Love Led By the Spirit (Restore My Soul Book 3)

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Love Led By the Spirit (Restore My Soul Book 3) Page 12

by Pat Simmons

  Less than ten minutes later, he parked in front of the Magnolia Hotel and helped her out. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay?”

  “Yes, Minister Rossi.”

  “I’m more than that to you,” he said softly, “and you know it. Trust me, I’m coming back in full force with another proposal, so you’d best be ready.”

  Jet couldn’t keep herself from giggling. She had never seen this side of him, and she loved it. Layla had known something she didn’t. Jet waved and walked through the revolving door to the elevators. All around her everything seemed normal, like when she had entered the bank. Just in a blink of an eye things changed.

  Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour, God whispered.

  Recognizing the scripture as 1 Peter 5:8 from Sunday’s sermon on spiritual warfare, Jet shivered. She never imagined Satan’s next move would involve her. She stepped off the elevator, and forcing one foot in front of another, she made her way to her suite.

  Seconds after closing her door, Jet collapsed on the floor. The day’s events before and after the robbery swiveled in her head. At the bank, the man’s eyes seemed wild as they moved back and forth in a trancelike state. When he spoke, he scowled. Without God intervening, all of them would have been killed for what? Money?

  She cried out to Jesus and praised Him through her tears. “Lord, I could have died, but You spared me and the others.” The more she worshiped, the greater God’s presence could be felt until He filled her mouth with heavenly tongues. She poured out her soul to Him. When she was able to take charge of her tongue again, she thanked Him. She paused and thought about Rossi. He had proposed? That didn’t seem real either. She gathered some clothes and toiletries as she called Layla.

  “Are you calling me from inside your new abode?” she answered in a cheery voice.

  “No, I’m calling you from inside my hotel,” she choked. “Otherwise, I might be in a morgue.”

  “What?” her friend screamed.

  Rossi would have to wait because she planned to tell Layla every detail. “It was like special effects we see in movies, but it was so real that if I hadn’t seen it and lived through it, I wouldn’t even believe it myself.”

  “I’m booking my flight as soon as I hang up.” Layla sniffed. She sounded so scared. “You shouldn’t be alone.”

  “I won’t. I’m spending a few days at Mrs. Tolliver’s house.”

  “Ah…uh-huh, so what happened?”

  Shaking her head, Jet didn’t answer right away. “I was in the bank line to get my cashier’s check to close on the house. One minute everything is fine, the next my life is in danger. It’s one thing to have a gun pointing at your face. It’s another thing to see it fire at you, to hear the popping sound, and see the sparks.” She paused. “This morning it seemed as if God was telling me to build up my holy faith. Well, after today…” The blank stare of the gunman flashed in her mind. “I’m sticking with Jesus.”

  “Did you tell this to the police?”

  “Girl, once I realized the ordeal was over, I fainted. There were enough witnesses to talk to the police because we all survived.”

  “Wow…wow. I’m so glad nothing happened to you.” She was quiet, so Jet’s mind wandered until Layla spoke again. “So what did Minister Rossi have to say about all this?”

  “He said a lot, but mainly he proposed.” She got up and continued her packing.

  Layla screamed in Jet’s ear. “Proposed! And you’re just now telling me this? Girl, this is ‘the news’… I mean after you lived of course, but he proposed. Yeah, baby, so when is the wedding?”

  Now Jet laughed as she rolled her eyes. “I didn’t say yes.” She pulled tops from hangers and quickly folded them before placing them in the suitcase. She didn’t know how long she would stay—maybe a few days—but she always believed in over packing, even if it was for an overnight stay.

  “Please tell me you didn’t say no because, Jesetta Hutchens, I will personally strangle you. I’ve been waiting for this news ever since you first mentioned Rossi’s name three times in a sentence.”

  “Honestly, I can’t remember. Nothing seemed real.”

  “You may be alive, but you’re brain dead if you don’t say yes.” Layla paused. “Sorry, bad choice of words, but you know what I mean. So when are you closing on the house?”

