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Hot, Wild & Crazy [Loving in Silver 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 4

by Lynn Stark

  Maggie had needs, but she had put them on a shelf and locked the closet door. It was difficult to ignore them at times, especially when they were letting her know exactly what she was missing out on. Now she had three handsome men to fantasize about. It didn’t make her celibate lifestyle any easier to live with.

  Chuckling, she got busy gathering everything up and packing.

  After cleaning and taking everything to her truck, Maggie went back inside. Though she had been left alone most of the day, there had been more than a dozen employees training in other rooms. The scent of meat cooking had kept her stomach rumbling. Dobbie, the previous owner, was teaching his grilling and smoking techniques. He would help out for a couple of months, to help assure that the place was on track. Having heard the gossip around town, Maggie knew people were eager for the restaurant to open. It was a sign that business would be good.

  Walking through to the kitchen, she grinned as she saw Max, Sean, and Ethan lined up at a stainless counter. Dobbie was standing behind them, giving instructions. They were all wearing what had once been white aprons, but were now covered with more sauce than the ribs and chicken. They were also wearing little white paper caps on their heads. They were all sexy in their kitchen wear. As she came in the three men looked in her direction. Huge grins spread across their handsome faces. Her heart began to beat a little faster. Her nipples puckered into hard knots and her pussy, well, it began quivering in a way it never had before. Yeah, needs. She could feel them.

  “We have your order ready,” Max told her, giving her a smile that reached all the way to her toes. They curled in her shoes and she took a deep, soothing breath. “Do you want drinks to go with those?”

  Maggie smiled and shook her head. “No, thanks. You guys sure do get into your work.” She glanced around. She recognized all the faces. It was one of the nice things about living in a town like Silver. “The kids are going to ride later. Care to come over to watch?”

  If her children didn’t get to go riding tonight, they would probably riot. She had told them that they had to wait until they got new helmets, which had earned her a lot of groaning, whining, and pleading. She had picked those up at the tack shop during the break she had taken for lunch.

  The three men nodded, all smiling. “Is this our first date? Because there’s no rule that says a man, or men, have to do all the asking.” Ethan asked, moving around the counter as he carried boxes of food to another counter, where he bagged it.

  Laughing, Maggie shook her head. “If you guys want to call this our first date, I’ll agree to that. See you after a bit.”

  “I’ll carry this out for you,” Ethan told her, pulling the bags away when she reached for them.

  Very aware of the man following her, Maggie left the restaurant and walked to her truck. She could swear she could feel Ethan staring at her ass. Though she wasn’t overly self-conscious about her weight, she did wonder how long they would remain interested. What were they looking for, other than a romp in bed? She wasn’t a nitwit. She knew what their initial interest in her was. Hell, it was her initial interest in them, so she couldn’t fault them. But could it become more?

  This “first date” that they were having this evening, was a good place to start. Maggie would, however, keep her children out of the picture as much as she could. She didn’t want them to form attachments to the three men. She didn’t want to get their hopes up. They were at an age where they realized they didn’t have a father, or fathers, like other kids did. It had been mentioned on several occasions lately and it hurt Maggie that they were missing out on something so basic as the love and guidance of a father. She was doing a great job raising her children. No one could find fault with the manner in which she was doing so. Still, having a partner to help would provide balance.

  As Ethan put the bags on the rear floor of the SUV, Maggie looked at him, trying to gauge how he fit into their lives. She knew she was older than the three men by a few years. It wasn’t a large gap. Still, it was there. She hadn’t dated any of them while in high school. They had been major goofballs. Teenage boys were like that and they had been a trio going through life as if they didn’t have a care in the world.

  Straightening and closing the door, Ethan gave her a warm smile. “I’m looking forward to our date,” he told her, sounding very sincere. There was a sparkle in his eyes, giving her a promise of things to come.

  “I am, too,” Maggie told him and she was. She felt a surge of anticipation and suddenly wanted to go home so she could get ready for their visit.

