Del's Pirates

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Del's Pirates Page 5

by Rachel Clark

  The three women worked together to get the meal completed and Cooper arrived just as the lunch crowd was starting to thin. “Your afternoon off, Avery-girl,” he said in a voice that brooked no argument. G’darlee and G’deece waved her away and she couldn’t really think of a reason not to leave. The two women had the kitchen well in hand and she and Ruth were only an intercom call away.

  “Okay,” she said quickly. “Thank you.”

  “No worries,” G’deece said, sounding more human than G’trobian these days. “We’ll call if we have any problems.” G’darlee rolled her eyes at her sister’s words and waved good-bye to Avery and Cooper.

  As soon as they were out of the kitchen, Cooper pressed her against the wall and kissed her like he wanted to inhale her. His lips caressed hers feverishly, his tongue mimicking what they both wanted. Eventually, they broke apart, gasping for air. “I missed you, Avery-girl,” he said as he grabbed her hand and led her down the corridor.

  “It’s only been six hours.” She grinned as he pulled her closer.

  “True, but I only have an hour before I need to be back and I plan to have you and Del so exhausted that you’ll sleep all afternoon.”

  “Oh,” she said as need wound through her. Her body felt like she’d touched a live wire. Just the thought of what the three of them were likely to do made her tingle all over. A small internal voice worried that they were about to alter their comfortable friendship irrevocably, but the idea of being loved by these two incredible men was something she couldn’t resist.

  They made it to the medical bay in record time and Avery smiled when she saw the look on Del’s face. Obviously, he’d been expecting them. He glanced at the chronometer, spoke quickly to Sarah, and then hustled them out of the medical bay without a word.

  “I’ve got a couple of hours,” he said, glancing at Cooper. “But Sarah will call me if there’s an emergency.”

  “Well we better not waste any time, then.” Cooper grinned widely before lifting Avery into his arms and speeding up their walking pace. Cooper was a big man, his height and long legs eating up the distance probably as fast as Avery could run. Despite not being quite as tall, Del had no trouble keeping up.

  They headed straight to Cooper’s room, the closest to their current location, went through the door in a hurry, and let it slide closed behind them. Avery found herself sandwiched between the men, her feet barely touching the floor as Cooper held her close and Del kissed her like she was the most precious thing in the world. When he broke the kiss, he leaned over her shoulder and kissed Cooper the same way.

  Liquid heat pulsed through her body as she watched her best friends kiss. It was hotter than anything she’d ever seen before, but she couldn’t stay still. She managed to get Del’s shirt undone and was in the process of lifting it off his shoulders when Cooper stepped back slightly and dragged her too-big uniform down her legs.

  She yelped in surprise and turned to see the teasing glint in his eyes. “Kiss him, Avery-girl,” he instructed as he wrapped his hands around her middle and lifted the shirt over her head. Slightly embarrassed to not be wearing undergarments despite the fact that both men had seen her naked only a few hours ago, she wrapped her arms around Del, pressing herself against his warm chest.

  Cooper removed her shoes and helped her to kick the pants off her feet before stepping closer and pressing his hard cock against the soft flesh of her ass. “We plan to make love to you, Avery-girl. Would that be okay?”

  She nodded enthusiastically. “More than okay.”

  Del stepped away, stripped his own clothing off, and then helped her onto the bed. She lay on her back, Del beside her, his head propped on his bent arm as he caressed her stomach lightly. “We don’t have to do this now,” he said in a reassuring voice. “You can take all the time you need to be certain this is what you want.”

  She gave him a look that she hoped squashed that notion. She didn’t want to wait. She’d waited long enough, dreamed long enough. Yesterday’s reminder that life could be changed in an instant made her need even more urgent.

  “Now. Please,” she said as she wound a hand behind Del’s neck and guided his mouth to her own.