  “I don’t know. Right now, I feel like I’m frozen in time.”

  “Well, you’d better thaw out real soon because Rossi isn’t the kind of man who has to beg a woman to marry him.”

  Hmphed. “He has met his match.” If her sister could have a fairytale romance and wedding, Jet wasn’t going to settle for anything less. “When we first met, I had hoped he would have flirted with me, but after a while, I accepted our friendship.” Her phone vibrated. “Hey, that’s my Prince Charming calling now.”

  “I’m the maid of honor!” Layla yelled before Jet hit End and answered the other line.

  “Are you okay?” He sounded worried. “It’s been one hour and thirty-two minutes.”

  “I was talking to Layla. Give me ten minutes.”

  When she disconnected, numerous texts flashed on her screen. Besides the three from Rossi, her heart warmed at the messages from church members she hadn’t interacted with regularly. She smiled.

  Praise the Lord for protection, Sister Hutchens. It was from the mother who helped her dress for the baptism.

  I was so scared, Sister Jet, but Minister Rossi taught us 2 pray not faint. I’m glad Jesus heard our prayers. Jet’s eyes misted at Erica's text, from the youth ministry. How did she know, or did Rossi send out a group text? She hoped the girl would never find out she had fainted.

  It would take her hours to go through all of the messages. A tear fell. Jet had no idea so many people cared about her. She noted the number of voicemails: five from unrecognizable numbers. She played the first one.

  “Sweetie, Rossi called me, and we began to pray. Hallelujah, Jesus answered and gave you a testimony…” Laura Tolliver. She had called a second time. She had decided to get in touch with Jet through Rossi, and that’s when she invited Jet to stay a few days with her.

  “Jet, this is Karyn. Everyone at Crowning Glory is glad you’re safe. We shut the door and had a prayer vigil during the standoff. Levi was beside himself. We kept Dori away from the television so as not to upset her.” There was a pause. “You’re important to us, Jet. Even if I didn’t know you personally, because of Dori, we’re part of one body of Christ. Well, I guess that’s it.” She disconnected.

  Jet choked. “Lord, I’m starting to see how being among the believers is so different.” It could rival a sorority, social club, or sports team. When it came to the saints of Christ, it was hard to be on opposing teams.” The last message was from American Poolplayers Association. She had been invited for a second interview. Jet took a deep breath and grinned. Somehow the devil had mixed mischief in with God’s blessings. But she had the victory. The house, the man, the possible job, and Karyn—a friend?

  Chapter 15

  Karyn had to be strong. That’s what she kept telling herself. She had to be there for her husband. The reality was she was scared for Jet when Levi called her.

  He arrived at the salon with a cheerful façade for Dori and bribed their children with videos and video games to occupy them in the office as the storm brewed outside. She had never seen her husband so shaken.

  She had immediately called a staff meeting and included the customers that were in the salon. “There’s a bank robbery in St. Louis. The gunman has hostages and… Dori’s aunt is inside.”

  Although Jet wasn’t Halo and Buttercup’s favorite person, Karyn saw the horror in her friends’ eyes. Buttercup gasped. Her hands shook as she covered her mouth. The others looked to one another. An elderly man who Halo was servicing spoke first. “When we committed crimes, it was for the money—”

  “Or drugs,” said Percy, another ex-offe
nder who worked at Crowning Glory.

  Halo growled. “Now, it’s for blood. The devil’s on a rampage and it’s time for us to stop him.”

  “Yep.” Karyn nodded. “Want to pray?”

  Levi locked the door and turned off the Open for Business sign in the window. They joined hands and lifted their voices to God, calling on the name of Jesus to protect everybody.

  At one point, Dori and Little Levi joined them as they enjoyed “playing church,” without knowing they were interceding on Jet’s behalf. Once they got tired, they retreated back into Karyn’s office.

  When Rossi notified Levi the gunman was dead, the security guard was in stable condition, and the other hostages were unharmed and released, the group turned their petitions into praise.

  “That could have been me,” Percy said, followed by murmurs from other staff workers.

  “Yes, any of us could have been hostages,” Karyn said.