  Standing so close, she felt the heat coming off his big body. She had to look up, too. Since she was above average in height for a woman at five foot nine, she liked having to look up at them. Ethan had to be about six foot three or four. Sean and Max were even taller than he was. Standing beside the men made her feel small. Not dainty, just smaller.

  “We’ll see you later,” he said as she got into the SUV and he closed the door. She looked into his warm brown eyes. “We shouldn’t be too long.”

  Maggie nodded. “I have to pick up the kids at daycare. It’ll be a lively ride home. I made the mistake of telling them they would be riding tonight.” She started the engine and Ethan stepped back. She grinned and shook her head. “I’ll never learn.”

  “I suppose it takes practice. There are thirteen kids in my family. I know we drove our moms and dads crazy at times. You’ll get the hang of it.” Ethan slapped the door of the truck. It was a man thing, she guessed. She knew a lot of men who did it, for whatever mysterious reason. He stepped back with a happy grin on his face. “We’ll see you after a bit,” he promised.

  Driving away, Maggie was feeling confident about her decision to date the three men. She, however, forgot all about them as she arrived at the daycare. As she parked the SUV in the parking lot, she looked at the building and saw three little faces in the front window. She saw them cheer and jump down, disappearing. They were at the door by the time she was walking up the sidewalk.

  Hugs and kisses were the big joys of her life. Maggie lived for them. When she straightened she looked at Christy, the owner of the daycare. “And how were my angels today?” she asked.

  “They all got gold stars today. That’s three days in a row.”

  “Danny bit Emily again,” Brant announced, scowling.

  Emily held up the wounded hand for their mother to examine. There were teeth marks. “Miss Christy put medsin on it,” she told Maggie. “I don’t like Danny. He’s mean.”

  “I’ll kick his butt,” Samuel announced. “He better not do it again.”

  Maggie and Christy exchanged glances. “Nobody is kicking anyone’s butt,” Maggie told her sons firmly. They were very protective of their sister, even though she was quite capable of taking care of herself. She had proved it more than once. “That’s for Miss Christy to sort out. Now, let’s get you home so you can eat supper. Thanks, Christy. They’ll be back next week.” They usually only attended daycare three days a week. At almost four, they would be starting preschool in the fall and would go every day, for a few hours in the morning.

  Her children skipped and hopped out to the SUV, as energetic as they had been that morning. It was amazing and she was completely envious. They clambered in when she opened the door, getting into their seats without a fuss. They knew she wouldn’t drive if they weren’t strapped into their car seats and fussing.

  Of course Samuel, Brant, and Emily wanted to run out to the barn to see their ponies. Maggie nipped that idea in the bud immediately. If she wasn’t reasonably strict with them, they tended to try to walk all over her. She was definitely outnumbered and they knew it.

  After washing up and putting play clothes on, they helped her carry everything they would need to eat out at the picnic table. One carried paper plates, another carried the cups, and the third carried the flatware and napkins. Maggie carried the bags of food and a pitcher of lemonade. They were nearly set up when a huge pick-up truck pulled in. There were squeals of delight
when the three men got out. Her children went to greet them, bouncing up and down and chattering away. All three men, having grown up in large families, were used to children. It was another thing in their favor. Coping with kids wouldn’t necessarily be a problem for any of them.

  Each man bent to kiss her on the cheek as they reached her. Three pairs of eyes watched with fascination and she could feel herself blush under her children’s scrutiny.

  “You kissed our mama,” Samuel said, frowning, sounding slightly disapproving.

  “You didn’t kiss me,” Emily said with a pout, folding her arms across her chest.

  “Do you like to kiss girls?” Brant asked curiously, though with something of a sour expression on his face.

  Maggie didn’t know whether to laugh or lock them up in the house until the men were gone. She could see many embarrassing moments in her future. It was inevitable.

  “It’s time for supper. Mr. Ethan, Mr. Sean, and Mr. Max will be sharing it with us. Won’t that be nice?” Three heads bobbed vigorously. “They made the food we’ll be eating. It’s from their new restaurant. Now, why don’t you get in your places and I’ll fill your plates for you.”

