, ‘cause I told yo’ ass from jump that it wasn’t. Second, I made it perfectly clear that I wasn’t fucking with you no more when you pulled that stunt. I wasn’t answering ya calls nor was I returning yo’ messages, so how hard was it for you to figure out? I haven’t come by and fucked you in ages, so what more did you need me to say or do for you to realize that I don’t rock with you no more?” he yelled back into the phone.

  Everything he was saying was true, but I still didn’t give a fuck; niggas don’t leave me, I leave they ass.

  “You know what, whatever Troy. You can talk all that shit, but you and I both know that my baby was yours.” I retorted.

  Troy laughed loudly. “This is coming from a stripper bitch that gets extra cash by fucking and sucking niggas in the club. Man gone on with that shit you talking. Now that you’ve told me you lost the baby, I really shouldn’t be hearing shit from you from now on. Stop calling my fucking phone and leaving all those damn messages. If you happen to see me in the streets, move to the other side hoe.” All I heard next was the alert that told me that the phone had hung up.

  I admit, what he said stung me hard as hell. This nigga only used me for what he wanted and threw my ass away like yesterday’s trash. Yeah, I knew how Troy got down, but I honestly thought that if I put this good pussy on him, submit to whatever he wanted me to do, and be available whenever he needed me to be, that he would say fuck Alicia and his wife and make it all about me. I never had a nigga turn me down or place me on the back burner, so I didn’t know how to take this fucking rejection.

  After that conversation with Troy, I went back to my old ways and I retreated to not giving a fuck. I went back to fucking up any and everything that didn’t mean shit to me. I tried to give this nigga the benefit of the doubt by trying to change. Shit, he was married with kids and still had Alicia’s ass in check, so I just knew it was something about his ass that could tame a bitch like me. When I found out that dick game was a killa I knew I had to make him mine. There was no doubt in my mind that with Alicia out of the picture, I would have him to myself. I guess it’s true what they say: a man will never leave his home. But guess what? What that muthafuka doesn’t know is that he will be leaving his shit, involuntarily, when we get through with his ass.

  That’s right I did say we. I met up with an old acquaintance down to the club a few weeks ago, and it was quite a surprise to see him there. He brought a lap dance from me and then asked if we could talk when I got off. At first I was kind of skeptical, but curious at the same time to know what it was that he wanted. After hearing what he had to say, I was so happy that I agreed to everything he put on the table.

  I was definitely on some get back shit with Troy’s ass.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Destiny had been whining all fucking day telling me that she wanted to see her daddy, so I sent him a text message. He replied back letting me know that he and Keisha were going to dinner and that he could pick her up tomorrow when he got off work so that she could spend the weekend at his house. Now, I know I told his ass that I didn’t want my baby around his bitch and her daughter, and that he could only see her when she’s around my presence; but I may have to bend a bit. The only reason that I didn’t want her over there was because I needed to make sure that Destiny didn’t tell him I’m the one that’s hurting her. Keith keeps on insisting of her visiting his home, so my back is against the wall

  I decided to switch my game up and become the compromising baby momma. You know, that give and receive type of shit. I figured that if I started acting like I was compromising with him, then he’ll be more inviting to wanting to come over to the house and do things with just me and Destiny as a family. Then I’ll be able to make him see that we are all the family that he needs. I realized taking the hard road wasn’t going to cut it. See, I can always think clear when I’m not taking that bullshit ass medicine the doctors prescribed. I keep telling them that I don’t need pills to help me live a normal life; I’m doing just fucking fine without them. Sometimes I do still hear the voices telling me to do different things that I know I shouldn’t be doing, but when that happens I just close my eyes and take deep breathes to block them out.

  After about ten minutes of just staring at Keith’s message, I finally respond back letting him know that I’m fine with Destiny spending the weekend with them. He immediately called my phone.

  “Stacy don’t be playing games. Are you really gonna let me get Destiny this weekend and bring her over to my house?” Keith asked with much anticipation in his voice. I could just picture his smile through the phone. Damn I miss that smile.

  “Yes, Keith. You can come and get her tomorrow to spend the weekend with you.” I answered.

  “Damn what brought on your change of heart? Not that I don’t appreciate it!” He said to me.

  “I just figured it was time I be an adult about this situation. You deserve to get to know Destiny and bond with her just as much as I do.” I replied back to him sincerely.

  Even though what I was saying was true, I honestly didn’t a fuck about all that. All I wanted was for Keith to bond with me as well.

  “Well thanks Stacy, I really appreciate it. I’ll be by to pick her up around 6:30 tomorrow evening after I get off. Talk to you later. Oh, and give my baby girl a kiss for me.” He said.

  “I will, talk to you later.”

  Once I got off the phone I went to check on Destiny, who was in her bedroom playing with her baby dolls. I stood in the doorway starring at her for a moment. My baby looks so much like her daddy. It’s funny, because when I was with Thomas I always knew she had Keith’s features, but didn’t want to admit it. Destiny is so pure and innocent, and honestly I loved my baby with everything in me. I’ve even tried not to hurt her. It’s just that when things don’t go the way I planned with Keith, she was the only thing close to me that I have that I can take my anger out on. I always picture its Keith I’m hurting instead of her, and when I hear my baby crying out from the pain I snap out of my trance. After my episodes I make sure I comfort her and apologize over and over again for my actions. I also make sure I buy her whatever toy she wants, you know, just to smooth things over. Then I make sure to warn her that if she tells on mommy that the bad people will take me away, and she will never see me again; which I know she doesn’t want. My baby loves me unconditionally, as I do her.

  “Hey sweetie, guess what?” I made my presence known as I walked into her room.

  “Yes mommy?” she replied looking up to me with bright eyes.

  “Your daddy is coming by tomorrow to pick you up so that you can go
to his house and spend the whole weekend over there with him.” I told her returning her smile, even though the thought of Destiny going over there made me sick to my stomach.

  “Yayyy!” she jumped up and down. She still has the little cast on her arm, as well as the bandage on her shoulder from her “accidents”.

  “That’s right baby. You get to be with your dad for the whole weekend. I want you to be a big girl and remember mommy’s secret; can you do that?” I asked.

  Still smiling, Destiny shook her head up and down rapidly. “Yes mommy I’m a big girl!” She spread her arms wide showing me how big she is. I give her a hug and kissed all over her face reminding her how much I love her.

  “Okay, let’s start packing up your things that you’re going to take with you.” I told her as I pulled her backpack out of her closet.

  I really hope this compromising shit will work, because if it doesn’t I won’t hesitate to listen to the voices, and this time Keith and his bitch will be my target.

  Chapter Sixteen


  It felt good to know that all my hard work had paid off when Cass finally decided to move back home with the kids. I finally felt like I was given a second chance to do things right. That was until later that day when I ran into Alicia at the grocery store. I was with Cass and the kids, and in that instant, it felt like my shit was going back right back to square one. I know my wife noticed when I saw Alicia, because I just stood there starring at her. Honestly at that moment I didn’t give a fuck who saw me. I’ve never seen Alicia big and pregnant before, and I have to admit she looked sexy as ever with it! It was then that I remembered Keith telling me that he and Keisha were coming back into town for Alicia’s baby shower. Considering Keisha was with her I assumed that’s what they were in town for.


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