  “Correction, any of us with felony records could have been that gunman who was shot dead. Thank You, Jesus, for second chances,” Halo said.

  There was a unanimous Amen throughout the group. The doors were unlocked, the open light was flickered on, and it was business as usual—not really.

  Now, hours later at home, Karyn and Levi snuggled under the covers after putting the children to bed, no wiser of the drama earlier. Levi held onto her tight—so tightly that she had to wiggle out of his embrace. “Are you okay, babe?”

  “I don’t know.” He stared at the ceiling. “I just relived seven years ago. I feel like I lost Diane twice today.” He sighed and shook his head as if he was tangling with a dentist over a tooth extraction.

  Scooting up, she watched the tormented expression on Levi’s face. She kissed his forehead and soothed away his frown lines. “The most important thing is Jet and the other hostages are safe.”

  “I know. You’re right.” He closed his eyes. “Our little girl could have lost her aunt.”

  “But God said no, and Rossi took Jet to his mother’s house. She was pretty shaken up.” Karyn couldn’t help but wonder how Jet was really faring. Even if she never called Karyn back, Dori’s aunt would know of her concern.

  Soon, she heard her husband’s light snore. Before closing her eyes, Karyn prayed Jet would see her as a saint on the Lord’s side and not a sinner on the gunman’s. However, if Jet wanted to lash out at Karyn again because of the actions of another person, God help them both. Karyn didn’t know if she would turn the other cheek this time.


  The next morning, Jet woke to the smell of biscuits. Sitting up in bed, she adjusted her eyes to the light peeping through the curtains and surveyed the room to get her bearings. Instead of her hotel room or the Victorian home, she was a guest of the elder Tollivers. She had spent the night in Rossi’s childhood bedroom, which had been converted to a guest room.

  “I’m alive,” she whispered as the bank robbery ordeal flashed before her. It is My mercies men are not consumed, God whispered back.

  Lamentations 3:22–23. Rossi had shared those verses with her more than once. “Because His compassions fail not,” he had told her. “They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.”

  “Thank You, Lord, for showing me the magnitude of Your power.” After throwing the covers back, she slid to her knees. “If I never see another miracle, I know that scripture is true. Thank You for saving me and sparing me…”

  Over the past month she had learned to take her time petitioning the Lord. When she concluded with “Amen,” she smiled. One thing was for certain, she loved Jesus…and surprisingly Rossi, and she didn’t see that coming. When did and what made her attraction for him change? The man was one of a kind for sure. After making her bed, she pushed the horror of the day before aside and reached for her phone to call the manager at American Poolplayers Association. “Good morning. This is Jesetta Hutchens.”

  “Thanks for calling us back. If you’re still interested in the position, I have an opening next Wednesday,”

  “That works for me.” They ended the call minutes later after the woman told her what to bring to the interview. Next, Jet showered, dressed, then followed the aroma downstairs to the kitchen. To her amazement, Rossi sat at the table with his parents and Chaz. His youngest brother was home from college for the summer. At twenty-five, Chaz had changed his major several times from medicine to business and now dentistry. Of all the Tolliver sons, Chaz seemed the least serious about life and God, according to Rossi.

  Everyone but Chaz looked up.

  “Good morning,” Rossi and his mother said in unison.

  “How did you sleep, dear?” Laura asked.

  “Surprisingly well. Thank you.” Jet was about to grab on to the back on the chair across from Rossi, but he stood and pulled out the one next to him. He winked.

  “Thanks,” she mumbled to keep from blushing. “What are you doing here?” she asked him, reaching for a plate. She piled it with a biscuit, bacon, fruit, and a scoop of eggs.

  “You’re here, so I’m here.” He seemed to puff out his chest while their audience snickered. “I wanted to make sure you were alright.” His tender expression softened her heart.

  I’m in the house with your parents. You stayed last night until I yawned. What did you expect? Me to escape? Those musings she held to herself.

