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Cream For Stepfamily: Nursing My Stepfather and Stepbrother On Mom's Anniversary Cruise

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by Lizzy Black

  Cream For Stepfamily

  Nursing My Stepfather And Stepbrother On Mom's Anniversary Cruise

  Lizzy Black

  Table of Contents







  “Fiona!” Mother called out again as I hurried out of my room, dragging my backpack along. “Come on, hurry on up, or we’ll miss the cruise.”

  “I’m all ready, Mother.” I rushed out of the front door, bumping into Roger, my step father, as he waited to lock the door. “Just a few more knick knacks.”

  “We’ve been planning all month for this,” Mother went on. “You know how important this is to your father and me.”

  “Roger’s not my father, Mom.” I gave her a sour look and flopped into the back seat. “He’s just your husband.”

  “Good Lord, girl, is that what you’re wearing on the cruise?” She looked at me aghast. “You’re practically spilling out of that tight t-shirt… and that skirt, couldn’t it be any shorter.”

  “It’s the latest style.” I replied, adjusting my headphones over my head. “Everyone’s wearing it.”

  “You’ll have all the young men trying to get into your pants if you go around the ship like that.” She said admonishingly.

  “Oh, give it a rest, Mom. You were young once too.” I leaned over and kissed her cheek. “And happy first anniversary.”

  “Why, thank you, sweetheart.” Roger said, opening the front door and slipping into the driver’s seat. “It means so much to us that you’re joining us on this exciting ocean cruise.”

  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, Roger.” I replied, flashing him a wide smile.

  Roger Harwood was a good man. I was apprehensive at first when Mom began dating him about two years ago, but he proved my fears wrong. He was a kind and thoughtful man and took good care of Mom and of course of me. And he wasn’t all that bad to look at; in fact he was downright gorgeous. Mom was real lucky to have found him, about a year after she and my real Dad had separated. I was only fifteen then. Now three years later we were going to celebrate Mom and Roger’s first wedding anniversary with a tropical cruise on a luxury liner.

  I was totally excited. And not just for the cruise, but also the fact that sailors in white almost always turned me on. Truth be told, men in uniform, handsome, well built men, always made me weak in the knees and drop my pants. What can I say; I love sex, and everything that walked upright on two muscular legs with a third swaying between them. Everything human, I mean.

  I wasn’t shy, that was not me, if I liked a guy or two, I’d tell them and get what I wanted. There’s an official classification for what I am, it’s called a Nymphomaniac. That means I’m mad about men and sex, in that or any other order. Last week I was at a frat party, the entire football team was there and I couldn’t resist those handsome jocks. Julie, my best friend, and I partied on all night with them, letting them have their way with us. I had the time of my life and now I think I might be pregnant. I woke up with cramps two days ago and my boobs felt bigger and heavier than before, aching from time to time. I needed this cruise to unwind and get me some more delicious meat on the menu.

  Mom and Roger would be too busy to care about me, this being their first anniversary and all, so I’d have a free run on the decks of the ship. Nothing wrong with a single young woman, just over eighteen having some flirtatious fun, was there. And speaking of Roger, that handsome old devil, I’ve caught him staring at me once in a while, his eyes all over me, stripping me naked in his dirty mind. I didn’t mind that at all, in fact I loved it, it made me feel good. Sometimes I’d even masturbate thinking about him, hoping he was hiding somewhere and watching.

  But he had never tried anything, not with Mom around the house all the time. And I didn’t want to push it and ruin our newly blossoming family, but there was some sparks between Roger and me, though I knew, and I guess he did too, that it wasn’t going to be right.

  Roger parked the car and we tumbled out of the little Beetle. The valet took the car away to the parking lot as the three of us headed to the dockyard. The ocean liner, Queen of the Seas, was enormous. It could house a few thousand people. It was like a city in itself, with hotels, casinos, banks and tennis courts, swimming pools, dancing halls, theaters, bars and the works. I was so excited, I could wet myself. I glanced at Roger and he smiled; his arm around Mom’s shoulder. She rested her head on his as they walked up the ramp. I followed them, my eyes darting all over, zeroing in on those handsome sea faring men in their starched white uniforms.

