Del's Pirates

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Del's Pirates Page 6

by Rachel Clark

  “Stand down. Well done, crew.” Tee-ani smiled when Ben’s voice came over the loudspeaker. Within moments Trey’s voice came through the medical bay communicator.

  “There shouldn’t be any injuries, Tee. Get some rest.”

  “Are we safe?”

  “For now,” he answered honestly, “but Devlin’s getting tired of fixing the ship. He’s talking about landing somewhere.”

  “Landing?” Del asked before he could stop himself. The ship hadn’t landed in all the time he’d been onboard. He hadn’t even known it was possible.

  “Yes. Dev wants to drop down to a deserted part of a planet and get the rest of the repairs done without the constant interruptions. Jordan wants to evacuate nonessential crew to a safe location so we may be able to…What is the expression humans use, Tee?”

  “To kill two birds with one stone?”

  “That one, yes. Maybe one day you will explain to me what a bird is.” Tee-ani smiled but didn’t enlighten either Trey or Del. “Get some rest,” Trey said. “I will let you know what is happening when things are decided.”

  Del glanced at Tee-ani. “Just give me a moment to check on Avery and Cooper. Then I’ll take first shift.” She nodded and he headed out the door.

  * * * *

  Avery looked up just in time to see Del walk into the kitchen. She wanted to be mad at him for checking on her when he should be in the medical bay doing his job, but after the heart-pounding uncertainty of moments ago it was good to see him. It also meant that there weren’t any injuries in the latest attack. Del would never have left the medical bay otherwise.

  It felt a little weak to want to be held after what was essentially a minor, failed attack against the ship, but when Del held his arms open she couldn’t resist the need to step into his embrace.

  “Now that’s a beautiful sight,” Cooper said as he also walked through the doorway. He wrapped his arms tightly around them both and pressed a kiss to first Del’s lips and then Avery’s. “My two favorite people in the one place.”

  “Coop,” she said in exasperation, “you didn’t need to come all the way up from engineering to check on me.” The medical bay was only a hundred yards or so down the hallway. Engineering was on the other side of the damn ship. “You’re both too busy to be worrying about me.” God, even as she said the words she wanted to hold on to them and never let go. “Next time, just check on me via the intercom.”

  “Hey,” Cooper said as he broke the embrace and gave her a mischievous grin, “I only came for sandwiches. Being able to cop a feel was just an added bonus.” He smacked her bottom lightly, stepped away, and then grinned at someone over her shoulder. “Thanks, Ruth.” He reached over and lifted the tray of sandwiches big enough to feed everyone working in engineering and headed to the exit.

  “I have a break coming up in six hours. Any chance I can convince you both to meet me at my place?”

  Del laughed. “Absolutely,” he said as he let go of Avery and stepped away. “I better go relieve Tee-ani so I can get home on time.” He brushed past Cooper, mischievously running his hands over the guy’s flat belly. “Don’t start without me.”

  “Uh-uh,” Cooper said with a wide grin. “We’re starting whether you get home on time or not.”


  It was amazing how one little four-letter word could mean so much. Avery hadn’t truly felt like the ship was home until Cooper said the word out loud. With the three of them together the way she’d always hoped, she finally did feel like she belonged here.

  “You okay, Avery-girl?”

  Cooper gave her a concerned look. She opened her mouth to reassure him that she was fine, but to her intense embarrassment her eyes filled with tears instead.

  “Hey,” he said quickly, placing the tray on a nearby table. He gathered her in his arms, holding her tightly as out-of-control emotions swirled through her. “Avery?”

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “Never be sorry, Avery-girl. If there’s something wrong we can figure it out together.”

  “Th–there’s nothing wrong,” she said, feeling the scorching heat of a deep blush flow over her face. “I’m just so happy.”

  He stilled for a moment, as if trying to reconcile her behavior with her words.

  “You are definitely one of a kind, Avery-girl,” he finally said as he leaned back and looked into her eyes. “We’re under nearly constant attack, surrounded by an unknown number of people trying to kill us, the ship’s falling apart, and now you find your happy place.”

