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From Mistress To Wife 2: Love Scorned

Page 15

by Angie Hayes

  “I don’t know, but I pray he doesn’t. Since I told him everything I have been pleading for his forgiveness. I call, text, and leave voicemail’s telling him how sorry I am and how much I love him, but he never responds. The only time he responded to any of my messages, was when I told him we had made it here safe, and his only response was, okay.” I handed her a tissue off the table, and she blew her running nose into it loudly.

  I saw how bad my cousin was hurting. Shit, I’m hurting for her, Keith and myself! I just don’t understand how a person can fuck up something they have so good for some temporary shit; especially when they know they have something good. I’m disappointed in Keisha. One time is a mistake, but she did that shit twice. Well, twice that I know of; it could be more!

  “Just give him some time. The man is hurt. They aren’t built to handle things like we are.” I told her rubbing her back. “I guess it looks like we both came together for each other.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked. I went on to tell her about my latest conversation with Shawn.

  “Damn, that’s crazy. It just crossed my mind that you are truly a husband magnet.” She said laughing. I couldn’t help but laugh too, but I was glad to see her lighten up a bit, even if it was at my expense.

  “Yeah, I’m a husband magnet except for my own.” I responded. I started feeling a little sad all over again.

  “I know it’s fucked up how Shawn tried to handle things, but like I said before, I honestly don’t believe he would hurt you on purpose. I always heard about those dumb ass contract marriages, and he was right, because they are really nothing but a piece of paper.” Keisha said. I believed in my heart too that he wasn’t trying to hurt me, but he did. I love Shawn though, and truthfully I miss him like crazy.

  “Hey, I texted candy and let her know we were in town and wanted to meet up for lunch. I hope you down, besides we both could use a little girl time.” I said.

  “Girl, I told you that you need to watch that bitch.” she snapped with an attitude.

  I really didn’t feel like getting into it with Keisha about Candy; besides I had a little trick up my sleeve that I’m sure will shock both they asses.

  “Okay, I’ll go, but only for you. I’m telling you now though, with the way I’m feeling right now I’m liable to fuck that bitch up if she comes at me sideways.” Keisha warned.

  “A'ight let’s roll.” I said. On our way to the restaurant we talked a little bit more about her situation. “Keisha what made you sleep with David again of all people?” I asked, because I really wanted to know.

  “Honestly, I think it was just our sexual attraction to each other. We never had a problem in the bed room, it was the other rooms in the house.” she forced a chuckle. “It just seems like David knows when I’m vulnerable. In all honesty I just wasn’t really thinking at all.” Keisha said shaking her head. I didn’t respond and just kept driving.

  Once we got there, we asked to be seated outside. I had already texted Candy on the way over and told her to meet us there. After about five minutes Candy strolled to our table dressed like she was either coming from or going to work, because she had all her ass out. She wore a crop top with no bra on and a pair of bleached shredded booty shorts that left nothing to the imagination.

  “Hey bitches, long time no see” Candy greeted as she gave us both a fake kiss on the cheek.

  “Hey girl” Keisha replied in a dry tone, not bothering to hide the fact that she really didn’t want to speak at all.

  “Hey boo” I chimed in.

  “Damn y’all both sound like y’all didn’t want to speak. Anyway, what’s going on with y’all?” Candy asked with her face twisted.

  “I’m just enjoying mommy hood and Keisha is enjoying the life of a military wife.” I answered for the both of us; because I knew Keisha would more than likely say something smart. “What about you?” I eyed her.

  “You already know I’m out here on my paper chase.” Candy laughed.

  “Is that so, I see some shit never changes” Keisha grunted with a smirk. Here we go.

  “Whatever Keisha, I didn’t come here for your funny ass comments.” Candy countered.

  “Candy I have something I wanna ask you that’s been on my mind for a minute.” I jumped in putting a stop to their squabbling.

  “What’s up?” she turned to look at me. She lifted the glass of water that sat on the table and took in a mouthful.

  “Have you and Troy been fucking?” I asked making eye contact, I needed to see every reaction and body movement this bitch was about to give me.