  The smart young men in uniform milled around the deck, smiling and greeting everyone. I couldn’t help ogling at them. Tall and broad shouldered, hair trimmed close to their scalps, perfect pictures of discipline and poise. One of them smiled at me and offered to carry my bag. He had the largest sea green eyes ever and I could have swooned. I handed him my backpack and he walked along with me. I stumbled and bumped into him a couple of times but he didn’t seem to mind, smiling apologetically at me each time I brushed against him.

  Our cabins were posh and well stocked with everything we could need. Roger had shelled out big money for this. After all he was the CEO of a large conglomerate. I wondered if Mom married him for his money or his looks. Both, I would have guessed. And I would have had one more reason as I’m sure he was great in bed too. He had a son from his earlier marriage, he told us, though we had never met him. Junior was in the army, he had said. That was interesting; another man in a uniform so close to me.

  Mom and Roger shared one cabin, and I was in the one beside theirs. I would be by myself until Roger’s son joined us five days later from a port close to his army base. He would be sharing the cabin with me; a complete stranger who was now my step brother. Roger hadn’t even shown me a picture of him, but if he was in the army he should be in good shape. And if he even looked half as good as Roger, this cruise would become a whole lot more interesting.

  After setting up my side of the cabin, I stepped out onto the deck of the ship with everyone else. An excited shout went up from all directions as the Queen of the Seas launched into the fourteen day cruise. I was as ecstatic as everyone on board, standing beside Mom and Roger. I was happy for them, that they were celebrating their love of each other in such style. The fresh sea breeze invigorated me; it felt good on my face and through my hair. I noticed a few men stealing glances at me, I smiled inwardly, this was going to be a good holiday.


  Dinner on the first night was a lavish affair. The Captain made a toast to all the guests on his ship, even though we were paying for being there, and promised us nothing but the best for the next two weeks on his magnificent liner. The food was exquisite, and the wine rich and heavenly. I was only allowed on glass, being just eighteen and all. Mom saw to that, though she nearly emptied a whole bottle. That was the only bad thing about my mother; she liked to drink and sometimes couldn’t hold her own. This time it wasn’t so bad, but Roger had to help her to their Cabin. She was really excited by all this, letting herself go for once, and I felt happy for her.

  It was a starry night; with fresh breeze blowing all around as the ship cut its way over the ocean. I decided to stroll on the deck for a while, breathing in the air and enjoying the views all around, especially the crew in their dazzling uniforms. Two weeks of this was going to whiz by, I had to make the most of it before it became obvious that I was carrying. Damn, how was I going to break it to Mom?

  “Sea air does a world of good, doesn’t it?” Roger walked up beside me, inhaling deeply. “It invigorates the soul and the body.”

  “You sure look invigorated.” I grinned at him. “How’s Mom?”

  “Oh, she’s fine.” He gave me a reassuring look. “I tucked her in, she’s reading the cruise brochure… day after tomorrow’s our first port of call, she’s looking forward to spending the day ashore.”

  “Oh, good.” I nodded. At least Mom was not passed out from the wine she drank.

  “And how are you feeling, young lady.” He gently caressed my head, running his fingers through my dark hair. “Having a good time?”

  “I’m excited… and happy for Mom and you.” I said, looking up into his soft brown eyes.

  “This is going to be so much fun, once Derek joins next week.” He had a big smile on his face.

  “How come you’ve never talked about him before?” I asked him cautiously.

  “Well, he wasn’t very happy when his mother and I separated.” He said, staring out at the sea. “And after he joined the army… he never kept in touch until now.”

  “You must have been so heartbroken.” I touched his arm.

  “Yeah, he’s my only boy.” Roger smiled at me. “Anyway, he’s forgiven me and moved on. He agreed to join us on this trip to reconnect, with me and my new family.”

  “Oh, we’ll be glad to meet him.” I assured my step-father. “What’s he like?”