  She nodded, grinning through the tears that still filled her eyes.

  “I love you, Avery,” he said very seriously. “I’ll meet you at home in six hours, okay?”

  “Home,” she said with a nod, finally realizing that the word meant as much to Cooper as it meant to her.

  Cooper winked, grabbed the tray of food, and was gone moments later.

  “He’s a good man,” Ruth said with a knowing smile. “Maybe I’ll get some of those grandbabies after all.”

  It wasn’t exactly the environment to raise children, especially with the current crisis, but it was nice to have something to look forward to. When—not if—they shut down Keytark for good, Avery would talk to Cooper and Del about expanding their newly formed family.

  Trying to still the nervous anticipation for things that were well into the future, Avery turned back to the kitchen and tried to concentrate on dinner.

  Chapter Five

  Del was the first one to make it back to Cooper’s quarters. Technically, it wasn’t any bigger than his own or Avery’s cabins, but this was the place where he’d always felt both the most and the least comfortable. He’d wanted so badly to be a special part of Cooper’s and Avery’s lives that every time the three of them gathered here he’d felt like he belonged. But of course at the time it had been a wonderful dream that he never would have dared share if it hadn’t been for the attack on the ship less than a week ago. Even then it had been Avery and Cooper who’d moved their relationship beyond mere friends and into lovers.

  If the people he loved hadn’t been as brave as they were, Del might have spent his entire life wondering what it would feel like to be truly loved.

  The door opened suddenly and Cooper rushed through with Avery in his arms. At first Del thought something was wrong, but a wink from Cooper put his mind at ease. Shutting one eye deliberately was an unusual human custom, but one that Cooper seemed to use often.

  Cooper put Avery on her feet and then took a step back.

  “Strip, Avery-girl. We want to see you naked.”

  Avery blushed crimson, but she nodded shyly and started to remove her clothing. Cooper reached over, pulled Del backward so that he rested against Cooper’s broad chest, and held him close as they both watched Avery’s beautiful body slowly be revealed.

  Del could feel his cock throbbing in his pants, but as much as he wanted to release it from its material confines it was obvious that Cooper was in charge here. He could feel Cooper’s hard cock lengthening and pressing into his lower back as Avery finally stepped from the last of her clothes and stood before them naked.

  Del heard the familiar sound of the oil bottle and shivered uncontrollably as memories of Cooper fucking him filled his mind.

  “Now isn’t that just the prettiest sight you’ve ever seen?” Cooper asked in a husky voice. Del nodded as Cooper beckoned Avery over to them. She stepped into Del’s arms without a moment’s hesitation, and then both Del and Cooper ran their hands over her back, her shoulders, her ass, relearning her shape, taking time to memorize the dips and valleys and smooth contours.

  But it was Cooper’s wicked suggestion that had Del shaking so hard with arousal that he could barely follow instructions. Avery squeaked a sound of surprise when Del finally did what Cooper asked.

  Del placed a hand on each of Avery’s beautiful ass cheeks, easing them apart as Cooper twisted slightly to the side and ran a finger down her crease. She jolted as Cooper’
s lubed fingers glided over a sensitive spot, but kept her arms wrapped around Del’s waist.

  “You are absolutely perfect, Avery-girl.” Cooper lowered his voice, his hand moving over Avery’s ass, making her shiver with arousal. “We’re going to take you together,” Cooper whispered in a deep, husky voice. “Would you like that, Avery-girl?” Avery lifted onto her toes, her head nodding her agreement, her voice moaning her arousal as Cooper’s fingers explored even further. Judging by the way she was rocking against Del’s hard cock, Cooper was fucking her ass with his fingers. Del’s own ass clenched in excitement.

  “Please,” Avery said on a breathless voice, her eyes glazed over, her need growing rapidly.

  “Soon,” Cooper promised with a broad smile and a kiss that left Del breathless just from watching. Avery was barely standing on her own when Cooper lifted away from her. “But first…Did Tee-ani give you something for me, Del?”

  Confused by the strange turn in the conversation, Del stared at Cooper blankly until the words sank in. “Oh, you mean the box she gave me?”

