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Resisting Darkness

Page 18

by Kate Wendley

  Ethan turned harshly on him, but said in a tired voice, “Yes, I know. Sonya was an innocent… your daughter and my lover. But she’s gone, and much as I hate to admit it, and believe me I loathe to admit it, the man did a good thing by forming this community and you know it.”

  George turned hate filled eyes on Anthony.

  Ethan snapped, “Anthony and the rest of his family are innocent, George. Anthony couldn’t have been more than a child at the time, and the rest of his family obviously weren’t friendly with Isaiah back then.”

  George looked manically back and forth between Ethan and Anthony, then roared before stomping away.

  Christopher looked like he was going to go after him, though he didn’t seem upset like George had been. No matter what was ever going on, Christopher always seemed like he was just observing. Tonight was no different.

  Ethan said, “Let him go. There’s nothing he can do. He knows he’s not powerful enough to hurt Isaiah, and if he touches anyone else, he knows I won’t hesitate to come after him.”

  They all looked back at Anthony then.

  “My offer still stands. I’ll allow my father to be questioned to at least find out the depth of what happened back then.”

  Ethan sighed and waved it away. “Fine, fine. I suppose the sooner the better.” He said to Christopher, “I want to see Seth and Nala. Will you escort them back here?”

  Christopher inclined his head to Ethan, then Harmony, then locked eyes with Anthony before nodding to him as well. Anthony watched the man go, never fully believing that the calm, quiet Christopher was the real him. For tonight Anthony would have to trust that if he tried to make trouble back home where Ethan’s friends currently were, that Sebastian, Zach and the others could handle him.

  “Will you stay for a minute?”

  Anthony looked at Ethan and flatly said, “Where’s Kaia?”

  He casually gestured towards a chair. “I’ll get to that. Sit down. I’ll be right back.”

  Ethan disappeared into what had to be his bedroom and Anthony impatiently stood by the front door and waited. Harmony looked nervously at him while they heard movement in Ethan’s room, and Cory and Patrick sat quietly in the kitchen.

  When Ethan came back out a short time later with a small satchel in his hand, he didn’t look surprised to see Anthony still standing. He directed Harmony to sit with him on the sofa and gestured again to a chair across from them. Anthony warily sat, but he didn’t get comfortable.

  Ethan slowly said, “You know Kaia’s not safe at the club.”

  Anthony clenched his jaw. “I’m aware of that.”

  “She was the only person on your mind when you were about to die last night.”

  Anthony couldn’t stop angry power surging through him for the span of a heartbeat. The sensory memory of Ethan’s hand plunged into his chest was too recent… his ribs broken and tender flesh ripped apart. Ethan’s hand squeezing his heart only added to the horrific pains that had racked his whole body.

  But that was last night. Tonight he knew better than to let his guard down around Ethan, ever again, but he also wasn’t looking for a fight. He quickly reigned his power back in, but it was too late. Harmony stared wide eyed at him and stifled a cough, blood eventually trickling out her nose. He’d feel bad for losing control, even for that brief instant, if he weren’t so surprised by the fact that Harmony wasn’t in more pain than she seemed to be. Maybe he hadn’t let go as much as he thought he had. Ethan’s only response was a quiet grunt, but he didn’t move or take his eyes off Anthony, either. Apparently none of them knew where they stood with each other anymore.

  After a tense silence, Ethan cautiously said, “What I’m getting at is asking you how much you love Kaia.”

  Anthony frowned hard at him.

  “Enough to turn her?” The hope he now saw in Ethan’s eyes took Anthony by surprise, and his tension slowly eased. This was the Ethan he’d had fleeting conversations with in the past, the Ethan that wasn’t always trying to bring him down.

  “Yes. I’ve been trying to decide when to ask her.”

  Ethan got a small smile, then held the satchel out. “Here. Ask her tonight. I’d like you to choose one of Sonya’s rings for her.”

  Anthony startled and shook his head. “I couldn’t. Those are your memories…”

  “Please. It would mean a lot to me.”