  “He’s a good boy, well, a man now, and the army’s done him good.” Roger leaned on the rail. “It’s been five years since I last saw him. He was fifteen when Gladys and I separated.”

  “Wow, five years is a long time.” I shook my head. “But it will be so good for you to re-unite with your son.”

  “Yes, yes... it will.” He looked at me. “And now I have a lovely daughter too.”

  “Oh, yeah… in a way.” I almost blushed.

  “I share your mother’s concern about you…” He said hesitantly. “About your choice of dressing, you wouldn’t want to attract the wrong kind of attention.”

  My eyes went wide. “Really? I don’t look that desperate, do I?”

  “Desperate? No.” He shook his head. “But easy, yeah… you make yourself look easy.”

  “Do I look easy to you?” I decided to go after him. “Do you think I have a good body and I am craving for attention?”

  “I… I’m not allowed to think like that.” He shifted uneasily.

  “And why not… I’m a young woman in my prime, and you’re a normal man.”

  “I’m your father, Fiona.” His deep voice was a bit high pitched.

  “No, you’re not.” I pushed him. “You’re a man my mother married… and I’ve seen the way you look at me sometimes.”

  “Damn it, girl.” He grated. “Yes, I admit, you’re an attractive young woman and I’m a normal man… but I am, by being married to your mother, your father.”

  “Step-father.” I corrected him.

  “All right, calm down.” He said. “We’re here on holiday. You can dress any way you like… I just don’t want you getting into any trouble,”

  “Oh, I won’t.” I slipped my small hand into his large rough one, squeezing his hard fingers. “I know you’ll take good care of me, Daddy.”

  He laughed, squeezing my hand back. “Come on; let’s go below deck before we catch a chill.”

  Mom was looking happier than she had ever done in years, sitting all cozy in her bed. Tomorrow was the big day, and I’m sure Roger would make it real special for her. She looked up and smiled at us when we entered the cabin. It was a bit late, almost midnight, so I left them alone and went back to my cabin. I kept thinking about Roger, I mean, sure he’s my step dad and in love with my mother, but there was that something about him that made me restless.

  I locked the door and took off my clothes, a warm bath would do me good, I figured. Yes, the sweet fragrance of the water and its smooth wetness made me relax. This was top of the line indulgence that probably would break the bank, mine at least. Another reason that made Roger so special, he was rolling in money. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, his ruggedly handsome face floating before my mind’s eye. I imagine him watching me now, naked in my bath. It made me terribly horny. The ache in my swollen boobs needed to be soothed, not to mention the throbbing in my pussy. I wondered how his large rough hands would feel on my naked skin. I couldn’t take it anymore, I wanted Roger so bad, I let myself go, pleasuring myself in the bath. The orgasm was so relaxing, I felt like I was floating in the air.


  The morning came so quickly, I didn’t remember having slept at all. I must have gotten out of the bath, dried myself off and hit the bed on auto-pilot because all I could think of was Roger. I couldn’t believe it. I had known him for a year now, we lived in the same house, and yes, I was attracted to him, but this was too intense. I didn’t know what came over me all of a sudden. Was it the pregnancy? Or was it the freedom and refreshing nature of this cruise? Somehow it didn’t matter; I just had to get Roger. I began to feel so jealous of my mother, for the first time in my life.

  “What’s the matter with you, Fiona?” Mother wanted to know as we sat down to breakfast on the deck.

  “Huh?” I could barely focus on her with Roger there.

  “I think all this splendor is still sinking in.” He grinned. “Isn’t it, sweetheart?”

  “Yeah, sure.” I nodded stupidly.

  “Well at least you could wear a bit more decent clothes.” Mom went at it again. “You’re nearly spilling out of that little top. Have some respect… if not for me, for your father.”

  “Come on, Marianne.” Roger squeezed Mom’s hand. “Let the girl enjoy the holiday. She’s young and free… let her have fun.”

  “Well, it won’t be fun if she get’s herself knocked up, going around flirtatiously like that.” Mom looked away sourly.