  Candy almost choked on her water. “What?” she asked me looking all surprised and shit. Keisha just sat with her mouth wide open. I know she didn’t expect me to come straight out and ask, but I wanted to do this on my own.

  “I think you heard me. Are you fucking Troy? You know my ex, and the man who also happens to be my baby daddy?” I asked again calmly. Hearing the baby daddy comment caused her to turn up her lips.

  “Girl be for real.” Candy said getting slick.

  “Oh I am for real bitch, now answer the fucking question.”

  “Bitch?” she scoffed “Damn I guess new dick and a new state gave yo’ lil ass balls huh? Come on Alicia you know how I get down so don’t try to come at me like that.” She stood up from her chair. “But I’mma be a woman bout mines, so yes, I have been fucking Troy. We’ve been fucking since the time you guys hooked up, all the way until you left. I actually got pregnant by him, but ended up having a miscarriage. So there goes your answer.” Candy declared as she sat back in her chair with a smirk on her face.

  I leaped across the table and snatched the bitch by her hair. Using it as leverage I slammed her to the ground, and I started to slam her fucking head into the pavement, while she struggled to get up. It was useless though, because I was too strong for her. Since Candy couldn’t get up, she lifted her leg and kicked me in my side, which forced me to loosen my grip. She took that as an opportunity to get up and try to swing, but I dodged the weak ass punch and hit her square in the eye. After that I just kept tagging her ass until Keisha finally grabbed me, letting me know that the police had been called and that we needed to bounce. I’m not trying to go to jail for this nasty ass hoe so I quickly gathered my shit and leave, but not before I spit on that hoe, leaving her on the ground moaning in pain.

  “I didn’t see that shit coming, but I’m glad I did! You whooped that hoe’s ass!” Keisha said laughing. We were back in the car heading to my folks place.

  “That bitch kicked me! I should go back and fuck her ass up some more!” I said hitting my fist on the steering wheel.

  All the anger and betrayal that I had pent up inside of me was taken out on that ass. That hoe broke the number one code as a friend and that’s to never fuck with your friend’s man. I don’t give a fuck if Troy was married or not, she still knew I was kicking it with him.

  “Nah girl trust me, you tore that ass out the frame.” Keisha said. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were gone pop off on that bitch?”

  “Because I knew you would have wanted a piece of the action and I wasn’t about to share her ass whopping with you.” I admit while laughing.

  The laughing I was doing was only to stop myself from crying. My feelings were hurt. I really didn’t want to take it there with Candy, because I really did consider her a friend. It’s just that I’m tired of people betraying me. First it was Troy, then Shawn, and now Candy. I couldn’t take it anymore. When I was on the plane coming here I decided then that I wanted to take control over my life. I have a daughter who I have to set an example for and I didn’t want her to grow up thinking all women are weak. I knew eventually I was going to forgive Shawn and wait this year out to marry him, I also already knew I was gonna confront Candy; I just didn’t think she was going admit to sleeping with Troy. Speaking of Troy, I need closure from him as well.

  I think it’s time I make that phone call.

  Chapter Forty-Three

; Keith

  I was sitting at work at my desk with a pounding headache. In less than a year I go from being married, to finding out I have a child that I knew nothing about, to catching my wife cheating on me. I’ve always tried to live right and do right by my family but now I see that just isn’t enough; especially with Keisha. How could she do this me? How could she do this to us? Then she cheated with her fuck ass baby daddy. What makes it even more fucked up is the fact that she’s been giving me so much flack about Stacy, when all along she was fucking David. I had to get from around her because even though I don’t hit women, I wanted to fuck her up.

  She’s down there with Alicia now, visiting her folks which are fine with me. I needed this distance between us, because at this point I already know a divorce might be in the works. I know I really don’t want to, but I can’t trust her.

  “Hello?” I answer when my phone rings from an unknown number.

  “Hi is this Mr. Keith Spencer?” the caller asked.

  “Yes this is he, who am I speaking to?”