  After George’s drama, and then Anthony being here and nearly frying her insides, Harmony was surprised by the smile on Ethan’s face after they finally fed and showered together. She liked that he acted like she belonged here, and that he went out of his way to make her comfortable in his home.

  He wrapped his arms around her from behind as she combed out her wet hair, then locked eyes with her in the mirror’s reflection. “Thank you for helping me through this, Harmony. I know the confrontation last night was… not good. I’m glad you were there, though. And I’m glad you’re here now.”

  She turned in his arms and said, “Me, too.”

  His breath hitched like he was about to say something, but instead he looked deeply into her eyes. A potpourri of emotions filled the air. Hope. Happiness. Love.

  Anticipation and nervousness made her lose her mind as he stood mute in front of her for what was probably no more than a few seconds, but felt like an eternity. When the intensity between them became almost too much to bear, he cupped the back of her head and pressed her close for the most passionate, emotional kiss she’d ever had in her life. His hunger for her was something she was quickly getting used to, but this time it felt different. This time it felt like more than just out of control sexual need.

  This time it felt like love.

  When he finally released her, the words ‘I love you’ were on the tip of her tongue. By the look in his eyes, she liked to think he felt the same, but neither of them said it out loud.


  Ethan seemed overly anxious for Seth and Nala to arrive, but Harmony wasn’t so sure she was ready for them. Would they just measure her up against the wonderful, lovable Sonya? When Christopher finally appeared in Ethan’s open front door, Harmony leadenly prepared for a night out of her nightmares. She didn’t do double dates, jealousy, and ex-lover one-upmanship. She typically baled before things ever got to that point because she usually didn’t care enough about the guy to want to deal with such irritating things.

  But she cared about Ethan, dammit, and she felt bad for her bitchy thoughts once the couple finally made their entrance because they looked just as worried and anxious as Ethan was.

  Seth was definitely Native American, his facial features distinct besides just being exceedingly attractive. His button down shirt and dress pants nicely flattered his trim, fit build, and he wore his long black hair tied back in a braid. He was also probably the only vampire she’d ever met that had skin so tan he could easily pass for human.

  Nala was drop dead gorgeous, and had obviously been crying. Her long, almost straight, platinum blonde hair hung free past her shoulders, and pinkish blood tears stained her porcelain skin. Dark brown eyes, long, dark lashes, and rosy cheeks and lips rounded out her natural beauty. She probably didn’t even have any makeup on, though if she was as full of blood as Ethan had told Harmony she needed to be in order to be solid and not a ghost, then that explained the rosy cheeks. She wore a pale blue, long, lacey dress that complemented Seth’s outfit, and looking at the two together, Harmony wasn’t sure she’d ever seen a more beautiful couple.

  Nala clung to Seth, but as soon as they entered the apartment and saw Ethan, the three embraced like the long lost friends they were. Harmony fought a pang of jealousy at the obvious love and friendship between them. Even though her and Ethan claimed they couldn’t live without each other, they both also knew it was strange to feel this way so soon. She wasn’t stupid enough to think it couldn’t just be infatuation, no matter that she’d had the fleeting thought that she loved him. Seeing Ethan with these two made her wish she’d known
him longer, though. It gave her the girlish hope he’d feel this strongly about her someday.

  The three friends said their hellos just inside the door, cutting each other off with eager half said greetings as they smiled and barely knew what to say to each other. Harmony caught Christopher looking at her as she watched the scene from the living room. He gave her a knowing look and a little smile, then bobbed his head, gesturing for her to join Ethan. She took a deep breath and forced herself to his oblivious side.

  When Ethan finally realized she was there, he immediately put his arm around her. “Guys, I want you to meet Harmony. Harmony, these are my good friends, Seth and Nala.”

  She put her hand out for each of them. “Nice to meet you both. You’re a stunning couple.”