  “That’s the one,” Cooper said with a wicked grin. “Remind me to thank Tee-ani for having a devious mind. I was certain she’d just tell you what it was.”

  Tee-ani hadn’t explained. It wasn’t unusual for the engineering crew to occasionally borrow the odd piece of medical equipment for some of the more precision work they did, so Del hadn’t really thought much of Tee-ani’s request that he give the box to Cooper…until now.

  Del moved out of the three-way clinch, missing the warmth of his lovers the instant they no longer touched. He grabbed the box he’d placed on the ledge by the front door and held it out for Cooper to take.

  “It might be best if you use it,” he said cryptically. “I’m told they’re perfectly safe, but I wouldn’t risk hurting our girl for any reason.”

  Confused, Del opened the box to find one of the razors they used when preparing one of the furrier crew members for surgical incision. On a ship with so many species it was necessary to have items for all sorts of specialized and specific needs.

  But Avery was human. The only hair she owned rested on the top of her head, and even under surgical conditions wouldn’t need to be shaved. Cooper lifted Avery in his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist as he kissed her savagely. He lowered her to the bed and pressed her into the mattress with his weight. Avery whimpered and pulled Cooper closer.

  It was a feeling Del understood quite well these days. Cooper was a big man. When he pressed his weight against either of them it was like being completely surrounded by the man. But instead of the claustrophobic fear that Del would have expected from his experiences as a slave, with Cooper he felt comforted, cared for, protected.

  Despite her bravado, it was obvious that Avery felt it, too. She was sighing as Cooper rubbed his fully clothed body against hers, the soft sounds of satisfaction not those of a woman in climax, but rather, of one who had found inner peace.

  Finally, Cooper lifted away from her, the gentle touch against Avery’s face almost too intimate for Del to witness. It was obvious that Cooper would love and protect Avery with all his heart. What Del found absolutely incredible was that the big man felt the same for him also.

  “Come here, babe,” Cooper said as he sat on the edge of the bed next to Avery. Cooper caressed her inner thighs, encouraging her to keep her legs wide open. Finally, Del understood what hair Cooper planned to remove.

  Desire tightened his insides as he imagined Avery’s pussy all pink and smooth. Fortunately, as Cooper had said earlier, the laser technology was very safe, and on the lower setting would only remove the hair temporarily.

  Avery moaned at the laser’s warm touch, the hair disappearing as it moved slowly over her skin. Cooper lifted her legs higher, bending them at the knees and pushing them against her chest. Avery lay there, a soft smile on her face, her willingness to submit to Cooper’s wishes very obvious.

  Del took his time, carefully removing and cleaning away the unwanted hair. Avery’s juices slipped from her pussy, the clear lubricant slicking Del’s fingers as he caressed the flesh, checking for any hairs he may have missed.

  Avery whimpered, her need growing, her breathing rapid.

  “Go ahead, Del,” Cooper said, reaching over to take the hair removal equipment from Del’s hand. “Avery needs you to fill her with your fingers and suck on that pretty clit until she orgasms. Isn’t that right, Avery-girl?”

  “Yes,” she said breathlessly, writhing against the mattress even though Cooper still held her knees trapped against her chest.

  Del slid a finger deep inside her, her honeyed warmth surrounding him as her pussy walls fluttered and caressed him.

  “More,” Avery said on a whimper of need. “Please, more.”

  Del pulled his hand back, his long cobalt-colored finger sliding from inside her pink flesh. He pushed two fingers back into her, watching Avery’s swollen labia close around them, her pussy pulsing more juice onto him as he thrust gently. He added a third, moaning with her as her muscles clenched around the invasion.

  “Do it,” Cooper said, his voice husky, his body taut with arousal.

  Del lowered his head to Avery’s clit, the tiny bud swollen and distended with her arousal. He licked it gently, worried that he might hurt her, but she pushed down, rubbing her pussy against his mouth, her clit brushing against his teeth. She gasped at the contact, her whole body starting to shake, her climax building, climbing, ready to soar.

  Del held her there, enjoying the power, wanting this chance to give her pleasure to last for a lifetime.