  “This is Dr. Norman down at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center. I’m calling you because your daughter, Destiny Anderson, was brought in today by the paramedics.”

  “What!” I ask jumping out of my seat. “Is she ok? Where’s her mom?” I plant the phone against my ear while I rushed to gather my things to head the hospital.

  “Her mother is here too sir, which is why I need you to get here.” The doctor informed me.

  “Is she hurt also?”

  “No sir she’s not, but I did have to call CPS in this matter so it’s very imperative that you get here as soon as possible. I’ll explain everything in person.” The doctor told me.

  “I’m on my way there now. I’ll see you in a few Doc.”

  “Great, ask for Dr. Norman at the front desk and they’ll page me.”

  “Will do, see you in a few.”

  I hung up the phone and immediately called my Commander and let her know what was going on and why I left in a hurry. When that call was wrapped up, I dialed my lawyer, Thomas. I told him exactly what the doctor had told me, and he said that he would meet me at the hospital and that he had something to discuss with me anyway. It seems like it took me forever to get to the hospital when it was only a ten minute drive from base. Once I parked, I ran into the emergency entrance and up to the front desk; where I ask to see Dr. Norman. The nurse took my name and told me that he’ll be with me shortly. Five minutes later the doctor approached me.

  “Hello Mr. Spencer, I’m Dr. Norman.” He reached out to shake my hand. I placed mines in his, and he continues. “Please lets step over here for a little bit of privacy.” He directed.

  Once we were at a safe distance, he continued. “Your daughter was brought in earlier today and she was barely had a pulse.”

  “Oh my God, what happened to her?” I asked not giving him a chance to talk.

  “Well, her mother said she went into her room to check on her and she wasn’t breathing. She said that so she called nine-one-one and a performed CPR on the child until EMT arrived. By the time she got here, she barely had a pulse. Right now we have her hooked up to a breathing machine to get air into her lungs.” The doctor explained. It’s like I’m in the twilight zone.

  “Are you telling me that my baby might die?” I asked with a lump forming in my throat.

  “At this time, it’s a touch and go basis, because her air supply was cut off from her brain. The good thing is her mother did do CPR, because if she hadn’t Destiny would have died at the home.”

  “Can I see her please?” All I want to do was to get to my baby girl and hold her. I can’t lose my baby!

  “Yes, I’ll take you to her. One last thing Mr. Spencer, the story her mom gave just doesn’t make any sense. I also found bruises on the child, so I kept pressing mom as to what really happened. All she continued to say was that she was sorry. Now I have seen many child abuse cases come through here and I think something is going on.” Dr. Norman told me sympathetically. “I had to call CPS for this matter, but mom did give me your number and told me to call you. They’ll be here shortly, so I’ll go head and take you to see your daughter now.

  When I got into Destiny’s room, I needed to hold on to the wall to keep from falling. To see her small frail body hooked up to a breathing machine was breaking me! I walked over to her bedside and took her tiny hand into mines. The tears spilled from my eyes, and I know that there’s nothing I can do but pray. Stacy isn’t nowhere in sight, which was a good thing, because she will be laid up in one of these other beds when I got through with her. I swear I feel like a fucking failure, because my job as a father is to protect her, and I haven’t done that. I don’t know what Stacy was doing, but if it’s proven that she’s been abusing Destiny, I’m going to pop that crazy bitch’s neck. I’m hurt, confused and angry. Those three emotions are not a good combination, and I know I couldn’t go through this alone. I dig into my pocket for my phone. I scroll through my contacts and land on the person I need to call, my wife. I really need her to come home.

  Chapter Forty-Four


  Things are still pretty quiet between Cass and me. The kids have been spending a lot of time with their cousins at her sister’s, so it’s just us in the house. I’ve been sleeping on the couch, because I find that it’s easier that way. I’m due to return back to work next week, and I’m excited about that. My boss has agreed that since my track record and work ethnic have always been on point, my job is safe. He also advised me to keep my drama away from the work place, because he won’t be so lenient the next time. Now that I’ve got all the information I need from the person that left their number with Cass, who I found out was this chick name Nicky who Candy fucked over also, I’m sure now that the petty ass restraining order bullshit will get thrown out.