  I almost choked on my fruit juice. It was going to be hell when she finally knew. I glanced at Roger; he was busy slicing the sausages into little pieces for Mom. The guy was amazing. I could almost jump across the table and eat him right there.

  “Oh, Mari, relax a little.” He told her. “Enjoy this cruise, it’s our special day tomorrow, let’s have all the fun we can.”

  “Well, all right.” Mom sighed, looking at me forlornly. “I’m sorry, dear… you’re a grown woman now. I can’t keep treating you like my little girl anymore.”

  “Yeah, Mom.” I sighed back. “It’s time I lived my own life, made my own rules.”

  “Yeah, that’s more like it, Live and let live.” Roger gave her a hug, winking at me.

  That was the last straw. I knew I had to get Roger in bed or else I was going blow up like a hydrogen bomb. I quickly drained my juice and rose to run off before I said something even more stupid.

  “Have fun on the gaming deck, Fio…” Roger called after me. “Use my credit with the ship.”

  I walked without looking back and walked of briskly. Gaming was the last thing on my mind. I had to clear my head so I headed for the front deck. Handsome men were all around me, but somehow they all paled next to Roger and besides some of them even had their wives or girlfriends with them. The sailors in white were charming and courteous, but I realized that they were not ready to risk their jobs fooling around with the passengers, not even a bit of harmless flirting.

  I felt a little bored and looked forward to our first port of call, an exotic island near the Caribbean. Maybe a walk on the beach, or an evening out in seeing the sights would help me get my mind off Roger. No such luck. We docked on the port, but I had to tag along with Mom and Roger. She was adamant to not let me go off alone and get lost in the wilderness. So much for letting me live my own life. I didn’t fight it, after all it was a special cruise for her and Roger.

  “You’re a great gal.” Roger said, hugging me softly.

  I almost melted right there on the wharf. I’m sure by now he knew how I felt and I could pic
k up so many signals from him, but we mutually kept ourselves in check. Well, at least he did. I had a hard time taking my eyes off him. The trip around the island was as boring as the ship, and I found myself wishing to get back home soon. At least Mom and Roger seemed to be having the time of their lives; which was a good thing, if only I wasn’t so damn attracted to him.


  The third night on the ship; the big one. The one Roger was taking us on this cruise for. Their first wedding anniversary and was it day to celebrate in style. And my old step dad spared no expense. He even had the Captain make a toast. The ship’s decorated band played their song. They danced, mother looked so radiant and happy, I could almost cry.

  “Marianne, I think you should go easy on the wine.” I heard Roger whispering to her after a while.

  “Oh, I’m all right, darling.” She replied, with a slight slur in her voice. “I can handle a few sips.”

  “Yes, you can.” He smiled, looking around. “But not a few glasses.”

  “Oh, don’t worry about me, my dear.” Mom laughed out loud. “I’ll just sit here for a bit and nurse this one last cup. Why don’t you dance with Fiona, she looks all alone there.”

  I jumped at the opportunity but Roger was reluctant. I was up beside him in a flash.

  “Mom’s going to be all right.” I told him. “She loves her wine. And why should we waste this lovely music. Shall we?”

  “Um, okay… just this one dance.” He sighed and relented. “Then I’ll have to get Marianne down and away from those bottles.”

  “Sure, just one dance is fine.” I pressed against him. “…a nice long dance.”

  He nodded and took my hand in his, his other hand slid to the small of my back. I grabbed his dense shoulder, it felt like a large rock. I was wearing a black silk gown, the soft material cascaded over my body, highlighting more than hiding my ripe curves. I noted many eyes on me, but only Roger’s hands were allowed. I wasn’t wearing any underwear and my nipples were hard, pressing out from under the sheer cloth. I knew he felt the softness of my big boobs crushing against his hard chest, but he had great poise. Focusing on the dance alone, he moved around the floor gracefully, leading me on. I felt like I would cum right here as he moved me around him like I was a puppet in his strong arms. I could almost taste his manly musk, it made my head spin.


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