  The elder Rossi cleared his throat. “I guess my eldest son doesn’t think Chaz and I can fend off intruders.” His brother nodded but kept eating. No wonder he was the thickest of all the Tollivers sons, but it didn’t take away from his attractiveness.

  “I’m backup.” Rossi grinned. “What are your plans for the day?”

  She paused to say her grace before answering. “Besides rescheduling my closing date, I have to go see Dori—give her a hug and kiss.” And thank Karyn for calling yesterday, she thought, then shrugged. “There are a few other things to do.” She switched the subject. “I do have good news, I have a second job interview next week.”

  “You can stop with the interview process altogether,” Rossi said in a serious tone. “I’ll hire you in a minute—create whatever position you need. With your background in finance, we can use you.”

  Touched by his generous offer, she smiled. “You’re the chief financial officer, and you have an accounting manager. You don’t need to make room for me, but thank you. I have a good feeling about the American Poolplayers Association.”

  Chaz looked up. “You play?”

  When she advised him no, he reached for another helping of grits. “I’ve played for two years in college. I was good too. It looks easier than it is—”

  Rossi commanded her attention. “If you change your mind about…the job or my other offer, say the word,” he said, then took a sip of his juice, watching her. “It will be a done deal.”

  His gaze made her shiver. She was glad when his mother changed the subject, even if it was revisiting yesterday’s events.

  “You sure have a testimony, dear,” Laura stated, then grasped her hands. “I’m so glad God spared your life.”

  What made my life more special than my sister’s? she wondered, but didn’t ask. Who could answer that but the Lord Himself. She exhaled. “Me too, but that’s a test I don’t want to re-take.” She shivered. “I think about the evil on that man’s face and wonder if this was what my sister saw her last minutes on this earth.” She choked, and Rossi’s strong hand softly massaged her back.

  “The human psyche is unpredictable. Maybe I should switch to psychology,” Chaz stated, breaking the moment of silence.

  “No!” the Tollivers snapped in unison. Even Jet chuckled.

  Rossi checked the time on his phone. “I guess I’d better get to the office before Levi sends out a search party for me.” He didn’t move right away. “Yep, I’d better go.” Seconds ticked off before he stood, gathered his dishes, and took them to the kitchen.

  Returning to the dining room, Rossi slapped his brother on his back, shook hands with his father, kissed his mo
ther, then turned his attention to her. His eyes sparkled with mischief.

  What was this man about to do in front of his parents? He planted a kiss on Jet’s head. When she shifted in her chair to hide the shivers he caused, she caught sight of his mother’s pleased expression.

  His dad was the next to leave for the golf course, his new pastime since retirement. Jet helped Laura tidy the kitchen after Chaz left to do whatever he was going to do. “You are welcome to stay here as long as you want.”

  “Thank you, but I don’t want to be a bother. I feel like a nomad since moving away. I lived with my best friend, and I’ve been at the hotel for a month…I’m ready for the next chapter of my life.”

  Laura nodded, then gave Jet her full attention. “I was sad when you moved away, and I kept you on my prayer list.”

  The revelation brought tears to Jet’s eyes, and she swallowed. “I felt invisible, like no one would notice my absence.”

  “No, sweetie. You were missed. C’mon, let’s have some girl time now all the men are gone.” She wandered into the sunroom and Jet followed. She loved the openness of the room and the plants strategically angled for the best sunlight. Jet couldn’t wait to get her place decorated.

  “You see, I didn’t have any sisters. When I married into the Tolliver family, wives became my sisters. Although there has never been any real competition, I watched Sharon welcome Diane into the family for Levi and then Tia for Seth…” she faded off with a whimsical expression. “I prayed and asked God to send me some daughters, not daughters-in-law, but daughters.”

  Jet felt a kindred spirit. She was touched. Choking back her own emotions, she scooted next to Laura and hugged her.

  “When you returned, I claimed you for myself, so I’m here to talk, shop, and lunch with.”

  “I’d like that.” They began to discuss decorating websites, losing track of time until Jet’s phone chimed Rossi’s ringtone.

  “Whatcha doin’?” he asked in a playful manner that made her chuckle.


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