  “Good answer, Avery-girl,” Cooper said. She could hear him stripping off his clothes and she smiled when she felt him climb onto the end of the bed. She gasped into Del’s mouth when Cooper pushed her legs wide and managed to wedge his shoulders in between her knees. His warm breath on her mound was quickly followed by his tongue on her wet pussy. He caressed her leisurely, his fingers holding her open as he pushed inside her and then licked all the way up to her clit. She writhed as he suckled the hard nub and cried out when Del followed Cooper’s lead and began licking her breasts.

  He held one breast in his warm hand, his fingers teasing the nipple as his tongue caressed the other. She gasped, the feeling so intense that she tried to wriggle away. But they held her tight between them, the forced immobility strangely erotic simply because it came from men she loved.

  Heat swirled in her belly, her clit throbbing in time with her pulse, the blood rushing through her veins as tingles spread outward from the places they feasted. She could feel herself rocking against the mattress, the strange urge to undulate almost overwhelming as Cooper thrust his fingers deep into her pussy and sucked hard on her clit.

  Her muscles shook as heat burst outward, the explosive release of her climax taking them all by surprise. She panted, gasping for air as every molecule in her body vibrated her release. She didn’t even realize she was crying until Cooper slid up the bed and pulled her into his embrace.

  “Shh, Avery-girl. It’s okay. We’re here. Del and I are both here.”

  She felt a little silly and half sobbed, half laughed in response. “That…that was…incredible.”

  “Good to know,” Cooper said with a wink to Del. “We’ll be certain to do that quite often.” He caressed her face, wiping the tears from her eyes. “I need to make love to you, Avery.”

  She nodded, glancing at Del as he nodded with her. Cooper wrapped an arm around Del, pulled him closer, kissed him like the world was coming to an end, and somehow managed to press his hard cock against her pussy at the same time. She lifted up, inviting him into her body, urging him to thrust hard and deep. But he slid into her slowly, his thick cock stretching her even as Del played with her clit.

  She closed her eyes, barely able to believe that she was here, exactly where she needed to be—with both of her men. Cooper worked his thick cock into her pussy, pulling out slightly and thrusting back in a little deeper, a little harder, a little faster.

  She moaned as Del began to kiss her, his hands roaming over her body, caressing and inflaming every part that he touched. She could feel another orgasm winding her tighter, pulling her higher, freeing her from the constraints of her body.

  Fully seated, Cooper stopped moving. He held her tight, the grip on her thighs and buttocks almost painful. Orgasm swirled closer. “I’m sorry, Avery-girl, but I want you too much. I’m not going to last.”

  He pulled out, thrust back in, groaned, and did it again. Over and over he slammed into her willing flesh, his grunts nearly guttural as he lifted her higher. He nodded at Del, some sort of signal, because Del pushed his hand between them, his fingers finding her clit again, the pressure thrilling her as her focus began to splinter. She screamed as her orgasm exploded through her, every muscle shaking as her vision blurred and her entire world narrowed to only these two men.

  Cooper grunted, his cock swelling even as her pussy muscles caressed him. She felt his cum pulse deep into her body as he collapsed forward, his full weight pressing against her briefly before he lifted himself on his hands.

  His arms shook with a fine tremor as he leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “I love you, Avery-girl.”

  Those pesky tears filled her eyes once more and she nodded as she wrapped her arms around him. “I love you, too,” she whispered.

  * * * *

  Del couldn’t
quite believe how incredibly satisfied he felt just watching Cooper make love to Avery. She was so beautiful in climax that Del had barely contained his own need. But when Cooper started whispering instructions to Avery that included her rolling from the bed and grabbing the small jar of oil that Cooper seemed to have liberated from the kitchen, every inch of Del’s skin felt like he was on fire.

  He wanted Cooper to make love to him with a need that went beyond anything he’d ever felt before. He’d never been with another man and yet something about his best friend called to him.

  As Avery went to grab the oil, Cooper helped Del to his knees, a firm grip on the back of his neck pushing his mouth toward Cooper’s slightly softened cock. “Get me hard again, babe,” he instructed as Del leaned over and licked the warm, slippery cream from Avery’s pussy that still coated Cooper’s cock. “She tastes delicious, doesn’t she?” Del nodded his agreement and opened his lips to take Cooper into his mouth. He tried to remember everything that Cooper had done for him earlier, but the addictive taste of both his lovers distracted him and he found himself dipping lower and lower to lick at every last drop.