  Two ribs and coleslaw went on each plate. The men filled their own plates almost to overflowing from the bags of food they had brought with them. Once everyone was settled into place they said grace before eating. It wasn’t long before small faces and hands were covered with sauce.

  “Did you really make the food?” Emily asked Max, seeming amazed.

  “Yes, I did. But Sean and Ethan helped.”

  Samuel patted his stomach with a messy hand. “Mama’s ribs are blech!” He made a face. “She can’t cook ribs.”

  Maggie blushed but nodded. “What he says is true. I can’t get the sauce right.”

  “Mama makes good pudding and pancakes,” Brant said, defending his mother’s abilities in the kitchen. “And applesauce. She cuts up apples and cooks them.”

  Max groaned. “I love homemade applesauce,” he told them, smiling at Maggie.

  “There was a worm in my apple.”

  Conversations that included children could go in any direction. Since they had a natural tendency to love anything which was icky or creepy, the three children and three men began talking about things Maggie would rather not have heard about. Deciding it was an opportunity to clean up, she began stacking paper plates. Sean got up to help her while Ethan and Max entertained, listening to tales of worms, spiders, and the occasional snake.

  Once inside the house with Sean, Maggie felt her awareness of the man spike. Her pulse began to race and her nipples became hard points against the fabric of her bra. She didn’t move away when Sean leaned close and his hand swept down the line of her spine. She shivered and closed her eyes. He was the largest of the three men and towered over her. She felt positively delicate beside him.

  With her pussy clenching and her breathing becoming shallow, Maggie waited expectantly. She wasn’t disappointed. Sean pushed the heavy mass of curls back, revealing her neck. A moan escaped her when he bent and began kissing her skin, nibbling here and there, the tip of his tongue tracing the edge of her ear. Strong teeth finished her off by biting the lobe of her ear and tugging firmly. Pleasure swept over her in hot waves. It had been so long that she had been intimate with a man that even the smallest things were able to delight her senses.

  “Why are you biting my mama?” If a childish voice could produce a growl, Samuel’s had it.

  Maggie jumped away from Sean as if she had been stung. She felt the heat of her embarrassment burning her face.

  “It’s okay, baby.” How did she explain this one? She frowned. Maybe she didn’t have to. She would try distraction. “Do you and your brother and sister have your boots on?” He shook his head vigorously. “No? You need to get ready. I have your new helmets in the SUV.”

  It worked. Samuel instantly forgot about why Sean was biting her to go running for his brother and sister. Standing at the back door, he yelled for them at the top of his lungs. Sean chuckled as he stepped away from her. She gave him a reproving stare.

  “That was slick,” he said, obviously complimenting her.

  Grimacing, Maggie shook her head. “I’d rather not be slick. If we’re going to do this, I want to keep it completely G-rated while we’re around my children. They’re old enough to figure some things out. I would rather not get their hopes up.”

  She watched as a thick blond eyebrow quirked upward as Sean looked at Maggie curiously. “Get their hopes up about what?”

  “Getting fathers,” she told him bluntly and saw the understanding in his blue eyes. “They’ve been asking why they don’t have one. It’s not easy to explain something like that, though I’ve tried.”

  “Then we’ll be on our best behavior,” Sean promised, smiling warmly.

  Samuel, Brant, and Emily rode for about an hour. Maggie was always surprised how well they did, their riding skills improving steadily. The ponies were more agreeable to being ridden than she had expected them to be. There were moments when their stubborn natures surfaced, but it only gave her children a chance to figure out how to get the animals to cooperate. If they couldn’t, the men stepped in to help them out before they became frustrated. It was a very good time for all involved.

  Once the ponies were groomed and put away, Maggie started a small fire in the fire pit on the flagstone patio. Samuel led the way inside to wash up while she went to get marshmallows and the sticks on which to cook them. Normally her kids would be heading in for baths, but having guests gave them extra time for play.