  Nala gave her a friendly smile. “That’s so kind of you. And we’re so happy to meet you as well. Seth and I, well, we’re just so glad to see Ethan’s met someone and is happy again.” She looked back at Ethan and said, “We missed you, Ethan. We really, really missed you. And don’t think you’re going to get rid of us so easily this time.”

  Ethan tensed, clinging to Harmony like his life depended on it, and she felt even guiltier for her earlier thoughts.

  His voice was full of emotion when he said, “It wasn’t easy, Nala. Believe me.”

  Harmony gave him a little squeeze to let him know she was there for him, and she felt his tension ease slightly, though he kept his attention on his friends.

  “Please everyone. Make yourself at home. Christopher, join us if you like. It’s been a while since you’ve seen Seth and Nala.”

  “If it’s all the same to you, I’ll let you get reacquainted and catch up with everyone another night. That is, assuming everyone’s staying in Atlanta.”

  The room went silent as Seth and Nala looked to Ethan for confirmation.

  Ethan hurriedly said, “Of course they’ll be staying. Won’t you?”

  Nala visibly relaxed and Harmony decided she could give these guys a chance.

  Chapter 18

  Anthony found Kaia in a hotel across town, right where Ethan said she’d be. For once he was glad Ethan watched over her so closely. He’d love to have his own family keep their eye on her when she wasn’t with him, except he didn’t want her to think he was an untrusting, controlling lover. If she didn’t leave him after all this, though, her safety would need to become his number one priority. She’d been hurt too many times.

  He drifted into the hotel as mist, feeling for Kaia by her energy. He wasn’t trying to hide himself from Ethan’s family, so he let a little of his power precede him down the halls as he wound his way around. When he reached her floor, one of Ethan’s shifter’s sat outside her door and gave a sharp look around as he neared.

  Anthony didn’t materialize for the young wolf, but he did speak as he approached. “Ethan should’ve let you know I was coming. You can go now.”

  The wolf checked his phone, nodded to himself, then walked away. Anthony waited for him to leave, then seeped under the door into Kaia’s room.

  She was lying in bed, looking like she’d been sleeping for a while, though not very soundly. Tissues lay scattered in front of her, one balled up in her hand as well. It made him feel slightly better that she’d been crying so much. At least leaving him hadn’t been an easy decision for her.

  He frowned. She’d left him even though she claimed to love him. But she was vulnerable in his home, he knew that. She was the only human he allowed there, let alone allowing her to freely roam. It was his own fault, yet again, that she’d been hurt.

  He used his power to clear the tissues away before lying down to face her. Her eyes roamed under her lids, heavily dreaming even though the night was still young. He touched her hand and she stirred, but didn’t wake.

  The ‘gift’ he’d gotten from the supposed Vampire Mother now allowed him to talk to people in their minds, which he seldom did, but did it also allow him to see into their heads like Sebastian could do? Could he see into someone’s dreams?

  He closed his eyes and slowly reached out with his senses as he held Kaia’s hand. To his surprise, he was immediately sucked into her dream.

  She was upset and crying in the dream. He was there, too, but too far away for her to reach. He walked away, and she felt bad because it was her fault he was leaving. She’d let him down by being too weak and unable to take care of herself around him and his family.

  She desperately loved him, here in her dream, but knew she couldn’t have him anymore. He was too important to his family and she’d just drag him down if he tried to make things safer for her. She didn’t belong with him or around any of the powerful creatures she’d come to know as friends.

  Everything good in her world dissolved into thin air until she was all alone again. She looked around but the street was deserted, and a chilly breeze crept into her bones. She wasn’t even sure where she was, only that she had to figure things out for herself again, just like when she’d left her abusive home as a young adult and come here to Atlanta to start a new life.


  Anthony felt horrible seeing all this. He wrapped himself around her sleeping body and held her close. “Kaia, wake up. Kaia.”

  She startled and opened her eyes, and tears immediately filled them.

  “Shh, it’s ok.” He kissed her cheek and tried to wipe her tears away, but they wouldn’t stop. He reached for the tissues, and his eyes widened when he saw the ugly bruises around her throat. He hadn’t protected her…

  Kaia choked out her words to him. “It’s not okay. I’m sorry baby. I’m not strong enough.”