  “Whoa, enough,” Cooper said with a wheezing sort of laugh as he pulled his cock from Del’s mouth. “And here I thought you’d never been with a man before.”

  Del shook his head, wanting Cooper to know how much this meant to him. “No, only you,” he blurted rather anxiously. But he shouldn’t have worried. Cooper simply smiled, eased Del onto his back, and then kissed him with a ferocity that had them both gasping for air. Cooper moved over him, pushing Del’s legs apart, and he settled between them.

  “We’ll take it slow,” he promised with a soft kiss. He rubbed his cock against Del’s, the warm, slippery feel of his own saliva that still coated Cooper making the sensation more incredible. Avery crawled back onto the bed, her gaze glued to their cocks.

  “Come here, Avery-girl,” Cooper ordered as he beckoned her to them with his outstretched hand. She came to them with a shy smile on her face, but she moved to lie beside Del and wrapped her hand around his cock. “That’s it,” Cooper encouraged her. He winked at Del. “Avery is going to make sure you have something else to think about while I make certain you’re prepared.”

  Cooper tipped the oil into his palm and gently massaged the cool liquid into Del’s balls. The sensation felt strange, unusual, Cooper’s hand moving slowly as he moved lower. Finally, a thick, lubricated finger touched the pucker of Del’s anus and he moaned as pleasure swelled outward. He’d long been curious about anal sex, yet hadn’t quite gotten around to self-experimentation.

  But as the thick finger pushed past the ring of muscle, Del had no thoughts other than the sensation bursting like fizzy bubbles in his gut. His cock grew harder, the gentle caress from Avery’s hand doubling his pleasure as Cooper’s finger thrust in and out of his ass slowly.

  “Okay?” Cooper asked. When Del nodded, Cooper pushed a second finger deep into Del’s ass, the slight stretching, burning sensation lasting only a moment before warmth radiated outward once more. By the time he added a third finger, Del was pushing down, wanting, needing more.

  “Please,” he begged as he watched Cooper drizzle more oil over his cock. Del watched, fascinated, as Avery moved to smooth the slick liquid over Cooper’s thick erection before returning her attention to Del. But when Cooper moved, adjusting Del’s position, lifting his ass higher so that he could press his hard, slippery cock against his back passage, Del could barely contain his excitement.

  “Now that is what I wanted to see,” Cooper said as he pressed the thick head of his cock into Del’s ass. His slow movement and watchful gaze made Del feel more loved, more cherished than he ever had before. Avery’s caress on his cock grew a little firmer, a little faster. Cooper grunted as he pushed in, holding still a moment before pulling back and thrusting a little deeper. Again and again Cooper thrust into Del’s ass, each time getting harder, deeper, growing faster, the sensations more intense, more delicious, making Del want more, need more.

  “Come for us,” Cooper demanded as he thrust harder, pulling Del onto his cock, Cooper’s big hands gripping Del’s thighs in a tight grip.

  Tingling heat filled his balls, his cum spurting from him a moment later to coat his stomach and Avery’s hand.

  Cooper gave him a curious look, but then groaned and gripped Del harder, thrusting deep into his ass as his own orgasm claimed him. Avery stared at her hand, a slight smile gracing her lips as she swirled her finger through Del’s cum.

  Finally spent, Cooper dropped forward, trapping Avery’s hand between them, smearing Del’s cum over them all as he kissed Del softly. “I love you,” he said with a wide grin as he lifted up, “but you could’ve warned us that your cum is blue.” Avery giggled as she leaned over to press a kiss to his lips.

  Del felt his own laughter bubble up in response to his best friends’ mirth and realized that no matter how much this changed things between the three of them, they were all still the close friends they’d been yesterday.