  “Are your fingers slicked up?” Cooper asked in a tight voice.

  “Yes,” Del whispered around Avery’s clit.

  “Good,” Cooper practically growled. “Take one out and push it into her ass.” Del nodded, still licking Avery’s clit as he pulled his fingers from her body, pushed one against her anus and the other two back into her pussy. Avery’s climax burst over her, his finger sliding into her back passage as her ass and pussy convulsed around his digits. She moaned, jolting harder as Del took her clit into his mouth, suckling on the tumescent flesh as Cooper held her down.

  “Fuck,” she said on a halting exhale of breath, a low moan escaping her as she finally relaxed against the mattress.

  “That was beautiful, Avery-girl,” Cooper said as he pushed the hair away from her face. “Now, I want you to fuck Del while I prepare your ass for my cock.”

  She moaned, her ass and pussy both clamping down on Del’s fingers again.

  * * * *

  Avery could barely breathe. Holy fuck. She’d known Cooper was a take-charge kind of guy, but wow oh wow, when he set his mind to it the effect was mind-blowing.

  Her ass clenched as Del tried to pull his fingers away. He looked at her face, worry in his eyes as he stopped moving. “It’s okay,” she said, trying to reassure him. She had to force her muscles to relax before he even moved again. Once he was free, he leaned over her, kissed her with heart-rending tenderness, and then rolled off the bed.

  He quickly tore his own clothes off, returning moments later to lie on his side next to Avery and Cooper.

  Cooper reached over, a hand in the middle of Del’s chest pushing him onto his back. They both helped her climb over his hips, his cock throbbing as she balanced just above him, the head barely brushing against her newly denuded skin. Holy hell, being hair-free made everything more sensitive. If the laser treatment Del had just given her wasn’t permanent, she’d talk to him about making it so. Although, there was a certain appeal to letting them do this each time she needed shaving.

  Cooper held her up, supporting her as she slowly took Del into her body. Finally, stuffed full with one of her lovers’ cocks, Avery did what Cooper had ordered. She set up a steady pace, slowly building the rhythm as she moved up and down Del’s hard erection.

  “That’s our girl,” Cooper said as he kissed the back of her neck and encouraged her to move a little faster. “Lean forward,
Avery-girl. Give me a look at this pretty little asshole.”

  Del moaned as her pussy clenched tight around him.

  Cooper laughed quietly. “It seems our girl likes that, huh, Del?”

  “I–I think so,” Del managed to stutter breathlessly. “But if she does that too many more times I’m going to finish long before you two get started.”

  A loud slap sound reverberated around the room and Del moaned at the same time his cock jolted inside her pussy. “If you finish without us, I’ll spank your ass.” Del’s cock twitched again, and this time Avery managed to groan with him.

  “I think he likes that idea just a little too much for it to be a deterrent.”

  The loud slap on her own ass did nothing to cool the situation down. Her pussy clenched and Del’s cock pulsed. Holy shit.

  “My god, you two are a man’s wildest dreams come to life,” Cooper said in a tight voice. “Trust me when I tell you we’ll explore those kinky tendencies soon, very soon. But right now…” He placed a large, warm hand in the middle of Avery’s shoulder blades and pushed her down so that her breasts pressed against Del’s broad chest.

  The slick finger against her ass made her sigh. When he pushed a second in beside it she felt a twinge of fear, but it was the third that sent her flying.

  * * * *

  Cooper could barely believe it when Avery’s climax began. He pushed his fingers to the hilt, thrusting in and out of her ass as she shook, her flesh caressing him and making Del groan. “Don’t you dare come,” he said to his lover, grabbing the Pendarian by his balls, pressing a thumb against the underside of his cock, forcing him into dry orgasm instead.

  Del groaned, the noise halting and gasping, but he didn’t release. Satisfied that his man was still hard inside their woman, Cooper returned to stretching her ass, pleased that she was relaxed and apparently capable of taking his cock.

  He rolled off the bed, dragged his clothes off impatiently, and then knelt between his lovers’ wide-open thighs.


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