  I was lying on the couch thinking about how crazy things are. My mind goes to Alicia. Although I’ve never seen my daughter, I love her already and don’t want her growing up and not knowing me. I must have dozed off, because the next thing I know, I was being slapped across the face.

  “Wake yo’ bitch ass up nigga.” I hear a deep voice say. I try to focus my eyes, but before I get a chance, I’m hit over the head with something and black out.

  I’m not sure how long I’ve been out, but when I finally wake up I’m tied down to a chair. Cass was seated across from me, tied up as well. Standing in front of her was a figure that stood with their back faced toward me

  “You know all you bitches are just alike. You rather have fuck niggas who dog yo’ ass out, cheat on you, and have babies with other bitches, then to be with a nigga like me. I’m the one that gets left by the bitch and laughed at by another nigga. I tried to be nice to yo’ ass but you just used me too I see.” The guy rants to Cassandra.

  Cassandra was crying and trying to say something, but she couldn’t because she had tape over her mouth. I grunted to let them both know that I’m now awake and the guy turns around. He looks familiar, but I can’t put my finger on where I know him from. Not to mention that I feel a little dizzy from being hit.

  “Look who it is, the biggest fuck boy of them all.” he mocks as he snatches the tape off of my mouth.

  “Man, who the fuck are you, and what the fuck do you want!” I yell.

  My head jerks back when he slaps me across the face with the gun so hard my ears start to ring.

  “Shut the fuck up before I murk yo’ ass right now. I’ll tell you who I am muthafucka! I’m the nigga that’s been fucking yo’ wife and having her suck my dick that’s who I am!” he said laughing.

  I looked over at Cassandra who was still crying and shaking. She glances over at me with apologetic eyes.

  “So you come in my house and tie me up ‘cause you fucking my wife?” I asked knowing then that the nigga must be crazy.

  “Naw nigga, I’m here ‘cause me and you got another thing in common besides yo’ wife old ass pussy.” He sneered.

  “What’s that?”
I asked as blood began dripping in my eye.

  “Alicia” He sneered.

  “Alicia? What the fuck she got to do with this?” I ask. Who the fuck was this nigga?

  “Alicia was my woman until yo’ bitch ass stepped in and took her away. She left me for a married nigga who stayed whooping her ass and fucking with other hoes. How the fuck she could leave me for yo’ bum ass is beyond me.” he said as he shook his head.

  “So I decided to fuck with yo’ home. I figured I’d fuck yo’ wife and have her leave yo’ ass, but just like Alicia, she’s a fucking dummy that came back to you. That’s when I knew I had to get yo’ ass another way. I linked up with Candy skank ass and convinced her to file those charges against you.” he paused, before continuing. “I could have taken you out a long time ago. I knew your every move; I just stayed in the background looking. Niggas always watching out for the women when they fucking up somebody else household, but they never think to look out for the men, so surprise nigga.” He said waving his gun in my face.

  Now I knew exactly who he was. It was Rodney, Alicia’s ex, and the man she was living with before me and her hooked up.

  “Man, when I got with her she told me y’all were done, so I ain’t have shit to do with her leaving.” I told him; even though I knew that they were technically still together when me and her first got together. I damn sure wasn’t gone tell him that shit.

  “Stop muthafucking lying! I already know y’all was fucking behind my back!” He yelled.

  “So you going through all this over some pussy? She ain’t with neither of us right now. Hell, she’s moved on, and even had a baby!” I said trying to reason with him.

  “Naw, Alicia didn’t just have a baby, muthafucka she had yo’ baby! Like I said I had been keeping track of shit.”

  As he continued to talk Cassandra wigging herself out of the tape. I saw her out the corner of my eye and decided to keep talking to him to distract him.

  “Look, I’m sorry about the way shit went down with you and Alicia, but my man your issue should have been with her not me.” By that time Cassandra had gotten her hands free, and stood up.


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