  * * * *

  Cooper lay over the top of his best friend, his cock slowly softening in the man’s ass, and had never felt more content. This was where he belonged. This was where he needed to be. He leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to Avery’s lips and then glanced at the chronometer and groaned. He barely had enough time to get cleaned up before he needed to get back to engineering.

  “Come on, you two, shower.” He coaxed them both into his arms, the three of them weaving tiredly into the bathing area and into the waterless shower. Avery leaned against Cooper as Del took over and set about getting them all clean. Del’s caring nature was more than obvious and his gentle stroking motions set Cooper’s mind aflame with all the things the three of them could share in a lifetime together.

  Assuming that they lived that long. With the events of yesterday, a long, happy life seemed unlikely. How ironic that the thing to push them all together could be the one thing that could tear them apart.

  Del caressed Avery’s face lovingly and Cooper couldn’t help the swell of pride he felt for his lovers. Unlike Cooper, neither of these two had chosen this life. Yet somehow, not only had they managed to move forward from the hurts of the past, they’d also dedicated themselves to the cause of saving others from the fate they’d suffered.

  After everything Del had been through, nobody would’ve thought any less of him if he’d simply moved to the planet of his people, Pendaria, and lived out the rest of his life in relative peace. Cooper had seen the haunted look in his friend’s eyes a time or two, but Del was always quick to replace it with determination.

  Avery denied anything had happened to her in the short time she’d been held as a slave, but Ruth was especially protective of her and they seemed to share a bond, or maybe an experience, of which neither had ever spoken.

  Hopefully, his love would go a little way toward healing Del and Avery both.

  Chapter Four

  “So what happens now?” Del asked Tee-ani. They’d spent the last three days treating most of the crew. Just about everyone had needed some form of medical attention.

  “I don’t know,” she said, shaking her head. Her hair had started to grow back so she’d cut the rest short and dyed it deep gold. The color and short cut suited her but he’d grown so used to her blonde hair dyed purple that every time he looked at her he was struck anew by how many things had changed in so short a time. “Keytark won’t stop until he destroys us so we really have no choice but to destroy him first.”

  “But we’ve spent four cycles trying to disrupt the slave trade in this sector, with only limited success. How in Lukilo’s name will we manage a full-on assault?”

  “I’m not sure,” she said, shaking her head, “but I have learned never to underestimate the members of this crew.”

  Del nodded in agreement. The crew was full of amazing people. Granted, he didn’t have much for comparison, having spent most of his life as a slave, but Jordan had built a team of people
with the most incredible skills Del had ever imagined.

  If anyone was equipped to defeat Keytark it was probably the people aboard this ship. That was assuming, of course, that the man—no, the creature—was beatable in the first place. Keytark and his followers might be sentient beings, but they sure had nothing in common with the men and women aboard this vessel.

  “How are Avery and Cooper doing?” Del smiled. Tee-ani was a good friend and caring doctor and her concern for all the crew was obvious.

  “Still working nonstop.” In the past few days, Avery had spent almost every moment repairing, scrubbing, cleaning, and cooking for the entire crew, and Cooper had barely left the engineering area. Del understood they all needed to keep working, but he worried his lovers were going to work their way into exhaustion.

  “Battle stations!”

  Again the warning rang through the ship. Several times in the past few days they’d been attacked by a ship from Keytark’s fleet. Fortunately, they’d only run into them one at a time, but because they were also disguised as merchant ships they were damn hard to pick out. The only point in their favor had been that Devlin and Cooper had been able to reinforce and change the ship’s security and frequency codes so Keytark hadn’t been able to bypass their ability to defend themselves again.

  Del sent a brief prayer to Lukilo, Pendarian god of mercy, and went back to work. His instincts clawed at him to go find Avery and Cooper, but neither of them would appreciate his hovering. They were grown adults, capable of doing their jobs, very aware now of the price they could pay, but still willing to do what they felt was right.

  Several tense minutes ticked by. Even after three cycles on this ship Del still couldn’t get used to the idea that the ship could be literally exploding around him but until the inertial compensators were damaged they wouldn’t feel a damn thing.


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