  Maggie wasn’t surprised when they asked the men to help them cook their marshmallows. Small bodies wriggled between knees as marshmallows were held carefully over the low flames. Emily oohed and giggled, covering her mouth with her tiny hands as she watched…and watched, squealing in horror when hers burst into flame. She began waving her hands and puffing until Max put out the fire. After all that she declared she loved burned marshmallows and accepted it as he pulled it off.

  By the time they were finished with the treats the yawning began. They had had a long day. She instructed them to thank Sean, Max, and Ethan for the yummy ribs and coleslaw, and for helping with the riding, before they headed inside for baths.

  “We’ll hang around, if you don’t mind,” Max said. He inclined his head toward the fire. “This is nice.”

  Maggie smiled. “I don’t mind. There’s beer in the refrigerator in my studio. It’s not locked. Help yourselves. Look around, too, if you like. I just finished some new pottery.”

  A small thrill, tempered by the reality that this was just the beginning, ran through Maggie as she monitored bath time. The boys went first, promising not to make a mess, as they scrubbed themselves with soapy washcloths. She rinsed them off, lifted them out, and then wrapped them in towels. They headed for their bedroom as Emily climbed into the tub and waited for Maggie to wash her hair.

  Fifteen minutes later she had them tucked into bed. Sleepy smiles, kisses, and hugs were given. She asked if they wanted a story and they said yes. Sitting in a chair in the hall between the two rooms, she chose one of their favorite books. By the time she finished it the three were asleep.

  Taking a deep breath, Maggie put the book away and reached up to try to tame her hair. It was wild at the best of times, so she really had no hope of getting it to cooperate. She went outside to see the Max, Ethan, and Sean sitting near the fire. Max and Ethan were on the long couch. It was a soft aqua and very comfy. They were holding hands and leaning against each other. It was no secret that the men had been lovers since high school. She could remember how many girls had been heartbroken at the time. There had probably been some guys who had suffered, too. Sean was on a second couch. He wiggled his eyebrows at her and patted the place beside him.

  Smiling, Maggie walked around until she reached the couch. She was aware of their gazes following her and again she wondered if they liked what they saw. She knew she liked what she was
seeing. The obvious affection between the men was a good thing. They weren’t hiding who they were.

  When Maggie sat down, Sean closed the gap between them. A long, muscular arm slid over the back of the couch, behind her shoulders. While she was tempted to lean into him, she held her position. It would be too easy to allow herself to relax and soak in Sean’s heat. His nearness was driving her senses crazy. It had been too long since she had enjoyed the strength of a man’s embrace. His male scent was filling her nostrils. She could only imagine the taste of his warm skin. When she felt the saliva filling her mouth, Maggie quickly changed the course of her thoughts.

  The little faces pressed against the window also helped to quickly cool Maggie’s ardor. Not wanting to make a big deal out of sitting with three men, she smiled and waved. They smiled and waved back, before disappearing.

  The men laughed as she got up. “I should go see that they’re not up to no good.”

  They rose to their feet and headed in her direction. “We better get going. Your day’s been long enough,” Max said, bending to place a soft kiss on her mouth. Ethan was next. His kiss was a little involved and Max yanked him back. “Down, boy!” Ethan snickered and grinned at her.

  Maggie shook her head as she laughed. It was Sean’s turn. She went up on tiptoe as he bent to kiss her. “Night, Maggie. Can we take you out to supper tomorrow night?”

  “We promise it won’t be ribs,” Max added.

  “Tomorrow night is good. Seven o’clock?”

  Ethan went in for another kiss. Maggie’s lips burned from the heat. She could imagine how much fun the guy was in bed. “Seven o’clock is perfect. We’ll see you then.”

  Maggie watched them go, regret niggling at her. Now that her libido had been stirred to life, it would be difficult to ignore it. Still, that didn’t mean she was going to jump into bed with the three men. While she didn’t regret her sexually adventurous days during her twenties, she wasn’t going to relive them.


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