  He felt low while she sobbed in his arms. She loved him. He believed it with every fiber of his being now, but he was still scared to ask her to stay with him. What if she said no? Or if she said yes? What if he couldn’t give her everything she ever wanted?

  “I know, I know.” He paused while he gathered his nerve. “My sweet, I love you.” He rubbed her arms and tried to comfort her, but she was shaking and quickly becoming more and more upset.

  He kissed her forehead and finally said, “Kaia, I want you with me forever, and in a way that you can protect yourself. I want you to be vampire with me. I want you with me for the rest of both our lives.”

  Silent seconds ticked by as he waited for her to say something… anything.

  She looked helpless as she stilled and said, “What?”

  Anthony wasn’t sure if she really hadn’t heard him, or was just trying to think it through in her mind. He looked intently into her eyes and said with more conviction, “I love you and want you to be with me forever. As a vampire. I want to turn you into a vampire.” He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out the ring Ethan had given him. “This is for you.” His hands trembled as he slid it onto her finger.

  She grew quiet as she looked at it. “You got me a ring?”

  “Stay with me. Please.”

  She didn’t say anything as she looked back and forth between him and the ring. He wasn’t sure what to do with her silence. Wasn’t she supposed to give him an answer? While he anxiously waited, he filled her in on what happened after she got hurt last night.

  He hated seeing her bruises, and scolded her for driving all the way out here today when she should’ve been resting to give the bump on the back of her head time to heal, let alone the fact she was still recovering from the flu. And she hadn’t eaten anything today.

  She wearily smiled as she looked at her ring and took the scolding, then finally said the word he’d hoped to hear.



  Anthony left Kaia back at Wild Woods, where he hoped there’d be less drama than at the club. He still wasn’t entirely comfortable around Ethan, but Ethan obviously cared about Kaia and that’s all that mattered right now. Anthony left her there with a promise from her that she’d take another day off from work and that he’d see her tomorrow.

  He drove home with a smile on his face, which disappeared once he got inside and
saw the crowd outside his office door. Some were his usual guards, some were a couple vampires he actually trusted, and some were Anthony’s vampires that had always been his father’s friends.

  His father, however, was nowhere to be seen. No doubt he was in the office, which irritated him since it’d turned into Anthony’s personal space over the years.

  Zach looked like he’d been waiting for Anthony because he stopped him before he was even halfway across the club. He made a sour face. “Your dad’s waiting for you in there.”

  Anthony tried not to sneer. “Thank you.” A brief look around let him know things definitely weren’t settled with his father being back. George and a good handful of Ethan’s other vampires were all here looking just as upset tonight as they were last night.

  He locked eyes with George. At one point in time he’d liked and actually trusted the man. As of a month or two ago, when he realized George had been fishing for information from him rather than having the casual, friendly conversation Anthony thought they were having, he now wondered if everyone he’d ever considered a friend actually had a secret agenda when they interacted with him.

  The crowd outside his office parted as he neared. Anthony spoke to Sebastian. “Stay close and keep the guards close as well.” In his mind he said to Sebastian and Zach both. ‘I don’t believe Ethan will give us any trouble tonight, but his family is still quite upset. Please keep an eye on them.’ He got a head nod from them both before he stepped inside and closed the door behind him.

  His father sat in Anthony’s chair, of course, and his lover and three shifter bodyguards, as well as Bethany, a very vain and manipulative vampire, all took up the remaining seats, or were simply standing. Anthony paused, the sight of his father in front of his computer unsettling to him. He’d grown used to this being his space and didn’t like him here. It reminded him of how much he’d been under his father’s thumb in the old days. He definitely wasn’t ready to go back to that.

  “Good evening.” He tried to mentally prepare for whatever was going to happen next, then looked pointedly at the shifter woman. She was in her mid to late forties with auburn hair and an aristocratic air about her… just the type of woman his father preferred to be seen with.


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